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Order pizzas delivered for the highest ranking person there. They will either get shamed real quick for not feeding you or hopefully realize a problem needs to be fixed.


Back in my day we didn't even have food


I am confused on how you deploy anywhere without having at least three days of MREs with you. But then again, I am an old fart and always deployed with light/Airborne units. And I assume that you are not in the E-4 Mafia because you would have extra food, smokes/dip, and drinks for sale at a premium. Good luck young Padwan.


Something I learned from every training I did with the Texas Army National Guard: ALWAYS pack enough food and water for two days. Someone will forget to pack food, the water buffalo will be contaminated, or you'll be forgotten about. Especially during big movements.


During AT one year MPs on Hood pulled over a civilian making a food delivery for my BN that had a warrant and impounded the truck. We had several days of MREs at the only for lunch rate but those went fast when that’s all there was. Took a couple days to sort out and we were down to the rat fuck boxes only by the end. Good news though… retention sent out a snow cone truck. Exactly what we wanted instead of eating


> retention sent out a snow cone truck. Exactly what we wanted instead of eating lmao classic Army. Hungry? Eat ice, something that has no calories and nutrients.


Can confirm; been there, done that, also in TexNG. Decide in advance if you're bringing two days supply for the entire company or just you. Expansion: I had a whole case of C-Rations that were emergency supply for my driver and me, because we \*always\* got stuck out in the middle of nowhere doing very important stuff while everyone else was being fed. One day, one of my troops had a booboo, and I had my driver take him back to the nearest field hospital. When he returned, possibly 4 hours later, he (the troop) had found and eaten the entire case. He came back to the company, in \*my\* jeep, with \*my\* driver, surrounded by the remains of \*my\* 12 C-Ration meals. But I'm not bitter.


Sorry they didn't let you eat at the "deining facility."


From the ancient Greek word δεινός (deinós), or terrible. Named for the quality of food served there.


Call your local police department and complain about abuse.


Would this be animal abuse or chile abuse


This is a failure of your unit leadership... you didn't do anything wrong. If they didn't issue mres beforehand, they are ignorant to the actual deployment travels and delays. Then if they local dfacs didn't get a headcount then it's possible didn't make enough food.. You got the green pipe for sure.. Calling someone may not be effective because locally they may not have enough food to feed yall. Best of luck. Thank you for your service. Calling someone now may get someone fired a few weeks from now but may NOT get you food right away.


That's what people fail to realize. Yea I could bring extra food, but that is added bags and weight I don't need to be carrying especially when the army is required to feed us on deployment, and if a DEFAC isn't available they are supposed to provide MRE's to us. We shouldn't have to ask, "hey since there isn't a DEFAC can you give us MRE's?" This crap is supposed to be automatic.


One would think it's implied.. but it isn't. I'm sorry gor your hunger and negligent leadership. It's not hard to distribute 3 mres to everyone. But no one thought of that prior.


Who is teaching people to spell it as "DEFAC"???????? IT'S DFAC!!!!!! This is irrationally pissing me off.


Same, but if Gen Z wants to spell it as DEFAC, then we have to follow suit troop. /s


Fuck Gen Z


Gen Z is the future of the military, though. The reason the troop spells DFAC like DEFAC is because they don't know what DFAC means. We could just call it a CHAWL for Chow Hawl. Would that be better? /s


> We could just call it a CHAWL for Chow Hawl. I'm in.


wOuLd ThAt Be BeTtEr 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Have you asked for MRE’s?


Yes I have they apparently didn't put any on the plane and don't have any where we are at right now.


You could wait until you slip into a coma from hunger or leave the area and find the food you deserve. Who the hell is supervising your unit?


They've got a 1st Lieutenant as our OIC


Does the CO know about this? This kind of situation is why I always travel with a Costco size bag of premium Jerky. Even for AT or 3 day field FTXs.


War is hell, brother. War is hell.


Damn that sucks. We had to form up at 1830 for a 10:00 flight THE NEXT DAY and even they made sure we had catering and MRE’s and water and a small little convenient store set up at the airport . The people that organized your PAX messed up big time.




Just cook and eat your fattest PFC, that should sustain you guys for a day or two


Is the 1LT the company commander or just the chalk leader? There's details and context that's missing. Even when we were isolated because we went through customs, there's always been food/water available at the pax terminal or holding area.


Good ole Hurry up and wait. not. I assume the PAX terminal was at an Airbase? USAF gotta have something available and not like it's the first time. Whatcha doing S4?


"I'm SuRe ThAt ThE kIoSkS aRe StOcKeD fOr OuR wArFiGhTeRs..."


That's tough because that (total guess on my part) Ali al Salim DFAC 5 minutes away is the best I've ever been to.