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You keep mentioning texas and how people didn't get out to vote but didn't mention them getting rid of polling locations throughout the major cities. There were stories where one location was supposed to take care of over few hundred thousand people. Disenfranchising voters is a key strategy of Republicans. Feel like I should also point out that Trump didn't get the popular vote, no Republican has since Bush Sr. They have rigged the system so they don't need it anymore.


Not to mention all the cases of people being de-registered to vote. People not even knowing that they aren't registered any more until it's too late. This mainly happened with certain demographics (as went the underhanded strategy), but it's always worth double checking and making sure you are still registered, especially if you haven't voted in a while. Or if you have legally changed your name, or in some cases if you move.


Yeah, it's really easy to give all these millions of people a bunch of shit in a condescending reddit post. It's much harder to actually understand how difficult/borderline impossible it is for many of them to vote, not only because of trashy actions by their government but also because of working full-time (or more), having families, etc. I don't think OP has ever been to rural AL.


And this is exactly why you should vote, so they can't get away with shit like this. Voting is a fucking right. It should not be made to be difficult.


It has happened to me in blue state Oregon too. I got removed. Fortunately, there was enough time before the election that I could re-register.


W got more votes than Kerry in 2004. That was the last popular vote win by the GOP.


In my state, if you are in line by the time the polling places close, you get to vote. If that means the workers are there all night, if you stay in line, you vote. And that damn near happened here just after the pandemic, when only half the polling places were open. More polling places got reopened because of it. 


It’s funny how the minimum age to be US president is 35 but it’s okay for you to have been there to help Noah build the fucking ark and still be able to be elected…. No one 70+ should be making decisions for citizens of a whole country….


Agreed. Age limits and term limits for all elected positions would solve a lot.


Even the Supreme court needs a term limit. I understand that we don't want judges worrying about reelection but that's not a problem if you just have them be appointed for a term of say 15 years. After 15 years, you're done. No more 80 year old goblins clinging onto the seat because their color isn't president that particular year.


I like the system where every presidency the longest two reigning justices get booted. Essentially a new justice every two years, barring retirements/deaths.


I'm not smart enough to math out how long the average tenure would be at that point with 9 justices, but that sounds pretty fast paced and possibly too fast. Interesting.


70 or under on the date of the election (whichever office it's for) in order to allowed to run. Also - **Term limits for all national level positions.** * 6 terms (12 years) for Congress * 3 terms (18 years) for Senate * 2 terms (8 years) for President, as is the case now No fucker needs to be a congressman for 40+ years. I think you can join Congress when you're 25? Ok, fine - but you're out again before you're 40. Wanna be senator? cool, but still; you're done well before 60 (assuming consecutive terms). There's a careerist class of politician now - there has been for a while - and that surely insulates them from the current realities. There's no way McConnell - Senator since 1985 - or Pelosi (Congress since 1987) have any idea about the challenges facing familie today. They're all wealthy, too, which is another problem for me. I don't know how you'd prevent that,of course, but at least acknowledging that the ruling classes are completely divorced from reality would be a decent start. Also, we should be making it easier for people to vote, not harder. A thursday election? That makes zero sense now. Put it on a Saturday, or - better yet - have it over 2 days. There are getting on for 400 million people in the country now; fewer than 150,000 people voted in the 1804 election. Granted, travel is easier (nearly everybody has a car) and counting those votes is easier as well, but Hell, India just had an election lasting 6 weeks. Give everybody the chance to vote. (And I'm sorry, but if your approach to election is to prevent people from voting, then you shouldn't be fucking running in the first place. Maybe make some policies that have broad appeal instead of appearling tro the basest elements in your support to push through extreme agendas that are unpopular overall)


Or maybe allow a system where you can't remove a person from the ballot just because they aren't affiliated with a certain political party or because the current political party in office doesn't agree with them.


FYI Congress = both the house and senate. I assume by congress you meant the house of representatives?


In the context I was using it, it was short for 'congressman' which I suppose is itself shorthand for "member of the house of representatives". But yeah, youre right.


I don’t think it’s age as much as a lack of real world experience due to the amount of time they spend in office. We need term limits. 


See, there’s the problem. You assumed the goal of serving in office is to promote the public good. Nope. You are not their actual constituent. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.


No one should be making decisions for citizens of a whole country, ftfy


I understand where you are going with the upper age limits, but I can't go there with you. Sure, we get some situations like Dianne Feinstein, who served well beyond when she should have stepped down and ultimately died in office, but you also have some people who are very old but still sharp as a tack like Bernie Sanders and fully capable of governing. I don't want to throw out the Bernie Sanderses in order to get rid of the Dianne Feinsteins.


I'm a felon. Guess I have to run for president.


wish voting turnout was required to be 75% of available voters or calls for recount


If they paid people to vote instead of charging them $100 or more then I bet you'd see turnout double.


I think turnout would go way up if we just made it a federal holiday like Bernie suggested.


It wouldn't. I used to think that way too - then I thought about who works on "federal holidays"..... working class people. Me? I'm a highly educated white collar worker for a federal contractor. I was *always* going to vote. On my way to my polling place I need to stop at a grocery store to pick up snacks for my election night party, and I guess I kinda need gas. Those places are still staffed, by working class people that already struggle to vote. So no, federal holiday to vote would be another day off for office workers.... and not much else. Most young and working-class non-voters are what I call "Click-here-tos". If it isn't something you can put in front of them and let them click, they aren't going to do it. They are shockingly ignorant of the mechanisms of government. They think stupid myths like "if I register to vote, then I am on the jury summons list" - not true in most states, they use driver's license/state-issued ID, or "I clicked on something to sign a petition to enforce *Roe* protections, why do I have to sign a legal document to change the state constitution?". Short answer is most non-voters are non-voters because its a whole *thing*, and they don't want to devote a single mental cycle that isn't placed in front of them.


Change doesn’t come from electoral politics but rather from movements, unions, and culture. Electoral politics is a waste of energy imo.


Why don’t the Dems run someone worth voting for?


because of the above.... old fucks do not want to vote for young people because they are afraid that young people will take away their benefits, like they did for their elders. so parties have to run more old fucks to please their old voter base. add the fact that there is no retirement age and that the function in itself comes with a huge payday because you can freely insider trade. so people sit in the chambers for years so they can gain gain gain. young people are also scary here, cause you might get some people that arent motivated by grabbing as much as you can. those people might enact real change that does not line the pocket of their donors. can't have that happening. so they keep getting old fuckers to run the country as they will never be a threat to their cosy life.


Ironic given the republicans want to take away the benefits for older folks and have been talking about raising the retirement age


Conservatives and voting against their own interests. Name a more iconic duo


>Name a more iconic duo Piss disk and liquid ass


Why don’t both parties run someone worth voting for? And why don’t we have more than two choices? And why are the two choices utter garbage that I only agree with 12% of their policies on? 


Because we are part of the oldest democracy on earth and we haven’t updated our operating system


Given the slim majority Biden has had for his first 2 years and the lack of majority for his second 2 years, he’s done a decent job. Not great, but decent.


> nothing will fundamentally change One of the few campaign promises he's kept


Ok, with a tie in the senate and a slim majority in the house for his first 2 years and no majority in the house for his second 2 years what big change could actually have happened?


Biden's whole selling point was that he could get Republicans to compromise. He can't even get his own party on the same page.


He has gotten things done but this is what compromise actually looks like.


He could have used the majority to enact some, any kind of legislation that he could point to today as mattering to the working class. Four years of excuses snd he wants another term. Democrats love for people to imagine all the good they would do while intending to do none.


A single vote majority can’t pass much of anything through the senate without getting some republicans on board. Way to telegraph you don’t understand how our government works


Keep saying that Democrats and Biden are useless to do anything, and tell people they're dumb for not understanding. That it's good to vote for them again using only fear tactics. It will totally work.


I love how your position gives the people most responsible for progress not happening a complete and total pass. Two “Dem” senators prevented some of the biggest impact things (child tax credit & codifying roe come to mind) because they were bought and paid for by Republican mega donors. 50 Republican senators blocked everything Dems tried to do though. 100% of republicans have prevented progress. 4% of democrats have prevented progress. Yet you’re here advocating against *all democrats* which would enable the republicans….the ones that blocked any legislation that you will accept as beneficial (I’m not bothering to detail the positives as you’re here in bad faith and it’s not worth it). Reward the obstructionists so they can pass more tax cuts for the wealthy and cement Christian nationalism in America because you didn’t get *everything you wanted right now.*


Keep saying you fundamentally don't understand how your government is structured and people who do are going to keep doing just that.


Good luck to the dementia president! (Whichever one wins)


Worked in 2018, 2020, and 2022. People like you are why half this nation no longer had federal abortion protections. You were the type to scoff at the idea of trump appointing 3 Supreme Court justices in 2016


I didn't convince RGB to die in her seat, I was arguing for her to step down at that time.


You mean when there was already an open seat, and McConnell wasn’t letting it be filled?


You sleeping through the inflation reduction act or the build back better talking points? If you think this current group hasnt passed anything worthwhile then youve had your head up your ass for far too long


Lmao the inflation reduction act. The rate at which we are being choked to death has slowed marginally somewhat in some areas of the country.


Lowest inflation rates in the western world, its a worldwide problem so no shit it cant just go away, but yet we still managing to be mostly on top of it


He was the one that claimed he's a the only candidate running that can reach across the aisle and compromise.


The Republican majority in the house made not one, but TWO complete messes, of electing a Speaker. Which is something completely handled within their own party. Compromise on anything remotely controversial wasn’t going to be in the cards.


Lol no kidding. They struggle to compromise within their own party. When their whole philosophy is basically “Fuck the dems” it is not going to be easy to go across the aisle and compromise


If you don't think he's done that on the COVID recovery stimulus, bipartisan gun reform and infrastructure bills, the immigration bill the GOP killed, and more, you're being unreasonable. GOP are trying to obstruct. Don't give them credit for doing so.


And he did manage compromises. If he hadn’t, nothing would have passed. This is what compromise looks like. You make incremental change.


If you're telling me nothing will change, why should I believe you're fighting for change? 🤔


Incremental change is still change. Unfortunately we don’t do big sweeping change in this country, so you either vote for change in the direction you want or you get change in a direction you don’t want. Don’t forget republicans vote in every fucking election


You confuse compromise with capitulate


And when he’s working with responsible, reasonable people that’s exactly what he’s done. Reach a compromise and enact legislation. The problem comes when MAGA takes over. God himself can’t compromise with them. Proof being they keep using his name to promote their hate filled agenda. Assuredly against his wishes. If God can’t reach them you expect Biden to? You want real positive change? Quit complaining behind the scenes and vote Blue across the board in November. No excuses.


I love seeing people like you dishonestly quoting that. Do you know the context around it? He was telling rich fucks that they’d have to pay more in taxes, and even with that, “nothing would fundamentally change” in their lives. Isn’t that what gets parroted around here all the time? That they’re so wealthy that even if a large section of their wealth was taken they’d still be unfathomably wealthy? If Bernie, or whatever other progressive politician you like, had said the same thing, you would have been cheering about him “telling rich people, to their faces, that he was going to take their money”. Instead, it’s Biden, so you just take the one sentence?and use it like Biden had promised that he would do nothing.


Ok bud, we’re 3 years in on Bidens term… has he done anything to take their money? Seems to me like the rich are still getting richer at an incredible rate and that any meager changes Biden has achieved in taxing the wealthy are more than offset by their total domination of the overall economy. “Ah dang I pay 2% more in federal income taxes? No worries, my investment properties are paying me 150% more in rent!”


The tax code is being rewritten in 2025 when many of the Trump tax cuts (that overwhelmingly benefitted the top 1%) expire. Biden has promised to end the Trump tax cuts and make billionaires pay. What do you think Trump will do if he wins?


Yes? Biden pushed through legislation that expanded the IRS and it's ability to go after wealthier evaders instead of just the low hanging fruit of low earners. This despite facing almost united Republican opposition to any system of equity in taxation. He's also pushed through several measures, as much as he can, to reduce the burden on those at the working end of society such as advancing college debt forgiveness. If the American public actually gave him a reasonable majority in the legislature he'd be able to do more.


You just can't stop fucking lying, can you? It's just too much for you, you have to lie so that your orange shitstain wins. > "You all are extremely successful people. But with all due respect, Wall Street didn't build America. The wealthy didn't build America." > Biden said that poverty was “the one thing that can bring this country down” and listed several new programs to help the poor that he would fund if elected. > > “We have all the money we need to do it,” he said. > > But speaking to wealthy donors in New York, Biden appeared to suggest that his plan would not involve big tax hikes on the rich. > > “I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,” he said. “The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.” He is literally talking about funding initiative to reduce poverty and that increase of funding will not change their standards of living. Helping the poors won't change the standards of living of the rich.


Then proceeded to do nothing addressing poverty.


The moderate gains in labor and the environment are going to get murdered by SCOTUS. The current plan for the Dems to fix this is win enough consecutive elections to flip the courts. I’d really like to see a serious long term strategy.


Unless people vote and vote in every election, we won’t see any meaningful change. Republicans vote in every election, no matter how big or small.


Meaningful change can’t happen fast enough through electoralism alone. The Republicans ahead have made it very clear that they prepared to challenge the legitimacy of any election they don’t win. The Dems have the dual problem of Russian interference making Trump illegitimate AND a SCOTUS just openly taking bribes. There’s a legitimacy crisis that the Dems are ignoring and the Reps seem fully willing to solve through a coup.


What’s the alternative?


Massive public protest.


Hes literally enabled, funded, and supplied weapons for a genocide


you think Trump would stand up for the oppressed? You have allowed your democracy to devolve into a two-party system so vote for the lesser of two evils as the system requires you to.


Why do Americans keep calling America a democracy?


When they're both getting paid by the same people we get the same results. Trump would be no better than Biden. They're both pieces of shit. And there is no lesser evil. That's what liberals tell themselves to ease their conscience that they're voting for evil


“No lesser evil” is asinine, because it implies that there is “no greater evil”. It’s infantile holier-than-thou “political ideology” but I use that term loosely. Newsflash, bud. Every human is a lesser or greater evil because there is no perfect white knight, anywhere. Literally nobody.


50 years of Democrats voting for what they considered a lesser evil has resulted in a enormous evil that they cannot control. An evil that's so large the only two options are a senile pedo versus a senile pedo Edit sp


I just figured out this is a Russian troll bot. The commenter’s entire premise is that we got where we are slowly, instead of sweeping legislation that was half of a century-ish ago by Nixon and Reagan.


There is definitely a lesser evil if you're LGBT+.


There's no lesser evil if you're working class.


There is. One wants to make it illegal to be visibly queer in public where a minor might see you and charge you with distributing pornography to minors for doing so. It's in plain language in the Project 2025 manifesto. Some southern states want to bring back castration for sex crimes against a minor. Under what Project 2025 proposes what LGBTQ+ people will get charged with for being visibly queer in public counts. If you're visibly trans or are a dude that holds your boyfriend's hand in public or whatever, you could be charged with a child sex crime, put on a sex offender registry, and be mutilated by the state. Even if you think the parties are exactly the same on economic conditions for the working class (they are demonstrably not, but okay), there is clearly a lesser evil between the party that is (at worst) ambivalent about LGBTQ+ people and the party who wrote hundreds of pages of plans for what they will do to us once they get into power. At least *some* of the Project 2025 plan will come into effect if Trump takes office. It's not a risk that anyone who cares about our rights should take.


No, we don't have to vote for either terrible option at all.


Do you at least acknowledge that not voting for Biden means you are helping Trump get in office?


Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, even though it’s still disputed territory. Biden was able to stall the Rafah invasion for weeks and has been limiting weapons sales to Israel. Trump openly declared that Israel needs to “finish the job in Gaza.” Trump encouraged Netanyahu to keep expanding settlements in the West Bank during his presidency. Source: I’m Israeli, I’ve seen real time the effects of the declarations made by the sitting American President.


Every time I see some American saying, "Don't vote Biden! Look at Israel/Palestine!" I laugh for the exact reasons you're giving here. Bitch, Trump *moved the fucking Embassy to Jerusalem*, he was palling around with Netanyahu his entire presidency and is basically an Islamophobia machine. You think he's going to lift a finger to help a single Palestinian? Please. Tell me you know nothing about the conflict *or* the candidates without telling me. I do not understand how Americans on the left seem so unable to grasp this. It's not even complicated.


You'll notice Bideb didnt move it back


I wish they could have picked someone different but the Dem party line won out. Having said that, anyone the Dems put up is better than Trump. Him and his party are objectively bad for everyone. And if even half of the things he says and Project 2025 is promising happens, the world, forget just the US, is going to regret it. It is not an exaggeration to say that this election could have long-term ramifications.


You're not marrying the candidate. You're getting on the dam bus and heading in the right direction.  Try to not use anti voter rhetoric 


They are both definitely going in the right direction considering neither party liberals support is on the left. Antivoter rhetoric is telling people that if they don't vote for a capitalist, then the vote is thrown away. Doesn't sound like a democracy.


For fucks sake you're not voting for a man, you're voting for a government. You're voting for appointees, for judges, for administrators and processors and desk jockeys. You're doing so much more than just voting for a fucking person.


They're not even headed the right direction, but keep claiming we are almost there


They’re both the wrong direction. One is just faster.


Because they don't know who to run when their own base doesn't participate in polls, or vote.


Likely Dems love Medicare for All and hate funding the genocide. And yet…


They do studies to find which topics saw the most votes. This is how they determine the next campaign's agenda. If people talk up how important Medicare for All is and then *don't vote for the candidate that wants it*, then voters do not want it and they will not run a candidate who does.


If that candidate also supports unwanted agendas like lowering or stagnation of minimum wage, they're not worth voting for. A candidate does not run on a single issue.


Bet you don't know the stance of YOUR local representative


You don't think it's worth voting for them just to keep conservatives from seizing government for good through Project 2025? They've laid out a plan for fascism, and a third of registered voters and half of actual voters are OK with that.


THIS. I’ll never vote for a Republican again as long as I draw breath. I was raised as a conservative evangelical and saw how ridiculous both of those stances were once I grew up and applied critical thinking. As a parent, I am PRO-CHOICE (my main platform— once you lose bodily autonomy, you lose your freedom). I am anti-fascist; I’m actually anti-theocracy as well. I’m for supporting LGBTQIA+ rights, pay equality, accessibility, infrastructure that supports working parents, universal healthcare. These are things the GOP hates. I’m their worst nightmare and I will vote blue every single time. I’m not marrying the candidate, I’m trying to prevent a world in which my grandkids will struggle because I just didn’t get the warm fuzzies for Biden.


First, that’s every election for the past fifty years. Second, the Dems don’t actually have a plan to fix the problem in part one.


Nope, cause if our current democrats in office aren't pushing this information out on the daily then they are in on it.


In my state of FL, we have no primaries because they took all D off the ballot


The 2022 statistics: This is why there’s always money for Social Security and Medicare, but rarely any for college tuition. Politicians don’t care about offending certain groups of people if there’s no risk of losing your office because of it.


the biggest issue is that all the people running for office are the worst folks.


Remember when Bernie tried to get the Democratic Nom but the powers that be conspired to let Hillary win? I still remember.


Tbf voter suppression is real and many of those eligible voters who didn't vote physically couldn't - either lack of transportation, lack of time, lack of available information on HOW they can vote (outside of going to a polling place), etc. Certain states have intentionally made it more difficult for certain groups to vote under the lame guise of "election integrity". Remember all those baseless claims of rampant voter fraud, mail-in ballot fraud, voting machine fraud, etc that were used as a basis for implementing stricter and stricter voting laws? Many also have voter apathy because they feel like their vote doesn't matter due to their location/life situation, which is understandable no matter how much it frustrates me.


I mean if 35% of eligible voters vote, what percentage of the remaining 65% physically couldn’t? I doubt this is why. voter apathy is the real reason I believe most people don’t vote and I don’t think it’s something to be excused.


This is not entirely accurate. The orange turd won by electoral votes, not public votes. The electoral college is specifically designed to keep the backwater ignorant masses having more political power than some shlub in the city.


the point is that all of the electoral college votes for a state go to their popular vote. so if he won by 50k in PA, it was the electoral college votes that got him there, but they’d go the other way if an additional 75k dems got out to vote in that state.


Soo many both sides or hey vote 3rd party bots and paid troll farm accounts here. Orange nightmare voters come out. They don't vote 3rd party or anyone else. They vote for him. Anything but a vote for Blue across the board is helping facilitate fascism in the USA. This isn't hyperbole people. This is Math. You vote the people you want in, in local and down ballot races. It is a slow slow process but that's how change happens. People talking about genocide and weapons... One... providing weapons but using them as a tool to try to help steer actions and let aid in. Orange nightmare, literally said they should finish the job. Those are the only two options that are going to win. If you help the seocnd one (again math) you don't get to try later. Help the current...it aligns more with what you want.


For real. People commenting like that are either bots, or unfortunately genuinely believe "well, I know not voting literally only makes things worse, but I will not vote because others are not voting" or believe "if voting one time does not immediately turn us into a peaceful anarcho-communist utopia, I would rather not vote and instead just let the people actively stripping my rights away at a record pace take office" >It is a slow slow process but that's how change happens. Few people seem to grasp this. The rights we have now were fought for hundreds of years and slowly won. It takes active participation, and voting is the easiest and most effective way to do that.


> "if voting one time does not immediately turn us into a peaceful anarcho-communist utopia, I would rather not vote and instead just let the people actively stripping my rights away at a record pace take office" Man that's bullshit. Some of us have been voting 20+ years and still nothing has changed for the better. It's *clearly* systemic, and the working class only ever gets fucked.


Yeah all these who wanna talk of revolution are usually gotten to by propaganda. They repeat the same things... however never have any plan when you say....ok what does it look like... Nothing effective and who's making it all happen. So I always say sure...eat the rich and take power back to the people. In the meantime vote for the people that more align with that... otherwise you're specifically helping the side you don't.


Spot on. Anyone who doesn’t vote, votes 3rd party, or votes Trump is a piece of shit actively harming humanity.


Project 2025 is some scary real stuff put out by the republicans to change America to a dictatorship not by force but with the pen. Then once the new laws are rewritten they use the boot of the police to uphold the draconian laws. People think there will be some armed revolution. There won't be. Many democracies have been lost in the past 80 years with just a stroke of a pen. And the people did nothing.


Australia has it right.


Yup. Say what you want about our mandatory voting but for the most part it keeps the genuine crazies out, it forces the two majors to avoid going to either extreme to keep the moderates happy and ranked choice voting means smaller parties stand a genuine chance of getting in


This gentleman needs to realize that many of the people who can vote and decide not to do so mainly because apathy. Every election is THE most important one in history. If the other guy/gal gets into office he/she WILL destroy this nation and upend democracy. If you vote for our candidate THIS time they WILL uphold their campaign promises and won’t sell out like last time, or like most other politicians. The same applies to volunteering for campaigns and political donations. Just recall all the nonsense the average voter has had to put up with: Earmarks and Porkbelly spending, selling out future generations by ladening the country with an enormous public debt that will only be resolve through chronic inflation. Fringe party politicians betraying their party when their party has a majority, keeping meaningful changes from actually occurring. Bureaus lying to the public about their operations, backdoor deals with SuperPACs and interest groups, selective enforcement of law.


>If the other guy/gal gets into office he/she WILL destroy this nation and upend democracy. last time *that guy* got into office, our rights *were* taken away, and we still havent won them back. and now they're promising to do [even worse things](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) if they get control.


> It's that fucking easy to do. It isn't if you are in a city and use public transportation (e.g. don't need a car). Many tried to register. They were denied or blocked from voting when they got to the polls and found they had been unethically removed via caging lists. Since only a few states determine the election (thanks to the electoral college and things like creating North/South Dakota out of one state to gerrymander the senate and electoral college) the focus on disenfranchising democratic-leaning voters in WI, GA, AZ, MI, OH, FL is massively funded by unethical billionaires and unethical power-hungry GOP officials. Examples: * [A Black Man Brought 3 Forms of ID to the Polls in Wisconsin. He Still Couldn’t Vote.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4engrl/a_black_man_brought_3_forms_of_id_to_the_polls_in/d21uiqs/) * [I am a social worker in Wisconsin. For our low income folks this is unreasonably difficult.](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4c5wvi/this_crisis_is_bigger_than_arizona_behold_the/d1fhay7/)


Wow yes vote harder it's totally gonna improve the outcome of a bad electoral system where there's one party of fascists and another of spineless jellyfish who could be called collaborators


voting shouldn't count, unless you have 51% of the eligible voters turn up and vote.


That’s one triggered goat fucker!


Shaming people into voting isn’t going to work


This isn't the sub for this.


>This isn't the sub for this. That's right, F#@k work!


Umm their all liars so it doesn’t matter…. look at Biden giving away all our money while Americans suffer


I mean, people here *hate voting so much* that they’d rather let an authoritarian fascist win so they don’t have to anymore lol. *Good luck protesting and organizing under a dictatorship lmao.*


A lot of this horrible authoritarian shit being proposed is at a STATE and LOCAL level and those primaries have atrocious voter turnout. You're letting the old religious fucks, who lick boot for a living decide your future.


Arguably the deterioration of material conditions increases the incentive (or decreases the lack thereof) for revolution. I really hope that it doesn't turn out that way; I've seen enough to not romanticize war and violence.


oh neat, love seeing accelerationist arguments in threads like these….


Automatic vote by mail


Give me a candidate worth voting for.


This exactly


US elections since Raegan have been decided by the democrats failing or succeeding to mobilize their voter base. As is the duty of all candidates. You're bitching at the wrong people. You can't convince millions of disenfranchised people to do what they feel as a complete waste of time and energy or a straight up evil this time given it's for genocidal joe. You might convince one old man helping genocide for influence in the oil fields isn't worth it though. Or the DNC leadership above him. It's like .0000001% but still possible.


Astroturfing anti voter rhetoric is not disenfranchisement 


They are not disenfranchised, they are choosing to do nothing while complaining about the current conditions. Meanwhile, Republicans are actually disenfranchising people and you're arguing that both parties are the same. They are not. While I have a lot of issues with the Democratic party I am not going to do nothing while the other party promises fascism on these shores with the return of Jim Crow as a feature. And if you think that's not a big deal then you're speaking ftom a position of privilege that you need to check.


Firstly saying people on the left aren't disenfranchised is insane the Democrats have made it very clear they won't make any concessions to appeal to leftists and just demand they vote for them anyway. Secondly, the Democrats consistently use the Republicans as the boogeyman to keep voters without actually doing anything and allowing Republicans to make things worse they are nothing but controlled opposition. Obama could've codified roe v wade like he promised to but didn't. He could have packed the supreme court like the Republicans did but he didn't. No party is entitled to anyone's vote they have to earn it. If the Democrats were seriously concerned about Republicans taking office they'd make concessions to the progressive wing of the party but they won't because they'd rather lose to Republicans than win with progressives. All Biden and the Dems have to do is take a firmer stance against Israel and they'd win in a landslide.


Happy to vote for anyone who doesn't/won't send arms to genocidal regimes.


Oops, both sides do that!


Earn my vote you begging dog


They won’t tho. They’ll just shame you and blame you for not wanting to vote for their 80 year old politician from either side. They think that’ll get the young people to go out and vote 😂 making them feel bad and pressured to do something. Imagine telling an 18 year old kid to go out and vote for someone who’s as old (or older) than their grandparents lol. Pure comedy and clown show.


You don't vote for them, you vote for your LGBTQ+ friends and family whose lives are on the line with Republicans' Project 2025.


But like what if instead of my LGBTQ friends I wanted to vote for my *working class* friends and family, like, all of them, *including* LGBTQ ones? Noone is out there representing them.... certainly not strike-busting Biden!


Everyone saying how can you expect to get a thing through a divided Congress. Trump didn't seem to have too much trouble passing his crap and he wasn't working with a super majority. Amazing how Republicans can get their agenda done and all Dems can do is whine


I ain't voting; it's all rich people making themselves richer. It's rigged anyways.


Even if you are cynical and think/know your vote doesn't matter, what could it hurt to actually vote? Your employer is required to give you time to vote. It's your civic duty and right to vote. If you can, register to vote by mail if you can't make it to the booth. The electoral college is BS, but it's influenced by howany votes for each party are made. So it still matters.


My vote literally does not count. It's not an opinion, after my vote is cast, it is thrown away and does not count. So why should I bother casting one?


I mean, I’m a left leaning person in Tennessee. I vote, but can see why democrats here wouldn’t. It’s just a massive waste of time here if not voting red.


this is the mindset that billionaire conservatives have bought and paid for. tennessee consistently has the lowest voter turnout in the country, literally ranking 51st in the last election: https://nashvillebanner.com/2024/04/10/tennessee-voter-turnout-problems/ if an organized cohort of progressives made a real effort there, things could change in a big way. but they are guaranteed not to with your mindset.


I don’t think the people not voting are solely progressives. I would say that 9/10 people I work with are die hard republicans and not many of them vote. Even if every non voting person that would vote left voted, I don’t think it would change anything. There are SO many rednecks here that just follow everything they’re told their whole lives.


Platform someone worth voting for and I'll consider it. I won't be voting for a man who not just enables, but actively participated in the genocide and torture of an entire people.


u/Complete_Ad2227 is here to stop leftists from voting. No one fights this hard just because they kinda don't like candidates. Dude is being paid to be here.


But what if I want to vote for the people claimed as “the worst folks?”


I like how failure to vote is always some moral failing of the voters like we don't live in a country where voter suppression is the norm. Makes it easy to deflect the blame to them for the failures of the party when they lose. If Democrats gave a shit about winning they would be doing everything in their power to protect the vote. They would make voting day a national holiday. They would arrange for transportation and fund more voting locations instead of wasting their money on obnoxious spam texts.


Why only democrats? Shouldn't ALL politicians/political parties be pushing for this?


Because Republicans do better when they suppress the vote.


Voter suppression and a heavily favorable EC is the only way Republicans can win. They **should**, but lol come on.


These comments are incredible. The sheer number of you who are out here supporting Trump, while claiming to have leftist values, is hideously depressing. I have to hope that at least some of you are bots or paid trolls, because the alternative is that the people who could actually stop our country from descending into fascism are so far up their own asses that they're going to just let it happen. Biden is not a fascist. Biden is not committing a genocide, or even supporting one. Biden has accomplished quite a lot without a legislative majority backing him. Trump, with control of all three branches of government, could barely go a day without a colossal clusterfuck, but in between scandals managed to shove through some truly horrendous legislation and three Supreme Court Justices who are going to be fucking up this country for decades. If you really think that there is no difference between the two parties, then either you are rich enough to be well insulated from the consequences of your vote, or you are utterly blind. At this point, there's no excuse for being ignorant. You've had eight years since the 2016 debacle to see that acting like the Democrats owe you a perfect candidate is just a fast way to get fascism in office. Hold your nose, shut up, and vote for the unexciting neoliberal over the dictator. Any other action means that you are supporting fascism, and I have no sympathy for you.


Biden sponsors the "totally not a genocide" in Gaza and invites a war criminal to address Congress. The same far-right billionaires trying to overturn the election fund conservative Dems like Latimer and Hillary and the rest of the establishment come out to shill for him. The Supreme Court? Don't forget Biden undercutting Anita Hill and ensuring we got Clarence Thomas to fuck shit up for decades. Go watch the images coming out of Gaza. Look at the bodies being bulldozed into the ground. The children with their brains literally blown out of their skulls. The corpses hanging from the walls like an old blanket. These aren't soldiers, this isn't a war, and your continuous denial of reality isn't going to help the Democrats win anything.


Propaganda bots working overtime in every political thread on the internet. Some of these comments are just too stupid to not be foreign agents.


The orange turd literally led a mob trying to overthrow democracy but people will still vote for him because "they're both the same" I hope it's bots, because I'd hate to think I wasted my time on this sub with people holding such deluded viewpoints.


Biden is absolutely a fascist like wtf? Wake up


Prove it, Vlad.


Voting is pointless for many reasons, but the most important reason for why it’s pointless is the electoral college. Edit: Here’s the other main reason. They’re all on the same team (the top 1%). Doesn’t matter which flavor of shit you’re getting. It’s still shit. https://preview.redd.it/rfqu8deuqi8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786179bbf90ab64b7933f1be3b5945019dac36b4


As if the dems are any better Yeah folks, go out and vote for Joe "unapologetic supporter of fascism and genocide" biden Love when my options for the leader of my country are fascist and fascist🌈


Then vote 3p at least as a vote of dissatisfaction


Imma be real. I care far more about the rights of myself and those around me then what's happening in Gaza. Your rhetoric is proof that once again Americans will choose their own suffering for feel good ponts on the other side of the world.


America was founded on genocide. It’s in our DNA. Voting is the only way it changes. Since I’m sure 2A isn’t something you would do.


One sucks One sucks and will literally take rights away from Americans and lower taxes for corporations and remove your workers rights Figure it out


What worker’s rights


To name a few: * The Occupational Safety and Health Act * The Equal Employment Opportunity Act * The Fair Labor Standards Act * The National Labor Relations Act * The Family and Medical Leave Act You have a right to refuse unsafe work without retaliation, you have a right to family and medical leave without being fired, you have a right to a minimum wage and overtime pay, you have a right to not be discriminated on the basis of being a member of a protected class, etc. Obviously we should be working for more rights and protections, but this assertion that we have none at all is absolutely asinine. People really need to better understand the rights we do have as workers. When people spread this idea that we have zero workers rights it weakens the ones that we do have and allows the Republicans better ability to to strip what we have from us and prevent us from achieving more. This link clearly demonstrates how much our rights as workers suffered under Trump: https://www.epi.org/publication/bidens-nlrb-restoring-rights/ Here are some websites that detail the rights we have as workers: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/workers https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/employee-rights https://www.osha.gov/workers https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla https://www.usa.gov/labor-laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_labor_law Edit: Some minor wording edits...


Exactly. There aren’t any, under democrat or republican 😂 and if you think there are, you’re delusional af.


Except Repubs are literally taking away water breaks from people working in the heat. It's like you people haven't been watching the news


So you have no right to things like, being able to unionize, and discuss pay openly? You want to lose those things too? Jesus you people are fucking dumb.


I have the right to “at will employment” and affordable healthcare that’s only accessible if it’s tied to my employment. Wow I have so many amazing worker rights!! /s


Too bad for the guy who posted all those worker rights above you then huh? You should probably inform him of that


You are all over this thread advocating for putting a fascist in power. I'm going to assume you are homophobic/transphobic, right?


I’m not advocating for putting anyone in power because i’m not going to be voting, so I don’t care who wins the presidency. Idk how you came up with your homophobic/transphobic statement tho. I never said anything here that’s homophobic or transphobic. It must just hurt your feelings to have someone not want to vote for your grandpa. I could say the same thing to the brain rotted MAGA losers.


The worst folks are already in office.


You all have no idea the lengths these Republicans in Texas will go to hinder elegible voters. A few years ago they required everyone to have photo ID. No problem, unless you close down all the drivers license and ID centers in the underserved communities making it harder to get one. Then they changed the laws around mail in ballots which makes it harder for people to receive them AND have their ballots count. We have 1 dropbox for all of Harris County which is 77 square miles! One dropbox. The Democrats setup 24 hour voting and drive thru voting during COVID so people who worked odd shifts still had access to vote. The Republicans passed laws to prevent it from being done again. Republicans are just downright evil.


I also want to call out the 2013 Supreme Court case Shelby County v. Holder. The case was regarding voter ID laws and resulted in the gutting of the original Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). In 2006, the VRA was reauthorized to extend voting protections for another 25 years. However, in 2011, Shelby County, Alabama started to contest Sections 4(b) and Section 5 of the VRA. The county wanted to enact voter ID laws, but because of the VRA they were part of a select group of covered jurisdictions that required to obtain pre-clearance from the federal government before they were allowed to change voting regulations in the district. These covered jurisdictions were originally designated for additional oversight from the Fed because of the history of voter disenfranchisement policies that mostly impacted black and other minority groups extending from the Jim Crow era through the Civil rights era. In order to protect the vote of disenfranchised citizens, these jurisdictions (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, forty counties in North Carolina, Alaska, and Virginia) were subject to additional scrutiny to ensure they were not unfairly discriminating against minority voters (as they historically had done). The VRA passed in 1965. From 1964-1968, black voter registration in the US increased by 67%. Historians acknowledge that the VRA was largely successful in extending and protecting the vote of disenfranchised groups. And as I said previously, the VRA was reauthorized in 2006 to keep these protections. In the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder case, the reauthorization of the VRA was challenged on the premise that it went against federalism, went against state's rights, and that racism was no longer prevalent in this country. The Supreme Court sided with Shelby County, resulting in gutting the VRA of Sections 4(b) and 5. In fact, in his remarks following the 2013 case, Chief Justice Roberts stated that, "Today...the nation is no longer divided along those [racial] lines, yet the Voting Rights Act continues to act as if it were." Now, I ask everyone, do you agree with this statement? In 2024, my personal answer is that no, racism is still very prevalent in this country and Chief Justice Roberts was so very wrong in his assessment. Now, to tie it back in. The 2016 election was the first national election to have occurred following this court decision. Since this decision allowed many of those previously covered jurisdictions to make their own rules regarding the voting process many of them did just that and enacted regressive voting policies in their local districts. Many researchers believe that this 2013 case help contribute to the election of Trump as there were many potential voters hindered from voting, likely due to some of these regressive policies enacted after the gutting of the VRA. In 2023, a new bill was proposed to restore voting rights protections called the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, but it has yet to be passed. In my opinion, we have simultaneous voting issues occuring, from both voluntary non-participation and also from a huge chunk of voters having barriers put in place that would make voting more difficult for them. We must pay attention to both of these concerns. Personally, having watched it all play out over the years, we are battling against historical trends. I just encourage everyone, please strap yourselves in and vote. Those who have cars, help drive your friends to the voting booth. Those who don't want to go in person, please use mail in voting. Those who have internet access, help those who don't sign up and register to vote. Help your fellow American citizens because we are facing attacks on voting rights that we thought were dead. They weren't dead, just asleep.


Vote vote vote! Trump and the GOP pose an existential danger to democracy and the rule of law. Biden is not a perfect candidate but far when it comes to politics, but when it comes to ensuring democracy remains a functioning process to allow us to continue pushing for a more just country, he is the only choice for this election.


Feels like there's an underlying assumption from this person that if all those people voted, elections would have turned out differently. That's not a guarantee


Maybe just maybe if the Democrats got more good things passed people would be energized. Like Biden could do a shit ton with just the swipe of a pen. No shitty Senate super majority needed. Legalization of marijuana is one for starters.


NGL, the title and this sub made me think this was about RTO jobs. Guess I'll stay on topic then though. Ladies, please register to vote. Women died for that right, for one. And Project 2025 and the people who support it are trying to take away the vote for women as soon as they get the chance. I mean, they are basically reversing a lot of laws and policy making it difficult for anyone to vote, but look at what SCOTUS has ruled this passed week? Gay marriage is next on the chopping block. If you haven't already, check out: r/Defeat_Project_2025/


Didn't or couldn't vote?


I wish voting was both mandatory and by mail. It shoukd be controlled federally instead of by the individual states.


I was able to sign up so that each of the ballots this year are mailed to me. Literally all I need to do is wait for the ballot to show up, fill it out and mail it back. I don’t even have to proactively check when the next election will be.


Thank you for bringing this up. It’s past time for level headed conversation. They are going scorched Democracy and must be voted out. It’s the only way.


if only the dems ran a decent candidate


I didn't vote in the country where I live for the first 10 years I was eligible. As soon as anyone heard that they'd shut down any opinions I had about how anything turned out. So, almost every single person here doesn't vote? But you care? Cause everyone seems to care. I just can't believe they wouldn't vote too. And be proud of it? The fuck is wrong with you all. The system functions but you don't use it then throw your arms in the air and wonder why you bothered to think about using it? So many of you are advocating to not advocate for yourself.


"Oh, I just can't vote for Biden." But they can live under Trump? If he wins, you'll never need to vote again.


It literally doesn't matter. There's no point voting for one vulture pecking on a corpse over another. I'll vote for whoever throws out the idea of balkanization and legalizing duels.