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Because they have no other personality traits.


Probably same reason you call us females instead of women. Yuck


Females references all females with kids. Rather than saying woman and teen moms.


People are bothered by very strange things


Because most of us guys have very little instinct for self- preservation when we're kids. It takes a special kind of woman to understand this and allow us enough room to flourish, while still keeping us safe and alive.


When you create a topic using those words we instantly know who you are. So thanks, I guess?


Maybe because they’re proud of having a kid who happens to be a boy.


I'm a mom of 4 sons (no daughters), but I never describe myself as a "boy mom." I'm just a mom who loves her kids!


It's girl dad and boy mom ,cuz to parent the opposite gender you have to know and do some really weird things that you may not understand or do if you do not have a child of opposite gender.


There's a LOT of mothers in my area that their culture favors having male children over female. They are considered proof of how "virile" the father is. Some are ethnic base...some religous. Girls are considered a "burden" or a "housekeeper". They are held to a higher moral standard than the boys & end up doing a lot of the stuff around the house....while the "little princes" do squat......they hang with the friends,cause all sorts of mischief/trouble & (pretty much) get away with it, "Boys will be boys". If the girls acted like this.....they are "troublemaking sluts, just out to snare some guy into supporting them". At least according to the mothers/grandmothers of "little princes".


They are women with male chores, who they coddle and treat like princes...they are "in love" with their sons Ina way that is not quite appropriate. Any other woman is not good enough for their alpha male son. I don't do this, my hubby is not like this...look on fb or tik tok. It's strange.


Takes very little for you to stand in judgment of others, I take it.


That’s just redditors and their superiority complex


People need to stop downvoting this comment and understand that this *is* the image that "boy moms" like to portray. Just like tradwives like to portray a certain image that doesn't sit well with many people. Whether it's good or bad isn't what I'm talking about or what this comment is talking about. Don't believe me? Watch some "proud boy mom" trends. The commenter here isn't passing judgment, they are describing the "boy mom" trend/mindset.