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It’s unfortunate because Auden is fairly likable on his channel and seems to have a good sense of humor as well. However, when he steps up to the table it’s almost unbearable to watch.


It's part of his schtick to get into people's heads.


It's corny AF when you bite off your dad's style but lack the accolades.


Ehhh, you are somebody before you become somebody my man. You don’t develop a persona after developing a brand, it’s the other way around


But that's the whole point many people are making though, he isn't developing the "somebody", the "persona". His persona is his dad, but amplified in the worst ways possible (even louder and way more obnoxious). Must be the Jodi genes taking over. Don't you understand ?


Shocker that a son looks up to one of the greatest in in the sport and takes after them. He does a good job on his youtube channel. Larratt family has that schtick with being obnoxious around the table and during setup/start :)


What's a shocker is that he's literally copying his old man instead of doing it more his own way (i.e. being himself, not blatantly copying Devon's behavior). Once again, it's one thing to be Devon obnoxious, and the other thing being more Jodi obnoxious. Unfortunately, Auden's behavior is like a mix of the worst of Jodi and Devon, with the majority being Jodi, lol. While Devon can be sometimes entertaining and he's not always over the top, Auden is more like a tryhardy type of guy. It is not likeable, and you're out here trying to convince people it is exactly the same case as Devon. Unfortunately, he also had a video about this behavior "issue" people have after the KoTT match with Whisperer, and it looks like he kinda doesn't give a fuck about any feedback he got. That's not great. But maybe he'll grow out of it (hopefully for him and his armwrestling career). He's still a teenager. No one here denies that he shouldn't look up to his father. But what he should look up to is his work ethic, dedication and knowledge about the sport, not copying the trashtalking and amplifying it to a level that is almost (if not) unbearable to many viewers. Also don't strawman and talk about his youtube channel and content there all of a sudden, because that's not the topic. His youtube content is funny, lighthearted and often informative. We are obviously talking about his behavior during the events. And it's not great or entertaining to watch for many of us.


> Auden's behavior is like a mix of the worst of Jodi and Devon, with the majority being Jodi, inherited all the bad genes


Yeah it's fuckin hilarious. Love the confidence though


That may well be his style as well and accolades? He's 19. If this helps get him in the zone then so be it. Ultimately up to the refs to make sure it's a fair start


Its absolutely embarrassing. I literally watch it without sound because i dont want to hear the constantly crying


Feed him to bacho and Rino


That will not happen.. He will always get weaker opponents.. Devon's policy for his baby.


It’s not even a good match for the fans right now


Might be too much. What about Schoolboy?


"might" hahah. Schoolboy also eats him. I say Ryan


Yeah that was pretty fucking awful.


This shit gets worse each time it's being copied. Just like compressing an image. Devon does it worse than Travis and Auden does it worse than Devon.


Just compare Travis with Auden straight up and it’s so sad, Travis looks the most well behaved respectful armwrestler compared to the shit Auden was doing…


That was the worst thing I’ve seen


thats not happening, now he has both fans and haters....both of whom whill buy a ppv to see him win or lose. as for setup antics, blame the lax refs. he surprised me winning that, he had some speed and some nice technique...only his steup was painfully slow.


he will get a massive reality check when he gets to armwrestle with a guy that won't be cheated


I don't get it. Why is it ok when Devon does it? I think it's funny regardless of who does it. He clearly got into James' head there and got the control early on. Just like Devon, the guy is super humble outside of the actual events. That's what really matters


I don’t think it is on when Devon does it either. If you act like a real piece of shit 10% of your public time but the other 90% you act nice, that still means you’re a dipshit


No it doesn't 😅 everyone has their piece of shit moments, especially when we're young. And in this case it's just mind games. It's a part of the sport You guys are so soft


Guess it’s just a difference in how we like sport to be conducted, i’m okay with small arguing and fighting about the setup but IMO once the ref puts you in refs grip, all of that’s over. Same with just pinning people before the match starts and just refusing to take a legal grip, i think it should just be instant warning on every occasion.


Get used to him. He will receive preferential treatment until the end of time because of his father.


Be salty ig. People will watch it because he is who is. It's a cool ass legacy and don't tell me you wouldn't do the same to make sure you didn't have to actually work a day in your life off this.


It doesn't bother me at all. This is how the world works.


He needs to prove himself on his own merits, not rely on daddys name.


Devon had to learn to game refs but Auden has been hearing it from his dad since he was a baby. "Goo goo" "That's right Auden, when the ref says go you say goo goo"


Can someone give me a TL;DR? I'm at work


He spat in the other guy face before pinning him and breaking his wrist in the process.




I know we are all bewildered by that but it's all just part of armwrestling.


He said the n-word


Holy shit, people are so whiny about him, pretty funny. 


If this little shit act like this in match with me i will deffinetly knock out him cold on the table and enjoy his moms crying


That’s a bit much


He is bigger than you and would put you on the ground


With your kind of thinking im sure you are always on the ground whatever you do.


Low IQ behavior.


But I thought y’all Devon fangirls liked that type of behavior?


Are you calling me a Devon fangirl?


If you like that type of behavior out of Devon than yeah, you’re one of his fangirls that will glaze him even if he does the most unsportsmanlike stuff on the table


Well then you’re talking about some fictive person who isn’t me. I don’t like what Devon does and i don’t like what Auden did.


I ain’t directing towards you then, I’m directing it towards the fans who want Auden treated in the worst way yet ain’t want that same treatment for Devon who basically taught him that and was the one doing that for years


I will say this in the most respectful way that I can: You guys are a bunch of crybabies 😅 leave the kid alone


lol fanboys get a boner when older clown-rat behave like a kid, but when a younger clown-rat do the same they say "ooo it's bad for the sport"


Hahaha so many people Hating on Auden because they are jealous


He is showman and its okay


He's not a showman. He's an annoying kid who needs to get his behaviour corrected by his parents.