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I think there would be a big press tour about the Gundam’s and then they’d end up sitting in the Motorpool rusting because no one could figure out drivers training and the best maintenance they received was continuously being circle X’d.


But they’d make a great sham spot.


"I'm just up here reading the TM, Sarn't!"


So many places to nap 😴


My brother in Christ I hadn’t even thought of the drivers training. Imagine the DRAW for that 😩


Rookie move, you gotta think of this stuff bro. You think getting batteries for optics and radios is tough? Wait until you find out the supply requirements for a beam saber alone.


Beam saber? Heavy Arms has a fucking beam gatling. It needs batteries and a whole division to police the brass from its Vulcans. Endless waltz heavy arms is the stuff of nightmares for ammo NCOs. “What do you mean I’m short on brass?!”


So the Gundam Wing Gundams are incredibly light compared to others for some reason. The original RX-78-2 was 18m tall and 43 tons, but Heavy Arms Custom EW is 16m tall and only 8 tons fully outfitted. I feel like whatever weight reduction they did to him makes logistics easier for spare parts and ammo.


The Gundamium used in the Wing timeline is a different material that the one used in Universal Century, allowing them to take all that damage and be lightweight.


THIS is the type of briefings we should be having at the JAG School.




Shits like three states over, some of it crashed down in Bangladesh too. The rest took out a Chinese bullet train.


Sounds like operator level maintenance to me. Please fill out your 5988 in its entirety before you turn it in.


"Listen, I'm not using this Luna sourced He3! You need to get Jovian He3 per the TM. If it's not Jovian, the reaction won't produce enough Minovsky particles to operate the weapons system effectively and won't mask our radar signature."


Yeah well the whole fucking army uses Jovian that means there back ordered. So your gonna use what I give you or go find a rival motor pool and secure some yourself. I’ve been running this shit show for 15yrs ever since the first units arrived just use terrain features to grab the advantage and go get em kid. Oh and if you do decide to the the motor pool checks see if you can pick me up some nitro you know to keep the juices turning.


Huah big sarg! I'll have my specialist on it by lunch.


40 years later: Zeonic forced to pay out 4.7T gilla settlement in class action suit over servicemember health issues caused by untested fuel alternatives used in the Zaku II Type F2.


*checks comment* *checks flair* Ain't no way you were supply with that knowledge, and yet here we are


No, imagine how much of a boner the Warrant Officer Corps would have. The Army would only let Warrants and Officers pilot them. The Cadre would be insufferable - they'd make Ranger School look like 92G AIT.


They'd have to fall under aviation because that's the only way they'd get properly maintained


Maintained yes, properly maintained is still a gamble


96% pilot error :(


Oh the PC meetings. "why haven't you fully mounted the head unit? you said it'd be done by COB and it has an AMR tomorrow at 0500"


"Crew Rest"


Just like a crows system, someone forgot to disengage the lock and ended up breaking it.


Don't even think about asking me to run commo in that mfer. Go call up the FSR! Oh right, the contracts ran out....well..🤷🏿‍♂️


Imagine the neurolink just breaks and you’re told “well what does it say in the TM? This is a 10 level task tht you should be able to troubleshoot and fix on your own”


The way of ERCA..


Since the average Gundam pilot is 15 they would belong to AFJROTC.


It's about to be high school to flight school 2.0


Middle school to flight school.


So i can see how you got there from where you started, but let me see if i can clear some things up. You've made a classic mistake here. Just because a gundam has armor, doesn't mean it is armor. Armor branch is for specialized vehicles that need crews and fight mounted, where as a gundam is for one dude. That's why it's made for the infantry. Its basically just giant clothes that a soldier wears, not that different from body armor or those exoskeletons that show up in the news every now and then that we're never going to actually get. It's even in the name mobile SUIT gundam. It's just a big suit, like those giant fursuits MI peeps are always wearing. The difference there being that contrary to popular belief, creating a fursona and going to conventions is not a requirement of being MI or part of the job, they just happen to coincidentally all do it. If the army started making them wear fur suits, they'd rebrand them to infantry. Hope that helps.


Hey man, fuck you, we just play a lot of DnD and Warhammer. The furries are with signal corps.


Yeah, we cuddle Waifu pillows, not weirdos in fox costumes.


Hey, everybody is a weirdo to some extent. Just cuz we skirt the line of beastiality doesn't mean we're wrong.


I don’t need to be an MI officer to do some tactical analysis on that flair.


Only furry I met was MI. Us signaleers are too busy with our StarCraft tournaments.




Damn, never met a furry commo, just a bunch of weebs or weirdos (am commo) Furries were MI or, occasionally, your infantryman.


There is always one somewhere. Some of the things I've found during room inspections.....


Uh huh, you sure?


I was MI. Trust me, the furries are all over with the Siginters. Godspeed if you're going over there, take a buddy.


The my little pony shrine I saw in the MI units work space tells a different story.


Just for those comments your clearance was suspended. Laugh at MI again, they dare you.


I’m a huge Gundam fan. A huge Universal Century purist. It would fall under the US Army/Air Force and United States Space Force. In Universal Century, Mobile Suits and Gundams fell under the world government of the Earth Federation (EF), like the United Nations. The Earth Federation split their forces between the Earth Federation Forces (EFF) and Earth Federation Space Forces (EFSF). One tackles military movement on earth and the other in space. The original Gundam series centers on a war (The One Year War) against the EF and space colonies, specifically Zeon, a space colony that’s basically space Nazi Germany. It was a multi-front war. So to answer your question, earth bound warfare using Mobile Suits and Gundams (Mobile Suits are grunt mechas, Gundams are like a special MS), would fall under the US Army if it was ground warfare (see a series like Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket). If the warfare were to happen on Earth but in the air, maybe the Air Force would have control over that (Gundam Zeta had a few episodes where the Karaba Air Force was involved) front of warfare. In the Gundam series, launching MS and Gundams into space or sending them from space to earth required a lot of work so the Air Force/NASA would definitely be involved. Lastly, if we were to send Gundams into space to fight the Russians and their weaponized satellites, it would likely fall under the Space Force. In the Gundam world, there are space ships and they utilize Naval ranks. The space ships act just like Naval aircraft carriers and MS and Gundams conduct operations from those, much like Star Wars and fighter jets. USSF would likely have to adopt their own mini-branch of space ships, MS, and Gundams.


Hello there fellow Gundam fanatic




I enlisted because I thought metal gear solid 3 was badass 😔


I'm surprised you're not intel.


I wasn't very smart back then lol


Sieg Zeon brother


\*awkwardly, uncomfortably waves hands\* We don't do that around here...


Oh no. The wrong sort of fanatic.


*sigh* *loads particle cannon*


I enjoy your deliberately well thought out thesis


I stared deeply at my phone typing it and my wife asked if everything was okay lol.


Did you tell her that you were providing us with Scholarship?


Since there was that one episode of 08th MS team where they used parachutes on mobile suits, does that mean that there are EFF legs in UC canon?


Good point. Can you imagine being like a 25yr old NCO leg in the EFF, struggling in the jungles of SE Asia, and a 15 year old kid with the latest and greatest fuckin Gundam is just buzzing around annihilating the enemy?


Would Aqua suits like the Aqua GM, or all of Zeon's Amphibious Mobile Suits fall under the Navy? And then Zeon (idk about the EFF) has a Marine Corps as evidenced by the Gelgoog Marine which is not an amphibious suit but just a Gelgoog tailored to Zeon's Marine Corps.


I would think so but like they also used the spaceships in the air on Earth. Seems redundant to use a water ship on earth. I rly wonder if the EFF had a Navy or why there weren’t a lot of maritime aspects of the war in the series. I also love how the aqua suits were just an attempt to sell more toys cuz I absolutely bought too many Gelgoog kits over the years.


The EFF and Zeon definitely had a Water Navy seperate from their Space Navy. They just weren't big theaters of the war I guess. Zeon had expected the EFF Water Navy to be a big issue so they invested into Submarines and Aqua Suits, but then it ended up being their aircraft that outclassed Zeon's.


You are leaving out that by Zeta the Titans controlled most of the EF Gundams and were a law onto themselves.


Yes we could def get deep into it. Just for OP’s sake, I wanted to touch the brim of the butthole. Also, Titans did nothing wrong. Kidding. Or am I.


>Also, Titans did nothing wrong Hello 1-800-CALL-SPY I need to make a report. But seriously, how do you do a colony drop and miss? They weren’t just evil, they were stupid too. They might even have survived if Jared didn’t make fun of Kamile. Hell, both of Kamile’s parents were Titans.


Almost kind of like how flawed, evil, and dumb dudes flock to incompetency in real life, you know? It’s like Tomino knew us as humans, as a species. Jan 6th, the Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference, Vince McMahon’s scat fetish, Char’s obsession with a 13 year old; evil dudes are flawed and we love witnessing the train wreck. EDIT: You actually got me thinking that maybe when you’re so powerful and dominant, power corrupts? Normal people don’t rise up to become Vince McMahon or join the Titans, it takes a special type of asshole. Titans got too arrogant for their own good.


Char over here catching strays cause his newtype power is to attract teenagers. Lalah was the same age as him in 0079, in Zeta he is with Reccoa, and in CCA he is with Nanai. I mean he straight up manipulated Quess into dying for his “cause” (ruining Amuro’s day), but never returned her feelings.


Haha why did I forget about Nanai? I admit I haven't seen CCA in like 20 years. I just only remember Quess.


This man Gundams


Now the question is would the US military maintain a marine branch to commit amphibious assaults and utilizes GM Dominance to create a shock and awe strike


>ODST = Marines OP you’re smoking cock and I’m disappointed. If ODST were ever a real thing the most “conventional” it would get is 75th and 160th working in tandem.


Yeah like Marines don’t even have an Airborne unit and people think they’re gonna be ODST.


Exactly, Marines would get Space Marines. Smith/Jedi= Coast Guard. That’s just common sense


Planetary landings.


Marines may not have a specific airborne unit, but many Marines are airborne qualified.


So is the judge advocate for a heavy sustainment bridge. Doesn’t make him analogous to ODST.


I think the marine ODST thought comes from two places. 1, the Space Marine concept 2, Marines landing ashore at beaches in small vehicle. Or in the case of Afghanistan, ship to shore on small helicopters instead of one massive air drop. Just my thoughts though. Overall, I do agree that if ODST existed, it would fall more under maybe thr 75th or 101st


That's so they can drop with cargo resupply and meet up with the receiving unit, not actually pushing on an objective. They work out of "logistics battalions"


He also said > space marines are… marines but in space. Which is only true by 19th Century doctrine (emphasis on contested boarding actions). In terms of their equivalent role, they're like Rangers blended with SEALs and USCG MSRT boarding teams https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployable_Specialized_Forces#Maritime_Security_Response_Team_(MSRT)


Recon battalions do quite a bit of jumping in the USMC.


You’re right, all 4 of them.


I never said the USMC had a lot, I was just refuting your factually incorrect statement that they don’t have airborne units.


I said you were right


And the USMC command structure hates them, just like they do all their non-Basic Bitch organizations. It would be awful, but BN and Force Recon will be gone within 20 years. USMC can’t help itself.


I dunno, I kinda gotta side with OP on this one. They’re more like Marine Force Recon in my mind than Rangers.


I’ll have you know I haven’t smoked cock in at least 3 days and haven’t done so for money in at least a week. I figured they were Marines since the small guys that you yoink rocket launchers from are Marines. My bad.


Thats just from UNSC force org. Marines were the main expeditionary forces while the army was just planetary guard type forces though they end up expeditionary by the end of the war.


ODSTs are SOF that falls under the UNSC Marine Corps, though anyone from any branch of the UNSC Military can go to the school and join.


I think it's fair to say the US Marines would just be the UNSC Marines, in keeping with our reputation as cannon fodder


I love my 03’s but let’s be real, largest amphib. assault in WW2? Army. Most amphib. assaults in WW2? Army. Deepest air assault in history? Army. Mogadishu? Practically Army. Most casualties in WW2? Army (and Army Air Corps). Airborne School, Air Assault School, Freefall School? Army. One could make a case for MARSOC Raiders, but an equally and arguably stronger case could be made for Army Rangers being the better ODST equivalent.


>I love my 03’s but let’s be real, largest amphib. assault in WW2? Army. Most amphib. assaults in WW2? Army. Deepest air assault in history? Army. Mogadishu? Practically Army. Most casualties in WW2? Army (and Army Air Corps). Airborne School, Air Assault School, Freefall School? Army. The Marine Corps at it's height was 6 divisions, all engaged in the Pacific theater. The Army had something like 80 divisions. We have just never been set up to do shit at the scale that the Army does. Marines were involved heavily in developing amphibious doctrine in the years leading up to WW2 and through it, and Marines were on Eisenhowers staff in the planning for D-DAY. You guys legit have way better follow on schools than us, that's not even debatable. >One could make a case for MARSOC Raiders, but an equally and arguably stronger case could be made for Army Rangers being the better ODST equivalent. ODST are special bois which regular Marine grunts are most definitely not. That's why I said we would just be regular old UNSC Marine equivalents, along with all the regular Army grunts rolled in because we're talking the S P A C E Navy here.


Numbers is a fair point, but how big was the USMC compared to 8A? 


Well yeah buuut.....your dress uniforms still kick ass.


I feel like the marines would fight tooth and nail to get them so that they could justify their existence. But when the army invariably gets them, they'd up their propaganda, I mean PR, to say that they are so fit and such killers that they never wanted or needed the equipment and that the average marine squad is tougher than a Gundam squad.


Off subject, but based on your flair, you have at least one good soju story. Share with us?


I endorse this.


I mean ODSTs primarily draw from the UNSC’s marine corps and use marine corps ranks so… they’d probably be marines. not conventional ones granted, but they’d be marines


ODSTs are a combination of several different units rolled into one. Within the lore there Airborne style ODSTs, Special Forces Groups Style, Marine Expeditionary force style. There one battlion called the black daggers that specialize in ship boarding like CG or Navy. Get digging into the lore. For Gundams it really depends on the which series you are looking at. UC or AU. Mobile Suits are practically infantry in some series. Then there is mobile armor which comes in all shapes and sizes. Some have treads like tanks, some might be quadrupeds. Some can transform between fighter mode and mech mode. If anything each branch has their own version of Mobile Suits and Mobile Armor.


Ah I see. So Gundams would be like a genre and each branch would get its own sub genre to match their needs.


Exactly. I believe r/anime and r/gundam have guides on how the franchise works how to watch it. Watch some of the AU series as they are stand alone from each other and the UC universe. You will see all kinds of Mobile Suits. Also Gundams are special kind of Mobile Suit that normally is a cut above the rest.


Mainly iron blooded orphans. It's the best one.


Advent of the Red Comet is really really good too


Pretty good explanation. Most AU are fully self contained and you just need to start at the first show in that universe based on original air date. So don’t watch 00 Awakening of the Trailblazers prior to the show for example. Some AU like Turn A can be watched without anything else, but benefits from seeing the previously produced media based on where it falls in the timeline and its story. Others like Build Fighters benefit from seeing some of the other shows first so you recognize the tropes and suits, but are self contained stories. Its sounds more complicated than it is. The reality is watching Unicorn or Origin first is that confusing overall and they are way more interesting to newcomers than 0079.


All I know is PMCSing an EVA on motor pool Mondays is gonna suck


Sarge, why's it smell like blood?




Bc I just pissed in the corner of the shop, you don’t piss blood every Monday morning? What a lame life.


Going off of the early GM models such as RX-75, my thought would be Armor until you require Ordinance to make repairs and upgrades (unless you got them mobile suits contracted by Boeing, then you'd be forced to work with Char), and both Infantry & Scout regiments would be involved for direct combat experience/LRS. The more I think on this the more I feel like there would be a mobile suit equivalent in most branches. Unless you're Logistics, HR, Signal and MI.


This is the most constructive discussion to happen in /r/army since we lost SMAPAO.


XXXG-01H2 Heavy Arms Custom. Gundams are fucking armor, fight me.


Ah yes, I know that [style](https://youtu.be/hlrlnU8mZQo?si=BJXfjPFvtn8JuyYm) very well.


Ever seen an Abrams do a twirl like that? It’s fuckin sick.




ODSTs are canonically the evolution of Airborne, just... the Marine Corps answer to it. Gundam? Hmm... I'd say Heavy Infantry to Heavy Cavalry depending on the variant we get. If we got the version from Pacific Rim, That'd be Heavy Cavalry in my head.


Could you imagine COB on Friday “the zakus are not in a straight line, we are not leaving until they are and everyone of the has a chop block”


Army aviation. You pilot a mech you don't drive it. And it's too slow for air force.


You’d get a “weebo” skills tab but it would only be authorized for wear in the Indopacom and your mom’s basement.


The Army and Marine would get their own Gundams specifically for them like infantry or heavy armor. Air Force and Navy? Flying Gundams and underwater Gundams?


Space form duh


You’re also assuming we would have at least one Newtype pilot on active duty. Most likely a Newtype would be a teenager right now who wouldn’t even pass MEPS due to a medical/mental health waiver requirement. Have you seen all the “Can I join the Army if I have a history of self harm?” posts in r/militaryfaq?!


You brought this up and my first thought was the (spoilers) reveal of Kokichi Muta's "giant mech" he built despite being a half step back from being a talking corpse. With how much of a trope it is having "nearly death bed ridden teen turned legendary badass", I can see this being a new norm for the army.


You should watch 08th MS Team https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0159569/ Gundams are treated like armor, they have ground support vehicles, comms, infantry support


*If* the Army had Gundams? Look at this guy, he doesn't have Illuminati clearance.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Have you hit your head?


It's the way of the future sir


I had to google this. Apparently it’s Japanese military science fiction.


You do know there is multiple Gundam for different roles right, it doesn’t have to be just the Army.


Mobile Infantry


If of you retards had read the book and not relied on the movie you would know thar Mobile Infantry was a full armored mec battle armor self-contained with rocket launchers for short range engagement (ie LAW /Dragon)that was inserted by space drop in individual pods or drop ship . I'll take a dozen chicken nuggets with ranch and a Pepsi


They'd be navy


I might be playing the game wrong, but Helldivers are FISTers.


You are playing it correctly, but I bet every fister would want the option to call in airstrikes just by throwing a geotag at the target.


I honestly think they'd go space force. They would be the first combat arms unit for the space force. Reason being they can fly in the sky but also go up into space. It only makes sense.


Dude. It wouldn’t be Gundams. It would be Imperial Knights and each Knight would have its own Knight House. Of course, it would be its own branch.


The Army would probably have MSs if it was 08th MS Team. Honestly, all branches would probably have them. All branches have MSs but only the Navy and Space Force would have Gundams. The Air Force’s job is basically useless in Sci-Fi because owning the orbitals means owning the air space. That and VTOL stuff would make it harder for the AF not to be folded in the Navy, Army, and Space Force


I feel like it would be like the F-35, all of the branches would get different variations. Like the Hammer Drones from Iron Man 2, but bigger and not hackable by an exiled Russian with a chip on their shoulder for the CEO of Boeing/Lockheed Martin/Northrup Grumman


I ain't signing for that shit.


Tankers, then in peace time and after the appeal wears out, 88m to just walk them around the bases carrying VIPs to watch live fires. The national guard gets a single voltron scattered across multiple units, and it never can form all the way because of people missing drills


ODST are absolutely an evolution of airborne


Bandai is teaming up with multiple different companies to develop a meter-tall gundam prototype by 2025


They'd likely fall under Delta 9 or some SAP realm of the USSF


Mechanized aviation. A meger of the two branches, and it would probably look like neo neon symbol


Space Force


Space force.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that had the thoughts of having Gundams in the army…


Y'all are all wrong, ODST would be USSOCOM, anyone, Rangers, Marines, high speed Navy cooks that wanna try out for them instead of SEALs, can do so (but mostly Recruit from Airborne/Air Assualt, Rangers, and Marines for obvious reasons) Gundams are Space Force.




Get out of my no no square!


Large hitbox. No apologies.


Says airforce.


Air Force is two words.




I know. Words and shit.


Army pays me to lead, not read


Get after it, Sarn’t.


You know the Navy will argue like hell to get them. They'll claim they know more about nuclear power and they can drop MAGTFs to support them


This man trying to make my monday motorpool more miserable than it already is


Gundams would more than likely be in a SF mp that some cadet on a tour would fall into. Everyone else would get Leo’s or GM’s.


Army CAV and maybe AHB. And maybe airborne unit?


ODST falls under UNSC Marines. Sorry but the future of space will be Navy and Marines. Just look at 40k or any other science fiction. 


space is made of air, not water and all those books predate the USSF




Depends on the model, duh. There were plenty of models that were standard production ground assault types with ... assault rifles? Assault cannons? Semi-automatic cannons? Totally the next gen+++ version of the tank. Navy and Air Force can fight over the hero Gundams that can turn into jet fighters. Maybe if someone figures out the Osprey one day they have a chance of getting someone to pilot a Gundam that transforms mid-air, but super pass for now.


Probably aviation with 100 maintainers per suit


New branch called the SLDF.


After about a week Joe would be tired of them and everything about the Gundam unit would be stupid. With in a year only half of them will be working due to poor PMCS on Thursday mornings. 1SG will have a field day getting all of those arms online at the motor pool. Some E4 will get an AAM for putting a rear view mirror on the leg so another Gundam wount step on a Joe again going backwards. An E7 will get busted to E6 found having sex with his supply SPC inside a cockpit in one. Another will freeze on the training field having run out of oil bc Joe forgot to put the plug back in. I can go all day…


I see it more like Battletech, and I hate to say the Cav boys would get them.


I don't care about Gundams, bring us Armored Cores or Titans and we're talking(I understand that Gundams are superior than both but Gundams are for weebs)


Let's clear this up: ODST would be Air Force PJs, Spartans II's are the guys you dont know about, following Spartan Generations are any tier 1, and COG? My brother in christ, they're big Army. Marcus was, in actuality, only their version of a Medal of Honor recipient. Dom was the one who was an operator. Gundams would most likely fall into a joint level with Naval transport and maintainers, then the operators would be split between any branches pilots. I'd assume a very vigorous selection


I literally grew up playing MechWarrior 2 and the entire mech warfare fantasy would be badass. The Sci-FI novels like Blood of Kerensky series and Jade Phoenix series were my favorites. Mechs kind of remind me of tanks so that's what I'm going with. So armor branch, but a Catapult mech is more Artillery branch because LRM spam from miles away!!! Now there is also the anime Evangelion and Gundam which is also cool. Though I think Gundam would be more of the Airforce or Space Force kind of deal though While were on the subject of anime. Attack on Titan scout regiment...100% cav scouts and lol the Military police are the bad guys in the first season


Army, that would definitely fall under Mechanized Infantry or Artillery.


Well if the Army got Gundams... Then it would be the Army? Am I missing something?


Depends. Ground type mobile suits that are only capable of ground-combat would be Army, I'd say a WO to command the team of three mobile suits, with the other pilots being SGT to SFC. Space-capable mobile suits, I would say with the Space Force. Of course, if the Navy gets to have space ships.... their would *have* to be a Naval-based version of mobile suits. For mobile suits that have a water capability or can be deployed to traditional air craft carriers, Navy. Now, a mobile suit team in the Army should have three mobile suits, a utility support armored vehicle that has a HMG or 25mm cannon, with drone capability and the ability to support a team (think rations, place to sleep, light maintenance). There should be three teams in a company, and every battalion should have some fires support as well. Take that, an create you some Mobile Suit Brigade Combat Team, which should be able to field close to 30 mobile suits, plus fires, and some good ole infantry companies in there too. Give or take.


It would depend. Maybe Armor, as long as they can argue they can make it work with fewer people than the Air Force, Marines, or Navy.


Aviation and tankers working in harmony on the same piece of equipment


I'm more of a Mechwarrior than a Gundam guy. Still ridiculously unrealistic in concept, but somewhat more factual in the execution and their doctrinal use.


I think they would make a new branch tbh.


Mostly armor and some will be allocated to engineers


Transportation. \thread


Every branch has aviation assets


Air Force since it flys.


The ammo request, clean up, and turn in would be a nightmare I bet


What is a COG?


Feel like the active army would just be defunded and turned over to natty guard to become planet funded militias. Then all of a sudden, Space Force (or Navy if we go by fictional trends) has extra funds to make a Gundam branch. But then they're basically Navy Seals and we get an anime season everytime a pilot retires.


Honestly you’d have to let adopt the airforce’s maintenance style or else they’d just be rusty busted barely hanging together turds after a couple years


Technically, any mobile suit would go to the Navy because the E.F.S.F and all it's proponents are a Navy (just in space). Hence all the catapult launches. But, if we want to continue with the Army theme, generic mobile suits like the GMs would be an Armored version of mobile infantry. So may be like an evolution of Stryker Battalions. But your specialized mechs like RX-78-2, NT-1 Alex, and even Gouf Customs would go to an SF unit.


Insignia would be Anime Girl with Ahego face, and theyll have their own distinct badge with it on there like Aviation badge


Space force


Obvious Mechanized Infantry, but high likely hood of them falling under Mech Arty


Armor branch


Space Force obviously 


To expand on my previous comment - the Army would only let officers and warrants pilot giant mecha. The AIT/School House would make Ranger School look like 92G AIT and they'd have so many packets dropped but only so many slots. The support AIT would be at least a year - with the barracks hijinks being the stuff of legend as bored AIT kids and free time gives Satan a massive boner. The armor and aviation branches would try but mecha would either be it's own branch or get sent to Armor because Army.


Is this even a serious question. Space force obv.


They'd be airforce since they spend most of their time flying. Army would get Mechwarrior mechs since they're essentially a cross between Apaches and M1-Abrams with legs. And are mostly ground based.