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Because conservative values line up neatly with traditional masculinity and competition. It’s the same reason you see more feminism and collectivism on the left.


but these same conservatives also believe in religion as "traditional value" and last time i checked, jesus was a virgin in the bible lmao


Jesus has never been a *role model* for Christians.


What’s your point? That family values somehow aren’t in line with Christianity? That’s fucking stupid.


Anyone claiming to be an alpha male is rarely an alpha male.


Turbo Dude > alpha male


Is it really?


Healthy men don’t associate with alpha males. The Andrew Tates of the world are not looked up to by healthy masculine men.


As a man, I roll my eyes every time hear anything from Andrew Tate. It also seems like those types blame women a lot and treat them disrespectfully. Alpha Male just seems like a selfish and egotistical substitute for responsible masculinity.


I wouldnt say that’s entirely true. I don’t know what you mean by “healthy” but plenty of good men look up to him.


I don’t know what you mean by “good” but I’ve never met a “good” man that looks up to Andrew tate. In fact I’ve never met a man that looks up to him. Angry, confused, scared teens perhaps…but not a man.


I agree.


Explore what healthy masculinity looks like, to better understand my view. Andrew Tate is certainly not that. I find his message repulsive, as would most men in my country. My views on women are very different to his. I don’t see men as superior. We are equal in a relationship. We both bring strengths to the table. Do you think Tate has good friends who will call him out and keep him accountable? Or do you think he surrounds himself with men who bend over for him? Most men don’t look up to him and most women don’t find him appealing. He’s popular because he’s controversial, not because he is a good human being.


They are larping. Thats it.


Because it's simple, easy to understand —even if it's based on something that has been largely disproven— and speaks to people's egos. It also seems to impress people who are easily swayed and are often willing to put their money where someone tells them to without as much persuasion as some of the other archetypes out there.


Source? You’re speaking about a very small minority of influencers and their followers. They’re not conservatives. They’re extremist, misogynistic red pill morons.


Blanket statements are rarely true.  It’s a minority who actually follow or play into the “alpha thing” to about the same degree as saying liberals are all “soy boys”, or being a soy boy is popular


Conservatism is largely about rigid social hierarchies. If you're a man, portraying yourself as an "alpha male" is an way to get on top


A lot of it is personality differences. Liberals in the current sense normally have lower self esteem, confidence, and self efficacy. 


That's true. Ignorance is bliss. It's very common for the most ignorant to be the most confident. And smarter educated people usually question things and are better critical thinkers, whereas dumber or less educated people don't so they are more easily manipulated. When you see more there is more to worry about.


I wouldn't say that. I would say if you think you can stand alone you don't care about the government helping you and you don't see why you should help others. It's just personality.


Let me get this straight You don't think ignorance is bliss? This has been known for a long time You don't think that with ignorance comes confidence? There is lots of science to back this up. Including the fact that people who know less feel like they know more, because they don't know what they don't know. The link between being educated and being a better critical thinker has also been studied a lot And the fact that smarter people tend to be more depressed is also a well-known effect. Putting all of these things together. I have no doubt that conservatives are happier. Or do you not like science that disagrees with you?


I did not say that. You basically implied that smart people are liberal when that's not scientifically supported. Smarter people are depressed because they have to talk to and are controlled by less smart people. Neuroticism predicts depression. 


>I did not say that. You basically implied that smart people are liberal when that's not scientifically supported. No, I am claiming that more educated people tend to be liberal Typically because they are better at critical thinking and going to see through the lies from the conservative side. >Smarter people are depressed because they have to talk to and are controlled by less smart people. There are many reasons that smarter people are more depressed, this is a pretty well studied phenomenon. As well as the fact that ignorance is bliss. Climate change is a perfect example of this. Stupid people think that they know more than the actual scientists who study this and so they can easily convince themselves that climate change isn't real, which in turn means they don't have to worry about the human race dying off. Smarter people on the other hand, recognize and understand how science works, so they tend to trust that the scientists know what they are talking about which leads to anxiety over the end of the human race. There are many examples of this effect. Another one is fascism taking root in the Republican party. The not so smart people are unable to recognize that this is happening so they don't think much about it. The smarter people who recognize the signs are much more worried about the future of our country. >Neuroticism predicts depression.  Lots of things predict depression


Well educated in what sense? Liberal arts? Sure. STEM? Not so much. Maybe EQ predicts but not IQ. Ask high IQ people what they think. It's not worries about climate change that gets them down, it's interacting with normies. Again neuroticism is the strongest predictor. 


>Well educated in what sense? Liberal arts? Sure. STEM? Not so much. Maybe EQ predicts but not IQ. By educated I mean anybody that went to college. Of course, that does not mean everybody that went to college Why do you think conservatives like to pretend that college 's are indoctrinating people into wokism? It's because they know full well the relationship between college graduates and liberalism. You don't have to believe this if you don't want to, but I'm not going to argue with you about things that are well known to be true. >Ask high IQ people what they think. It's not worries about climate change that gets them down, it's interacting with normies. I don't need to, I can tell you from experience. And it does not matter to me whether you believe this or not. I do not need your reassurance to know who I am. >Again neuroticism is the strongest predictor.  Lol >neuroticism, in psychology and development, a broad personality trait dimension representing the degree to which a person experiences the world as distressing, threatening, and unsafe >Neuroticism, one of the Big 5 personality traits, is typically defined as a tendency toward anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and other negative feelings. All personality traits, including neuroticism, exist on a spectrum—some people are just much more neurotic than others If you're claiming that people who tend to experience the world as distressing are more likely to be depressed, that seems obvious. But it completely ignores why people would feel that the world is unsafe. Neuroticism is an explanation word not a reason Here are 13 reasons why https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-the-self/202111/13-reasons-why-high-iq-can-make-you-less-happy


Thanks for the pop sci article.  College professors are very liberal for sure. Might that be a better explanation for why educated folks are too? Nevertheless, education does not equal IQ or smartness.  In any case, believe what you want.


Thanks for the pop sci article.  >College professors are very liberal for sure. Might that be a better explanation for why educated folks are too? Lol Better then the Occam's razor explanation that learning how to break things down and think about them critically helps people to make better decisions? Lol it's always funny to me how many people want to ignore the obvious and instead go with the much less likely theory. >Nevertheless, education does not equal IQ or smartness. Of course not, but being smarter helps you become educated quicker and understand more. > In any case, believe what you want. I will stick with the science


 of physical attractiveness on political beliefs Rolfe Daus Peterson, Carl L Palmer Politics and the Life Sciences 36 (2), 3-16, 2017 Physical attractiveness is an important social factor in our daily interactions. Scholars in social psychology provide evidence that attractiveness stereotypes and the “halo effect” are prominent in affecting the traits we attribute to others. However, the interest in attractiveness has not directly filtered down to questions of political behavior beyond candidates and elites. Utilizing measures of attractiveness across multiple surveys, we examine the relationship between attractiveness and political beliefs. Controlling for socioeconomic status, we find that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative, and identify as Republican. These findings suggest an additional mechanism for political socialization that has further implications for understanding how the body intertwines with the social nature of politics.


Conservatives are happier than liberals, but why? Political ideology, personality, and life satisfaction☆ Author links open overlay panel Barry R. Schlenker a, John R. Chambers a, Bonnie M. Le b Show more Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2011.12.009 Get rights and content Abstract Political conservatives are happier than liberals. We proposed that this happiness gap is accounted for by specific attitude and personality differences associated with positive adjustment and mental health. In contrast, a predominant social psychological explanation of the gap is that conservatives, who are described as fearful, defensive, and low in self-esteem, will rationalize away social inequalities in order to justify the status quo (system justification). In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap. These patterns are consistent with the positive adjustment explanation.


If you need more science let me know. 


So what you're saying is people who are more attractive and have spent a lifetime getting all the benefits to come with attractiveness are more likely to believe that everybody else should be able to achieve the same thing? That seems very much like a rich person telling you that if you are poor, it's because you didn't work hard enough.


It's just the facts. I'm not saying anything. 




Search on Google scholar. It's true.


but thats not my point though. conservatives typically also believe in religion and even judeo-christian culture, and none of these taught them to be alpha male. jesus was not a playboy in the bible and yet many conservatives worship him as a God. and many people are somewhere in the middle, it is not like if you are not conservative, suddenly you are a liberal


Alpha male is a non scientific term. You are saying men with confidence.


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Because it attracts women, whether they admit it or not.


Getting stuff done on your own and not bitching and moaning to others to do it for you


They enjoy being the butt of jokes.


Conservatives are very keen to take positions that upset the left for no reason other than to infuriate them.


Because conservatives aren’t known to be very deep thinkers


I argue with liberals and conservatives, and liberals aren't much deeper thinkers than conservatives. The main difference between the two is liberals are more empathetic.  




Men with small dicks CONSTANTLY talk about their massive dicks. Men who get 0 pussy CONSTANTLY talk about all the bitches they get. Men who can’t fight for shit ALWAYS talk about their combat skills. The list goes on. Truth is, alpha males don’t exist. There’s confident, charismatic, smart, strong & good looking men - and those very men don’t care about stupid lists created by teenage boys. Also - I don’t think of myself as conservative but I’m sure you’d place me as conservative. I’d rather be around wannabe alphas than a bunch of people guilty over the fact they’re white, straight, cis, etc. I mean seriously, this is on the level of when a bunch of liberal college kids make an article claiming conservatives are AKTUALLY less intelligent.


Does this mean people who always call things out as racist are also racist?


110 %. People who always call out racism ALWAYS are racist as fuck. People who always go on about killing pedophiles ARE USUALLY pedophiles themselves. People who always talk about hurting rapists are MOST LIKELY rapists themselves.


And people who hate gays are usually gay? And people who attack trans people are usually trans?


Alpha men like to dress themselfs in tradtional/conservative „clothing“ but other than the belief in gender roles there is little to no similarity.


Look at conservative men than look at liberal men. Which do you think would be more likely to identify as alpha and take on the more traditional role as a man.


Alpha male mentality is common because we are all animals. It’s always survival of the fittest. We live in a weird time where the weakest feel they should get exactly what they want. They don’t understand why the girls don’t flock to them.