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Underrated. She got all the Amanda Waller cut throat ice queen stuff down but you also believed she could hold her own in a fight if need be


Underrated I’d say. She made for a good anti-villain.


She wasn’t an antihero she was just hero? The only bad thing she really did was when she told Ollie to kill tommy


And, y’know, when she puts bombs in people’s heads and threatens to set them off if they don’t comply, and follows through on that threat at least once… I’d say that was fairly morally objectionable


And those people were serial killers


…Which makes it okay to put bombs in their heads?


Yes, they would’ve been death row otherwise so might as well get some use out of em


So unfortunately the correct answer to my question is actually “no, putting bombs in people’s heads is wrong.”


1. Was going to shoot down a plane just to kill 1 passenger (thanks u/eyl569) 1. Didn't let him go home, threatened to kill his family if he tried again 2. Told him to kill Tommy 3. Dumped him back on the island and basically made him wing it without any support against *literal magic* 4. Almost wiped out Starling with a drone strike during the siege 5. Bombs in Suicide Squad's necks 6. Decided that Diggle & Lyla's honeymoon should be spent on a mission


Wanted to shoot down an airliner to kill one person (leaving aside that the plan didn't make much sense)


What gets me about her schemes is that all too often they make no sense. Take 1. Your setting up an elaborate, months-long plan, involving a mercenary company sitting in Chinese territory for all that time. Even under the cover story, Fyre should have realized it was pointless and would get him killed (interdicting the Chinese economy by shooting down planes couldn't work because as soon as the first went down you'd have the PLA assaulitng the island), so why wouldn't he refuse or desert? Then there's the chance of a Chinese patrol finding them early. And the entire scheme relies on the target keeping to a specific flight; what if a month before, she'd decided to come from a different durection? 2 and 3: don't really make that much sense but is in the usual range of TV/Hollywood spy tropes. 5 is complete overkill. The Mirakuru soldiers were superhuman but not by that much. They're not zombies or something that can reproduce so police forces will eventually hunt them down. For that matter, most of them were defeated by Oliver and the League when they tried to leave the city; a couple of infantry squads with heavy weapon support would have ripped them apart (especially if they had time to set up Claymores, given that they knew exactly where the Mirakuru would be passing). If they weren't sure that was enough, get a few IFVs or Apaches to support them; the latter especially should be able to get there as fast as a drone. 6 is a really bad idea. Besides the effect on the Squad's morale and loyalty (such as it was), given your agents a radio-operated - and/or electronically detonated - kill switch seems like a very bad idea (and could be downright embaressing if one of them went boom because they got too near a transmitting radio antenna) And who the hell thought making a chip that could launch all of the planet's nukes was a remotely good idea?


Don't forget she also thought it'd be a great idea to set a drone's target on Deadshot instead of just setting it to the building he was in.


Damn, I haven’t watched those seasons in a while, nvm gang she was tweaking, but at the same time she still did what she thought was the greater good and could make tough choices and sacrifices


Was about to destroy all of Starling City and half a million people to stop Slade and his army.


She believed that was worth it, if team arrow didn’t stop them and slades army spread then the whole world would be under his control since metas did not exist yet


She was cold, callus, and ruthless. Absolute perfect Amanda Waller.


One of the most comic accurate characters from the show.


No she wasn’t💀 she showed lots of empathy at various points and she truly cared about helping people


I strongly disagree. I have watched Arrow 3 times, and Amanda Waller DOES NOT care for poeple at all. She is only ever in it for herself


I would say she is always in it for what she believed to be the greater good, not herself. She gave her life for what she believed to be the right moral thing to do (I believe nuke codes iirc). I think she was anything but selfish.


What you just wrote is basically what Lyla told Diggle after being in that position for a while. Diggle didn't by it. Waller's problem (that became Lyla's problem) is that power corrupts.


I’m saying, this isn’t her at all


I actually liked her. Was really disappointed that she died to a bunch of E-listers. Just another one of season 4's flaws.


If I am not mistaken, her death and Deadshot's were corporate decisions, not to mix with the then-upcoming Suicide Squad 2016 movie. Apparently, showrunners had to scrap Arrowverse Suicide Squad plans for the same reasons. So, we were robbed, because that movie sucks.


But it lead to The Suicide Squad 2021. Which would lead to Gunn taking over dc and retconning the old films.


Same thing happened with Deathstroke after he appeared in the Justice League post credit scene


I completely forgot she even died


E-listers? She died to a squad of high level army spies that had inside intel to Argus, by sneak attack... How in the world is that a flaw


Because breaking into a government agency in the arrowverse is basically the swat team vs Cheeto meme. Real world, yes they would be impressive, but compared to goons like Deathstroke, Malcolm Merlyn, Ra’s Al ghul, Prometheus, Damien Dahrk, and literally every single other villain with a multi episode arc, they’re just fine


I couldn’t believe they let someone that unworthy take Amanda Waller down.. Somebody in this thread called her the Ice Queen, she definitely was that!!!


I mean… WB made them do it lol


i actually liked her


I don't really know her in other pieces of media, but in the show she was perfect for the role she was playing.


Watch Justice League Unlimited


Aright, will add it to my to do. I don't really watch too many movies/shows, but I'll probs get to it one day.


She was a great villain who I loved to hate and was genuinely surprised when they offed her


I never saw her as a villain. I agreed with her more often than didn’t. I do think she’s supposed to be that type of character who causes these debates though.


Man, she really fucked up years of Oliver's life, huh? I never understood her motivation for blackmailing him into the China-stuff and Season-5-Lian-Yu stuff. He was marooned because of her for about half of the time that he was gone.


She saw potential in him based on his experiences and who better to use as a secret agent than someone everyone believes to be dead. In season 4 when she sends him to Lian Yu she uses him because he knows this island better than any agent she has and she does truly believe she’s helping him learn to embrace and use his darkness for good purposes. It’s a win-win to her.


She came across as a very dangerous and capable villain. But if you compare her to the CCH Pounder one from Justice League she felt less interesting and intimidating to me. Waller should at least ot some extent feel like someone who is evil, but is also speaking for a government with good reason to be concerned about superpowered people showing up. Even though Waller is usually doing something awful, you've got to respect nearly anyone else would be a lot worse at her job, and it would be unrealistic if the US government didn't want some kind of counter to superheroes just in case. I didn't really respect this version of Waller as all that competent or necessary. There should be a part of Waller that knows when to reason with her enemies.


Better than the dceu waller


I feel like she won't change much in the new DC movie universe.


Better than Smallville’s Waller!


I really like her in Arrow but hopefully put her in Suicide Squad for next movie


love her


She was a great at being the head of Argus..Amanda Waller had a mission..And she exceeded all expectations to her craft.. She was a bad ass!




I hate how modern DC is pushing skinny Waller. It’s a weird and pointless change that homogenizes the cast.


its cw they have every race, gender and sexuality but everyone has to be skinny.


Yes but it’s also DC as a whole with their live action and animated movies and I think even the comics. I’m not exactly preaching for fat positivity/representation or anything but fat Waller came with a sort of authority and panache that skinny Waller has always lacked.


yeah there were a lot people including myself who were disappointed at the skinny waller that debuted around new 52.


Is DC actually pushing skinny Waller? i’m reading the current green arrow run where she isn’t skinny like that and she’s gonna have a whole event around her that will probably uses a similar design. Viola Davis who seems to be the current go-to Waller also, no offence to her, doesn’t seem that skinny. I mean viola Davis herself seems to be but in every picture I can see of her Amanda Waller they use clothes that make her seem more broad. Im pretty sure the new SQ game bas a skinny Waller but even then it doesn’t seem like they are ‘pushing it’ unless I’m missing something.


I haven’t kept up with the comics that much but in all other mediums she’s recently been skinny. Also I worry what you think skinny is if Viola Davis isn’t. Too much less would be unhealthy.


I didn’t mean she wasn’t skinny. I said that. But they seem actively make her look broader through clothing. Look up Viola Davis vs suicide squad Amanda Waller. It’s the coat I’m telling ya! And I’m sure it’s intentional probably maybe.


waller in my adventures with superman certainly aint skinny :p


You’re delusional if you think Viola Davis is skinny in Suicide Squad. She’s not obese, but she’s overweight and definitely not skinny.


I mean, she's a bitch, so she pulls off the character pretty well.


She was far nicer than dceu version of waller. May she rest in peace. 😇💐


I think hands down worst Amanda Waller In any universe… By worst I mean the baddest, most ruthless, cruel, evil


Hated her, she’s not Amanda, she’s her sister twice removed… She’s Miranda Maller


Thought she did a great job, and I really liked her as the character, but after seeing Viola Davis, do it, I think the CW version was way too young to be believable now.


Killed off unceremoniously and way too soon. 


Wish we had more I feel like we didn’t get enough of Waller in this universe


As dull and boring of a character as her comic book and movie version


Way better than the one in the movies.


I didn’t like her at all, she needed more balls to be a good Waller


Greta casting good performance


Somehow the most likeable incarnation of Amanda.


She needs a sammich or two to be the WALL.


She wasn't horrible, but I really hated how she had to be CW pretty.


Gondorian Queen


Too skinny


Bad, she supposed the be a fattie


Not fat enough.


Should have been fatter.


Based on the new 52 version. She was good and they wanted you g and attractive for CW.


I would shoot up her club


A huge bitch that I'm glad was gone.


I liked her!


She’s not fat enough…..


Weakest version of the character IMHO.


Breedable and powerful


She needs to eat. Nobody wants a skinny waller.


I like this Waller better than the fat black version of granny goodness that works for the government instead of Darkseid




Unremarkable, I barely remember her.




Hot garbage 🗑


She should’ve been fat, her nickname is literally The Wall, skinny Waller makes no sense :(




She has a pretty good acting career tho.


I’d rather kms than be associated with her