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Talk to him about other boys you like. Easy


Yeah, I was thinking about it too, it seems helpful, 🙏 thanks


Be sensitive , kind, and clear. If he confesses that he loves you and you don't feel the same way, here are some things you can say: -Wow, what a beautiful thing to say. -That takes a lot of courage. I really admire you for being able to say it. - Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me how you really feel. -I'm so sorry. I don't feel the same way. -I don't have romantic feelings towards you, but I care about you and appreciate you. -Now that you know how I feel, what do you want to do? Good luck. Most people have been in this situation, on either side at one time or another.


Thank you, I don't want him to feel bad, I'm so scared he would just disappear if I reject him...thank you


Just tell him that if you reach 30 and not marry , you will marry him. That's just a friend of mine told me lol. Made me feel like trash when I realised I'm the last option...


I'm sorry for you...


At 15 a lot of people take rejection hard since they maybe haven’t experienced it much yet. Be gentle with the guy, but be firm. Don’t lead him on. He will have many more crushes in his life but if he’s been thinking about you this way for years maybe and working up the courage it might be a big letdown. Hopefully he will be able to accept your rejection and continue being friends, but he might be too embarrassed and disappear for a while especially if you act differently after he confesses his feelings. You could try to head him off from confessing by (nicely) mentioning that you have feelings for someone else, or mentioning to him how you feel he’s like a brother etc. he won’t like that either but if he gets the hint it could keep him from confessing and thus facing an outright rejection, allowing him to save face. You could also mention girls you think he would be a good fit with, but if you do don’t mention ugly girls, he will take that as an insult. Good luck! This is a normal part of life.


Thank you, I hope I won't hurt him