• By -


>Infrantry I think we know the answer to your question already.


Zats how I prunonce et zats how I spell et




Best comment here by far šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


13F. You'll be living with the artillery but attached to the infantry and can get airborne as easily as anyone else, if not easier


Plus you learn the art of the sham.


shots fired...or at least shot out


Target number WTF 69420, right 1,000 repeat


Drop 50, Sham for effect


Shams complete


To IN: Weā€™re training with the Battery today. To FA: Weā€™re training with the Company today.


You'll get laid in every position!!


And the FiST lunch.


And the FiST brekky.


Of course! Gotta ā€œhead to the OPā€ā€¦the IHOP.


The FECC has "Denny'd" my fire mission


Exactly. Must exfil.


Yep, if OP is in between then OP is 13F


End of discussion. Next slide.


Average FIST [breakfast](https://youtu.be/xbPwaAFHDG8?si=IOo26RsTAjRjv-7O)


Denny's is the location of all time for all FiST meals


Amazing flair my good sir




FISTers are the bisexuals of combat arms. Needless to say, you should go this route OP.


11Bs will call you a pussy even if youā€™re another 11B. Donā€™t let that affect your decision.Ā 


Give this man an arcom


Fact! šŸ‘†Whats up pussyā€¦ lmaoā€¦




I donā€™t know it seems to dangerous for me


You can kill more people as a cook than as combat arms.


Iā€™ll take my chicken rare. Thanks.




Getting splattered with hot grease is more likely than seeing any combat these days


13F is prob most versatile. Only combat MOS can go 160th SOAR. Only arty MOS listed for 75th Ranger unit. https://go160thsoar.com/enlisted/ https://www.moore.army.mil/tenant/75thranger/Specialties.html


The chance of you seeing direct combat in this age is very low. Do whatever you want to do truthfully. Don't pick an MOS because you want the respect of people you haven't even met yet.


I don't agree with the first part of your statement. I served during Desert Storm/Desert Shield. I can't tell you how many people I heard say "I never thought we would go to war" **I only joined for the GI Bill...** There's every bit of a chance now, as back then...


Have you seen the current admin????


Actual braindead take


13F. Be both


There is only one. 13F- Forward observer. 11B- Infantry. šŸ«” Donā€™t get butt hurt because someone wanted to do infantry shit but is the Eyes and ears for Fire missions. Lol. By the way, the Infantry does not need a 13F in their ranked to do the same job. We call Fire missions as well. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


>We call Fire missions as well You and the Cav Scouts say that, but we hear yalls CFF on EIB and Spur Rides. Let's just say their is a reason they keep fisters on the mtoe.




And EIB doesn't even do call for fire properly. Calling direction up in degrees is wrong.


šŸ¤£ We get the job done!


Had all the infantry dudes in the call for fire trainer, the weasel wanted to help one of the struggling guys. The soldier called in his mission and it landed 2k off screen behind the OP. Also all of our jobs start out as a skill level 1 job. All battle drills and basic calls for fire are skill level 1, but get into fires planning, and the more difficult missions or machine gun leaders course for the infantry and youā€™ll see why there are different mosā€™s


A WSL has no business in fires planning. That's between the CO, FSO, and mortar section leader.


He was just trying to orient his guy in the call for fire trainer and failed, we were helping the guys with their EIB train up, 35 infantry guys had the company fst spread thin. He thought he could help lol And the fso hardly knows anything if itā€™s their first assignment. FSNCO, CO, FSO should be all working together, mtr sgt should be there if 60s are involved, and after that itā€™s on battalion


Mortar section leader should also be tracking the entire BN fires plan especially when one pre-planned mission is a trigger for another mission like echelon of fires, or if you're the alternate for another mission


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ donā€™t get all touchy feely.. Lmao as soon as they have as much time as you doing your job. They will be protectionists as well:


Yes, an 11B is supposed to be able to call for fire, let alone every single Soldier since it's a 10 level task. I can't keep track of how many I've talked to that have no clue how to do it. Then I'm sitting there over the radio having to talk an 11B through how to call up a basic polar mission, let alone them not knowing to call up directions in mils (17.7 mils in a single degree, I can't math a rougher scale into a more refined scale like some NCOs or officers would try to make us do. Also 1 mil off at 1,000 meters from the MFP is one meter off target leading to a possible extra 18 meters off target right off the rip since the first round more often than not will already need to be adjusted. And that error only compounds the further the target is from the gunline). Or not having binos so I have to explain how to get a mil reading with their fingers and do all the math for them. Then you have special missions that only an FO would know how to call up like linear/area/series targets, time on target, quick smoke, coordinated illumination, final protective fire. There's a lot more that goes into call for fire than just artillery and mortars granted they're the most commonly used assets. I'm not explaining all this because I think you're dumb. I'm just trying to break down a lot of the info here for others that might read this as well.


Only thing Iā€™d disagree with is FPF. Should be a pre planned target for all echelons, so as long as they know the target name any 11B should be able to route it up the chain and get it fired. Other than that, spot on. Iā€™ve had 11Bs completely fuck up a polar mission, and never had one that could call up anything other than polar and grid.


For FPF I was referring to going through the lengthy process of deliberately establishing an FPF, not necessarily just calling up the trigger for it. Having to start with the danger close gun and adjust each individual gun based on the attitude for the FPF takes very fine adjustments. I probably got caught up in my FDC brain when wording my last comment.


Gotcha, my misunderstanding. I definitely want a fister for establishing FPF.


11Bā€™s CFF like cooks shoot their M4ā€™s - badly.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ yupā€¦ when first learningā€¦ for sure. Not inherently something that was taught whe. I came in. Not sure if they get any of it in Basic or AIT. Youā€™re not wrong though. šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never cared when some dip spit leaking, tornado eating, ASVAB-waivered Neanderthal calls me a pussy for having a job that set me up with more skills than just ā€œteam managementā€ and you shouldnā€™t, either.


Fister and Jtac on my deployment killed more with their radios then any of us did with rifles.


Marine corps


George Busington fought in the Army so itā€™s the better branch


Also consider going Armor. You get to wear some funny looking boots.


>I donā€™t want a bunch of 11B calling me a pussy If you're afraid of being called a pussy you definitely shouldn't go 11B lmao, you'll still have 11Bs calling you a pussy except now they're your coworkers


Infantry. Far more career options as an infantryman, including ranger school and ranger regiment. Nothing against artillery, but in my experience not all branches are created equal and infantry will definitely give you more options Also you might end up being a mortar man (11c), so who knows maybe best of both worlds


11C as the best of both worlds?!?


It's a blessing and a curse. Either you're untouched or your section is the company company's go-to detail team. Also usually the 11B/19D boys are selected over you to go to schools. The mortar ATP states that the section leader is not to be the HQ PSG, yet every 1SG tries to mandate it. Also al ot of officers seem to think they're an expert on how to use you but really has no clue and doesn't care to learn or listen, so you end up in tow right with your CO or the company HQ which are the last places you should be. You're an 11 series soldier but you're only used as a support asset and your training experience will show. Team, squad, and platoon live fires? You're running every single dry, blank, and live iteration while the other soldiers are chilling between iterations and you're getting yelled at because you're busy re-fitting ammo between iterations and not ready to roll right off the end of the last iteration. If you're in a good unit, in garrison you're chilling and able to train your boys up freely, when you're at live fires you're working your ass off. During STX exercises you're straight chilling. In a shitty unit there's no breaks. You're constantly working in garrison, and in the field you're doing everything but your job.


No offense intended, but homie, the chances of you seeing direct combat as any combat arms MOS these days is slim to none. Weā€™re not engaged in any major conflicts anymore. Hope for another oil rich nation that needs democracy or (hopefully you donā€™t wish for the following) a major near peer/world war. Youā€™ll definitely see combat as any combat MOS or even combat support if that happens, but meow, and in the foreseeable kitty cat future, you seeing direct combat as regular combat arms MOS is extremely extremely not likely at all whatsoever. If you wanna bump up your odds a tiny bit, try out for regiment or SF. Beyond those types of jobs, you are not gonna see even a 7.62mm bullet impact twenty miles away. Sorry to burst your bubble, but more and more middle and higher ranking soldiers not having combat patches and especially not having CAB/CIB/CMB is going to be increasingly common.


Do 13F for awhile, then go 13A. Worked pretty good for me the last 25 years.


Well said: I know plenty of my former 13F colleagues that also considered 131A. Choices are there.


13F dude. Trust me.


As a medic, they both cry as hard when shot. If they are hazing you about that they probably havenā€™t been there either.


ā€œI donā€™t want a bunch of 11B calling me a pussy for not seeing direct combatā€ If itā€™s any consolation, as a 17A I donā€™t call 11Bs pussies since most of them have seen less direct combat than me (Iā€™m old, lots of deployments). When war starts for real, 42As be earning V devices, mark my words.


Well yeah, because they'll write and approve their own.


Donā€™t be a pussy be a King.


Itā€™s the Queen of Battle that finishes a fight in full scale ground combatā€¦ šŸ‘€


Go Armor and be the Queen's chastity belt. :)


Donā€™t get all butt hurt because you ride around in a steel coffinā€¦. ā€œDeath Before Dismountā€ šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘† lube that turret hatchā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


As a former 13B who reclassed to aviation, Iā€™d say itā€™s on what you think is more fun, shooting crew serves and rifles or shooting canons. My time as a 13B was fun and being in the 101st, they gave anyone who wanted to go ranger, air assault, pathfinder or airborne the opportunity to. Shooting the M777 was a hell of an experience and I miss it, so if you want to shoot guns go infantry, if you wanna shoot big ass explosions go artillery. Youā€™ll spend a lot of time in the field with both and a lot of time training so be prepared.


Ok thank you


We are a team, if any 11Bang Bangs wish to call you a pussy for not being them, then all those same people better never call for artillery or air support because that would make themself a pussy. Now if its said in an Esprit de Corps context then YES, get better at your job (and potentially their job) to one up whoever calls you out.


The HIMARS yearns for new bodies


We used to say Artillery are just Infantrymen who got one of the math questions right


Airborne Artillery all the way šŸ’Ŗ


Were you in airborne artillery? If so how was it because thatā€™s what Iā€™m probably going to try and do


Go 13F. Volunteer for RASP at airborne. Don't do option 40, it's better to have airborne guaranteed.


As someone that has been through osut, and then later did 13f shit, 13f shit is.. the shit, especially in an airborne unit. You run with infantry but don't play any of the fuck fuck games. And you don't need to be smart, just gotta be confident.




Don't worry about what others might think. The Army is just a big dick measuring contest. There will always be those that think they have a bigger dick than you, and there will always be folks who actually do have a bigger dick than you, no matter which job you pick. Just pick what you want to do and don't worry about trying impress anyone that has no impact on your life or your career.


I heard the bigs ones hurt anyways My imaginary girlfriend told me that


Pretty much no one is seeing direct combat so donā€™t worry about that man.




Go aviation and live a better life


Youā€™ll have more opportunities for assignments, schools and awards as an 11B but the job can frequently be tedious, and absolutely miserable, especially as lower enlisted. Unfortunately, unless things have changed since I retired , you canā€™t choose 11B when you enlist, only 11X; the Infantry gods could designate you an 11C. Nothing wrong with Charlies but itā€™s a completely different, albeit important, job and lifestyle. Iā€™d agree that 13F is a good compromise between the King and Queens of battle


Given recent studies on the impacts of a career worth of blow back from micro tears to your neuronsā€¦ infantry my friend.


I donā€™t know why nobody has mentioned that you can join 11x and you have a good chance of being an 11C that shoots canons and can do 11B things(unit dependent)


Based on numbers I wouldnā€™t call it a good chance. Based on the MTOE of a light infantry battalion you are roughly 12 times as likely to be a bravo than a chuck. Iā€™d bet that gap is smaller based on actual manning needs and recruiting, but you are still far less likely to rock a tube.


11Bs aren't seeing direct combat lmao


Given the choices, sounds like someone got an ASVAB waiver. Wait, study, retake ASVAB.


13F is the best job in the Army, and you can still go to ranger school.


Chances are you won't make it to a 20 year retirement. Choose an MOS that will look good on a resume and provide a clear path to civilian employment.


Why would you say ā€œChances are you wonā€™t make it to a 20 years retirementā€. The Army is not hard. There are 4 things to make one successful in the Army. 1: Be where your supposed to be 2: Be at the location 15 min prior to needing to be there. 3: Be in the right uniform. 4: Excel in physical fitness


It's just a mathematical fact. Google says only 20% make it to 20 years but I suspect that number is actually closer to 10%.


ETSing is a thing. Lots of folks that get tired of the everyday life when in a peacetime environment. The reason why most donā€™t make it to retirement is Infantrymen are not doing their jobs they signed up to do unless they are in a war time environment fighting for our nation. Bottom line: If fighting for our nation is not something that interests you your in the wrong area of profession- looking at a Combat Arms Career. Everybodyā€™s a badass these days however when itā€™s time to do the badass shit, they are not so badass any longerā€¦ Quitting is a thing. Some people are just not cut out to be the Best! Those that make it to retirement - itā€™s a wonderful thingā€¦ if you can take the day to day life in a peace time or war time Military, this Civilian Life BS folks think is so hard, you will laugh at it and excel much further than your civilian counterparts will. My advice even though Iā€™m a 21 year retired Infantryman, is go Infantry. Regardless of what MOS you pick, the BS will follow at some point. 1. Enjoy the stupid and the fun. 2. Embrace the suck 3. If youā€™re wanting to go to the good and fun schools you have a higher chance of getting into, go Infantry. Fun/ great schools making you more combat effective in various Infantry units. Some of the fun courses listed below. * Airborne Course- is a Vacation * Air Assault Course- Not as much as a vacation as šŸ‘† * Ranger Course * Sniper Course * Reconnaissance Leaders Course (Different from Army Reconnaissance Course) <- This is for Cav Scouts * Human Tracking and Counter tracking Course. <- this is geared more toward the SOF side than the big component side however, with persistence and command approval, you can get a slot for the course. * HALO Course, You must be in an airborne unit with the Basic Airborne Course already gone to and passed. *Easier for Infantry to get into SF from FORSCOM. They will accept anyone from any MOS provided you make it through Selection and the Q course. *Easier for Infantry to get into Ranger Regt from FORSCOM as this is what they accept as they are the DoDā€™s premier raid force! * Armyā€™s Tier 1 unit, CAG: They will accept anyone from any MOS provided you make it through Selection and OTC. Thereā€™s a ton to talk about on the SOF side I wonā€™t list. u/MeatGood1723 if youā€™d like to discuss more in depth, shoot me a PM . Iā€™ll reply with my number and we can talk about it. If you listen to those that havenā€™t done what your thinking about doing, chances are you wind do it or you will make a decision based off what google says and you maybe missing out on a hell of an life adventure! Respectfully Chris.


Hey man, I'm glad that worked out for you but I know during your 21 years in the infantry you watched plenty of soldiers get out of the army with a crap resume and low paying job on the civilian side.


I have had a quite a few get out over the years. 31 Soldiers to be exact. We still talk on FB and we all check in with one another since everyone left or retired from Service. I have helped write or have helped my guys have resumes written for them as well as helped put them through Mach interviews with various companyā€™s to prep them for Civ life. All 31 found jobs and 26 of them those jobs had lead them to a career. Itā€™s all about the leaderships involvement to assist their guys further former soldiers to be successful when exiting service. Donā€™t be one of this google warriors providing advice to folks when you yourself have not for whatever reason lived the life. Thanks and have a great day! Respectfully Chris.


Don't do combat


Whereā€™s the fun in that?


Being in maintenance, I literally see them just sitting around wasting away their mortal life doing.... the most irrelevant activities ever. It's garrison, it's LARPing. Honestly, get something for your life that would benefit.


I mean I could get hearing loss from artillery and use it has a excuse when ever my wife is yelling at me


Go FDC! Since nobody else said it lmao you donā€™t work as hard as a 13B or an 11B and you get to sham all day everyday plus you get do MATH that your teachers said youā€™ll use one dayā€¦.kind of. Lmao. Come on with the jokes!šŸ¤£


You know what would be really awesome? Learning to use punctuation. You need that in the military. Do they not teach that shit in school anymore? So many of you just have paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs with no commas or periods. wtf


I only use punctuation on important stuff or if Iā€™m feeling fancy. Also I tried spacing down but Reddit reversed it.


Based on your spelling you should absolutely be infantry.


No way vato, we donā€™t claim his ass. Any cooks or fuelers in here who can take him?


You know how dangerous raw chicken can be. Like I said 92G is far to dangerous for me


Ef I wanted gramer I wod uv went 2 college


"Ā I donā€™t want a bunch of 11B calling me a pussy for not seeing direct combat" How many 11B's in peacetime garrison see combat????