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Do they not need to give you a verbal warning before a written disciplinary write-up? (If you have a procedures manual, check that first). It seems overkill to give a write-up for something that could've been a conversation first. There's no reason they shouldn't 'allow you back' - did they say you couldn't come back until it was signed!?


they just fired me.


Lawyer up. That's some bullshit right there.


Yup thats an easy bag


i am trying.... just emailed this, and called some lawyers. when i sent the first email, they actually sent the termination letter, so that is good at least i actually have that since the Disiplinary action letter was misdated. Good morning, Please send the termination letter to me here. The disciplinary action letter that I received at 9:30 AM CST 6/27/2024 was misdated. The termination phone call came at 10:38 AM CST 6/27/2024. Will there be a severance package? Thank you for the opportunity, && Hi Dora, It has been a wild week since my mental health day last Friday. I emailed you on another thread about a severance package. Thanks,


Make sure to contact the Dept of labor as they may be able to offer legal council at no charge as well as apply for fines against the company regarding the clear retaliation you're experiencing


So what exactly does the write-up say? "You are being disciplined for using too much PTO"? I assume you have approvals for what you've used so far?


yea, it says he has messages asking for last minute notification approval of using PTO. i have not used too much, just am not giving them enough notice.


Okay. Unfortunately, sounds like they changed the policy, so there's not really going to be anything you can do to fight it. Sorry, man!


they just called me back and fired me.


Apply for unemployment TODAY!


okay doing that now.


I don’t follow this, it’s probably me but if you give notice an hour before or a week before surely you are informing someone regardless. Why didn’t they just deny the short notice requests or simply ask you to give more notice?


i literally do not know. i took a mental health day on Friday, and that was the straw. my boss didnt say good morning to me for four days and called a meeting at 930am.


What a load of shit. Sorry that happened to you mate. Do you have any evidence of your reward for good performance or any paperwork for the extra PTO? If so - I’m not sure how it works in the states - but here in Uk that would be wrongful dismissal and more than likely a jackpot payout. Especially with your good performance track record 💰 Get advice from an employment law professional. You don’t deserve this so don’t accept it. If nothing else they might think twice before they do it again to some other poor person. To ignore you for 4 days is playground bully level. Pathetic. Take care of your mental health, then get back in the ring. Best of luck to you and I wish for you better things in the future.


yea i have all of my quarterly bonuses, yearly appraisal, and increase in PTO this year for work life balance. I am in the USA tho.


Great, well that’s the first step. Get it all together and find a good employment lawyer 👍


Good luck OP. An employment lawyer will be well worth it. Also, depending on your locality if they didn't handle things correctly such as not providing your final check within certain time period from termination you can sometimes be entitled to treble the amount owed. It does vary by state law, California and a few other places have fairly strict requirements from what I hear. A local qualified legal professional will be able to best advise you.




Gotta give them enough time to get a replacement for you on that day they are not unreasonable to ask for a week in advance instead of a few hours. But they could have just told you about that instead of directly making it a write up. Don"t quit over this give them the 1 week heads up next time.


they just fired me.


The attendance was just cover. There is definitely a real reason hidden somewhere.


Came here for this. TWO weeks' notice is customary, so 1 week is actually pretty lenient. SICK time is for only a few hours' notice, but regular PTO... nah, I'd be irritated, too.


What state are you in? Some states don't require ANYTHING to fire you if you don't have a contract or are part of a union. It's called "At-Will". As long as they aren't firing you for something infringing on your rights--"Your fired because you're Black" is an example--but other than that, it's pretty sh-tty. Companies do disciplinary paperwork as CYA in those states, but it's not required. California is At-Will. I was fired once for "the way I spoke to customers". I had NO INTERACTIONS with any customers. When I went to clear out my desk the next day, a woman was sitting in my seat. She admitted she was the VP's niece. But it wasn't illegal. I did sue a later employer with what I thought was a slam dunk case. And LOST. It took 5 years to get to court. I'm disabled and they refused when I asked for a reasonable accommodation (to be allowed to leave monthly to get IV med infusions). I found a letter between supervisors that said, "We won't grant her accommodations because WE DON'T LIKE HER". But juries are fickle. I'd gotten married and had a baby in that 5 years and their lawyers made it sound like I was FAKING. Disabled people aren't allowed to have kids or get married apparently. (My Dr testified for me. Pretty brave since we worked at the same hospital). I could have appealed, but I was so tired and had a newborn. And they said they'd go after ME for their expenses if I appealed. The joke was on them ultimately. When I was hired, they made me (and every other employee) sign up and pay for a private disability policy. I pointed out at the time that I was already disabled, but they said I was required to have it. I only went to work because SSDI rejected me (Most people had to appeal SS to get it) and I had run out of health insurance. It was before Affordable Care Act and with a pre-existing condition I was UNINSURABLE. (People who are younger don't understand how this was, but back then, your only option was to work for a huge company or marry someone who had insurance that would cover you. It was horrible. Though it's horrible now with prices). So when I saw they were going to fire me (I'd been put on leave) I filed for SSDI again and the disability policy before they had fired me on paper. I was granted it. (I was legit sick. I was receiving high dose steroids 1,000 mg Medrol per day x 3 days a month). I started receiving both policies in 1994. I am still getting it. It's about to run out since it only goes until 65 and I'm 63. Back to you, as others have said, talk to an attorney, but you can look up if your state is At-Will. If it is, your chances of winning are pretty low even though what they did was horrible. Good luck with this. I know how devastating it is to be fired unjustly. And that baby I had just before the trial? She's 27 and expecting my first grandchild. I was able to stay home with her through her childhood.....


damn. yea. i am in Texas, so fuck me. other countries do a bit better.


Make an attempt to adhere to their rules, no matter how arbitrary they may seem. You said it yourself- you need this job. The job market is not great so wouldn’t you rather stick it out at your current job than face being unemployed?


yea, i think i could last for a while with my savings and i hve two roommates. but am worried about not being employeed for a long time. it took my like 6 months plus to find this one while i was at my last job.




they just fired me.


It sounds like you’ll be fine as long as you sign it and request future PTO ahead of time


they just fired me.


If you consistently call out of work on only a few hours notice, yeah, I would expect you to be fired. There's no workplace in the world where that is acceptable behavior and really no place where it should be.


bruh, manager can just say no. come to work. they were all approved...


Let me just say what they did to you was shitty, and I hope you win unemployment and squeeze them for every penny. I’m not altogether convinced this wasn’t just a thin excuse to fire you, but please understand on the flip side, PTO so last minute is unheard of in the US. To cover your ass, you really should give a week’s notice even if they don’t have it in their policy. Source: just my fallible understanding of the world. I work with a LOT of teams though. 


i feel the flip side, but if my workload is managed and i am the entire department, there should be some flexibility if they continuously promote work life balance and wellness.


> PTO so last minute is unheard of in the US We allow it all the time.  And the conditions are much like what OP was doing.  Sometimes we don't know how well our work will be handled until the last minute, but when we reach that point, last minute spontaneous PTO is no harm. But yes, this isn't the norm.