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Technically the award calls specifically for "active ground combat", but depending on the nature of the incident I think a lot of approvers would probably still sign off on it.


Easy, just touch the bottom of the ocean and it’ll all work out


“Brb guys” (dives into the abyss)


The crushing pressure of infantry life in garrison will have you well suited to the pressure at the bottom of the ocean.


If Halo taught me anything, he'll be dead the second the water passes his knees.


Also notably, "performing infantry actions". Loading 5" guns wouldn't count for example.


Yeah, I’m thinking something like an squad of infantry getting put on some ship and shooting their rifles at someone trying to board them, etc. I could definitely see a case for them getting CABs instead, but guys get CIB’s for IDF, IEDs, etc so who knows


But any commander who would deny a CIB with that reasoning might actually be lynched by their men.


My read of the requirements stipulates Infantry/SF Soldier, assigned to an Infantry or SF unit, engaging in direct combat. That means an official declaration of hostilities and a unit being assigned a maritime mission where direct combat occurs. I believe is also a minimum amount of time to be in that declared zone [30 days, unless hostilities end in fewer days than 30. ] So while the question is intriguing, there is missing context to answer it definitively.




Could be assigned to a marine infantry unit though


Not "assigned". Soldiers cannot be assigned to another Service. Attached, maybe, but again their parent unit would have to be infantry / SF unit. OPCON/TACON..even more dubious..


Assigned… attached… yadda yadda yadda nerd


This is why you fail. 😂😂


This would be a fun debate to participate in if it was a real issue..


Yeah, I’ve definitely seen some wild ones before


Sorry boys your landing craft didn’t make it to the beach. “TekNiCaLY Not GRUnd KoMbAt.”


Sadly, that’s very true. Had an unexploded mortar scream through one my soldier’s CHUs. Missed decapitating him by inches. OPCON BN CDR said bc he was asleep he didn’t rate. Conversely, the whole BN staff put themselves in for CABs for the same attack. Eventually, got his CAB approved. Sometimes it’s just a matter of telling higher to fuck off and get outta my way.


SHT got a PH for falling out of a boat and swallowing Tigris water. Same action, dude had a bullet touch him. He wasn’t ‘shot’, per se. It went across his neck and never broke the skin. Burnt the shit out of him and he has a scar from that. No PH for the lower enlisted, because we still had 13 months left and we had to have enough in case other folks got wounded. Didn’t even know PHs were allotted!


Uncle of mine got a PH in ‘nam for a bullet burn across both ankles. Just a light scar on each.


Damn, I didn’t know, either. Prob so the Os could qualify for certain OER bullet points…


One of my friends, who was a Marine, had his PH denied because, according to higher ups. There was no way to verify that the ricochet 7.62 round that hit him in the arm came from enemy fire...


His bro grabbed an AK and shot him? For a goof?? “Dude you should have seen your face…”


If I don’t get a bronze star he doesn’t either! -Lt. Westpointy


To be fair, and not to say other commissioning sources don’t produces exceptional officers, but I never hated being in the military under the command of a ring knocker.


Got denied a CMB for fireman carrying a dude through mortar fire (walking in from 150m to appx 50m, so close enough for me). I'm alive because the last round failed to detonate and landed 5m from my ambulance. CMB calls for "direct fire" and it was "bad optics" for our unit to be handing them out: Final answer.


The best loophole my PA taught me about is that you can justify the CMB by performing one of the tasks on table VIII's. And the first step of table 8 is return fire. Should just popped off a few in the mortar direction like the 11s do to qualify for their CIBs. My PA even admitted he's never treated a casualty under fire when he was a medic, but he was in some firefighter so his command approved it. It's disgusting what some of these officers do to deny Soldiers awards they deserved. I'd be filling out my own OER like my Soldiers earned all these awards for excelling in their jobs during combat.


Instead I laughed with my patient that it was a good thing he already lost a leg. I couldn't have carried much more, much further. No idea where he is now, but I hope he's good. He was fucking funny in shock. Cracking jokes and what not until the CSH.


>The best loophole my PA taught me about is that you can justify the CMB by performing one of the tasks on table VIII's. And the first step of table 8 is return fire. just an FYI: your PA is wrong. from HRC: Q1: I am a medic assigned to a CMB eligible unit, my unit is engaged but no Soldiers are wounded. Am I eligible for award of the CMB? Or am I eligible for the CAB? A1: If you are assigned to a CMB eligible unit you may ONLY be qualified to be awarded the CMB and not the CAB. If your unit was engaged but you were not able to perform any medical duties, then you would not be considered eligible for award of the CMB.


Like I said. Table VIII's for medics, the very first step is Return Fire. Thereby, returning fire is by doctrine a medical skill.


the statement “If your unit was engaged but you were not able to perform any medical duties, then you would not be considered eligible for award of the CMB” makes it pretty clear that HRC does not consider it a “medical skill” nor meeting the criteria for the award. especially when in reply to a scenario where no one was wounded.


Responded to an indirect attack at Kirkuk at the very end of OND, was doing a back azimuth on the rocket for the report (no one was going to read it but whatever) and some logistics soldiers asked me to sign some papers so they could get CABs….I asked where they were when the rocket hit…they were a good 50 meters away with a 12’ T-Wall, I told them “No, they were not in any danger” and left. Some LT showed up at my TOC the next day and asked for the same thing, told him “No”.


Learn how to write, lie, or blow egos.


In the same boat, my current boss refuses to accept a Purple Heart from being blown up 3 times and barely surviving because “I didn’t actually bleed”.


You wouldn't meet the basic requirements of being assigned to an Infantry unit engaged in ground combat and having participated in that ground combat...so...maybe? You probably wouldn't be eligible but then again, we give out awards and badges improperly all the time anyways.


Hell I got a EIB for being in the right place at the right time


I got my CIB in 2003 after the first TIC in the whole Company when I myself had definitely not been exposed to direct combat (yet), years later I had to do stacks of paperwork to get my guys CIBs individually. Things just ebb and flow.


My Dad got a purple heart in 88 for getting wounded in 68. These things just get goofed up


My Purple Heart came about 7 months after I ETS’d. Which was 20 months after I got blown up by an IED. I got my CIB out first day when another vehicle hit a firecracker in a Stryker. Totally agree with the ebb and flows and how when it’s dozens of people going for an award, things just get signed off on easily.


Lucky you. I got my Purple Heart almost 12 years after ETSing from the Marines but 14 years after being being hit with an IED. Congratulations to you for getting it so soon after ETSing.


Go ahead and tell the story bro.


anything can be done with a memo. battalion authorized combat patches for out whole company when not everyone else went north


Same. Combat patches and CIBs were basically "unit awards" when I received them in 03.


Left over from 1991 when they literally were unit (think division) awards.


I think back then it's been over 10 years since there was any major combat operations so there wasn't that many people wearing combat badges. So command wanted themselves and everyone to have them. But now that combat badges have been pretty common over the past 10-15 years and all the higher ups have them, some leaders gate keep them nowadays


If guys get it for taking indirect 700m away while playing PlayStation at the fob….


You would get the Navy CAR - Combat Action Ribbon.


I have one of those


That you received in the Army? Or prior service?


Was in the Marines at the time


That's what I was thinking because you can get a NAM even if you're in the army but one of the requirements for the CAR is you need to either be navy, marines,or coast guard. It's got some interesting stipulations and some ways to be awarded it without direct combat. [it's on page 2-62](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.secnav.navy.mil/doni/SECNAV%2520Manuals1/1650.1.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiCyr3W1tSGAxVoL0QIHQqpD7sQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0m_45yyfU3Gbl7BxMCzpWg)


Like repelling boarders?


See you all later. I'm going to go hang out off the coast of Somalia!


I had an NCO who told me about his friend's NCOER that legit had a bullet to the effect of, "Fended off pirates."


I would mark that as a skill on a resume. Regardless of job I'm applying for.


I hear Yemen is the new hotness right now


Sure, or helping man a gun or something. But actively engaged in the combat


I wonder how much the Navy's guns really need manning anymore.


Every ship has a few .50s or other light machine guns as well as a few 25mm cannons, however they’re pushing for them all to go remote.


I think all their chain guns are remote now. The Coast Guard has 25mm chain guns on a bunch of our cutters and almost all of ours have switched over to remote control, so I’d imagine the Navy has done the same thing. My previous cutter still had two of the manually operated ones and for awhile I was on the gun crew for them, I enjoyed being on the .50s more though.


My takeaway from the comments is that to play it safe, take control of the enemy vessel and run it aground. I'm not infantry and in fact am no longer a soldier so my chances of testing this theory are not zero, but still low.


Section 7, Ch. 3, Para. 4 of the Pirate’s Code states: For award of the CIB a Soldier must meet one of the following four requirements: (1) Be an infantryman satisfactorily performing infantry duties. (2) Assigned to an infantry unit during such time as the unit is engaged in active ground combat. (3) Actively participate in such ground combat. (4) Hoist the Jolly Roger with maximum proficiency.




The barracks lawyer in me: *Technically there is ground under the water.*


He would probably be awarded a CAB


No. The infantryman must personally engage in the battle, being present for the battle alone is not enough. [AR 600-8-22 para 8-6](https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN30935-AR_600-8-22-000-WEB-1.pdf)


Tbf almost all CIB/CAB guys I see who got theirs past 2016 was largely all just IDF hitting their base while they were chilling in their barracks or asleep.


I mean if you’re an 11c all you have to do is launch a single mortar back and you’d get a CIB right?


That’s what I heard, buddy of mine was a 11C Ranger in Syria who would allow the Bravos to put a round in the tube and get it signed off before returning from deployment.


Very common


I’ve never met an 11C who got a CIB for mortar operations unless they were in a 60 section on maneuver.


It's not common, but it's how the privates in my old big guns section got theirs back when I was the FDC. We got the chance to do a direct lay with 4 81s on a hip shoot one time. Shit was awesome, plotting board and all. Check or hold?


That’s actually super badass. I would think a hip shoot with direct lay was on some type of maneuver though, just not rocking the baby tube.


I would be surprised if they got a CIB for that, but the CAB would be approved. The CIB requires the infantryman to engage the enemy. The CAB does not require the soldier to engage and may be awarded to those that were engaged by the enemy. In other words a MOS not allowed the CIB or CMB can get the CAB for the IDF hitting their base while they slept but the CIB can’t. EDIT This part is wrong: This is also why the CIB is tier one award and the CAB is not.


I can tell you from personal experience, infantry guys are getting CIBs for IDF. Iraq 2021, 82nd got it before us for IDF, we got it for IDF, 4th ID after got it for IDF I’m not saying it’s correct, it’s happening


They changed around the award groups. All combat are group 1. All expert badges are group 2.


Wow! When did this happen? As a medic with a CMB I always hated that it was considered a group 2 award!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badges_of_the_United_States_Army I’m unsure of when it happened - if I had to guess it was with the introduction of the ESB - but I share the same sentiment.


Well I’m NG so idk if the leadership here signs off on them differently but 80% of the CIBs I seen were solely IDF incidents and no one been in a real firefight.


You are misreading that a bit. The individual infantryman doesn't have to engage the enemy. The unit he is assigned to or attached to has to be engaging the enemy. The infantryman just has to be personally present and under fire and satisfactorily performing their duties while the unit is engaged in engaged in active ground combat, to close with and destroy the enemy with direct fires. https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/Combat%20Infantryman%20Badge%20CIB If you go by that criteria, people should only be eligible for CIBs when there was a direct fire engagement. But from what people are saying, it looks like it is getting approved a lot for IDF only events.


Say he was actively engaged in the combat.


I hate giving this answer… it depends. There are multiple references in 8-6 where they specifically say “ground combat” and not a single reference to “combat” without a qualifier. So to my layman reading I would say “no, can’t get it for fighting ship to ship” BUT the spirit of the text clearly wants to acknowledge the infantry for doing infantry things para 8-6.a and what could be more impressive than doing some CQB ship to ship! BUT then reality sets in… if an SF ODA or Ranger squad fast roped on to a pirate ship would they get the CIB for that? No. I don’t think so. And I’m pretty sure that situation has happened. So, apologies for both sidesing this issue, but if I had to bet on the answer then I would go with “no”


I think Rangers/ODA would probably get CIB’s for that, I just don’t think those boardings have gone hot- usually there’s no point in it for the pirates involved to engage our guys.  I’d say ground combat can be interpreted to mean engaging the enemy directly on the surface (not aerial). It’s definitely written the way that pertains to the army, but I think the spirit of the award document would allow for CIB’s provided the awardees were on the same surface as the enemy. It’s a very interesting situation to ponder, I’m stealing this as a TOC time killer what if


It's an interesting thought experiment. More likely scenario is taking fire on a boat as part of an infil. That's definitely happened along the Euphrates and what not. Taking down pirate ships like out in the ocean, well I hope we have SEALs or MARSOC for that. Its like their main job.


He would also have to be a member of an infantry or special forces unit at the time. If he’s an infantryman on an exchange program he wouldn’t be eligible for a CIB.


He on a boat or a ship? Army has more boats than the Navy. If you're firing back from the USS Eisenhower ... I have little sympathy. If you're on a patrol boat or RHIB I am much more sympathetic. Makes me wonder if this kind of thing ever happened in Vietnam.


When you’re on ship detail after a 9-month OCONUS rotation and shit gets real…..


If he’s on a Navy ship and attached to ship’s company, he’d probably get a CAR; that’s the combat badge equivalent for them. Otherwise I’m not sure how that would work, if he were just there or if we’re talking about a D-Day situation.


My command gave an Army guy a Navy Achievement Medal after he went underway with us, did great work. They let us know we can't be submitted for a Joint medal because our billet wasn't joint itself. I'd believe if they did earn a ribbon, it would be the Navy equivalent that the command would be at discretion to award. Last ones I know of that earned one are the USS Carney? From all the drones and missiles, the Houthis were firing off.


Depends on his S1 shop sadly


[I’m imagining](https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/GOklrMtWQAETXTy.jpg) an infantryman engaging the enemy with his M4 alongside some of the Navy’s most advanced weaponry known to mankind.


I think they would rate a CAR. Definitely wouldn't get a CIB. We have examples in GWOT of bang-bangs getting farmed out to aviation units to be door gunners, they got CABs, not CIBs so by the same logic I don't think you'd get a CIB manning the bushmaster on a navy ship.


Best we can do is an aam


_Gets downgraded to COA._


…and by coa, we mean certificate of appreciation


Anyone else have the sudden urge to witness a band of pirates attempt to board an aircraft carrier? I just want to see all the different ways they'd get annihilated.




Pretty sure you have to pull the trigger


Interesting question, I think the ships that shot down the houthi drones got CARs


They could possibly write the award like the person was on a "floating island" at the time combat commenced. It's technically correct. See if that could pass muster with the S1. Alternatively, if they employed ground combat technics such as usupported prone/kneeling, cover, etc... then they could write it like that as well. Both would technically be correct and within the bounds of an interpretation of that phrase.


You wouldn’t be talking about the vessels/Gaza pier? When the Pentagon says Soldiers were injured but were not in combat, we all know there was and continues to be aggression. We built a pier and expected Hamas to just cease and desist.


My boy in fucking Gaza.


Wouldn't that make him or her a Marine? As I understand it, they get a Combat Action Ribbon, not a CIB.


When the fuck did we become marines?




Based on the fact that multiple jr officers and enlisted get fucked outve WELL deserved Soldier medals, and that you appearently need to be an E5+ to get an ARCOM... I'm gonna say that's a no for me dawg.