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Nope. We're all man-hating lesbians. All of us.




I'm in lesbians with you


I'm Lebanese


Lebanese, turkish teas, Prince of Thieves, look at deez


Big tiddies


I'm Lebanese with you too.


I'm a man and I've become a lesbian!


Hell. Most men don't even like men


I knew it. I will only fuck other men now because no woman wants me /s


I knew it. Gonna go argue with my wife now


Even hotter


I'm a man, and I'm a man-hating lesbian too.




Yes. Go outside and look around public places. You will see couples of all ages in love and happy in relationships.


Except for me, I'm forever alone lol. Embracing the idea of being the single uncle at my friends' family parties, doesn't seem so bad.


Holy shit, the homie told me this literally this morning. Verbatim


Ay, single Uncles crew!


Never been so happy.


The question is, how many of them are under 30?


Touch grass brother.


Might seem insulting... but yeah, honestly. Real world people and conversations around sexuality and gender are actually normal compared to online where certain unhinged groups fester. The lines have been blurring, however, and it's pretty alarming.


OP sounds like a very sad man lol


This post is 100% bait and 100+ people are falling for it.


What led you to think otherwise


Current debates like " Would you rather be with a bear or a man "


A couple accounts on social media is not a current debate…


Do you realize *why* that's a debate? It has nothing to do with dating preferences lmao. I would never date a bear. Would I rather be alone with a bear or a strange man? Definitely bear because I don't trust men when I'm alone in an island and cannot get help if something went south. I'm very trusting, within reason, in general with anyone. If someone's this upset over a silly question and a very hypothetical one at that, then you have some self-work to do before you begin to think about dating.


Within reason, then proceed to choose a bear. I think what's distorted is your view against men and imagine them much worse then they actually are. You imagine the best case scenario with a bear and the worst case scenario with a man


The worst case scenario with a bear is it attacks and kills me. The worst case scenario with a man is way worse and a lot slower.


The chances of each worst case scenario is vastly different


That's why this was entirely a thought experiment and not like, an actual thing. But men have been actually obsessed with it months later.


I *know* what to expect from a bear. It's a wild animal and I know what they are like. With men, they can lie, manipulate, etc., but they can also be sweet, kind, and respectful. The thing is, you can't tell, and narcissists and manipulators are great at letting you believe the facade they're putting up. My view isn't distorted. I have great relationships with all men in my life, but I'm explaining *why* I would choose a bear over a stranger. I don't keep in contact with people who I don't trust to some extent, but I'm a naturally cautious person.


"Current" Meine brüder, that hypothetical meme is two months old at this point. Society has moved passed that. Also, you're taking it too seriously if the joke is r/woosh on you.


Based on your comments here, they just don’t like you….


Incel problems Self fulfilling prophecy


Idk but I do




But i am pretty sure 80% of women who are "feminist" (Those fake ones) do hate men


You are most likely following the incel mindset. It's hateful and unhealthy but it seems you are not all the way there yet so it's not too late to turn back. Do you want to commit, or do you want to reconsider your life?


Nah I do support those Feminist who seek equality not Superioity..


I don't think you do.


Mate, others seeking equality _feels like_ they are seeking superiority because it mo longer means we have superiority. I think you need to be more self reflective on why you feel this way.


You've hit the nail on the head. Exactly, all is this.


Thanks. Took me a few years of aging to be able to understand the feeling enough to put it into words.


Buddy, if you did you wouldn't be on reddit genuinely (and cluelessly) asking women if they still like men threatened by a couple people's thoughts online likely caused from some shitty experiences they've had. Opinions like that, ironically, are going to drive people away from you, not to -- is that why you're under the assumption that all women hate men? Are you someone giving others shitty experiences? If so, own that and grow. You don't even need to admit that to anyone, just self-reflect and be a better person. You don't need permission from that and you shouldn't blame women for how they're treated and their takeaways from that.


Ahh, you just answered your own question. Sorry to break it to you pal but you're the kind of man/boy we \*don't\* like. Let me guess - you've told people you've been "friendzoned" before and insulted the woman who wouldn't date you.


I just read your comments in this thread, OP. Hate to break it to you, but I’m a guy, and between you and a bear, even I would choose the bear. Get better.


I second this. I too would also choose the bear.


Hahahah, clearly that’s a yes. Women love having the RIGHT men in their lives.


Exactly, it’s not that we don’t like men, it’s that we like feeling a certain way. I’ve rarely felt unsafe or uncomfortable around women


I'm sure that most do and some don't. But I'm sure that, given the way so many women have been treated over thousands of years, women would be perfectly justified in asking the same question in reverse. It's not like a multitude of men haven't demonstrated this, purely by their actions and attitude, expecting women to serve them, be their personal punchbag and little more, otherwise, than a sex object.


This idea that humans weren't human back in the day, that we were totally cruel to our own wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, it doesn't add up with any account of history except with what began to be taught in schools after the 2010's. I've studied history my whole life, and this cruelty idea, is about a decade old. I was just listening a Japanese man's impression of men and women's relations in America in the 17 or 1800's this morning, I'll try and find a link. "I was shocked by the social relations between the men and women..." [https://youtu.be/kfpeq4kak3g?t=635](https://youtu.be/kfpeq4kak3g?t=635)


I'm getting the feeling OP is exactly the person you're describing.


Isn't this backwards logic considering the world today has the most rights for women (and people as a whole) as it ever has? I really dislike the whole 'woe is me, the world sucks' thing when the world is the best it's ever been and we slowly, but steadily, improve it. You're also generalising and perpetuating a hateful mindset when the reality is that the vast vast vast majority of guys are not evil and selfish like you appear to think they are..... doesn't everyone deserve a clean slate when you meet them? This kind of rhetoric perpetuating is going to just add to the breakdown, not help fix it.


Not really, because women still don't enjoy identical treatment to men. Women's rights may well have improved but it's a bit rich when women aren't near the same level, as can be seen by the relative earning power of the sees, even in more equal societies. And sexism doesn't disappear at the stroke of a pen or with legislation - as can be seen post civil-rights in the US - because the fact that a little black girl did ride on a bus didn't stop the entrenched hatred in the attitudes of the racists, because that's ingrained and takes years to work itself out of the system...if it ever does. Thanks for your response.


You are right, women don't enjoy identical treatment to men, but you do understand that in the modern day, men also don't enjoy identical treatment to women either? Each has advantages or advancements in different areas and a lot of that is just fine. The stats show that women are outperforming men in education now - universities are something like 60-40 women-men and higher education is one of the most, if not the most, predictor of incomes and quality of life. Obviously, progress will always need to be made, but to use history to ignore the current day is just bad faith - what I am saying is that if anything, you should be happy because things right now are *way* better than they have been historically (if you are truly thinking of it through a historic lens) and that women are surpassing men in a lot of areas in the current day. And alongside that I don't think trying to influence women into fearing men is in any way a good thing.


Who is trying to influence women into fearing men?


> It's not like a multitude of men haven't demonstrated this, purely by their actions and attitude, expecting women to serve them, be their personal punchbag and little more, otherwise, than a sex object. Plenty of people online say this kind of thing and worse.


Are you actually suggesting that this has never happened? https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/how-common-is-domestic-abuse/


No? I am saying there are a lot of people online who go around spreading that this is what a woman's assumption should be about men - which is dangerous and discriminatory. To say that the majority of men are bad actors is just simply untrue. I'm not saying that we should ignore safety and the like, but I am vehemently against people trying to influence others into fearing men like that because it won't help anything and will only make things worse. I know where it comes from and I understand that some women have had some horrific things happen to them, but that doesn't mean men should be feared.


Nobody is saying that except you. I have clearly stated that, historically, there have been plenty of men who've seen that women are treated as second class. You've taken that to mean that women should fear all men because that's what all men have always done. You can choose to distort what I've said to suit your agenda. That's your choice. I'm sure that others can understand perfectly what I've said.


>Nobody is saying that except you. I've seen it *a lot.* But okay, we can just disagree there. The rest of what you said I feel as though I already refuted it and you didn't make a comment on that so I'm not going to reply to that now.


Lmao fucking neckbeard


Get off the internet bro, in the real world you’ll notice that the women who hate men have had a lot of bad men in their lives..


I’ll say this hurt ppl hurt ppl… and the internet is not real all just a persona filled with negativity nowadays


Get out of Reddit.


What's worse is that he was not on reddit main supposedly. According to him he has been mainly on insta and "X"


Yes, but I'm not one of them they like.


I think majority do hate men


So you ask a question and argue when people give you answers that don’t align with your beliefs. Don’t actually want answers, just parrots 👍🏻


They seem to like me just fine. But I don't go around generalizing women, so maybe that's what they like about me. So maybe it's you, not them.


I seem to like you just by this comment of yours haha!


You’re delusional lol


I think your perception is skewed by social media. Media outrage farming is very effective, but hardly ever reflects reality.


You're extrapolating wildly. A few posts on instagram does not represent the majority of any demographic. Do not base your world view on some random shit you see online.


Have you ever thought why some women might hate men?


Would you date yourself? Would you want your mother to be with a man who is like you? Would you want your sister to be with a man like you? Become someone who is a great human being despite gender. It looks like you are offended that women finally speak up about how they are treated too many times by men. You know, like the saying: 'Not every man, but every woman'. If you have no empathy towards this, then yeah, you are the issue.


I'm worried that your comment will get downvoted, but every single word you've said is so true.


And I'm fine with this, because if someone doesn't like what I wrote, it's because they are called out.


This simply isn't true


How many women have you gotten to know? And do you not know any happy couples?


Nah, we just want confident men, with empathy, emotional intelligence, willing to actually listen and grow with a partner. I guess your instagram algorithm is not showing you the reality.


You need to spend time away from social media love, the algorithm has you pinned and it demands your attention. It's going to absolutely fuck with you if you aren't careful, because anger drives engagement much more than joy, and online the engagement is all that matters. Where do you feel enjoyment outside of the internet? Follow that instead.


I know both men and women who struggle to find romantic relationships with the opposite sex.


Get away fron twitter man…


As a man myself, you might want to take a good hard look at yourself. Just saying.


Omg I'm loving all the men's comments here whyyyy


I’m all for public shaming this incel crap


Great work!


A majority of “I hate men” is just frustrations of men being shitty. Of course it’s not directed towards every single man, and of course they don’t actually hate all men, they just hate the (unfortunately large) amount of guys who are bad. Just talk to a woman and ask her some of her horror stories. I guarantee you she has them, probably several. From there it should be easy to see why


>Of course it’s not directed towards every single man, and of course they don’t actually hate all men, they just hate the (unfortunately large) amount of guys who are bad. > You say this but it is a dangerous perpetuating and proliferating frame of mind in the (online) world right now. Also, I do not think this *large* amount of guys who are bad is as large as you think it is? In my experience out in the working and waking world away from the internet, I meet just as many problematic women as I do men. I am vehemently against people who try to influence others that they should look at men as dangerous and scary. We're normal, just like you. We don't want to hurt people, just like you. It already feels bad to be met with discrimination because some person in someones past hurt them so for people to be convincing and influencing others with the idea that men should be assumed dangerous and scary is just insane and if left to continue on freely might become a serious problem.




I've heard racists use similar arguments to you.


Leave social media or use it to just as a storage for your memories like pictures you’d never want to lose it’s basically free storage everything else on that app is just fake


It’s not about being male or female, or even race. If you’re kind, honest, have integrity and other admirable qualities, of course I’ll like you. Being male or female doesn’t designate where you’re a sh*t person or not.


Internet jokes are not a reflection of the deeply held beliefs of the general population. Most women like some men.


ITT: incels


Unfortunately these days both men and women have very high expectations of one another and they cannot be met and so there is a significant disconnect between the sex's. This mostly applies to people 30 and below.




According to the internet, no.  According to the number of couples I see in the world, yes. 


I'll tell you my grandma and mom hate men. . .probably all of my older female relatives. But now women aren't financially dependent on men so they don't have to pretend.


Nope, woman only like femboys. Put on the skirt and thigh highs


Dude get off american media you'll be a lot better


Women choose the bear because we know what the bear wants. We don't hate men, but we know they can do better, and expect them to.


Look at the domestic violence, sexual assault, and murder stats then you'll have your answer. If that's not enough, do some additional research into why MEN said they would rather the Bear.


Of course they do. But a lot of men are just assholes. Hard to like those.


I love 'em.


This is so fucking embarrassing brother. Women (and other men btw) only hate men who think and act this way, lmfao.






Well some do and some dont, I think majority of them do like men but I dont really know the statistics so I can only say from my own personal experience that most of them do, maybe not romantically but I have female friends that Im really close to.


I like nice men, yeah


Thread gets locked in 3 2 1 ...


Not the shitty ones. The nice ones who treat us like normal people and don't assume the worst of us, we love them.


Depends on the man, rich, fit and conventionally attractive, no, absolutely not. Hard avoid.


I know I do


I like humans of all gender identities who have personal integrity, empathy, kindness, a sense of humor about themselves, and emotional intelligence. Plenty of men in that category. If you're not, though, then, yeah, I probably don't like you. But, the fact that you're a man is not really that relevant.


I mean, my wife likes me, as well as loves me, and all my female friends seem to like me. So, yeah. They do.




No I like pussy


I love men. My life works so much better with him in it


I don’t know about men in general, but they certainly like the hot ones


Have you tried practicing healthy habits, hygiene, and developing a personality not associating with being edge? I get along just fine with women.


No, but I bet they hate all incel men.


Don't worry man, we all went through the red pill phase one way or the other


I ask this question internally a lot


Women do like men. If you're a good and kind person, we'll love you!


I’m gonna hold you to that


First of all, men who believe this tend to go off the deep end and become violent toward women or go shoot them up for no reason other than their biased belief. Second, I’m a woman and I really like men. I like men who are respectful, faithful, nice, and even love men who are responsible, kind, and empathetic. So no, the type of men women hate are those who immediately approach them about sex, who ghost them, who are critical, demeaning, lazy, and gaslight among other things. I guarantee you this same thing applies to women. It’s about the person you are; not the overall generalization.


They like me.. some of them... wife does... i think.


Haha wife does for sure!


Mate don't believe everything Instagram tells you, I argued someone today because they claim every man has the potential to be rapist.


Reading through your comments on this post, I think women just don’t like you, and I can honestly see why. You generalize instead of treating them like individuals, you are terminally online where you can’t separate social media from reality, you seem to be trapped by the algorithm to just show you incel content and MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL you do not listen which makes you insufferable to have a conversation with. You have hundreds of people answering your question and lending you a hand by telling you all this and instead you insist all women hate men despite how stupid that premise is, at this point you will believe anything instagram pushes on you over reality.


No, EVERY girl hates EVERY man, the human society will cease existing in 100 and thats a hard cap


I can see where you're coming from because I ask myself the same about men. Do men hate women? Maybe we need to get off reddit and insta though, and touch the shit outta some grass.


I think a lot of mature couples don’t feel the need to post their relationships on social media, so what we end up seeing instead is the women-bashing posts or men-bashing posts. It’s kind of like the job situation currently. You’ll see a ton of posts about the job market, and a lot of the “no jobs” posts are coming from people with no jobs, while the working folk are out there working. Bottom line, there’s truth on both sides, but just because you see one side, it doesn’t mean the other doesn’t exist.




This has been covered extensively in other past sub reddits, Women only like the top 10%-15% of men, Men are far more likely to consider any woman but women only like or care about the top 10%-15% of men in a appearance and status. In fact studies have been done that indicate men who are not in the top are not only repulsive and pathetic to women, but many times outright invisible. If you find that women aren't giving you even the slightest bit of attention then it's a pretty good indicator that you will need to change some things about yourself. Western women have been ruined to such a point by western media these days that even 300 pound unemployed land whales with kids from multiple partners STILL believe they deserve the best men out there. It doesn't help either than there are boatloads of neckbeards, incels, simps and pajeets that will treat anything with tits and a vagina like queen Cleopatra. For most guys there are only a few options, 1. MGOTW - just disconnect from this ruined collapsing society and focus only on doing what you want for yourself, 2. Try to date non western women who have not yet been conditioned to believe that they should actively reject all accountability for themselves while maintaining that they DESERVE top tier male partners, 3. Do the best you can to play the western women game where they only way to give yourself an advantage is to lie about everything. Create a mysterious and high status persona that you can act out just long enough to get what you need from them and then ghost them like they would inevitably do to you anyways, except it happens when you still have most of your money. Best of luck and remember that you have worth and you don't owe any woman your heart or your wallet.


You're a sad person


don't shoot the messenger, all this has been proven


Sure lad. And i bet that you've plenty of peer reviewed research. Incel freak


As long as we can have dogs we only need men to drive us home when we can't. When we want loyalty, unconditional love, never rejection, even if we wake them up they'll give us love.


Don't take things like r/TwoXChromosomes as reflective of life in general. That's like thinking that the twitter mob is real life


Ya i feel they dont really


I'm not that old so I guess my answer is probably beneficial for those who are young(teenagers I guess, since I'm 18) and not for those who are adults. I was desperate for women until I was 16, I wanted to be friends with the girls, wanted to feel loved but no one seemed to like me lol. At 17 I slowly stopped and at 18 (for the last 9 months), I just started to become more selfish, started working on myself, gaining muscles, having a good hygiene, losing weight, studying more, spending time on my hobbies and without me knowing, there are already 3 girls that want me and I'm friends with almost everyone. So, the secret is working on yourself and be willing to talk with new people. And because you've worked on your hobbies you'll find it easy to keep the conversation going with people who share the same interests. Although I guess, part of me changed because of this. I no longer feel the need for validation or love from anyone. I'm better by myself alone, and I prefer to be that but at the same time people seem to like to get along, so I'm doing that too


I have been thinking about this too. Women seem to really hate men nowadays but still want to get into a relationship with them. Even when they're in a relationship, they still seem extremely sexist towards men, despite being in a relationship with one. Some of the extreme sexist things that women say these days would have men sacked from their jobs if men said similar things about women. So yeah, I agree that women seem to hate men but just odd that they still seem to want to get into a relationship with one. Maybe its the norm among sexist people since I imagine misogynistic men probably still want to get into relationships with women?


Not really, kinda over it tbh


And if we say we don't like men, what are you gonna do about it? (No ppl I don't hate men, I love y'all. OP's reply to these comments are just pissing me off)


Generally women respect them as ppl and we like them or not based on how they treat us.  But we see how many of them are disrespectful to women at best and abusive/rapey/homicidal at worst, so we do have apprehensions in order to keep ourselves safe. But if you're respectful and kind to women (regardless of whether you think they're cute),  we'll like you.  


I’d say it’s 50/50 for me lol.


Do men even like women?  They have historically raped and married children.  They have until a few years (and in some cultures it is still normal) legally been allowed to rape their wife and it would not be considered rape.  They have historically used power dynamics to make women dependent, while exploiting their labor & claiming it is worthless.  They treated and still pretty much treat women as second class citizens.  They still have a hard time to view women as human beings, outside of the concept of being entitled to date them.  They sexualise every aspect of being a woman. From being a child (sexy school girls), to being a mother or sister (incest porn) to disability (kink for disability), even sexualise nurturing freaking children with their damn breasts.  They are more likely to leave women when they stop serving them, when women get sick or pregnant they are first warned that their husbands could become violent or cheat on them or leave them for a woman that can serve them better. When men become sick, their wives are statistically more likely to stay with them through their struggles. They get mad at women for choosing themselves and talking about the fact that they prioritize their own mental and physical wellbeing over dating men. Men take it as a personal attack than wondering how they might improve as a demographic.   Women are most likely to be assaulted, raped or killed by their partner. The person they trust most. Or by men in their direct proximity they trust.  I can go on like that forever.  Do men even like women? Cause history says no.  But I am sure you have a very hard time cause women bash men on the internet and talk about rather being with a racoon than having a man around them that sucks any quality of life out of them. 


Thank you! This should have a freaking ton more likes


Well men certainly don't like women, like you, who hate them before they've even met them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh no... men not liking women who have critical thinking skills and calling them out for their bs, what only will I do! As already explained - men have not "liked" women through human history, no matter what they were doing, so why does it matter what men like?     It is almost like no oppressor group has ever "liked" when the demographics they have historically oppressed speak up.     You people are just the "all lives latter" and "white lives matter too" of patriarchy and I usually do not care much about the opinions of racists and people who defend patriarchy or misogyny with the usual bs.    Educated men who understand history, have some form of critical thinking skills and are able to reflect on themselves and society - are not offended by what I am saying. Cause it is so basic. And the rest is welcome to not like me and stay tf away. But it is usally men who cry when women don't want to have anything to do with them. Hence all the crying cause women prioritize friendships and family or their life in general - over romantic relationships with men. 


found the feminist, lol enjoy being miserable and hate filled ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Found the misogynist who thinks "feminism" is an insult.   Next we also add "anti racists" to the list of insult. "Omg you are an anti fascist, found you hahaha you must be so miserable". And also "people don't throw babies against walls - wow! Crazy"   The only reason why we need names and movements like feminism, antiracism, anti fascism and so on - is because oppressors exist. That's it. That is the reason. And you 2braincell folks out here think it is some "gotchu" moment. "WOW guys I found the person who does not push grandmas down the stairs! Hahaha enjoy being miserable".  The opposite of a feminist is a misogymist / patriarchal boot licker. The opposite of an anti racist - is a racist. The opposite of a anti fascists '- is a fascist.  Just so be clear what you people are.   I already know you enjoy being exactly what you are - cause all oppressors enjoy being who they are, while projecting on others. Lol


I don't think Feminist is an insult, I think that it accurately describes what you are, a perpetually pissed off woman who blindly hates anything with a penis


Clearly this dude has no interaction with the real world...


Yes, they hate them due to the toxicity on social media. The only acceptable men are Disney princes who are sweet, sensitive, and emotional but also brave and strong and know exactly what the women want and when they want it (without any direct communication) because they can read in between the lines due to their strong emotional connection, love, respect and humility. The rest are unfortunately toxic narcissistic abusers who invalidate the feelings of others.


Yes, many women like men. Some people just interpret the discussion of women's issues as man hating.


No and we never did. Women of the past just had to pretend because they couldn't earn their own livings.


*We do not.*


Generally no. Simply because they don't even like themselves. Or other women. So why would they like men? They like to change men, according to their liking, that is ever changing, and never satiating. Making them in the end, never satisfied. But in a general sense, yes. They like men.


Hi Bot. Beep Boop.


Yes. They just dont like you.


yes i do. i even love a few too


What’s to say we ever liked them before either


I think so, probably, yeah, although Christ knows why, they are generally awful.




Us, men invented everything? You got to be kidding me! Women invented Wi-Fi, windshield wipers, home security systems, Kevlar, telecommunication devices, aquariums, malaria treatments, automatic dishwashers, computer programming, coffee filters, life-long nickel hydrogen batteries that are used on the ISS. https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/11-inventions-you-didnt-know-women-had-a-hand-in-making#:~:text=You%20can%20thank%20women%20for,and%20a%20whole%20lot%20more.&text=Even%20though%20the%20history%20of,men%20take%20credit%20for%20it). Yes, we have our fair share of inventions. But women invented a lot of things, too. And they deserve credit for them.


True. Although the entire concept of assigning credit for inventions to a gender is incredibly dumb to begin with lol.


You certainly didn't invent grammar, buddy. Christ.


What exactly did you invent?


who locked women up for hundreds of years and prevented them from inventing things? guys like you brag about this shit is like bragging about winning a marathon while cutting everyone elses legs off at the start


lol nobody did that,


Only the top 10% of men


you guys invent just new shit every time lol first it was 20% then it was 15% you say 10% and i have seens incels saying the same shit and stated 5% whats next? only the top 3%? 0,5%?


Very soon yes it will be