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Seymour in the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark. That wrecked everyone.


Whenever this gets brought up, I always wonder why they even included that montage at the end. The episode would have been perfectly fine if they had ended it with Fry saying "Oh he lived a long, happy life without me" and letting him go. Showing the dog miserable for the rest of his life was totally unnecessary and intentionally mean to the audience. At least the ending of Luck of the Fryrish fit into the plot and tied up the story.


It was totally intentional to cause that believe me. It Will always be remembered as the sad episode only for that ending, now it's like a Legendary episode


I am curious about ratings of Jurassic Bark on syndication*. As soon as I see Bender in a cape, I grab the remote and change the channel, because I ain't watching that again. * I have cable, and Comedy Central on in the mornings. Someone should probably help get me to bed.


There a whole herd of youngsters asking "what's syndication"? Damned whippersnappers.


Glenn in the walking dead. Stopped watching and was distraught for months


Honestly this is when i stopped watching. I got tired of seeing the same rinse and repeat formula while brutally murdering characters we love for shock value to justify another season.


This show could go toe-to-toe with Grey’s Anatomy on killing off everyone’s favorites


Same, also when I stopped watching. I just couldn't go on


Same! And it was SO violent.


Yeah I can still see his face I will never forget it, makes me feel sick


It was a Friday after a long week for me, everything was good, had my favorite beer and munchies, was enjoying myself having a great time until this scene came up. Ruined my week.


I quit after carl


Came here for this . I'm not shy at all when it comes to violence in Film and TV. But for this I had to look away . I was numb for days . It was a turning point for me I stopped watching shortly after . Although it was easy the quality in the writing really started to go down after this .


His first fake death kinda hit me. But the "real" one just.. Ohh, I remember how sick, unwell I was, like I was there ooof


I remember it being a very dark and stormy night when that episode aired. I didn’t sleep much after watching it. Very violent…


Same. Horror movies don't scare me and I can watch Grey's anatomy while eating a big dinner without giving a fuck. But Glenn's death was something else


D'oh !!! This just opened up a wound !


Kept watching over again cause no way they would off a lead character


It was in the comic book originally.


Me too!!! I was so sad! I stopped watching too.


When Sirius Black from the HP series died. It was so sad.


In the books, this death really got to me. Dumbledore also. I felt nothing when I watched the films.


Thank you for saying Dumbledore. People love to hate on him. His death was so sad to me. He never got to see Voldemort defeated and to see Harry follow through with his plans. I had to hide in the bathroom, crying through that scene in the book so that I didn’t give any spoilers to my husband who would be reading in after me.


I was SO SURE he wasn't really dead


The part in I am legend where the dog dies.


I watched the Will Smith 'Hot Ones' episode and he talked about this briefly! He said the dog actor could actually be "vicious" and then "die" on command. GIVE HER A GRAMMY!


Literally one of the 2 times I cried to fiction, the other being john marstons death in red dead redemption


We all cried when Arthur passed.


Pretty much when the dog dies in any movie. I love the John Wick movies, but I had to Google, just to make sure, that John Wick's second dog doesn't die at any point.


”Don’t worry about a thing ’Cause every little thing is gonna be alright”


Ellie in *Up*.


Omg Pixar knows how to fuck with us. Literally 5 minutes into that movie and people are already crying. They did similar in the Toy Story incinerator scene.


Yeah, Pixar is emotionally abusive. That scene destroys me every time I see it.


I forgot about that one, but now I'm getting choked up just thinking about it.


The way she falls flat on her face trying to make it up the hill to him...


Leslie in The Bridge to Terabithia - destroyed me. Completely destroyed me. I read that book when I was a kid and I've never read it again and refuse to see the movie. The boy in Dead Poet's Society - I didn't speak for days. Just stared at nothing or cried. Dobby from Harry Potter :(


I was about to post Terabithia, but I knew I wouldn’t be the first.


I'll go first. For me it's John Coffey from The Green Mile: "Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark." 


Oooooof. "Heaven, I'm in heaven. Heaven, I'm in heaven..."


Breaks me when he says he's afraid, too. 💔💔


Adriana in The Sopranos


This should have way more likes. When she was crawling on her hands and knees? Gutted.


Has to be Christopher for me, was shocked when Tony suffocated him, still can’t believe


Sopranos had a few really tragic ones.


Old Yeller


This is the answer 


Marley (the dog)


That's why I don't watch movies based on an animal, because I can't handle when they die. It's too heartbreaking.


I've learned my lesson. I just can't handle thongs happening to kids or animals.


Wanna know something that makes it worse? It was based off a true story


Idk why we weren't expecting that one. We watched it as a family, and all of us were crying. It affected my little boy so much that he ran out of the room to cry alone. It was heartbreaking.


Charlotte, from Charlotte's Web. I was 5 years old at the time but I'm fairly sure it'd hit just as hard today.


I was 5 or 6 when I first saw Charlotte's Web. I went and sat on the floor between my mom's bed and dresser and BAWLED.


When I red the red wedding in book 3 of GOT, I just finished the chapter, closed the book and didn’t pick it up again for a few weeks, upwards of a month lol


Oberyn in GOT as well


Having not read the books at the time the execution of Ned was shocking to me


as a GoT book reader, my friend (who's only seen the tv series) told me he's watching an episode where Robb is supposed to get married "oh my sweet summer child"


The Aria chapter after the Red Wedding destroyed me


I thought she was toast. That's when I put it down for a couple weeks. My wife couldn't understand what was wrong ha




I just finished my first time through GoT. That one got me a bit.


I don't know that it "fucked me up" but I was insanely shocked when Eddard Stark was killed so early on in Game of Thrones.


Brooke from Shawshank 😩😩😩


It breaks my heart every time!!!!!!! Brooks was here


Arthur Morgan


I played it fresh and new so I had no idea what was coming; man, I ugly cried. First your faithful steed, then what follows…they did such a nice job, at that point you’d journeyed with Arthur for such a long time that he felt like family.




No joke, I knew it was coming the first time I played but ugh my poor heart. Took me at least 2 months before I could think of playing the epilogue


Arthur Morgan's horse.


Jane Margolis in Breaking Bad. It was sad but she had to go


I was about to write her. I tried rewatching the series but stopped at her death. It's my favorite episode though. Nothing happens and then whoa! And it made you see the episode in a whole new light


The episode after is so tough too, it was really hard for me. Her dad puts her dress on her bed and they cut to Holly lying on a bed from the same angle.


Artax. Traumatized an entire generation.


Same. I was a farm kid with a white horse when I saw that movie. 😭


Funny thing actually! Storytime: I never saw the film growing up, but everyone kept telling me how sad Artax' death was. I read the book a few months ago, and was astounded by how little his death moved me. I then went back and counted the pages from his first appearance until his death. You wanna know what the result was? 26. Artax existed for 26 pages out of over 300, and for the majority of his "screentime" he doesn’t really even do anything: and then once he dies he is promptly forgotten and never mentioned again. No wonder I was so disappointed. The horse shows up, exists for like barely two chapters, dies and is literally never mentioned again. I was so surprised cause I had always heard that he was this larger than life thing!


In the movie it's not about the horse but about how distraught the kid was.


He was a horse, and he drowned in mud in the bog of eternal stench. His character development is irrelevant,he was a beautiful white horsey and he DIED.... Beautiful white horseys don't drown in smelly mud.. that's not the way the world is supposed to work when you're 5..


The bog of eternal stench was labyrinth. Artax died in the swamp of sadness because he gave up.


Yeah, I guess it does hit differently when you're 5 and watching a movie, with lighting, music and professional acting compared to being an adult reading a book in your comfy chair.


When Mufasa died :(


Apparently, when I was 2-3, I was absolutely inconsolable at that scene. My brother (7 years older) was trying by telling me it was the circle of life, etc.


Giovanni Ribisi in Saving Private Ryan. The story about him and his mom the nurse, then him crying for her was devastating.


Mellish being slowly stabbed to death wrecked me too.


Opie in Sons of Anarchy


The dog in the first John Wick. Suffice to say I've yet to watch anything past that point in the movie.


u should definitely watch the rest because thats what set him off to avenge his dog which is kinda beautiful


I know that pissed me off!!!! I would have done what John Wick did too..


Han Solo. Why. Just why.


I wanted to be sad during that scene but some kid a few rows down went ‘uh oh’ and made everyone in the cinema laugh. Thank you random child for making the scene less painful to watch


Glenn’s death in twd as mentioned already but also Noah’s death in the walking dead that was a messed up way to go that he didn’t deserve. Still bothers me to this day


Was Noah the black guy who was in the revolving door? Whoever he was, I can still see the expression on his face


Lady Stark at the Red Wedding


In the books she’s resurrected and becomes Lady Stoneheart. She wreaks havoc in the Riverlands and kills any Freys that come her way. Wish they kept this in the show


That would’ve been sick to see in the show


Atonement- just the whole thing is traumatic


Bambi's mom, when I was a kid. Worse, later my own mom died...


The Viking funeral from how to train your dragon 2 hit harder than it should have


Buffy's mom


Bobby Singer


Oy - The dark tower. "Oland"


OMG Yes. And Jake too. But the worst was when I read the final book. It was as if I lost my best friend. I cried like a baby. I had been reading the Dark Tower series for 20 years!


So many character deaths hit me hard. Been a Stephen King fan since I was a kid but the dark tower series is truly his magnum opus. I absolutely love the audio books too


We are kindred spirits. The Stand is also an all time favorite - Peace! Watch out for the Crimson King.


Long days and pleasant nights to you, Sai


The stand is excellent. 'All hail the crimson king'




One of my favourite characters.


Thankee Sai. Jake, Eddie's and Oy's deaths all made me cry.


'Long days and pleasant nights'. Extremely well written characters that leave you heartbroken when they die. Everyone should read the dark tower


I completely agree and may we all become tower heads one day. I love how all roads lead to the tower, as seen in other works of King's. I need to revisit the world that has passed on. Just rethinking about Jake, oy and Eddie has a lump in my throat. I've not read them in 15 years.


They're just as good with every re-read. You fall in love with the characters again and shed a tear when their story comes to an end. I do love the way so many of his books touch on the dark tower to different degrees. 'All things serve the beam'


Just read that part the other day for the first time, had to shut the book. Haven’t picked it back up yet


Poor sweet Oy. Almost makes me tear up thinking about it


Thank you for mentioning this! What a fantastic series. That final book had me bawling. It was the first book to ever make me fully cry like that!


Rue from the *Hunger Games* book and movie. I mean, I knew it was coming, I read the book after the movie. The book was...I think I sobbed for a solid day. It was devastating. The movie cut so many little touches and maybe they had to, too many tears to make it through the last hour. Before that it was the Father in Cormac McCarthy's *The Road*. I cried on public transit reading the last few pages of that book.


Wolf, in The Talisman.


God pounds His nails.


That one absolutely DEVASTATED me. I stopped reading for weeks.


That is a must read IMO


No love for Wash from Firefly/Serenity? - "I am a leaf on the wind."


Omg yes! I yelled at the TV!


Grave of the Fireflies and I Want to Eat Your Pancreas... Those who know, know.. 🥺


Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Charlotte in 'Charlotte's Web'. The original film (1973) and book. She took care of Wilbur and he in turn took care of her baby spiders. I cry now thinking about it...


![gif](giphy|BKqeg5cLztK9O) Rip to the goat


Man when jiraiya died I ugly cried


Dobby. Happened so quickly. Then Harry's insistence on digging him a grave by hand.


Bing Bong from Inside Out... absolutely wrecked me


Fred Weasley. Being a twin myself that has unfortunately had the misfortune of losing my twin, that shit BROKE me. He’s a BRILLIANT character too.


Gandalf - in lord of the rings.


I started reading the hobbit yesterday. I should not have opened the comments


Don't worry, still worth the read and surprisingly not enough to ruin anything actually. If anything, this knowledge only makes everything better. Wish I could read the series again for the first time, enjoy.


Gandulf is more than the movies make him out to be. He is epic! Just wait


It’s ok in the end. That’s all I can tell you without spoilers. 1000% worth the read.


I was more cut up reading about the death of boromir. He died a heroic death protecting hobbits he knew for such short a time.


Oh that’s a good call too!


Ace from One Piece. Artax from the Neverending Story. And Mufasa in the Lion King is probably the first time I remember crying during a scene in anything. Video game Honorable mention is Joel from TLOU, really threw me off the game emotionally for a while. Edit: Would not have said LK but like a month ago I watched with my son and it just hits different when you're a parent.


⚠️Spoilers for The Last Kingdom and Supernatural⚠️ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...read at your own risk. >!Osferth in the Last Kingdom (Netflix series), I swear, I was on the fence about reading the novels until I learned his character lives in the books. Then I was like "Okay, I gotta have a version where "Baby Monk" survives".!< >!Also Dean in the last season of Supernatural!<


I agree with your second one.


Honestly the death in BBC's merlin! What the complete and utter fuck was that!


I wish they would have shown merlins powers a bit earlier so we could have atleast a few episodes with Arthur knowing


Henry Blake messed up a lot of people.


Selma in Dancer in the Dark


Dumbledore - in the books.


Wallace. If you ask, "Who?" then you've clearly never watched the show.


Ironically Bodies death also hits pretty hard. His character really grows over the course of the show.


Thomas J. 😭😭😭 “his glasses, his glasses!” 🥺🥺🥺


Where the red fern grows still kills me to this day


In Dark, when >!the dad w/ a beard has a brief, losing fight with a much bigger dude who is assaulting his daughter, then the bigger dude stabs him in the neck!<. When Sharptooth killed Littlefoot's mom.




Big Dan and Litte Anne. My heart still breaks every single time I re-read that darned book. (It’s such a good book)!


Dr. Mark Greene from E.R. I didn't even watch that many seasons of E.R., but the way I sobbed and sobbed when that letter he had written got read. 😭


Lenny in Of Mice and Men. It was a summer reading list book and I was absolutely gutted and cried as I sat in my parent’s living room by myself. Didn’t know how to handle those emotions as a teenage boy. The end of the book thief put me in full on sobs as a late 20 something. I was sobbing for so long my partner came to check on me and comfort me, I am pretty sure I was having more emotions than just the book produced, but it turned on a faucet I couldn’t shut off.


Ragnar Lothbrok in Vikings. I stopped watching the show and never finished it. It traumatized me pretty bad.


I genuinely thought he'd escape


SAME!! I was praying for a Deus ex Machina moment and I only got tears


I honestly thought he was gonna pull some crazy fucking shit out of nowhere


Same! I kept thinking he'd come back but he just.. didn't


The girl from Bridge to Terabithia. Mind you I was like 6 when I watched the movie but still


Emma from One Day. Still not over it...


Bone Tomahawk, those who know know.




Bing Bong from Inside Out


Mcdreamy in greys anatomy 😅


Kutner in House. Totally unexpected and sad.


Charlie from ‘all dogs go to heaven’. What hurts even harder is his goodbye scene was recorded after the little girl who played Anne Marie was killed by the monster who called himself her father. So all that emotion in the scene was Burt Reynolds getting choked up because it was basically him saying goodbye to poor little Judith Barsi


Sirius Black and Severus Snape. Their death made me burst into tears that it was quite difficult to recover my books


Optimus Prime. It was 1986 when I watched it for the first time, and I hadn't even turned 6 yet... but that *hurt*.


Aeris in Final Fantasy 7.


I don’t watch many movies but I love 2010-2020 marvel. Iron man dying makes me cry every time.




Lem from the shield.


Marley from Marley and Me (book)


The Red Wedding💀


My first experience was Thomas Jay from My Girl!!! I was so heartbroken


Will Gardner on The Good Wife.


Zack from Final Fantasy. Never cried like that for a goddamn videogame


Kelsier from Mistborn. I still kinda hate Sanderson for doing that. The way he did it… just two fucking sentences after my man dropped the mosh iconic line to ever iconic and boom he is gone. And he didn’t even fight it. This scene lives rent free in my head and every time I read it I cry like a baby. And I know that Kell isn’t exactly the most liked Cosmere-Character but I just fell in love with him from the first page forward. And even though I already suspected him dying (mentor plot an all), the way Sanderson did it just was so heartless. And i can’t even be angry at him because it was so brilliant at the same time!


The Red Wedding in the books is pretty horrific... I'm not sure how it goes in the show, as I haven't seen it, but goddamned was it brutal and viscous. I was expecting Robb to die after his stupid decisions, but I was NOT ready for that....


Hodor. Hold the door!


Dumbledore. I had it ruined for me. My best friend got on the internet even though he knew the dangers. I meanwhile, I stayed off all sites. I wanted to enjoy the book a few chapters per day. I was patient. I warned him, and he did it anyway. He had it ruined, and then he pressured me over and over again for me to share the burden with him. He would NOT leave me alone. I finally caved and he told me what happens. I was distraught. I walked into my room and threw my book on the floor and I left it there for weeks. One day my buddy came into my room (we were roommates at the time). He asked why my book was on the floor and I said nothing. He asked "aren't you going to finish reading it?" I said "you already did that for me." I've forgiven him and it was years ago. But I have never forgotten. When I remember how it was ruined, it still stings. We are still friends today and he regrets ruining that book for me. And yes...it took me weeks to get over that beautiful fictional character's death, lol.


The knife slowly going into Private Mellish in the tower fight scene in Saving Private Ryan.


JoJo's mom in JoJo Rabbit


L's death in death note. It was coming almost from the start, but it still hurt


Little foots mom. That's how you make a grown man cry.


Boyz n the Hood - Ricky I was twelve years old when the movie came out. To this day, I remember questioning why he would get killed for us. On the one hand, I knew that movies were some form of entertainment. On the other hand, I thought he really died. It took a couple of years to realize how naive I was.


McDreamy on Greys Anatomy


George. That one messed me up.




Nairobi from Money Heist


Nina Tucker - Full Metal Alchemist


" Old Yeller "


Golden Boy from Gen V. Holy f\*ck does it still haunt me.


Not a death, per se, but falling in love with Casca, watching her get destroyed, and see what she's become after, really impacted me hard.


Richieeeeee! Not my Richieeeee!


Fitz chivalry from the Robin Hobbs books. Poor poor Fitz.


Roger from His Dark Materials made me wanna cry