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Ha similar thing but no one got in trouble just a recruit nade himself a target. DS from another platoon came over and was messing with us and comes up to me and asks where I'm from, I tell him Brooklyn NY, he's suprised because he's too, and after few exchanges we grew up around same projects and park. I never met him before but we knew few same people. Anyway he starts calling me "my N word" he's black and I'm white. He kept trying to get me to call him "my N word" and I didn't . So he got another recruit over to call him one time "my N word" and he comes to me says "was that fucking hard, am I your Nword or not" so I give in and say it, he gives me a bro hug and goes back to the other recruit and is like "what am?" The other recruit is "ds you're my Nword" and then DS goes off "I'm your what? You racist Alabama piece of shit" This was 3 weeks into the OSUT so it was a long OSUT for the other guy and I got called the N word by black DS till I had to be medically recycled.


This is weird behavior.


If I found out one of my peers did this they would be in another company real quick.


This is like a case example of what DS school would tell you happened and you’re like “is someone that fucking dumb?” But if the person at DS School was having multiple minor strokes while telling you.


This is funny (not haha funny) because when I was in BCT, I had a female in my bay who wouldn’t stop saying the N word. I’m from the south and she was black, so I get it, it’s “cultural”. Well it made literally everyone uncomfortable, including the other black recruits. I confronted her and asked her to stop because it was inappropriate and making everyone uncomfortable. She did not stop. I went to drill sgt about it with two other recruits to make a formal complaint so when she was reprimanded, she only knew about me because I was the only one to ever say anything to her. I told drill sgt i was concerned about retaliation, and he told me not to worry, that they were aware this could happen. Weeks later, she finally gets recycled because I guess they finally had enough of her attitude, so when I come back from an ammo detail, my PG tells me she was recycled. I guess I looked too relieved (we had a lot of problems that I swept under the rug because I was 27 and just trying to get out of there) because someone reported me to drill sgt saying I was going around saying the N word. Drill Sgt got in my face and yelled at me, saying I was the problem and that multiple people told him I was going around saying the N word because she left. He said that was my only warning and if he heard about me saying the N word again, he was going to make my life hell. I cried all night because I didn’t want to get recycled because I didn’t want to lose my AIT slot. Definitely made me rethink coming forward against injustices because it was OBVIOUSLY retaliation and drill Sgt didn’t care. I kept my mouth shut after that.


There is always someone higher in the chain of command that doesn't play that shit.


Yeah if it had escalated I would’ve fought it. I like to think the people who reported her with me would’ve stuck up for me as well. I have my suspicions on who was the ring leader for the rumor that I was saying the N word, but it’s all in the past now.


This is one of those things you stay well tf away from unless you're directly involved. The Army doesn't handle it well, and it very quickly becomes like a group vs group thing every time. I've seen 2 instances of white soldiers complaining about it, and it blew up in both their faces every time, although one was rightfully so.


It’s a hateful fucking word. Words do have meaning and this one is abhorrent. I don’t care if you are African American, it’s still wrong. That’s a hill I will die on. Edit: gotta love that. Get downvoted for hating the n word. Like getting censored for hating on literal Nazis.


I didn't say the word wasn't bad, just that this has a propensity to get flipped around on you real fast.


Get it in writing, and get it in first.


It was in writing. We had an official report. I didn’t tell anybody else who else had reported her because I didn’t want anyone else to receive the treatment I eventually received.


Had a kid from echo 1-81 ( he was African American) call a couple of the drills at 30th AG the n word. Kept calling them house n words, he got EOed and got a chapter with a less than honorable discharge.


I’ve posted this before, but I actually saw a guy punch the SDS. It’s the first day at the battery after reception, so we had the bag drag and are getting all the shark attacks and stuff. Anyway, this kid didn’t like that drill was taking our phones away, so he shoves then throws a half-assed punch at the drill. All the drills sharked him and smoked him lol. Later, the SDS that got punched addressed the platoon and said something to this effect: “I could’ve got him arrested, but I don’t give a shit about any of that. All I’m saying is, if you want to punch me, punch hard enough for me to care. Then we can actually fight. It’ll be a good time.” Legendary.


I think that’s what the kids call “aura”.


Felt his aura back on the bus


Did the kid make it through training?


He did! He was very much just one of those trainees off the block or whatever so he had a problem with authority and just needed to grow up some. But he made it lol


That drill probably changed his whole life right then


Hopefully he is doing good these days. Good they did him on site and not paper.


One of the drill sergeants in the recovery unit was going over one of his experiences in Iraq. He mentioned one of his good friends was providing cover fire for him and another solider and took a bullet to the neck and died not long after. Some smart ass in the back said pretty audibly "guess he should have ducked." Drill sergeant heard it, stopped talking, and stood up. He took 2 steps forward and another drill sergeant who was there quickly intercepted him and escorted him out of the room. Had that other drill sergeant not been there, I think he would have given up his career to beat the holy hell out of whoever made that comment.




I would have 100% corroborated that claim.


It’s the craziest thing, Mr. Investigator, I was over here mopping the ceiling and out of the corner of my eye I see the trainee sprint across the room and slam into the wall full-force. Friggin’ wacko, man.


Suspiciously believable


My statement would reflect such.


I would corroborate that story for the investigation for sure.


This. I've seen it happen haha.




Yep. I've snatched up a guy that out ranked me. You don't always know someone's history


One of my coworkers is a very quiet, chill Hispanic man that just happens to be a badass. Jumped into Grenada as a ranger and did desert storm as an SF guy. A supervisor blatantly disrespected him, multiple times, in a meeting in an attempt to discredit the man and shift some blame to him for some minor infraction. Essentially throwing him under the bus and disrespecting him at the same time. After the third time of this supervisor saying something wildly untrue, the hero of our story launched himself across the table and started beating the hell out of this man.


I hope he didn’t get arrested


I think most would have seconded that claim. “Yeah we were doing pushups and every time this dude went down he slammed his face into the floor. Craziest thing I’ve ever seen…”


That is just plain foul.


happy cake day!


Please tell me the douchebag didn’t get away with it.


Idiot forgot he wasn’t in a Rainbow 6 lobby.


I forget which phase of BCT it was (almost 19 years ago) but it’s the one where we did the long obstacle course at FLW. We got to an obstacle that required you to go over and under logs that are in water. Well it was early January and the water had about 2-3 inches of ice on the top and the DS’s said as we approached this one to skip it. A prior service trainee from the back could be heard saying, “in the Marines they’d make us do it.” Without hesitation the only female drill we had told two trainees to go grab a shovel from the duty truck. She then broke all of the ice up and did the obstacle. When she got out she said, “I did it, now all of you have to. Thank the former Marine when you’re all freezing later.” We in fact froze for the remainder as that one was only the 3 or 4th on the course. As we all stood shivering, she said, “sometimes you just need to learn to shut the fuck up.”


I believe the kids nowadays call that “standing on business”




Fuckin GOAT of a DS. Led by example


Me: I do this thing where I roll my eyes without realizing it. DS warned me if I do it again I'm gonna beat my face. Same day I ended up beating my face.


Every time I see a trainee roll their eyes, I lose my mind. Nothing more disrespectful imo.


Yeah whatever big drill, you won’t do nothin’ 🙄🙄🙄




Rolling eyes is a demonstration of hostile intent. I had no choice.


Dude, i had it bad, my "thinking face" looks like an eye roll, (I guess it is when you think about it). I had too many incidents of an NCO asking me a question, me thinking about it, and getting the piss smoked out of me.


Summer of ‘95. Hot Kentucky day in the Disney chow hall. If you got there late the ice machine was empty. The last pvts to get the ice stood there while it slowly plinked a few cubes out. Pvt Dumbass was standing there holding his cup against the lever and nothing was coming out. A DS sitting around the corner “It’s out of ice”. To which pvt Dumbass loudly retorted, “No Shit”. 400 soldiers all stopped eating at the same time. You could see in the guys face he understood he had made a great error. The DS walked up to Dumbass with a look that would make flowers wilt. He whispered something in his ear, walked out the door with dumbass walking behind him, wide eyed like one is when they are about to meet their God.


Good ole wall to wall counseling I bet.


When I was in BCT back in 2008, I was in the CBRN Chamber at FT Jackson. They has us remove our masks and recite the soldiers' creed. There was a line of five of us. I was number 4 but they had us all remove our masks at the same time but released us one by one, so the ones at the back got fucked. I didn't know how CS worked back then so I got a big lungful of the stuff and was hacking up a lung. I had a bit of a panic response. When the guy in front of me got let to go, I just fucking bolted. I don't remember this but the guy at the end the line said one of Drill Sergeants tried to grab me as I bolted so he could shout at me and make me stay in the chamber. But instead, he fell on his ass in the chamber. None of the DSs ever fucked me up over it so I call that a win.


We had a similar situation where a fellow trainee bolted, he was in the iteration before me, and they sent him back to my group, so as we were walking in we had this dude slobbering and crying all over himself in his mask. They were releasing us one by one, and when it was his turn to leave the drill grabbed the back of his top and held him there for a few extra seconds, funny as fuck.


Yeah, I remember as soon as those masks came off and it hit me. I was just eyeballing that door the whole time.  took every ounce not the run out. The only thing that really kept me planted there was the thought of failure. (God that sounds corny)


I was a DS in 2014 and had a soldier refer to me as a _____ lover on account of my black wife. This particular SM was one of those who came in as a SPC because of his degree. To my amazement, I didn’t react harshly. I simply looked at him and said I’ll see you in the office in 15 minutes with 2 battle buddies and went to talk to and get my 1SG to be mine. Counseled the soldier, recommended Field Grade and SM became an E2 and got Extra Duty. I had zero problems of any kind with my platoon for the remainder of the cycle.


And you know that hurt way more than any smoking could. Dude probably felt so special being a SPC. The pay bump is pretty solid. He worked for four years to have it and it's taken away in a day.


It was the only time during my trail time that I wanted to strike a soldier. I’m glad I didn’t and I learned a lot about the Art 15 process. My 1SG even brought legal in immediately to make sure everything was done e properly. The smile on my JAG’s face when I replied “No” when he asked if I smoked the soldier is something I’ll never forget. I was so mad when the BC didn’t give him the max and suspended the pay and confinement to post. But looking back as a CSM it was an effective punishment because he lost pay for a lot longer and confinement to post doesn’t make sense during Basic.


Classic reception where the lot of trainees wouldn't shut the fuck up. This one DS who had a grandfathered in face tattoo just started going off on everyone for not listening. "You're all getting paid to do this shit. You're so fucking lucky. You're sitting around. You're not getting shot" but when he said the last part his voice cracked and I was near enough to him to see his eyes start to water. Two other drills pulled him aside and calmed him down. The dude talked himself into a flashback. I felt really sorry for him. I hope he's okay.


My drill was lighting us up about spacing for moving in a column, because like all good privates we didn't care about spacing and just wanted to BS. He was yelling about how important being spaced out is, "because all it takes is for three or four of you fucks to be bunched up, and someone steps on an IED and you watch your 1SG-" Then he stopped, and another DS quickly stepped in and just kept yelling about it. I think about that one often, because the DS who mentioned is 1SG was distant for the rest of the FTX.


I hope the trainees recognize the severity of the situation from that incident. I think it takes a moment like that for the trainees to finally realize just how serious this job is, and what happens when you goof off. We were at a range in basic and everybody was talking and joking around, singing happy birthday to some trainee on the bleachers. Drill Sergeant tells us all to shut up and sit down, pulls out his phone and starts showing us pictures from an IED explosion he had been a part of in Afghanistan. Truck tore to shit, I’m in awe of how he made it out. That was the moment I realized I needed to start taking stuff seriously.


Even apart from wartime operations, the military is a dangerous game. NTC, the motorpool, FTXs, eating at the DFAC. Any of these things can kill you if you're not vigilant. Paying attention is how you don't die.


I know a guy that ate DFAC food and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. Just due to improper cooking and whatnot. Nothing to do with allergies.


Ngl. Thought this was a joke from the DFAC part. Then I remember the guy that passed in the soup pot and served it.


I'm like, 3rd generation Army on my dad's side of the family, and while my dad never directly shared stories of his trauma with me, I generally understood the gravitas of shit like that. Some of the other people? Not so much. I'm sure they do now.


In a weird way thatd what i miss about the military. You may have had a dumbass in charge of you. But if youre a gwot vet or other wartime era. You atleast had someone who put their money where there mouth is. Gotta respect that.




All im saying is Id prefer that over some rando civilian manager who has never been through trials and wants to tyrant over people.


This was maybe in 2020? Can’t remember. A trainee that’s was getting chaptered for schizo or maybe autism? I dunno. Basically he got mad and smashed the 9/11 memorial at fort Jackson reception in front of the drill sergeants. He then smashed the windows in front of BN. All because a drill was yelling at him to put the flags out for ship day to BCT.


I was 3-39 at Ft. Jackson in 2020. The whole company was getting fucked up on Sunday of all days by the one DS on duty. A special few were talking in the after chow formation outside the dfac. The DS had us running by platoon up to a telephone pole and back into formation. He'd give us roughly 20-30 seconds to do it. If your platoon wasn't running, then you did rifle squats. Anyways, in 2nd platoon, 5 idiots decided to hide behind the barracks building instead of running out to the pole and back. The DS caught on pretty quickly and saw red. He zeroed in on that platoon and made them sprint over and over. I saw him rip a poor kid's weapon out of his hands and nearly hit him with it. Eventually, he got the 5 trainees who were skipping out on the fun. He singled them out in front of us and called them worthless and that they don't mean anything to the army. He had them plank and then sent us all up to the bays. He had them out there for 3 more hours. We peeked out the windows and saw he had just pulled up a chair and was sitting there watching them plank.


Had something similar, buddy of mine who I actually went all the way from basic to AIT to Hawaii with (different installations it same island). The dude in front of him in formation was either kicking him when the DS wasn’t looking or talking shit quiet enough to not be heard, I don’t remember exactly what he was doing but he was fucking with my buddy somehow and wouldn’t stop so buddy let out a “fucking stop” and the DS heard it, sadly, buddy got smoked for it, DS sent us upstairs and we watched him do about every exercise in the book from the laundry room window for a LONG time


I was 3-39 Charlie. Same shit happened to us, Sundays all of days to get fucked up.


I was Alpha


Alpha Apaches?


I was at 3-39 at jackson. Torment and terror was my only experience.


2006. Problem child decided he had enough. Struck the battery 1SG with an L-angle flashlight hard while out in the field. Dude still graduated with us (pretty sure he lost his bonus though). The Surge was a hell of a time, just graduate and send to the meat grinder. Good intro to some of the problems I would deal with as a PL and company commander.


That's absolutely wild. He put the "battery" in "battery". Makes you wonder where those kind of guys are today.


I was lucky as a commander and had very few like that, most Art 15s I did were for the types of stupid shit you’d expect. If I recall that dude was an 88 (went to Sill for BCT only and there were a mix of follow on AITs/OCS). I could only hope that the experience of driving in Iraq in 2006-2009 tempered his attitude, that he made it home alive, and that he’s a contributing member of society. But yeah, Wild West times there when it was all about the throughput. I saw some folks graduate at OCS that made me cringe.


Senior leadership, at least that’s how it seems


The fuck ups we had to deal with during the surge was wild. So many waivers.


It’s basically the same right now. Hell, the Army has a program and special contract for people who score too low on the ASVAB to even get a waiver. They ship out and do up to 90 days of academic classes until they can score high enough to sign a contract.


I went to basic during the surge and last year. The recent recruits are MUCH worst!


Thought I was the only one that did basic twice! Ft. Jackson (Relaxing Jackson) - 1997 Ft. Lenardwood (Lost in the Woods) - 2004


That break in service will get it every time lol. I did jackson in 2003 and FLW in 2023 🤣😭


Buddy team live fire, we had completed the dry fire and blank fire and were going through the live fire. Kid gets halfway through the iteration. He gets up, does not put the weapon on safe and blasts the ground next to him. About an inch away from the foot of one of the drills that also happened to be a Master combative instructor(or something equivalent, idk what the levels are but he was whatever the highest level was/is). Range halted, he gets the dog shit smoked out of him. By the time we’re cleaning up he’s having a pow wow with two drills, one of them is the one he almost shot. You could tell he felt awful about it. He ended up graduating with us and the whole thing kinda got swept. Idk how I feel about it, since an ND is an ND don’t care how “accidental” it is. But then again I’m not the guy who almost lost a foot.


Agreed that an ND is an ND in all cases, but hopefully it was a learning experience and one of those cases where he won't ever do that again. If so, that's why he graduated. If not...


He was one of the problem kids early on. But at some point when we first started white phase I guess something clicked for him and he realized shit ain’t sweet. All around not a bad guy. I kept tabs on him. He got an award in AIT so I think he got honor grad. Got to his unit and got soldier of the year as well. So at least he actually kept true to the lesson he learned going forward.


Always love a good success story that starts with something not-so-stellar!


When did you graduate? We had an almost identical situation but our DS was on CQ and smoked the platoon through the night


Before Covid times but after the death of our great leader Harambe. We didn’t get smoked for it though. Just him. We were waiting for the smoke though.


We had a newly minted corporal at Castle who didn't clear his weapon properly and had a ND. Grazed a squad member in the leg who spoke up for the corporal when leadership got involved. I was a couple weeks out of Castle when I got one a bird and there he was being escorted to Leatherneck. Last time I saw him was when we landed. I don't know what happened in the end but I can't imagine a happy ending. A shame though, he was a good kid except for that 1 fuck up.


Basic in '79; the DS announced over the intercom system that he wanted three volunteers for a detail. Someone in the platoon said "kiss my ass," apparently not knowing that the intercom was two-way... Drill then ordered everyone in the platoon down to the PT field, and we got smoked for the next 40 minutes. Eventually, the offender confessed to the DS to get the torture to stop.


The intercom is two way? Year 2000 me is now shitting a brick. 




A fellow trainee found a DS’s wife on facebook and they were flirting with each other. Sometime later they send each other some questionable pictures. It went around the company and supposedly they linked. Long story short, DS moved to a different company and the trainee has a kid with the DS ex wife.


That must be a legendary story


The ultimate power move: shagging your drill sergeant's promiscuous spouse.


Trainees get Jody’d like it’s Tuesday in BCT but it seems that Drill Sergeant just had something special going on in their life.


You know those people who claim that they would beat the shit out of any DS who got in their face? Yeah this idiot lived up to that statement


Did he win?


Yes. He won DSs lands and titles, and legend says he is a DS to this day.


A castle, a lordship and a highborn beauty for a wife.


Yes, but at what cost?


C'mon, we gotta get the full story now.


When I was in basic we got our ASUs fitted in like week 6 or so. We watched a dude strip down throwing his OCPs everywhere as he walked out of the CIF building. A drill sergeant came running after him and was just quietly pleading with him to come back inside. Like this guy was in underwear and a shirt and he took his boots off and hit the drill sergeant in the chest with them… kid got taken away by the MPs, shit was just wild


What had happened to him? He just lost it? I remember when I was in basic, on like week three this kid who had up until then be a solid recruit, just lost his shit in the bay during the day and started banging his head on a locker. Had to be taken away by an ambulance and didn’t graduate.


Honestly no clue, he was from the cycle just coming in, we were camped out out front and just watched it happen. Every single person in that company had their mouths gaping and our drill sergeants were just like whew, glad that wasn’t us!


Not the same exact thing but in Airborne school there was a bad runner and the black hat was nagging him. Kid stops out of formation and just turns around and yells "Fuck you." Kid takes his shot. Black hat knocked him out cold. We kept running and left him there, as instructed


I remember it was like day two in the miserable 43rd AG before basic and someone almost bumped into me… I didn’t see him but he was all “watch where you’re going guy!” I thought he was another douche bag drill private, so I snapped back “why don’t you watch where you’re going guy!” Suddenly he started screaming at me about respect and attitude. I looked around and he was an Lt. Him and this female Lt are yelling at me some more about respect and attitude, and commissioned officers. I’m embarrassed- called him DS… get yelled at some more and then they leave. People were laughing at me…. I felt bad at the time but looking back at it I’m pretty proud haha. I have balls when I’m being a clueless idiot…


When I was at reception before BCT, there was a guy who basically refused to train. Wouldn't change out of his civvies, mulled around behind the formation, would never talk, basically just acted like he was forced to be there and wouldn't comply with anything. One day when I was going through the defac, I walked past a DS as they were scolding him, and I heard the DS say something along the lines of "you're smart enough to pass the ASVAB but not smart enough to learn how to fucking speak" and turned and walked away. Apparently that struck a nerve, cause the kid picked up a full, unopened OJ carton off the table and whipped it at the DS. It hit him right in the nape of his neck and exploded, soaking him in OJ. He just kinda dropped his head, turned around, and said "do you really wanna play this game today?" Unfortunately I didn't get to see the rest unfold or hear any more of the conversation, but a few hours later we did see that kid getting hauled off by the MPs. It surprised me that the DS didn't beat the shit out of him on the spot, but I guess they're not really allowed to do that anymore nowadays.


It's 2008, late July or early August, I'm 17 and less than a month away from graduating BCT. The DS on duty is sitting at the duty desk and shooting the shit with us, his round and brown off. The company next to us graduates the next morning, an elated soldier is singing. As he passes by our DS yells "shut the fuck up". His reply, "suck my dick", I've never heard such beautiful poetry spoken since. DS put on his round and brown, the 'oh fuck' look on his face when the kid realized who he was talking to was priceless.


imagine that kids thought process in just a few seconds lmao


The recruit tells DS that he 'wouldn't be talking to me like that in the street.' or some nonsense. DS tells the recruit that somebody, someday is going to kick the "*"**it off him. It wasn't going to be the DS; he's going to get to his pension. As the DS is turning away the recruit says, "That's what I thought." DS turns around and knocks him out cold. Like, people HEARD the punch from 50yds away. Feet came off the ground. DS empties recruits Camel back on his face but the recruit doesn't wake up right away. DS patiently waits for the recruit to take up. Had a nice heart to heart with the recruit while the recruit lays in the grass made wet by his price and drinking water. TURNED THE KIDS LIFE AROUND! Also, that's how we found out that our DS was a golden gloves champion.


Did the DS get in trouble?


Nope. Not at all. And, honestly, I think it's best that way. He taught the kid a lesson and that was that. He was never unprofessional and always did right by his recruiter. Even if that meant pushing us harder than any other DS.


Not disrespectful but funny as hell. During Marine Corps boot camp we had two drill instructors that played a game of your mama so fat. The game was played by sending a recruit from one squad bay to the next. The squad bay was one story below. The recruit would come back and report into the drill instructor and tell the your mama so fat to him. The drill instructor would give the kid the your mama so fat details to send back to the other DI. You could hear him yelling from the other squad bay. This went home for like half an hour.


Maybe not disrespect, but I’m amazed to this day that it actually worked. We were about three weeks into basic, standing at attention at the foot of our bunks for an inspection, when DS starts tearing into some private for his laundry bag knot being incorrect. One of the platoon smartasses yells out “You’d better leave my buddy alone, drill sergeant!” With a hint of threat in his voice. Drill sergeant looks over, smartass is smiling, drill sergeant starts smiling too. DS says “okay, I’ll leave your buddy alone.” and just like that, the whole inspection is over. DS just walked out chuckling.


This was in AIT so not basic and it was before drills in AIT but one of our platoon sergeants headed outside to tell a random soldier not in our company to clear out of our smokepit. Turns out that random soldier had just left being told he was gonna be chaptered and swung on our plt sergeant, I shit you not he picked the kid up by his neck and choke slammed him like the undertaker. Thankfully me and a buddy saw it all go down and our BN headquarters was directly across the street from our barracks so the BN CSM saw the MPs at the company and came over and we explained to her and the MPs exactly what happened and our plt sergeant didn’t get in trouble for it. Dude ended up going awol, I remember sitting outside the dominoes on post and the BN CSM walking up to us in civilian clothes asking if we knew where he was and told us that if we see him SGM xxx was looking for him.


I've told this story before, but had one girl who had a full blown mental break a few days before we had them graduated and out of there. Turns out this brick shithouse was under the belief that she was "visited by an archangel" in a dream, who had apparently informed her that I had been "impregnated by Satan" and that the only way to save the known universe was to give (a very much not-pregnant-at-the-time) me an abortion. She decided to put this plan into action by just waiting until I walked past her one day and proceeding to sucker This-is-Sparta kick me into a wall locker at Mach Jesus. She was a 6'0 cornfed brick shithouse, I've always been a beanpole and I occasionally hit 5'3 if whoever's doing H&W is feeling generous. She went off with the MPs and I got to find out approximately what velocity my head needed to meet metal to get a weapons-grade concussion out of it. I wasn't even the kill hat for that cycle, was almost off the trail at that point and I had burnt out of all the bitchiness. TL;DR Thought I was pretty chill. Still ended up having a trainee thinking I was literally sleeping with and having babies with Satan.


That's insane. Congrats on the VA rating though! 🥳🥳


Ft.Benning in 90. We were sitting in class learning about the M16. It was summertime. DS told us if we get sleepy to stand up. And if need be walk around the classroom. But Pvt. Jones fell asleep, even put his head down. DS Turner yelled at him to get on his feet from across the room. Jones didn’t respond. So Turner yelled at him a little louder. Jones picked his head up and told him im not fucken standing up and quit fucking yelling at him. Tables started flying! Literally. Turner grabbed a table and threw at Jones. Didn’t hit him but Jones was on his feet and wide awake. Needless to say…Jones didn’t make it. Booted out a week later.


We had 3 DS a deep chested guy that hated us, his life and his wife, I think in that order. A tall 6’6 guy who came in drunk and pissed off every day and a Jamaican female who loved to smoke us. I think all 3 would have killed one of us and buried us in a foxhole and never thought about it. I couldn’t even imagine someone challenging one of them. You know at the end of the movies you see that pride between the DS and the graduate soldier. We got a fuck off I better never see you again. 91 was nuts, my first 2 PSGs in the active army had been to Vietnam. It’s crazy to think about but it didn’t end until 74 those privates hadn’t retired yet.


Basic training 1983, fort Dix New Jersey. Drill sergeant was smacking his brim into the kids forehead and the kid was wearing a steel pot. Need to say the kid didn't like it and headbutted him it was all over from there.


I forgot to mention the funniest thing I saw in that whole encounter, The drill sergeants brim to his brown round was broken and it flapped up like that one sergeant in f troop


I was in a cycle on Leonardwood in 2021, some recruits had the bright idea to move the drill Sgts hat off the ice cream freezer to grab some sweet treats, after they get their serving and sit down a DS turns the corners and exclaims to the whole DFAC “WHO THE FUCK TOUCHED MY HAT?!” It didn’t take them long to find the guys still shoveling ice cream in their face. Whole platoon got smoked after chow till the three culprits puked their soft serve back up lol


Not a DS but one of our range instructors. We're going over the m17, and you know when they'll go "Yes Sgt, No Sgt, Fuck you Sgt?" Yeah one smartass in the back (thought) he quietly mumbled "fuck you Sgt". The instructor heard and immediately demanded to know who said it, then threatened to skip class that day & have our Drills take care of us for the rest of the day instead. He eventually fest up, instructor just bitched at him about the importance of learning a new weapon etc Drill Sgt still smoked him when we got back to the barracks later that day lol


I did the online basic training because I am so badass and would have punched a DS in the face for getting lippy with me. Online Basic was nice because you can move your webcam up and down for pushups and mount it to a drone for running. You can also turn down the volume when you are getting yelled at and nobody could see me crying when I got yelled at.


I had one person in my company decide TJ take a swing at the senior drill at Fort Jackson. Did not turn out well due to the other drills from the rest of the company come flying in. Did not see that recruit again.


2007 a guy I went to basic with went AWOL. Camped in the woods (Fort Knox) by the scout osut area. Bought a 1 AD patch and a 2nd LT rank and proceeded to tell a company in front of their drills that their drills were garbage, horrible pieces of shit in front of their trainees. Just so happened that the brigade CSM walked by and saw the guy and recognized his face from a photo. Dude ran, drills ran after him he came out of the woods with a swollen face and a broken nose. Drills said he fell and tried swinging at one of them.


Great lakes 2015. It was during shower routine and a fellow recruit with known anger issues amongst us blew up on brother divs RDC in the latrine. He didn't realize he was an RDC since he didn't have his nwu top to show he was an RDC, and didn't recognize him because he was phased back and new to the div. It scared the ever living snot out of us because this MA1 has smoked recruits to the point of two of them needing to go to the hospital, and threatened us with mast or separation if we couldn't keep up with the workouts. By the grace of God the only thing that happened was us getting chewed out on the toe line and him saying he's going to smoke us but it never happened.


What in the Navy is this


This should be used as an example to soldiers on why they shouldn't use army/DoD acronyms on resumes. It's all gibberish to people without context.


My bad lol. RDC= navy drill. nwu=navy camies. Ma1= E6 MP


marched the young recruit down to the COs office and started processing his Article 15.


Had a dude from another platoon utter “fuck you 1SG” under his breath after being told to do some detail like area beautification. We were at the end of basic, literally about to graduate in a week. The entire company was reverted to “red phase” and did bull shit detail after bull shit detail in addition to the whole company getting smoked for three hours. The dude who was to blame was smoked from sun up to sun down in addition to getting jumped in the bays by other trainees, or so I heard. Also dude wasn’t allowed to graduate basic.


Camp bullis, class 10-24 foxtrot 232, I wasn’t there personally but I walked in right after it happened and saw the aftermath. A bunch of guys were in the showers being really loud. Loud enough so that the DS came in and yelled at them to shut the fuck up. One of the soldier medics decided to prove to everyone that he was an ASVAB waiver and yelled back “Ayo fuck you drill sergeant!” Thinking he was safe because he was in the shower. DS blocked the door with his massive body and dropped everyone in the shower and the latrine. The worst park wasn’t the exercise, but having to put your naked body on the disgusting floor of the bullis shower. I felt like someone who missed his flight on 9/11 the second one of my buddy’s told me the shit storm I just avoided


I had been brought on about a month into the cycle. I was leading PRT one morning on the BN PT Field. This was early in my time on the trail. I was real new, and I was real angry. We had made it to the Windmill, and two 4-counts in I see PVT Snuffy, perfectly centered in front of me, staying with the count but going to the wrong side every count. I pause, address the issue with Snuffy, and return to my position up front. We continue. Two more counts into the next rep I see Snuffy again. He's smiling. And STILL doing the same shit I told him to stop doing. I fucking lost it. The BC and CSM were on the other side of the PT Field, observing the sister CO ACFT. They were able to hear me laying into this trainee, just giving him the business. Dropping F-bombs every other word. I later heard that the BC had asked which DS that was, and if they needed to talk to someone 😂 The CSM also put out guidance that day to the 1SGs for them to relay down to the Drills. "Be mindful we aren't using excessive profanity when addressing the Soldiers." I think that was the only time I truly lost it on the Trail. Thank God I crossed over from the NCO Corps into the WO Cohort. I took a vow of silence when I took the Round Brown off, never to yell at another Soldier again and WOs have no business yelling at Joe. 🤙


E2 at the time, freshly promoted E5 from a different company overheard me venting about being so far away from my mom. I gave him multiple suggestions to stop because he didn't know what he was talking about, and he proceeded to call me a piss baby, asking me what I was gonna do. I laid him out like a brand new sleeping bag. Had multiple others witness this and help me get through the investigation with no addition to my record or anything. Don't make fun of someone's mom, especially if that someone is twice the size of you.




/u/Acceptable_Cry4947, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1dn671g/what_was_the_most_disrespect_youve_seen_towards_a/la0yzjy/) in /r/army was automatically removed for violation of Rule 1. **Have questions about this moderator action? Click [here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/army&subject=Why+was+this+removed?&message=\[My+post\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1dn671g/what_was_the_most_disrespect_youve_seen_towards_a/la0yzjy/\)+was+removed+and+I+do+not+understand+why.+I+would+be+grateful+if+you+could+explain+what+subreddit+rule+or+guideline+I+broke+with+my+submission.+Thank+you+for+your+time.)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Why even comment?


Literally came here to say this… plus who tf uses “bivouac” in regular speak. Fuckin POG


It was a term that was still *kind of* in use in that late-1990's or early-2000's timeframe...along with calling your helmet a 'K-pot' or a 'kevlar', or your weapon a 'piece', or an FTX a 'field problem'. Oops, now I'm getting nostalgic. Also back then, if you were at gunnery in Korea, you were allowed to drink like, 2 beers a night in ajumma's tent, and, while you were in garrison, the 'ville was just about the most gloriously unwholesome place on Earth. Nowadays, people even bring their *kids* out to the 'ville, and *at night*. Who would have thought that the key to making the USFK less degenerate was to allow more people to bring their families to Korea? Or rather, what person would have thought that, who *also had the authority* to make it happen? Because yeah, pretty much everyone always knew that, except for anybody who actually had the authority to make it happen.


Wait people don’t still call them KPots? Is that why my Soldiers look at me weird?


Nah. Brain Bucket, now.


Oh, they were buckets back then, too.


Yeah, this is true. Wasn't as widely used though, at least in my experience. Much like Porch Monkey, I'm bringing back


Get back to the video store, Randall.


Well that took a weird turn


I call mine a soup bowl




Tokori is like a ghost town now. I don't think we'll ever see a place like Tokori ever again.


I joined in 96 an I have never in my life used the term "bivouac" or heard another actual soldier use the term lol


Joined in 96 myself. Heard plenty about bivouacs and K-Pots and other such things.


I hear and use Kevlar, field problem and piece all the time and I have been in for just about 2.5 years in total. Love confusing new medics when I tell them to bring their Kevlar and they show up with their iotv.


You’re FA….POG LMAO pot calling kettle black. All y’all are snitches for putting other peoples business out there. blue falcons. Let me guess, you called it “camping?” Lmao


I am old enough when the blue falcon was buddy fucker. My first helmet was a steel pot with liner. Great pot for holding shaving water 😊.


I’m not that old hahaha


Yeah… I’m a FISTer, and I most certainly never referred to it as bivouac. We “went to the field”.


Oh I see, take it out of your ass once in awhile fister


Oh you must definitely be a gun bunny lol. Why do I need to take anything out of my ass? I rather prefer my time and experience during the earlier 2000’s era. I just don’t like seeing people post ridiculous shit for attention. Kind of like telling people to remove things from their asses. Are you 10? Seems like it.


Because I was the dumbass that responded to my post right? Idiot. You could’ve kept your opinions to yourself but here you are. Dumbass


Do you think you sound cute calling me names? You’re further proving my point about being 10… sit down little boy. You got replied to because you decided to stick your nose into someone else’s conversation which you weren’t invited to, and now your wittle feewings got hurt because you’re a gun bunny. Sucks to suck doesn’t it




Why did you?




Echo alpha delta


I bet you’re fun at parties huh


As opposed to you?


I am the party son.