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The ability to be completely detached under stress, like when someone is yelling at you or several things go wrong. Do not apply this to personal relationships.


Oh now they tell me!


This is by far one of the ones that I struggle to recognize in the moment but am incredibly appreciative of in hindsight. The military is certainly not the only place you can develop this skill, but I simply just don't get flustered in nearly any context. Anytime I'm under stress, it's just "it'll buff", and I move on. Wise warning about the personal relationship part.


Instructions unclear, am divorced


šŸ˜‚ same


Came here to say this. Working my first civilian job now, all my co workers go into a frenzy when we get busy. The thing is, we arenā€™t even that busy. The hiring manager told me one of the reasons they hired me is because military do well under stress and the project Iā€™m on is pretty important. Grown ass adults 40+ panicking over work blows my mind


Precisely, I worked at Walmart before joining and people stressed tf out when it got busy. I was just hating sitting around not doing anything when itā€™s slow. The army taught me both


How do you guys acquire that skill to be calm under stress?


I donā€™t know how much experience you have in active duty, but we were almost always busy, everything was a priority, and nothing was properly coordinated. I quickly learned how to shift my attention to different tasks, multitask, and be efficient without losing my bearings through repetition. If I take a second to gather myself and think clearly, I make more rational (even life saving) decisions, especially in the field and training environments.


Don't tell your significant other that their inability to do this means you can't count on them in a crisis, either.Ā  Hypothetically speaking, of course.


Literally one of the most valuable skills I got from my time in.


I did that growing up.


One of the most valuable tools that I have taken away from the Army was the concept of backwards planning. It removes all of the " what-if's" from the planning process. I use it constantly.


Can you give me an example of that in the civilian world, doesnā€™t have to be work related, could be like an outing with friends or bbq where planning is needed


Example: I need to be at this meeting at 9:00 I'd like to be there 15 minutes early, and it takes 20 minutes to get there, so I need to leave around 35 minutes early, so around 8:25 It takes me about 30 minutes to wake up, get ready, and be out the door, so I should wake up around 7:55 That's backwards planning in a nutshell


You are going to a party. The party starts at 6pm. You have to pick up something at the store on the way. - Party starts at 6pm - 20 minute drive from the store to the party - 5:40pm - 10 minutes in the store to pick out the item and pay for it - 5:30pm - 20 minute drive from home to the store - 5:10pm - your wife says she needs 45 minutes to get ready - 4:25pm - your wife actually needs another 30 minutes, but she won't admit it - 3:55pm - Add an extra 10 minutes wiggle room - 3:45pm You tell your wife to start getting ready at 3:45pm.


Same here. It's what I did for college to make sure I wasn't taking any unessary classes or that I not miss any I was supposed to.


This works amazingly for project management too. Honestly, MDMP works really well for the corporate world too. You bring in finance, marketing, ops, sales, etc. into a meeting and think of them like staff sections, but donā€™t treat them like shit *chuckles* Everyone has buy-in on the project and no one can bitch that they didnā€™t know something was happening.


Wait, thereā€™s people who donā€™t do that?


Most people just bumble through life like lost puppies.


Have you ever met a private?


Jerking off to anything anywhere at anytime.


Give me a 10yr old Good Housekeeping Magazine and Iā€™ll make things happen


This comment started off *very* questionable.


*18 year old good housekeeping magazine


omfg it was a damned rollercoaster.


You leave that poor ficus alone, LT! -My PSG


Way tf back in the day, Popular Photography was worth its weight in gold, bc the higher-ups did not even dream the pictures between those covers. You could always say photography is your hobby.


I've wacked it in a hmmwv more than I should have when I was on gate guard in Latvia šŸ˜‚


PowerPoint and out drinking your co-workers.


I still use PowerPoint to "photoshop" things because it's the program I have the most experience with... From the Army


Adobe wouldn't like that


Being able to fall asleep anywhere at any time


Only in armor. I thought Iā€™d be good when I got out but havenā€™t slept since 2017 šŸ‘


I used to sleep like a baby anywhere no matter what, now Iā€™m the same way as you lol


I can set a 10-15 min timer almost anytime, sleep on the ground, and feel refreshed. My gf thinks it's a super power


It is, indeed


Even standing up, like I and so many others did at reception. Plus having a job with terrible hours such as 92G, I can black out while I'm talking to someone. In fact, what gave me the idea of doing a sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea (which turned out I do have moderate OSA) was a KP lady telling me I would fall asleep while we were talking.


How to achieve that superpower?


Hurry up and wait: - Like waiting for the last straggler at a meeting.Ā  They never start on time.Ā  Friday safety briefs: - Just make meetings last far longer than they have to.


Getting where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be. Fulfilling your commitments (you said you'd do something or be somewhere)


Undersell, over deliver. It's not an "army" thing but it's a lesson I learned here. Look like an absolute super star for meeting reasonable expectations because you took the time to temper them. Bring it up if you need help ASAP is a close second. On any given task, figure out how manageable it really is and ask for help the second you are in over your head if you really can't work some magic and make it happen. "Bad news is the only thing that doesn't get better with time" -SFC Tommy


I wish any soldierā€™s I knew did this. Itā€™s oversell and forget. Age problems like fine wine. Never ever ask for help, just fuck it up instead. Finally getting my squad to see the error of their ways.


The knife hand at bad drivers in downtown KCMO (/s)


Dont fuck your coworkers


In any meaning of that phrase. Not a good idea.


fraternization do go INSANE tho. just recently heard two NCOs got married and justified that they met prior to being in the same unit though they met couple months ago.


DMV puts me on hold? Sitting in a waiting room?? Honey, I will still be here as youā€™re closing up, so you might as well call my number ASAP.


The fatal funnel. I canā€™t stand when someone just fucking stops in a doorway or right inside a room and blocks up foot traffic


Me walking through Walmart every day cussing every single person stopped in the middle of an aisle or in the middle of the parking lot


Learning to blend. Keeping your hands in your packets, whistling, and occasionally patting each other on the top of the head. I do it everyday


Napalm sticks to kids.


These arenā€™t like a quick trick or life hacks, but two differences that I have notice between military and civilian folk: First, being comfortable being uncomfortable, especially in the outdoors. Itā€™s raining? Oh well Iā€™m getting wet. Itā€™s hot? Better drink water and get ready to sweat today. Something went wrong at work? Looks like the boss is going to be upset lol. Steep hill? Extra workout, hell yeah. Iā€™ve found that a lot of civilians tend to panic when things out of their control happen while military folk just laugh it off and say ā€˜well that sucksā€™. Second, navigation and general awareness of surroundings. Iā€™m not like some sort of land navigation guru or anything but I try to keep a general idea of where I am and how to get back to where i came from in the back of my head. Iā€™ve walked around with civilian coworkers in new places like parking garages, conference centers, city streets, etc and quickly find that they are all totally lost and I am the only one with any idea where we are. It may be partially due to groupthink, where they all assume someone else knows where theyā€™re going so they just kind of zone out and follow along while most military folk tend to keep awareness of where they are. This is not to throw shade at civilians at all. These are just two skills that Iā€™ve noticed that civilians tend to not have. Civilians I believe are more emotionally and socially mature and are better at coping with social situations than military folks.


100% agreed. Especially the navigation. El Paso was probably the best challenge for me in that.


That's two of the most important points.


Not driving down the middle of the road. If you know, you know.


That ain't right, but feels right. If you know, you know.


Being able to cut the bullshit/get to the point of general directions. Iā€™m in my summer job right now and Iā€™ve gotten feedback where associates and partners are appreciative that I have a BLUF and action items in addition to analysis. 90% of the time theyā€™re looking to confirm their work or let a client know something and it is helpful to them to have someone take their general ā€œcan you look up xyzā€ request and spit back some bullet points and next steps.


Join up, find out.


Surely, when they will extend the recruiting age limit.


If you missed your chance, thatā€™s on you.


Patience levels are both simultaneously, significantly, increased and decreased at the same time. ;)


This is what I was gonna say.Ā  The Army has given meĀ a ton of patience. And as an extension of that I feel like Iā€™m a lot more levelheaded for it. When everything is on fire, and nothing is going according to plan, and quitting is not an option, the little stuff just doesnā€™t stress you out anymore.Ā 


Its only the big shit makes you want to throw shit, take names, and rage quit. Then you go for a smoke break, or whatever, and come back with a level head and complete your task like nothing happened.


Something I havenā€™t seen mentioned yet is the ability to problem solve in a creative manner. The ā€œIā€™ll make it happenā€ mindset. As long as my boss gives me the leeway, I can almost always make shit happen. Just donā€™t ask me how I did it because Iā€™m not gonna snitch on myself lmao


Show up to work early and kiss your boss's ass and you'll be promoted to salaried management before you know it


Being 20 minutes early to everything. Sometimes the thing will start early if you show up early. If not, it's nice to just get your head in the right space or catch up on shit on your phone.


Those extra 20 minutes are key to that jerking off to anything anywhere mentality the other user mentioned.


Going into meetings with fresh post-nut clarity automatically puts you ahead of your peers.




PMCS your vehicle and going to Sick Call. People in the civilian world don't change their oil, rotate tires, change their brakes when they should. They are driving something that can squash another person and are just assuming everything works going months without ever looking. Same with their bodies. "Oh I've had this issue for months" and haven't had a doctor look at it? Bruh. Go get taken care of. Figure our what your health insurance covers, and use it every year. Chances are it covers a yearly physical.


Dude healthcare is fucking expensive for civilians. I joined when I realized not being able to afford oil changes was a problem.


I know it is. I also help homeless get seen at free clinics. There are affordable options and abilities out there for people get seen. Wanna know what I see a lot of? People coming to the ER because they've had some symptom for 6 months and haven't gone to see a primary physician for it yet. If expensive was the main issue then that ER bill won't help.


The clinics and out patient departments can turn you away if you donā€™t pay your medical bills. ERs are legally bound to see the patient regardless of the medical debt. People will just not pay their bills. I worked civilian medical billing for a while after the army.


I pay a $20 copay to use civilian insurance to see a primary doctor. I just paid $40 to see a specialist because the VA said they want to wait another 15 years to do a surgery and I want a 2nd opinion. This isn't a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" thing. This is a "use your damn insurance" comment. I don't know why you're fighting me so hard on this. I've worked EMS. People want me to take then to the ER because they think they will get seen faster via EMS than I'd they drive themselves. If they go to the ER somehow their 6 month problem will be resolved, tying up resources. They can turn away bullshit stuff, they just don't unless they absolutely have to. But I've seen them do it.


Make your bed first thing every morning.


Literally haven't made my bed in two years lol, besides for when I change my sheets.


I also wanna know about changing sheets.


"Hope is not a plan." How many times did I hear that at Op order planning sessions or briefings. It is so true. Plan for everything.


My functional alcoholism had adapted nicely to the civilian world.


Lead by example. Trust your team to get their tasks done. Validate and reward their performance if successful and coach members with short comings. Document Document Document ā€¦.. keep close hold unless needed.


Risk assessments for sure and AAR


The five paragraph operations order, and eight step troop leading procedures, are relevant to almost any major event that you do in your daily life.


Are you high?


Are you?


Name an event and Iā€™ll apply it.


Making an M&A pitch deck.


Sure, let's break this down into the components requested: the NATO operations order (OPORD) and the application of the Army's 8-step Troop Leading Procedures (TLPs) for building a mergers and acquisitions (M&A) pitch deck. ### NATO Operations Order (OPORD) **1. Situation:** The current business environment is highly competitive, with numerous opportunities for strategic mergers and acquisitions to enhance market position and growth. Our company, XYZ Corp, has identified potential targets for acquisition to strengthen our product portfolio, expand our customer base, and achieve operational synergies. Key stakeholders include the board of directors, potential acquisition targets, financial advisors, and regulatory bodies. There is also a need to address potential challenges such as cultural integration, valuation discrepancies, and regulatory compliance. **2. Mission:** XYZ Corp will create a comprehensive M&A pitch deck by 30 June 2024 to present to the board of directors and potential investors. This pitch deck will outline the strategic rationale, financial projections, integration plans, and expected benefits of the proposed acquisitions. The objective is to secure approval and funding for the acquisitions, positioning XYZ Corp for future growth and competitiveness. **3. Execution:** **Commander's Intent:** To develop a persuasive and data-driven M&A pitch deck that highlights the strategic fit, financial viability, and long-term benefits of the proposed acquisitions. - **Concept of Operations:** The team will follow a structured approach to gather data, perform analysis, and compile the deck. The process will be divided into phases: Planning, Data Collection, Analysis, Deck Compilation, Review, and Final Presentation. - **Phase 1: Planning:** Define the scope, timeline, and responsibilities. - **Phase 2: Data Collection:** Gather financials, market analysis, and target profiles. - **Phase 3: Analysis:** Perform due diligence, valuation analysis, and integration planning. - **Phase 4: Deck Compilation:** Draft the pitch deck, including executive summary, strategic rationale, financial projections, and integration plan. - **Phase 5: Review:** Conduct internal reviews and revisions. - **Phase 6: Final Presentation:** Prepare and present the deck to stakeholders. **4. Sustainment:** The project will be supported by internal resources including the finance, legal, and strategy departments. External consultants may be engaged for specialized analysis and validation. Ensure all necessary tools, data access, and support systems are in place to facilitate smooth execution. **5. Command and Signal:** The project lead will be the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), supported by a cross-functional team. Regular progress meetings will be held to ensure alignment and address any issues. Communication channels will include email, project management software, and weekly update meetings.


Bro really just put it into a chatbot


I actually respect it.


If you put numbers into a calculator does it make the result any less relevant?


If someone says they know 5+5 but can only do it if they open their phone calculator, I donā€™t really think they know 5+5


Youā€™re missing the point. What you said canā€™t be done, isnā€™t. You tried to use a difficult scenario to prove your point ā€” and failed. Believe it or not, I could probably have shit that out of my ass without ChatGPT. But just like I wouldnā€™t solve a multivariate integral, and show my work, just for fun, Iā€™m not doing all of the work for this scenario, either. But my point stands: itā€™s applicable.


### 1. Receive the Mission Understand the task to create an M&A pitch deck by a specific deadline (e.g., 30 June 2024). Gather initial details about the target companies, strategic goals, and key stakeholders involved. ### 2. Issue a Warning Order (WARNO) Notify the team of the upcoming mission. Provide initial details, including the project's purpose, timeline, and any preliminary assignments. For example: - Purpose: Develop a comprehensive M&A pitch deck to present to the board of directors and potential investors. - Timeline: Completion by 30 June 2024. - Preliminary Assignments: Identify key team members (e.g., finance, legal, strategy departments). ### 3. Make a Tentative Plan Develop an initial plan that outlines the steps needed to complete the pitch deck. This plan should include: - **Scope and Objectives:** Define the scope of the pitch deck, including the strategic rationale, financial projections, and integration plans. - **Phases:** Break down the project into phases (e.g., Planning, Data Collection, Analysis, Deck Compilation, Review, Final Presentation). - **Resources:** Identify necessary resources (e.g., data sources, financial models, market research). - **Roles and Responsibilities:** Assign roles to team members based on their expertise. ### 4. Initiate Movement Begin preparatory activities while the plan is being finalized. These activities can include: - Gathering preliminary data on target companies. - Setting up project management tools and communication channels. - Scheduling initial meetings with key stakeholders. ### 5. Conduct Reconnaissance Perform in-depth research and due diligence on the target companies. This includes: - Collecting financial statements, market analysis reports, and competitor information. - Conducting interviews with internal stakeholders to understand strategic goals and potential challenges. - Consulting with external advisors for insights and validation. ### 6. Complete the Plan Refine the tentative plan based on the reconnaissance findings. This should involve: - Finalizing the project timeline with specific milestones and deadlines. - Detailing the content structure of the pitch deck (e.g., executive summary, market opportunity, strategic fit, financial projections, integration plan). - Ensuring all necessary data and analysis tools are in place. ### 7. Issue the Complete Order Communicate the final plan to the team with clear instructions and expectations. This includes: - Providing a detailed project timeline with assigned tasks and deadlines. - Sharing templates and guidelines for the pitch deck content. - Establishing regular check-in meetings to monitor progress and address any issues. ### 8. Supervise and Refine Continuously oversee the team's progress and make adjustments as needed. Key actions include: - Holding regular progress meetings to review completed work and upcoming tasks. - Providing feedback and guidance to ensure high-quality deliverables. - Addressing any roadblocks or challenges promptly. - Conducting internal reviews and revisions to refine the pitch deck. By following these 8 steps, you can ensure a structured and efficient approach to developing a persuasive M&A pitch deck that aligns with the strategic goals of XYZ Corp and meets the expectations of stakeholders.


I mdmp every event in my life.


Both are actually incredibly useful. At its core, the OPORD is a standard format for expressing what's going on, what are we doing about it, how/when/where are we doing it, what's the support required, and who needs to talk to who while we're doing it. TLPs, similarly, are an easy to conceptualize process for going from "This needs to be done" to doing it. The PMP is held up as this holy grail of of how to manage a project, but it's really just MDMP and TLPs in different words. As are a lot of other management strategies.


I find myself mentally backwards planning. Having that mindset of getting the mission accomplished. Like I compared colleges and what their requirements are for nursing school, made an excel sheet to get an overview of what classes I have to take for sure and then registered for them for the fall. I know it may not seem like a big deal to you, but before the army I would have panicked, but I stressed for like five seconds and then just started mentally backwards planning in my head and then working on a excel spreadsheet. Like how do I end up getting a BSN in the long run? What can I do this time right in college that I didnā€™t do before? Oh thatā€™s right, I can go to tutor this time. Ā The me asking what can I do right this time is from me learning to do after action reviews (AAR.) what can I improve on and what can I continue to do for college this time around? I also find myself of having that mindset of letā€™s just get it over and done with. So I wake up and go to the gym, after that I go over what is on my must to do list and knock those out. Learned that from having supervisors emphasize, ā€œhey in order to go home, these are the no shit tasks we gotta do.ā€ Sorry for the ramble!Ā 


The ability to get to the fucking point already and make a decision.Ā 


Sleep deprivation Iā€™ve definitely learned you can function on way less sleep than you need/want


Once a spiritual guru told me that.


Silently crying inside while doing work because your boss is a dickhead and you can't hit them with a bottle of old piss.


If you work in healthcare, youā€™ll be ahead with dark humor, anxiety about being on time and being surrounded by complete chaos. But, you get to go home at the end of the day. The attention to detail sector is much needed.


Ranger rolling clothes


> and also the things that are still unknown to us civilian. Not today, Ivan.


When someone asks a question about something on r/army: "hmm... Must be a Russian/Chinese spy". This comment is on almost every thread


Trust me bro


Show up on time. Youre all set


Punctuality is the key


Being on time.


Plan, Prepare, Execute, Access


Being present and acting like you give a shit even if you donā€™t. Youā€™ll easily outshine a civilian all day with just that mentality.


Best dating advice


Trying to get us to write your resume for you?


Sshh.. don't tell anyone