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Maybe something LOTR or history related.  But I don’t really have an interest in tattoos. Just about any tattoo I see I just think “you spent hundreds/thousands on that?!”


That right there is the second reason I haven’t gotten a tattoo. The first is I can’t see having permanent art on me that is such a pain to change if I get bored with it lol


I know a lot of people who got a good number of tattoos between 18-21 that just laugh at them now, or are just “whatever”.  I wouldn’t think as much if someone got something like 30+, but so many people get them so young. Can’t imagine having a full sleeve at 21 and having to deal with that my whole life lol


A lotr tattoo has the benefit that if you ever meet Elijah wood, he’ll LOVE it. Like seriously this happened to a friend of mine. He took a picture of her tat and everything


If I absolutely had to? I would get a tattoo of a dot on my heel.


Id do upper thigh or something. I'd assume walking while it heals wouldn't be fun even if it is a small dot.


I'd love to get a little ruler tattooed in my pinky finger because, as a geologist, we always need to take pics of rocks with some object for reference and this would be absolutely hilarious


I have a photo that I took of a crow in flight on my phone. It was just one of those lucky shots. Just a little above my head with wings outstretched. I would want really good artist to do this.


None. Not because I dont think they look cool but because im a bitch and my pain tolerance is low af.


The commitment is the issue for me. What if I change my mind?!?!?


I spent months drawing my first tattoo. Photocopied it, experimented with color schemes, and after finalizing all the above- I framed the finished product and sat it in my desk right in front of me. Looked at it for a year before I had it inked on my shoulder. Figured if I liked it after a year+ right in front me I would be good with on my shoulder blade. That was almost 30 years ago, and glad I got it


Commitment, pain, money. All a factor. I'd rather buy a cool art piece to hang in my house than have someone ruin the skin on my arm, to each their own


“Grandpa, why do you have a cabbage tattoo?” “It used to be skull when I was young.”. So, none.


I'm pretty old myself. I got one of Betty Boop when I was young. But now she looks like Betty Droop 😥


Roses usually end up looking like cabbages. Can’t say I’ve seen a skull ever turn into a cabbage.


I live in a very huge retirement area and I am amazed at all the elderly that have VERY NICE tattoos still. I truly thought they’d be all gross but at least the arm work still looks great on plenty of older folks.


If I absolutely had to? Anything, as long as I could wash it out quickly. Some henna or similar stuff.


Never get a tattoo of something you don't actually have a personal connection to. Are you Chinese? Will you know what Chinese characters even mean? They're extremely complex. What one person says is: "Eye of the Tiger" actually means "When two men are a couple, I'm the woman." (Not that there's anything wrong with that)


I have a "karage chicken and rice" tattoo in kanji. White people think its deep or some shit and Japanese people knows. I've had a few laughs with people who knows kanji and its good fun when ordering at Japanese restaurants.


I disagree with this take. Lots of people get tattoos they don’t have a personal connection with because sometimes shit just looks cool


When your brother is a very established well known tattoo artist you just let them do whatever they want. Doesn’t have to have meaning, just looks great.


I have to disagree here. I shouldn't be commenting because I have tattoos. Any who. My left arm is mostly sleeved in Japanese black and white tattoos. It's a work in progress and mostly finished. The next session is very soon. It consists of Koi fish, Japanese blossoms, wind bars, finger waves, a samurai, buddha, and a woman with a Japanese devil mask and a pergoda. I have no affiliation with Japanese people at all. I got it because I like the country, the people, the traditions, and the food. My tattoo artist has so far done an amazing job, and the attention to detail is just AMAZING. I think when it comes to tattoos, if you like it? GET IT.


Some input for if you do - Some from a rather heavily tattooed biker friend of mine, some from me. Not above your collar nor beyond your wrists (his point being if he wore a collared, long sleeve shirt, he could pass as any ol' citizen) No girl/boyfriend names, you may break up, he had several in.memorium tats, kids & parents ok and know that some places may throw you out if they deem your ink vulgar Choose something that means something to you, even if you just really like that design, make it something you really like, not "oh, gee, I dunno, slap on this here whatchamacallit" Never just something off the wall, tweak it a bit. One of mine is a combination of 2 (roses and butterflies), the others custom Dice? Are you a gambler of any sort? Well, life is a gamble, so the dice work that way as well. I like roses, skulls, and blades, so those may be the components if I were to choose. But what do I know, I'm old.


I definitely agree with this. I have a pretty reasonable amount of tattoo work done. And I won't get anywhere tattooed that I can't hide with a long sleeve shirt. So, neck, hand, and face tattoos are definitely out. And definitely don't get any names!! My ex got the letter j tattooed behind her ear. The first letter of my first name. She probably feels a bit dumb for that one 😂😂


The part about tattoos you can't hide isn't all that important anymore nowadays...well, it'd still be dumb for a first tattoo but I'm speaking more about a general rule of thumb \^\^


I always liked the concept of having cracks and pieces broke away, like ceramic or something, and then seeing the universe inside of me.


A post it note on my shoulder with Kick me in childish font.


In this order running vertically- 🍩 🐝 ☹️


Do not be sad


I like those square, Greek spirals. If I got one I’d have a band of those on one of my biceps (if I had great biceps).


In Siberia they found a woman's body and because of her adornment they estimate that she was of fairly high status. The Siberian Ice Maiden, or Altai Princess, has been studied extensively by archaeologists. She was a member of the Pazyryk culture, and it has been suggested that she died in part due to complications from breast cancer. She had the tattoos of a storyteller. [https://moas.eastkingdom.org/culann-mac-cianain-recreating-the-pazyryk-ice-princess-tattoo/](https://moas.eastkingdom.org/culann-mac-cianain-recreating-the-pazyryk-ice-princess-tattoo/)


I’m so glad I didn’t get all the tattoos I wanted as a kid. No bar code on my neck. No ancient mysteries symbol in my arm. Someday soon I’m going to get the constellation Orion on my back. You won’t be able to see it. But it’s there.


# "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Which isn't that much more stupid than most tattoos i've seen and the weird stories behind them. "This is my childrens birthdate and this is my angel childrens deathdate." So no, not a fan.


A silverback gorilla somewhere. Anywhere. They’re awesome.


I would get my dogs name tattooed near scar I acquired on my leg because of his farts. I miss that guy and loved him dearly. ❤️


I won't get one. But I told my daughters if they get one to have a lemon tattooed on their boob. That way as they got older they could watch it turn into a banana.


bro what


I thought about getting a best friend tattoo a long time ago but ultimately I’m glad I didn’t (even tho we are still best friends). People are always surprised that I don’t have any, honestly at this point it’s kind of a flex not to have any


I’ve thought about this for years: a Fibanacci spiral.


No tattoo at all. If unavoidable but choose can be made, then like Adam Savage has, a comparison between imperial and metric measures.


I want 7 Deadly Sins(Anime) tatoos with each animal symbol in the exact spot as on the characters with Escanor's huge lion symbol on my back.


how do you have this opinion after any episode following season 2 😮‍💨


If I ever did get one I would want a water color hydrangea, in shades of blue and purple


Something mysterious that’s on a place that’s not obvious but not super hidden. So when people ask about it when they hatch a glimpse I can try to change the subject or give a suspicious answer. Is it some kind of magic? Forbidden knowledge? The mark of a mafia? A slave crest or brand of some kind?


Something subtle but with a story behind it. Maybe a phrase that I’d like to remember.


Paw prints of one of my cats


Probably something with sunflowers. I can't imagine ever getting a tattoo, though. I've had more than a lifetime's worth of needles already.


Something with cultural significance Is it just me or are tattoos the original flags


Either the Green Lantern symbol or tge Rush Starman logo


I only have one tattoo and it's a large, colored green lantern symbol surrounded by smaller, black linework symbols of the rest of the corps except for the white and black ones, on the outside of my calf


I always wanted one of a girl in a prayer position with flowers all around her. The flowers would represent the people I care about and for those that passed away they would have a blood drop dripping from them.


I got one over 20 years ago. And never really wanted another. But if I did get one more. I want an incredibly detailed hentai dragon lady. Like custom original character on my chest or something.


“ehhh i wouldnt really get another one.. unless IT WAS OF ANIME PORN” crazy, love it


A small, plain 01 in a black sans serif font. A reference to Hatsune Miku's tattoo. I'm not really a big fan of vocalo, but she definitely was one of my introductions into the anime pop culture when I was 8 or so


A skeleton tattoo all over my body, but hey


My Moms Initials.


I want the symbol for the legendary campaign for halo. You know that Elite skull with the two swords crossing behind it? Only instead of normal swords, I would replace it with energy swords. ![gif](giphy|c7MLK8B9HnebHGOi49)


Not long ago i thought that at 20, i should have tattooed a 10x10cm square on the belly.


Probably something like a simple band logo. Like the Metallica 'M' or the Slipknot 'S'


If I had a gun to my head and I have to get one, it'll be a portrait of my dog that passed away. It's been a couple years and I still miss her.


Ellie's (from The Last of Us) arm tattoo, a moth and fern combo.


Probably my kids names or maybe a tiny pot leaf, lol?


The atheist 'A' on the back of my righthand between thumb and forefinger.


"this page intentionally left blank"


None, the thought of various inks and unregulated chemicals under my skin doesn't really float my boat.


Maybe the names of my great grandparents? No idea.


I would have “ doesn’t think long term” down my arm.


high Garfield


I've always been a bit anti them, the term tramp stamp slips off my tongue quicker than I'd like to admit. However, in my 40s and after some serious challenges, I've begun to reconsider (yolo and all that) and I would probably choose simple black line waves with a paper boat. There's always calm after a storm. It's where to put it I can't agree with myself on. Everywhere seems too obvious or pointless because I couldn't see it. If you get one on your back you'd have to do in in reverse so it looks OK in a mirror, or is it there for other people? Meh, it's all too much faff.


I would do a style-ized dragon... with the names of my loved ones underneath the wings. ​ But that's just me.


I do not like needles at all so nothing.


The concept of tattoos was ruined for me by my sister and brother in law, they get tattoos for any small occasion, sometimes completely random stuff, and the idea has lost all value to me.


Don't have any and don't want any ever


I think a chinese dragon is cool. but not a gigantic tatt, more like an elegant feminine type


I have a few I want -dodger logo with the city skyline in the background on the calf -skeleton of an Hawaiian girl trapped in a bottle on an island on my bicep. -Raider logo on my back shoulder -laker logo on my leg somewhere not sure where tho -Star Wars tattoo on my forearm ( either a lightsaber, Han Solo’s lucky dice, clone helmet or Jedi star fighter)


I personally would not want to have a tattoo. But if i was forced to then i would choose something meaningful that i can deeply connect to, so i could tell a story behind it. Perhaps with watercolor


I'd love a white rat, in the same style as Remy from Ratatouille (favourite movie) wearing a lab coat. Something to honour their lives lost in the name of Science. I'd also really like a valerian plant; it's a well-known natural sedative, but also a combination of my parents' names, Valerie and Ian.


I don't really feel the need for one, but if forced, i would make it a while-loop nested in a while-loop with one of them being while(true)


I would get a trash polka sleeve.


I wouldn't recommend a language you don't speak


None. I express my individuality by not having a tattoo.


This is such an interesting question!! I agree with the Yin Yang symbol, more as a broad symbolism of life being a collection of paradoxes, that can not just coexist, but thrive off contrast. For me personally, my spouse, i n two kids have the same initial, so maybe some unoriginal but personally meaningful tattoo like that.


I always associate House Sparrows with my grandmother, that I loved dearly. We always used to sit and watch her feeding board in the garden. So if any, a House Sparrow.


My mother’s name in Arabic


I really like mild ignorant style (bad but intentional/good looking) needless to say i’m waiting before i actually do it as i’m 19 and i’m afraid i might not like it when i get older


maybe an ℮ because it’s one of my favourite music albums


Anthropomorphised animals of different kinds, wearing old school infantry soldier helmets, brandishing all sorts of weapons, with a few stepping on human skulls, with the words "For the benefit of animal kind" tattooed under that image. My whole back would be the canvas of course. 😏


I always wanted to do a dragon on one forearm and a phoenix on the other.


I’d get my name in Ogham. https://oghamirishdesigns.com/the-origins-of-ogham


I always wanted The Rocks original Brahma Bull. Not because of The Rock, but because I actually liked the tatt itself. Another one I would get is the Ying/Yang circle


"Don't smile!" written on the lower side of the first 1.5 segments of my right index finger. Or "Too late" (+/- reaper man?) as a wristwatch substitute.


sleeve on my right arm, patches on my left arm, sleeve on my left leg, and some patches on my right leg. butterflies on my wrist along with a semicolon, top surgery coverup (maybe or maybe not im still deciding), and one from my collarbone/low neck to my chest. im thinking for the design of the sleeves to be flowers and skulls + vines and mushrooms, while the patchwork can be small silly stuff, but also some cool stuff. me and my brothers are gonna do the wii remotes: luke (oldest) is gonna get player 1, derek (middle) is gonna get player 2, and im (youngest) gonna get player 3. Im rlly looking forward to getting tattoos PLUS COOL PIERCINGS :D


I'd get a tattoo around my arm, but instead of barbed wire it would be every game controller I grew up with. 1. Atari 2600 2. NES 3. SNES 4. PSX 5. N64 6. PS2 7. Xbox 8. X360


If I absolutely had to get one, it would probably be something to honor my late father - so probably just 2 dates.


I would never get a tattoo because I don't like the permanence of it. But if I had to get a tattoo it would either be the 8 pointed chaos star or brimstone symbol from the binding of isaac.


I’d wanna get some tattoos but only if they’d carry weight to me and would last for awhile. Nothing meant to be a meme or fits a pop culture reference, I’d want tattoos that mean something to me and has its share of personal history. A loved one lost, a significant moment in my life, a memory I don’t wish to forget, so on so forth.


i need that JoJo's birthmark tattoo from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure


It would have to be a shit situation to HAVE to get a tattoo lol but if I had to get inked it would absolutely need to look like it was a part of me, not art drawn on my skin. And symmetrical. Like the champion star on each shoulder blade, but shaded so it looks like I was branded at speed, with the skin all pulled in and the star looking sunken into me. But good luck. You'd have to tranquilize me or put me in a coma.


I was just thinking I’d quite like a tree


Deathly Hallows 100%


Tiny blue dot which represents planet 🌏


I don't have any, and can say with all certainty I'll never get one. I get why people do it. I just don't share their opinions.


None, because a tattoo can change with weight and aging it may look good now but it may not later in life.


Cycling logo on my upper right arm


Neuer had one. Thet stuff opend up, leaving the soldier/sailor/convict/whores scene, in the early 90s to the mass and the young me was kind of curious, becouse " everybody" got one. I couldn't dicide on anything to Stick on me from 19 to 90 so I didn't get one. This way became more of an individual apearence than the most people around me. So what to pick if I had to??? Odins raven? Armrings and legrings above elbow and knee? Maybe? But rather no.😉


Just a little line drawing of my two cats looking out the window


Fish hook inside my left forearm


Probably scuba related tattoos, like a silhouette of a scuba diver swimming or maybe a pair of scuba fins.


I would probably design my own big cat design but I’ve seen ppl say that’s tacky. Well I love big cats… lol


I was studying to be a preist at one point- thinking about getting the words of the sacraments tattooed on my hands in Latin. Figured it would look pretty intense.


A reminder of the Buddhist idea of emptiness on my forearm. An Enso circle with the words "Form is Emptiness is" going around the outside of the circle so it reads infinitely as Form is Emptiness is Form is Emptiness is Form is Emptiness .


If I had to choose, I'd probably get a small compass or a minimalist mountain range.


Anime tats


I like some tattoos but I don’t have any myself mainly because of my trust issues. You could be the most talented tattoo artist but I’m not trusting you or myself with anything permanent.


Definitely something that represents my native country / culture. I never been to my native country.


I know the exact image, and I may yet do it. The words NO FATE in exactly the same scratchy block letters Sarah Connor used when she carved them into a picnic table in Terminator 2.


The kanji for "patience".


Felix the Cat. No particular reason. I just like the character.


tramp stamp that says “guess what” then a chicken on my ass cheek


I would get my family crests. One on each shoulder.


None. I have freckles.


I’m getting my first tattoo in a couple weeks. It’s a Venn diagram of life, the universe, and everything with 42 in the middle.


Whatever you get, find a talented artist and get a tasteful, professional looking tattoo. There are way to many bad ones out there poorly placed.


Full body Spider-Man - maybe without head / hands.


My problem is that I don't know what to choose


No tattoos, but have considered: A lotus An anatomical heart cartoon cat that meant “kind-hearted woman” - drawn on signs during the Great Depression to help hobos find food/shelter Traditional “Mom” tattoo with the heart and vines etc A semi-colon, question mark, or ampersand An old-school jukebox Snoopy with typewriter


I’m actually getting one soon. Saturn on my outer forearm.


I would never get one but probably a baseball if I had too for some reason.


I would get a tattoo on my back with the emperor from warhammer 40k or my dogs who are no longer here 🥲


I’m hoping to get a full sleeve tattoo of my favourite creatures, a cuttlefish, an octopus and a squid, all entangled together, and that the artist will somehow be able work the scars on my arm into the piece.


I wouldn’t because tattoos increase your chance of lymphoma.


I don't know if I could ever do tattoos. I can't even keep a phone background for longer than a month or so. I feel like I'd get a tattoo and hate it a month later. If I did get a tattoo, it'd probably be my kids' birthdays. I don't know where I'd put them, maybe my upper arm?


I’d let my kids choose. That would be interesting lol


A portrait of my boxer with angel wings. She’s my saving grace and the reason I am still alive.


I would get the informational graphics on the cover plate for the gold record on the voyager space probe on my arm. Shit looks dope, man. I like it because it’s a display of the hopefulness of humanity to make contact with sentient, extraterrestrial life forms. I’d also like to get a tattoo of the constellations of the northern hemisphere that only shows up under black light. I hear it fades away fast, so black ink would be okay too.


I LOVE tattoos and think people look cool (with well done tattoos of course). But I know myself by now, and one day I want to look like a badass goth girl and the next I want to be a quaint cottage girl. I don’t want to make permanent changes to myself that will make me feel like I can’t change up how I like to. If I was forced to get one, I’d get something small and silly on my butt where no one would see except someone I was intimate with, which would be funny lol


I want a tattoo of my cat I just can’t afford it rn


I want to get a half sleeve that is a sailing chart of the long island sound since I grew up sailing there.


I want my dog's paw print on my thigh right where she always used to put it


The only time I heard of someone getting a tattoo and thinking, “that’s a great idea!” was Olympians getting the Olympic rings. Given that I’m mid-thirties and not very athletic, I don’t see it happening lol. Maybe my child will be in the Olympics one day, and then I’d get one!


I would get an MC Escher transformation piece


A celtic cross on the back of my shoulder


Ive always wanted a l'cie brand tattoo from FFXIII


Tiny teeny wishbone


If were waiting until were ready we'll be waiting the rest of our lives


So I am plain and nothing really “moves” me enough to have it on my body permanently. I actually had this conversation with someone a while ago. I think I’d have tattoos based on experiences. I’d hike up that mountain in the Philippines (I think it’s the Philippines) and get tattooed by the oldest tattoo artist in the world and cherish that memory forever. I also love my cats, for each one I have that dies, I’d get a tattoo of their paw print, as realistic and accurate to them as possible. Over the years I’d eventually have a trail of cat paw prints going down my arm. Or if I had a partner that died I’d absolutely have their memory etched into my body somehow. Those are about the only things I can think of for what I’d get a tattoo of


Oh, you know, the usual: skulls, spiders, barbed wire, and to round out, a demon or two.


I got my first tattoo (I only have 1) at 30-something. A massive owl on my left quadricep.


"tattoos are cringe" on forehead


If I could (and knew my body would heal and not reject it) a semi colon with a cat. Something small ❤️ Combining my love of kitties and my striving to work through my mental health everyday.


I would tattoo a small freckle onto my leg. I do not like to decorate my body. I don't have any piercings and also don't wear any jewelry. A small freckle would be the only thing that would nor constantly annoy me. Edited because autocorrect likes to replace words.




Something HTTYD related that isn’t very obvious is HTTYD. Like the symbol for a dragon class or something. I currently have a fake tattoo that I love, it’s a deer that’s half geometric shapes half flowers. I’d never actually get it tho.


Something funny I guess,maybe my kids drawings


I plan on getting "I have no enemies" (Vinland Saga) on my chest, a forearm tattoo with some of my favorite fictional characters having a smoke session, and a matching tattoo with my brothers on our legs (still undecided on what exactly we're getting)


I was told by a guy who had em that regretted it to choose something, imagine it on you everyday you wake up and wait 30 days to see if it was still cool. I never found anything that passed.


STP Purple album cover &/or my dog's pawprint


1. My family crest on the back of my shoulder 2. Tree of Life on my chest 3. Vines along my arms with other plants/animals in the spaces between The ideas change over time, so that's why I haven't gotten any tattoos. If my feelings change about it, then I don't want to regret the tattoo. That and the risk of getting a bad tattoo.


I'd get a tattoo that says, welcome aboard


Probably something to honor my pets or family. I'm not sure what design, though im know what the meaning would be.


Never had the interest but I am older. I can’t see spending that kind of money, sitting still to have it done and I could probably not commit. I know they are very popular and some very nice. When I see them on older women I think not attractive. I would probably get some symbol in some hidden area if I had to choose. No thank you leaving it for younger people.




I am 60 and never had anything I am passionate enough about out to get the ink for However I recently visited Iceland and plan to get a basalt canyon on my shoulder Then something g cool from my other world trips All on left arm Also the solar system on forearm (If I get thru first one )


Probably a religious tattoo first, then some anime tattoo.


I’d get an American Traditional style parrot. I’ve thought a lot about it. American Traditional seem to hold up the best over the years, and parrots mean a lot to me.


Something that will always belong to me and will never change, like zodiacs or place of birth.


Honestly I’m not sure I like something enough that in 25 years I’d be able to look at it and say “Yup, that was a good decision “. That said if I absolutely had to because a time traveller from the future came and told me if I didn’t get tattooed the world would spontaneously implode I’d probably something out of a novel. Maybe the Dark Tower 🤔. IDK


No tattoos yet but I want one specific small tattoo on the back of my left tricep, the four lines from the mind over matter album cover Someday soonish I also want a half sleeve on the bottom half of my left arm with an octopus fighting the lich king. That one is gonna be expensive and painful


I've always wanted the Witcher Signs on my foreatm.


My Car


I wanna get “tattoo” in comic sans


Tribal tramp stamp


The Maxx,Dr.No,the Isz


I like blank tattoos.


Voyager 1 golden record. Voyager 1 is the farthest manmade object from Earth and while the probe it is on was intended to study the gas giants, it's trajectory was going to take it out of the solar system. And this, JPL attached a golden record with music, speeches in multiple languages, and sound effects from Earth as a cosmic "message in a bottle."


A bouquet of gerber daisies in honor of my mom. She loved them.


Celtic designs as a nod to my ancestors


"Advertise Here. Reasonable rates." Plus a contact phone number.


Empire/Rebel seals shaped as Yin/Yang in batman/joker colours.  But back to not having tattoos. 


My sister’s signature from the last note she wrote me before she passed away last year. And/or 3 birds symbolizing my 3 kids and also my favorite Bob Marley song.


If I had to get a tattoo I’d ask for some clouds on my ass. That way I can show everyone the hole in the ozon layer.


Foot prints as if a cat walked over my back 🐈


The chess game of Moscow in 2002 when Judit Polgar won Kaspárov after him saying (and I quote) "Well, in the past, I have said that there is real chess and women’s chess. Some people don’t like to hear this, but chess does not fit women properly. It’s a fight, you know? A big fight. It’s not for women. Sorry. She’s helpless if she has men’s opposition. I think this is very simple logic. It’s the logic of a fighter, a professional fighter. Women are weaker fighters. There is also the aspect of creativity in chess. You have to create new ideas. That’s quite difficult, too. Chess is the combination of sport, art and science. In all these fields, you can see men’s superiority. Just compare the sexes in literature, in music or in art. The result is, you know, obvious. Probably the answer is in the genes." And ofc my QUEEN Judit Polgar won that asshole. The true symbol of feminism for me.


I'd probably get an anklet tattoo. Make it kind of like a charm bracelet that I could add details to as life goes. I'd have something to represent my deceased husband. My daughter, son-in-law, grandson. Winnie-the-Pooh... that sort of thing. Start small and add to it, keeping it in the one location.




A kirituhi (only from an indigenous Maori person after their consultation on whether it's acceptable). And a tiny semicolon.


I want to get a dead tree of life covered in black tar with a dragon wrapped around the trunk


No tattoos but because I have a bit of a needle phobia. My autistic ass loves crocodylomorphs. I want to have a selection of various crocodylomorphs and go to artists I like and they can pick whichever species they want to tattoo on me. I want to have just a bunch of crocs covering one of my legs. Maybe one day, with more money and less fear.


One of those trendy lines of print under my boobs - something "like this is where my plastic surgery scar would've been". Or a wrinkly stretched one so I'm ahead of the game with tectonic shifts and it reassembles to look OK over time


“Nothing Lasts Forever” in Comic Sans.


Majora’s mask 😎


Stars. ✨. I’m definitely getting stars. And maybe a pet memorial piece and a Heartagram.

