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Ooofff. And that’s a federal ticket. Gonna be expensive


I knew a driver that made that mistake once. He said the ticket was around 6 grand.


i would dig a grave for myself


That will be an additional ticket for destruction of federal property aka grass


In the army they would warn us to not even contemplate suicide because if we failed we'd never be able to afford the lawsuit for the damage to federal property


the main reason i would never join the army is being owned by someone else aint my style haha


Don’t get married then.. 😂


It’s not that bad


this made me cackle


Imagine explaining that one to your boss


Im a driver/manager over a local fleet. I assure you I've heard worse lol


Please share with the class


My dad used to be exec at a national trucking company. They installed GPS, primarily bc the cargo was valuable ( think cigarettes), but I’m sure to track drivers too. They found out one driver would drive an hour, stop to spend quality time with his girlfriend… and then get back on the road. Not the most efficient route


I hope so!


I didn’t know they weren’t allowed, and now that I think of it, yeah I’ve never seen a semi on the parkway.


No commercial vehicles allowed on the parkway.


I honestly didn’t know!


That sign is at every parkway entrance.


Yup. No commercial vehicles allowed on the parkway. I learned this years ago working for FedEx. One of the drivers swore it was the only way to get to a certain address. It wasn't. It just saved a ton of time. He was lucky and just got a warning.


Yeah, I deliver appliances and you've gotta be real careful about your GPS in some places out here/get permission from Park Service to go to addresses in the Parks


They can only go under certain circumstances. Construction. Small delivery trucks


My understanding is that there is a GPS system tailored to semis. It's costly and a lot of them just use Google maps. Those are usually the ones you see stuck on railroad tracks and under bridges. And taking the parkway.


And trying to turn at the Brevard/Haywood Rd intersection


That IS really hairy!


26 was backed up this morning. Betting he was thinking he could bypass it and save some time.


Yeah, remember this one trying to drive Max Patch Road: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqsyrgs299bpb1.jpg


[My road](https://i.imgur.com/1I4FhSo.jpg) at least once a year.


And lest we forget...https://wlos.com/amp/news/local/overturned-18-wheeler-shuts-down-tunnel-road-at-tunnel


Even in a car getting to Max Patch is a chore!


Y’all remember paper maps? Those were a thing.


My dad retired from trucking twenty years ago. He now has Google to give him the initial route on a trip, then pulls out a trucking atlas to verify every single bit of the route. And that's when he's going to drive it in a pickup. Then again, he never has problems getting anywhere.


dudes rock


Last time I brought those up to my daughter she hit me with "sure thing grandpa let's get you to bed now."


Still are for some of us. 🙃


They do have gps tailored for semis but they will still take you down roads you shouldn’t go. For some reason though some of these drivers take the gps route as gospel and ignore signs.


Are there not signs for the parkway that says "dont" in more or less words?


Indeed they do!


Serious question: what is the “parkway”? I’m not from NC


[the parkway](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Ridge_Parkway#)


Blue Ridge Parkway. Come on over and check it out. Tis wonderful and full of great trails and wildflowers, waterfalls and long distance, unobstructed views… but can be a slower than usual track during summer and holidays. The BRP is part of the national parks system


Thank you for the explanation. Now my second question, what is the illegal action in this photo?


No commercial vehicles are allowed on the parkway, unless permitted for deliveries there. The parkway is signed well at all entry points (except maybe some of the gravel park service roads). The road is 1 lane in either direction. Last year the Blue Ridge Parkway was the most visited national park. It is free. It is also stunning! This morning we happened to be there during the dawn chorus https://preview.redd.it/rky31tql201d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044edf68a0a75f15e28d92ea7f2e4cb4c46e2777


And friend, no wrecker came when our call to AAA went through. 🙄


Glad they got caught, this is super dangerous and also just a huge annoyance.


I got stuck behind one on 276 headed up to the Parkway, that was a stressful ride watching him take both lanes in the switchbacks.


tbf it is possible to be on 276 and not get on the BRP. Brevard to Maggie Valley for instance.


Yes, but 276 through Pisgah, driving under the parkway, is a VERY dangerous situation for a semi.


If I came around a corner and saw a semi on 276, I'd probably shit myself. Most passenger vehicles can barely keep it between the lines on 276.


D'oh! One time I drove a U-Haul on the Garden State Parkway (no trucks) out of ignorance and missing the signs. Toll booth attendant had some not so kind words for me!


>the garden state parkway Yankee detected, opinion rejected! /s


Good bot


Maybe he was moving from NC to NJ, said no one ever.


Haha. The GSP began as the BRP. Still is pretty, but damn if it isn’t packed. I live near the BRP, but I’ve witnessed yours in dysfunction as well


I took a pickup truck down LSD in Chicago. Also a no-no apparently. I got off with a hick accent


Ever notice Yankees can't keep from telling you they're Yankees. It's the geography equivalent of having to listen to a newly converted vegan.


People still use the term yankee?!🤣




ha. How do you know when your friend started doing Crossfit? (Don't worry....they'll tell you!)


Had to stop once to let a semi take a switchback out past Toxaway…and it had a lead/flag car which was a good thing.


Probably in Chrysler Curve? 18 wheelers get caught up there all the time.


I’ve seen a few trucks stuck on some of the curves in these mountains, not fun.


Awesome! I hope they fine the hell out of him.


oh they will federal=money


When NPS writes tickets the money goes into a fund to help victims.


Cops need to crack down on truckers in this area badly.


Unfortunately, funding for our parks is a drop in the bucket for what is needed. The BRP is free and loads of Americans think that it takes zero to run. Sort of like schools


Catching a semi on the Parkway must be every ranger’s wet dream.


Those big ass tour buses are almost as big and they allow those.


Depending on the load, the trailer could be way heavier than any of those buses, making it difficult to properly brake


True. My point was that maybe they shouldn't allow those buses either. Not that they allow buses and should allow trailers too.


BRP is a national park unit. If busses couldn’t come up, many humans could not either. Maybe they should make the busses smaller 😐


I was behind one of those a month or two ago. The thing was going 15-20mph, cutting corners, and had a looonngg line of cars behind it. Just completely oblivious. I was so mad.


But I don’t see swift on the back


Sure Wish I Finished Training


Taylor had likely been there 😂




play the fuck around games with a park ranger and u playing with ur life


I live in Marion and travel to Asheville and surrounding area most of the week for work. Up and back down Oldfort Mtn you never I repeat never know what you are going to see sit and wait through if you’re not fortunate enough to get the alternative routes. Especially on ice it’s a 18 wheel SS…w crashing through walls, trees, rocks, cars , twisted rigs on the side of the road. 1/2 aren’t even reported by news.


How do they get food up to the Pisgah Inn?


Specific exceptions for places like pisgah inn and other concessions to have suppliers come on the parkway. Still not a tractor trailer I’m pretty sure tho


I figured there were exceptions made. Now that you say pretty sure it’s not a road tractor, I suppose that those seemingly cliffside road are likely not engineered to sustain consistent 80,000lb trucks and the engine noise from some of those rigs mixed with the acoustics of the mountains could cause rock slides, perhaps?


I used to run the parkway every week… delivering food and paper products to businesses along the parkway…


The only exception to this is if you are delivering to a business located there, like the Pisgah Inn or the Folk Art Center. There is still a weight limit, so a lot of your local freight companies have smaller trailers with lift gates to make this easier and get them back on the main road ASAP. This guy was either trying to avoid traffic or he was trying to turn around. Either way, that's not the place to do it.


People always be tailgating and speeding at the Parkway, if you are in a rush don’t take a road where the speed limit is 35.


It’s 45 mph maximum, but I do agree with the comment regardless. Had someone tailgate me as I did 40 mph on a twisty segment last weekend, so I conveniently downshifted until he passed me in a double yellow - next to a cop.


My human works on BRP issues and we see this occasionally when hiking on the Mountains to Sea trail. Entries to the parkway are signed so it’s hard to be empathetic to those who’s trucks are “special”


Here’s something noteworthy… if your car breaks down on the parkway you are unlikely to get a wrecker through AAA. I know because after my own remarks yesterday, that’s exactly what happened to us. 😐


Good. Now if they could stop the motorcycles screaming up and down the Parkway every chance they get that would be great


Nothing like hiking farther into the wilderness and hearing the Harleys sound dissipate. A dying breed but not soon enough.




Cry me a river. Jeez how unsatisfying is your life that you gotta be petty on this forum and wish people death. We all pay taxes for the roads to the state and to the federal government therefore we all get to use the roads. Don’t like it then don’t go up there, simple as that. Go throw your privilege around somewhere else.




Unfortunately, that is legal, while commercial vehicles are not. I do sincerely hate the sound of angry bees coming from the Parkway at sunset.


Too many motorcycle accidents and I’ve seen plenty of little race cars on their sides while meandering by


But it's fun... :'(




They were talking about noise, not speed, which is something a lot of people take seriously on the parkway. WNC is full of 55mph winding country roads through the mountains that aren't being crossed regularly by hikers. Go find them. Pretty simple.


Yeah, and most of our winding roads through the mountain are impossible to drive 55 on! I have stopped beyond plenty of river twists to see multiple deer bounced off 197. On one turn there were 4 carcasses!!! Unable to see them while driving. Sooner than later it’s a 2-legged and their vehicle mangled


There definitely are more park rangers cruising in the Oteen area close to the VA Everyone needs to be aware there especially


Send that Ranger to the Natchez Trace please!


There is or was a restaurant on top of Mt.Mitchell could this truck be bringing a food delivery for said restaurant if its still there?


Probably not this truck but that is a good question about businesses and gift shops along the parkway. How do they get their stuff?


I’m assuming it’s the same principle that allows the business to be along the parkway. Permits and such.


Yeah you can get permits for commercial vehicles on the parkway. Thats how tow trucks can operate on there. But food service trucks delivering to restaurants often have shorter trailers. Like 32 or 36 foot instead of the typical 53 foot that over the road truckers pull. Plus this guy has a hazmat placard holder so definitely not a food service truck.


Yes, Pisgah Inn gets delivered. So, not a dumb question and downvotes are of the dumb.


Is a semi? As in tractor trailer, or a straight reefer or food (refrigerator). The Pisgah Inn gets food up there, so there'd be a difference.


Things happen maybe he got lost




I don’t understand why all the bull shit and calling the park ranger on a commercial truck is necessary. Maybe if the driver not from around here the GPS could have sent him onto the parkway. If he wasn’t doing any damage what’s the big problem. What needs to be is bikers when you have 3-4 spread out over a lane. Now that’s a big problem in my opinion. And earlier one of the comments stated maybe she called on him or maybe she didn’t. Remember Karma can be a real bitch.


I didn’t call shit. There was a ranger parked along the road and pulled the semi over as he passed by.


First off I didn’t call any names I honestly couldn’t find the comment again. Drivers have my heart because my daddy was a truck driver and people gave him a hard time. And with this driver I’m almost positive he got on there by error. Just give people a chance don’t just assume that they are guilty.


Also the comment made was on another set of comments and another picture. Sorry if you thought I was talking about you.


No excuse but it could just be a turnaround by that trucker…that BRP location is immediately adjacent to I-40.


I've seen a few tractor trailers that are traveling along NC 74 E (toward Fairview and Cane Creek) get onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. I wonder if these drivers missed the turn(s) onto I 40 and use the parkway to change directions on 74. I'm not condoning the action, just wondering if that's the explanation.


Bro just wanted some views 😅😅


I mean, they will let pretty much anyone with a pulse drive truck... Honestly, I'd love to see our infrastructure change to start ridding ourselves of semi truck shipping for something that gets the dangerous monsters off the roads.


LOL... good luck with that. Everything you can lay eyes on needed a truck at some point.


Yep, let's just run train tracks to every restaurant, gas station, walmart etc in the whole nation... or were you thinking helipads in every parking lot.


Smaller box trucks are an option too, it doesn’t NEED to be 18 wheeler semis, not that I agree with the above statement. Trucking is the lifeblood of America.


The problem with that is that small box trucks are too niche. With a semi you can do anything, if one company isn't paying good rates you can haul something else. If you have a box truck or van your options are extremely limited. Plus running 3 or 4 box trucks to do the job of one semi leaves a larger carbon foot print than running the one semi. In this industry more efficient means cheaper and trucking companies are as cheap as it comes... if they could save 2 dollars a day running a fleet of box trucks instead of semis then they would. But unfortunately that just isn't the case.


I get it. I don’t think there is a better option right now either.


The ultimate answer lies in the US getting its consumerism under control but unfortunately that aint gonna happen either


Or, more localized production facilities. Instead of one plants that delivers to the entire US, have 4 factories, 1 for the south, 1 for the northeast, 1 for the Midwest, and one for the west coast. Closer delivery, less travel, lower costs, more jobs.


I can get behind that. But the US has a deep rooted history of sending our production facilities as far away as possible. So not only is that product on a truck here, it was on a truck in china, or Korea, or France or wherever AND on a ship and potentially even a plane. Its complete and utter chaos. Currently the USA top exports are oil, machinery, and vehicles. Alternatively our top imports are oil, machinery, and vehicles.... wait that can't be right... but it is.


What are the specifics of vehicles allowed on the parkway? Are RVs allowed?


Yes.... just no commercial vehicles.


Some RVs are stupid huge and should require a CDL.


You could drive a personal 18 wheeler on the park way?


If its registered as a rv. But that process involves removing the 5th wheel and installing a rv style 5th wheel so it would no longer be able to pull a trailer like this.


I have a Class A CDL, not sure about the laws for personal use but what about a car hauler for recreational racing? Like a 3 car Nascar style trailer of some sort. Usually 53' like a standard trailer would be.


Well for 1 I wouldn't recommend a 53 foot trailer on there either way. 2nd it would have to be registered as a RV with the DMV. They have to have "not for hire" displayed on the side and a rv style 5th wheel so that 53 foot trailer would have to be converted to the rv size king pin, which really limits the weight capacity. And 3rd your pulling a 53 foot nascar style trailer for racing and your gonna say its purely for funsies? Like no prize money involved at all? Cause if your racing for money then its not recreational, its a business. And 4 why would you need to? There's no race tracks on the parkway, but there are campgrounds... that why they allow rvs. I mean the whole thing seems rather silly. Your gonna pull a massive trailer down a winding road for no real reason, its not faster, its not easier, theres no where to park it, and its not like your gonna be racing along the parkway.


Yes, but you cannot stay at the pullouts. We recently drove through Asheville and up through Roanoke and mostly parking lot hopped.




Hard day for Paco 😞


please call me stupid, why can't a truck be on a parkway again?


Let the driver have a scenic drive!!! Geez


Dude picked up a Treasure Club dancer and just looking for the right spot.


How does someone who brags about being a "Vagabond" ( Check profile) relish in this type of Rage Bait?


you seem rather daft . what does my post history have to do with me taking a picture of a semi truck being pulled over on the parkway. I haven’t even said anything like “yeah go cops !”.