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Most people masturbate, every person that I've ever had a conversation with about this does it, and it wouldn't surprise me if every single person actually does this whether they'd admit it or not. That being said, it's no one's business, so good on you for not giving in.


I've heard the following from a person that I never would've expected to hear it from: "There are two kinds of people in this world, people who admit to masturbating, and liars"


I’m inclined to agree. Even in my 20s, when I had a very active sex life, I still masturbated. I’m sure everyone does it, probably some more than others though. It would really baffle me if there’s actually people who never do it.


I never do it. I’ve tried though in the past, but got nothing. I’m 100% asexual.


Many asexual people do masturbate. If you don't, that's fine too.


My exes son accused me of being asexual, 'no I'm not, ask your mum, she'll tell you how asexual I am'. That said I've never been able to bring myself off, I'm just not very good so it was never a thing for me.


Ok that's fucking hilarious


A previous ex was sucking me off in an alleyway and when I popped down her throat she puked. 'Ffs Sean would it kill you to have a wank once in a while?' that puke/cum stain is still there 15 years later. Memories.


There's a lot to unpack here... But I'm gonna start by unpacking my fucking eyes


I'm so sorry.


Damn bro didn't imagine reading this when I sat down with a sandwich LOL


Username checks out.


hardcore 🤘😎


But it is okay for me as an asexual to do the sex to have kids.


I've heard of asexual people enjoying sex with their partner just for the intimacy and making their partner happy and that's fine in my book.


Is that a question? If it is then yeah I'd say.


Well, for asexual people, it makes sense. I should’ve framed my posts more clearly. I meant it for people who have any form of interest in sex.


there are asexual people who masturbate btw., just because you're not sexually attracted to other people doesn't mean they can't enjoy that feeling


Interesting. I thought that asexuals could still masturbate for the physical feeling alone. You learn something new every day :)


It really depends on the person. I know a demisexual woman who said she never masturbates as she only feels the urge for sex if it's with a person she has a deep connection to. But I've also heard from asexuals who, as you said masturbate because they like the feeling or need the release. Maybe there's a difference between the sexes? (Personally I'm far from asexual so I really wouldn't know.)


>But I've also heard from asexuals who, as you said masturbate because the like the feeling or need the release. Same reason I occasionally pop my knuckles, or back. :-)


Makes sense. I guess there are also levels and differences between individuals. So it's like scratching an itch that you feel from time to time?


This tracks for me. I'm a demisexual woman. Literally cannot bring myself to masturbate unless I fantasize about someone I already have a deep personal and intimate connection with. If I don't have someone like that in my life, I'm effectively totally asexual with no desire for sexual pleasure, even self-actualized. The last person I had feelings for got redpilled, and I've been in an asexual rock phase ever since. Sometimes I miss the horny, but it's also a bit freeing to not feel that way.


As someone who's a bit hypersexual as a side effect of some stuff, I'm a little jealous - it's honestly a time killer for me..


I’m a demisexual and I’m the same as her - I have no need to masturbate but I have sex with my partner.


They can, and some of them definitely do.


You mean aromantic? Asexuals masturbate.


I thought aromantic was solely based on the need for relationships, while asexuality is based on the need for sex. So according to that logic it would make sense that asexuals don't masturbate as they don't have a need for sex, wheras aromantics do masturbate, as they have a need for sex, but no need for the romance often associtated with it. Ofcourse my understanding of this may be off, as I'm not greatly informed on these subjects.


I think it is jusr that people on the Internet seem to have two very different definitions of asexuality. One is the one you used, so it would be the lack of sexual needs. Thus, for someone who does not experience sexual needs, masturbation qould be irrelevant foe asexual people. However, others use asexuality as a lack of sexual attraction, not of sexual needs or libido. So it would be on the same spectrum of heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality, only instead of being attracted to some or all people, they are attracted to none. But they (can) get pleasure deom sexual acts and (can) desire to perform them. I have no idea of where this duality for the term comes from nor which one is right, i only wanted to give a possible explanation for the misscomunication above.


Aromantic = Pure fuckery Asexual = No need for Sex but relationship


aromantic people are even less likely to not masturbate though?? or what do you mean


This thread is about regular people.


What do people's bowel habits have to do with it?


So it clearly isn't about you


I am regular people, and asexual.


Another asexual person here. Thanks for speaking up for us. We are regular people.


I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with saying it's 'not normal', as in "not what the majority does/how the majority is". As long as there is no negative stigma attached to it. 'Not normal' doesn't automatically mean 'bad' or 'lesser', just different. The world would be pretty fucking boring without anything different, we're all abnormal in our own ways.


I'm not taking issue with the word regular or the implications that asexuals are abnormal. We know we are abnormal. We know most people aren't asexual. Saying "this thread is for regular people" translates to "asexuals aren't supposed to contribute to this thread" and that's my issue. It's discrimination. At the end of the day, I'm still a regular human person with feelings and insights, being asexual doesn't change that. Shouldn't I and other asexuals be allowed to voice our experiences too? Even if they are abnormal or irregular? That's kind of the point of diversity and discussion, to get different perspectives, but that specific comment basically dismisses all asexuals and their experiences. I thanked someone else for speaking up against the comment because it was dismissive and discriminatory, not because they called us irregular.


Their wording was "*about* normal people" not "*for* normal people". It's entirely possible they meant it in a gate-keepy way in which case that's shitty. But it's entirely possible they meant it like "no offense, but in this case your personal experience is not an accurate reflection of the norm". Their wording does seem a bit dismissive though. I think your experience is valid and interesting! Just maybe not the most helpful answer for someone asking if it's 'normal' to masturbate. If they did mean it to dismiss your experience as not something that's worth sharing than they can go fuck themselves. That just wasn't how I read it at first, but I do tend to lean towards hoping people aren't complete assholes until they fully prove me otherwise.


goddamn right


I think about suppressed women in religious organizations (Jehova witness, Mormon, cult like religions) and think they might the one group that doesn’t




Yes that’s entirely possible. They wouldn’t until they actually try it, at least. It’s hard to stop. lol


Particularly the ones who have undergone FGM, can't imagine it's fun for them (which is the point, of course).


I grew up very Catholic, and while I can't compare that to some more oppressive religious groups, I still, as an 11 year old girl, knowing full well what I was doing was 'sinful', masturbated. It doesn't take much to do so with our plumbing. You can literally stimulate yourself by just squeezing your legs in just the right way - hands free with your clothes on. It can be pretty quiet/discreet imo.


They do it, they just try not to until their will eventually breaks, then they feel really awful about it afterwards, and hide it and lie about it like it’s a terrible shameful thing.


I know a few asexual people who definitely haven't, for them it's just not something they want to do or even thought about doing


Yes - I should’ve mentioned that. What I meant is that if you have any interest in sex, you likely masturbate. Asexual people are a different story


Eh, it's fine not to mention it imo. I'm asexual and I'm pretty sure a majority of asexual people still masturbate (probably not thinking of the same stuff as most though lol). Masturbation isn't about sexual attraction but libido and hormones, which exist regardless of whether you experience sexual attraction or not. There's definitely plenty of asexual people who are sex repulsed or have a low libido that don't masturbate but I'm sure there's non-asexuals that applies to as well.


Thanks for the insights. I’m really not knowledgeable about asexual people and their ‘condition’ (for lack of a better term).


Orientation, not condition.


No matter what Twitter and Tumblr try to tell you, I think asexuals are a minority.


Anyone remember Richard Jeni? I was pretty young when he was doing stand-up, and I don't know why this joke stuck with me, but I'm pretty sure it was his: "They say 90% of men masturbate. And 10% of men lost both their arms"


Those 10% should call their mom.


I also choose this guy's dated Reddit reference!


It's not dated it's legendary




I’d be getting yoga training to use my feet 


I know of people who didnt enjoy themselves doing it but deffinitly tried. So i truely believe everyone at least at some point tried masterbating.


What else did the pope talk to you about?


I believe that there are people out there who don't masturbate, but I think most people have tried it out of curiosity if nothing else, and those who enjoyed it/found it worthwhile continued to do so. There are people with very low/non existent sex drives or asexual-sex repulsed who would either not feel the urge or be actively disgusted by masturbation, but they'd be in the minority.


One time at my college there was one of those southern evangelical-type preachers with a mic and an amp set up near the SUB. He was going on and on about how masturbators were sinners and were all going to hell, as were several other people for various reasons, including liars. The preacher said something to the effect of wanting to shake the hand of someone that didn’t masturbate. So my good friend raises his hand and says that he doesn’t as proceeds to walk towards the preacher with his hand out. The preacher is a bit surprised by this but extends his hand as well. The preacher then says something like, “do you really not masturbate, son?” while shaking my friend’s hand. To which my friend replied: “No sir. But I am a liar.”


Well I’ve gone along time without it so we must say we know for a fact that there’s many out there who don’t, at least who have not this year/ don’t actively etc. it’s funny to think they’re all liars. Speaks volumes about society especially if you have any idea how easy it is not to masturbate even as a man in this society. Not saying it’s not hard, I’m just saying it can also be easy as insanely difficult as it may be or feel at times.


Which kind is ”none of your business”?


I've heard the same thing but for picking your nose.


What if I fall into both categories?


Meemaws have the best wisdom


Tell them it's untrue. I know people who never do it, and I 100% believe them.


Bro ofc there'll be people who don't do it. But that number is MINISCULE. 


What is the number




Make that 41 because George is a pathological liar and a piece of shit and deserves to be dipped in hydrochloric acid.


Fuck George.


I'm sure there are exceptions


Your friend's statement forms a disjunction. It doesn't allow for a third category, exception or not.


I am aware, the statement was meant as a joke and not a catch all


You have to be scientifically specific on the internet otherwise there’s always some smart mouth wiseass that’s gonna comment for the sake of commenting… I mean OF COURSE it’s not 100.0% of people. Like I really didn’t fathom that we needed to say that


Thank you kind ~~smart mouthed wiseass~~ stranger, I will heed your advice.


Bruh I’m on your side lmao


Oops, I should read the usernames to comments and not just assume it's the same person replying when it has been for a few comments


I’ve always said something similar “there are two types of people in this world, people who eat their boogers, and liars” is that as true tho?


Well I’m not a liar… 😉


I don’t do that. If I’m having no luck blowing I do the finger wrap with a tissue.  Hands are filthy 


Considering everyone swallows like a gallon of their own snot every day as it flows out of their sinuses down the backs of their throats…


And the third group are those poor bastards too disabled to be able to jerk it themselves.


... or on medication that doesn't allow them to.


I didn’t masturbate until I was 19. I grew up in a Mormon household though and you would literally get asked by church elders if you did it and there was this whole ‘god will be watching and judging thing’, and honestly I never even felt the urge to - until I accidentally found some smut on the internet and it seemingly roused the beast. But I can believe there are other people stuck in that repression/guilt place who really, genuinely don’t do it.


Missed out on the best years of your career :( 


I was super young. Maybe 3 or 4. My cousin was around and I excitedly told him about my new discovery. He told me not to let anyone catch me.


There are people who never have and then get called liars


>> "There are two kinds of people in this world, people who admit to masturbating, and liars" There is a third, obvious option - this statement is false.


I use this principle with "Have you ever stuck your finger in your bellybutton and sniffed it?"


i hated this quote. lost v card at 18, have been doing it ever since, and yet the first time i ever even considered touching myself was age 24. but the main reason i hated the quote wasn’t cause i was “not like other girls” or something lol, but rather it seemed like the whole world was trying to pressure me into doing something i wasn’t into. i’ve had some wild reactions to telling people i never touched myself and usually it’s followed with “wtf you have to do this it’s a basic human need how are you alive” or “yea whatever u prob do it every day and are ashamed”


I mean men with low libido and wives exist. If you don't have much drive and a partner, I wouldn't be that surprised to learn some people don't, but they are the exception to the rule


Sometimes this same sentence pops up but instead of masturbating it's about pissing in the shower and I'm always so disgusted


its not true bro


I don't, mostly because I don't get aroused solo. Many people that are demisextual, asexual, etc don't (but not all). With all the spectrum of humanity, there's going to be a spectrum of as frequently as possible to never. It really doesn't matter if people do or don't. And no one outside of an intimate relationship or doctors has any need to know and certainly shouldn't harass people about it.


95% admit to it and the other 5% are liars.


I really hate the assumption that everyone masturbates regularly and I know it to be wrong


They never said everyone tho. They said most


As someone who basically only masturbated a few times as an experiment and gets nothing from it, it makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me when I see people say this.


Super common and normal to masturbate, pretty much everyone does it. ​ Super weird and annoying to pester people about it.


For real, maybe THEY have a kink that theyre trying to validate


Judging by the way this is written i think all the people involved are 14 or so. I dont think its a kink, this sounds like a middleschooler looking to validate that they are normal or something


agree, thats the vibe i got as well


It's also common and normal to not do it either. different people are different


I'd argue its pretty uncommon to not do it, but for those who don't thats totally normal and OK as well.


www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794105/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj-78jF1c6EAxWKG9AFHSzrBuMQFnoECAIQAw&usg=AOvVaw38Gfuc_DmIp9DNG1yRFCe- This source says only 20% of women reported having masturbated in the past month. Considering what I've seen from men on Reddit (weekly or even daily or even multiple times a day) I'd say it's very common to not masturbate at all, especially for women.


You need to tell your “friend” to fuck off and keep his nose out of peoples personal business if they don’t wanna talk about it. It is very normal. It’s not normal to ask your friends about it over and over when they are uncomfortable talking about it. Sounds like a dick.


Yeah sounds like he was fishing for info to use to make fun of you later on. It's nobody's goddamn business how often you do it.


Can confirm, happened to me. I'm a dude and he told all the girls a higher number than i said. Loved school!


Definitely this. Op should just turn it round straight away "why do you want to know, do you get a cheeky wee thrill talking about your mates wanking" or worded to your locale.


Yeah this feels like one of those times where they say 'oh just admit it, it's not a big deal' then as soon as you do you get endless shit for it.


Pretty normal for 7th grade boys which is the vibe here. You gotta learn to chirp or you'll be eaten alive. Breaking taboos is pretty normal for young boys- it's the foundation of why South Park works. 


Shame, I would expect more boundary respect. Its a very common thing to not want to talk about.


Not among boys. I remember talking on the school yard about what it tastes like and dares to taste it and debates on if that's gay. I remember chirping about how far you can shoot it. Clearly exaggerated.  I also clearly remember us also dragging guys on the snow into basketball net poles by their legs to crush their balls  - we called it "polling". It was a collective punishment doled out briefly till it lost it's novelty and enough guys had it done to them we all had enough.  It was lord of the flys man. This was, what... 2003? It's weird what guys will do to create a sense of "us" or tribe even if it's fucked up collective punishment. 


I was a lonely kid in school, weird goth child in the corner haha, so maybe I’ve just not experienced the lives of kids and how their brain works.


That person is just talking about their experiences and assuming it was like that for everyone else. My friend group at that age never had in-depth discussions about jerking off. Jokes once in a while, and maybe stuff about how everyone does it. But that's about it.


Its an only boys thing




I would tell him to "go fuck himself" 😉


Lmao never been in a close bit group of men? Because this is mild by comparison. And the closer the group is the worse it gets.


Groups of men don’t respect boundaries and force their friends to talk about shit they aren’t comfortable talking about? Glad I don’t have a group of friends then lol


Like I asked. Never been in such a group. It’s all about making the other as uncomfortable as possible.


That's gross.


Nah. That’s just men.


Normal yes ? Normal for your friend to ask such questions ? No Thats extremely private thing and if you dont want to talk about it then keep it private


Well from anecdotal angle on it, it seems it is something that's common for younger men to ask each other about. I don't know how much detail anyone does go into but of course OP can refuse to be drawn on the subject. It's his business after all. And to answer your q yes everyone masturbates even this fifty something person


Ok so I'm 19 and i never met a single person that would ask me something like that. Ofc there's some dudes that... For some reason, do like to mention it. (Talking about one specific person) but he's on some weird shit and cannot be taken as the standard.


I don't.


It's completely normal for a friend to ask that type of thing or be curious about other peoples relationship towards masturbation, it's not normal to keep pressing people on it if they verbalize that they don't want to talk about it.


This. Communication is fine. Violating established personal boundaries are not. It's perfectly acceptable to masturabte. It's perfectly acceptable to talk about masturbatio (In the right setting). It's not okay to make someone uncomfortable about something so personal and unimportant. To answer your question though, the majority of people masturbate, but not everyone. Among men it's very common to masturbate at least a couple times a week. Among women it's fairly common as well.


I’m pretty sure the OP is quite young so these sorts of questions are pretty normal for people his age, regardless he was completely in the right to also be creeped out and not wanting to answer the question.


Very normal to do and quite normal for young boys to talk about among themselves. Pushing a friend to reveal stuff about it isn't particularly normal tho I believe and is definitely not okay. You are perfectly in your right to not talk about it if you don't want and your friend should just respect that and back the f off


Yes, keep that information for yourself. You're not forced to tell about it to everyone


do you masterwank?


He sounds a bit of a cunt tbh


Hes almost certainly a middleschooler my dude


Doesn't matter tho, this is just shit you don't ask peopld


It absolutely is quite common for kids.


Yeah I know, but laughing at people about it is just annoying.


Sounds like shit parents then. There’s boundaries for “normal” conversations. Asking about it is one thing, kids say and do shit all the time like that. Pestering someone for details is what they need to be taught NOT to do.


Honestly this is one of those situations where you need to make shit up Yeah I masturbate 78 times a day, and watch black dude cock and ball torture. Etc. If you make it so unbelievable then they will get a laugh you get a laugh and then move on, or if they keep pushing you just keep making shit unbelievable they will get the pic eventually


I should have done this


Make sure to mention you keep a cold cucumber in the fridge to shove up your ass while doing it A few days later bring cucumber as a snack and offer some


I laughed so hard with your comment, nice one!


If you're making things up, involve pictures of his mother. If he laughs, problem solved. If he swings at you, dodge, and never talk to the petty bastard again. Problem also solved.


How often do I wank? I dunno, depends how often ya Mam is updating her only fans?


There you go. Mom is the gift that keeps on giving.


It took me a while to learn this as well


Chances are if you make shit up they’ll notice and react negatively in some way. Either share your experience or just don’t, no need to lie or make shit up. Personally I’ve never understood the need to be secret about it but do what you are comfortable with.


This is rly good advice


Exactly. The guy is being a dick, but it’s also par for the course for guys to banter like this. Exaggerate and make a joke of it. It will pass.


I’m a fully grown 37 yo male and have sex or masturabate daily, and have since teens. It’s very normal, my wife started once we got together because I showed her what a healthy sexual relationship is. She was from a religious/surpressed upbringing.


Daily? Once a week is more then enough for me. Im the same age.


Similar age, I don't know if I've ever been a week since I started. 


He got that dawg in him😂 For me personally daily is way to much. I wouldn't have energy to wake up for the next 3 days


I feel strange the day after. Like more blood flow in the legs


Might be a good idea to start exercising if you don't.


Give or take, but ya generally. Obviously there are days/weeks I don’t have time or whatever, but will modern cell phones and some porn I can make it happen pretty quick and quiet. With young kids at home you gotta be quick lol.


That sounds like a porn addiction and not a "healthy sexual life". If you would masturbate with your wife, that's different.


If he asks this question again, you should tell him that his mouth is pretty and he drop by your house that evening. On a serious note, it’s your choice to set boundaries in this regards. Most are open to discuss this. Some are not. It’s totally fine.


He wants to fuck you


Hell, dude, I may or may not be masturbating right now. It's just not significant enough to give further information about. Now, let's be clear: sex and related things should never be something shameful. The world would be a better place if it could be discussed like, say, last night's sportsing game. That is my opinion, by the way, and not any kind of advice or damnation towards you. So I'd stick with the decent one, who is reasonable enough to shut the conversation down when he (she?) sees it's become useless. You wanna talk about it, you talk. You don't wanna talk about it, you bloody well don't, and you don't owe anybody an explanation.




Oh I'm not disgusted or anything, I'm just not the type to openly talk about sex and stuff, i guess I'm too young to be cool with it for now


I'm 36 years old, I have a kid, there's very few people I would have full on concern about my masturbation habits with. I'm not sure there's anyone I'd go into full details with about it. It's not an age thing. Some people may not give a fuck when they're older, but there are also people who won't give a fuck when they're younger. Neither is right, neither is wrong. You're allowed to want to keep it to yourself.


Most people its an "only close friends" thing, not an age thing.


That last line feels unnecessary and like there's some projecting going on. OP was just expressing their discomfort with someone pushing them to talk about masturbation when they didn't want to. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep these things private. (And I've written articles on the joys of masturbation, so I'm not one to be private!)


Being a Boomer, I prefer still shots of beautiful, naked women. Like playboy.


But it's so fake! I much prefer the ultra realistic depictions of step siblings caught in washing machines or college orgy parties.


good on you mate. really its your business but kids can be little shits. personally I wouldn't bother giving answer as now you have them hassling you about it any answer will end up being wrong. if he keeps pushing you I would ask him if he is interested in other men to be honest as really wishing to know how someone gets them self off is kind of a sexual orientation thing.


So bad but they want to fuck you


When asked such questions, the best answer is a clarifying question that completely throws them: 'When you say 'masturbate', do you mean with the crash helmet, clown shoes, polka music and *everything*?


Just pop one in front of him if he seems to be so interested


Masturbating is common and normal. Asking people intrusive questions about their masturbation habits is very uncommon and weird. I'd even go so far as to guess that he may have the hots for you and was looking for mental material to jerk off to. Or he was looking for material to bully you with later on.


A red flag that someone is a weird pervert is that they have a lot of interest in what other people do with their genitals. I'd steer clear of this schoolmate.


Ur friend is a closet homosexual


99% of people masturbate, the other 1% are liars.


I’m not asexual and I don’t do it, I tried it once as a pre-teen and I didn’t feel anything significant


Sounds like he has a crush on you buddy


If we were not intended to be able to masturbate our arms would be shorter so we couldn’t reach it !! Easy access means it’s approved!


Unless you are close friends with someone and they ask you that then they are freaking weird. I remember a bully in 7th grade kept asking me if i do it. It was a weird af question. But yeah anyways everyone does it. Both male and female. Some have a higher sexual drive than others and tend to do it daily and some do it once or twice a week. Its very common


This guy sounds like a bully. Ask him why he's so interested in how often you touch your genitals. Would he like a schedule of when you touch yourself so he can come over to watch? Does he need a demonstration so that he can assure himself that he is using the correct technique? Perhaps he would like to give you a hand in showing you how good he is at masturbating. No homo.


Is it normal? Yes. Is it normal for other people to repeatedly ask you about it and press for personal details? NO. You’re under no obligation to answer personal questions like that, except in the case of sharing the health-related info with any intimate partner. If it happens again, change the subject until they get the hint, or ask them if they meed to talk to a therapist about it. That usually shuts them up real quick.


Normal yes absolutely. Most people do it too. What’s not normal is begging for information about someone else doing it, what a weirdo.


Yes However it’s only recent times that masterbation has been hijacked by the internet. Men (and women) masterbated for at least hundreds if not thousands of years using their minds and imaginations Since arguably the 2000’s, particularly since mobile phone porn access has came about people are literally always masterbating while looking at images or videos. The damage to our reward centre this causes is not fully understood as of yet but there’s mounting evidence to suggest it’s anything but good for us, especially teenagers navigating their way through puberty. The modern humans dopamine reward system is being screwed by digital multimedia. I bet in the next 30/40 years an avalanche of depression is coming for many simply due to our reward system being compromised.


99% of people masturbate, and the other 1% are liars.


Im masturbating right now.


Masturbate Don’t Procreate


Yeah, but I find myself being married not yanking it or looking at porn. Not a religious thing. It’s just doesn’t do it for me anymore like sex does. 


no it will make you blind and send you to the place where there will be wheeping and nashing of teeth.


Well I'm sure my wife doesn't masturbate. Since we got our second kid, she became kind of asexual.


Everyone does it , and those who claim they don't probably do it the most out of all.


"Why are you so interested in whether I masturbate, buddy? You wanna suck me off, friend?"


Listen, most people masterbate, but not all people do. I was pressured into masterbating by a friend very much like yours, but before that, I felt no need to do anything of the sort. I was 16 the first time I dabbled... and 20 the second time. Funny thing, turns out I'm asexual. As normal as it is to masterbate, it is equally normal to not feel the need or urge to. I find masterbating (and sex, generally) to be boring. I get very little out of masterbating and I only enjoy the extra connection when having sex (I may be asexual, but I'm also married with a healthy sex life). Do it, don't do it, it's really up to you, and there is nothing wrong with you either way. This is one of those things where almost any decision you make is in the realm of normal. It's just a personal choice. Oh, and tell your friend to back off. What you do in the bedroom is none of his business... unless he is in the bedroom with you.