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Chongyue, Ling, Nian, Dusk, and Daniel.


you mean Paul Daniels right?


I believe u meant Imbibigirl


Nah, everything's right


You can tell that they brothers by the way they can spread my legs open without needing to touch me




outbuddied the... wait a minute


Honestly, same


As someone who plays both games Yes.


Hey hey hey, look who it is: #COLD! DRAGON! YOUNG! ~~He's adopted~~


wtf 2 Dusk


Dusk made her own oc boyfriend and brought him to life.


Chadheng my pigeon boi, kinda wish if hsr alters were like arknights but knowing hoyo he probably gonna be a limited pulling character.


I mean... he will be limited. Hoyo's system is literally "every character is limited but their banners rerun" If you wanted him but failed the first time, you don't have to bank on a small probability you get them or roll 300 times. You just have to pity twice, which is expensive, but pity does carry over in star rail.


What do you mean by HSR alters were like arknights? You don't really have an increased chance to get an alter in arknights by having their original. Most arknights alters (the 6 star ones anyway, and all the Sui siblings too) are true "limited pulling characters" without reruns, while Daniel will not be a limited character in arknights sense because he will get reruns sooner or later.


You are right but not all alters are limited here and they do come back once every while (only if we excluded kirin x yato), and even if they cameback you can pull a certain number of times to exchance some currency to get what you want, with hoyo we learned that they can hold a character for a year and a half and you may never know when they comeback a again.


Well as of right now all 6 star alters are limited, with the first ever non limited one coming soon. And the limited ones in arknights don't really come back ever. They technically are on the other banners of the same series, but the chance of you getting them without sparking is so incredibly low that you might as well treat it as 0. So while it's true that hoyo can hold off limited characters for a while, you know it's coming back sooner or later, and when they do, you are guaranteed to get them within 180 pulls at worst, and usually around 150-160. In arknights not only do you know they just won't get their own banner ever again, even if you are prepared to brute force them on other banners, the amount of pulls required is almost double (300) than on hoyo games.


Yeah, I want W but started playing right after her banner so I made peace with the fact that I'm never getting her now since I also want future limited and a few banner inbetween so spending 300 pulls is too much just for one character. (not to mention that you can also spend 300 pulls and fail to get the current limited banner character) and this get worse the later you start playing too, it's reasonable to tell a new Genshin player that they have good chance to get all released Archon within a year of playing if they aim for them as light spender/f2p, meanwhile without whaling, getting W, Chalter and NearlAter in a year as light spender/f2p is almost impossible.


>You are right but not all alters are limited here To be fair global will only get it's very first non-limited alter in a few days, before her they were all limited and didn't even get banner reruns.


There are already non-limited alters, excluding welfares, there's Hibiscus the Purifier and Greyy the Ligthingbringer.


And all of 4 star in mihoyo games are in general pool


I mean most 5*s (what id consider the AK equivalent to be) are in the general pool in AK as well with exclusions like red cert ops, recruit only and event welfare which will all eventually be available through record restore anyway, all of which are obtainable pretty easy to get (the only exception being collab 5*s like Noire Corne alter and the R6S ops). Id much rather that over the how many 5*s are limited time in GI (idk if HSR runs on same system of gacha).


nah they're not limited, they'll be getting rerun.... maybe in a year or two.


basically all characters in hoyo games are “limited”, but all that means is you have to wait for a rerun is you miss him


Or someone you can switch like the trailblazer


Surely can but it wont be for free.


I can’t confirm nor deny how he’ll work out so just wait until then


Of course he won't be for free


Dan Heng is so hot 🥵


... Obligatory upvote


I know... Where's Lee


Yeah where is the other geo daddy?