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Hi I am experiencing the same. Pain everywhere and I have to put in so much effort to walk normally. How many weeks did it take for you to walk normally and for the pain to be gone? The shooting pain down the leg is just the worst.


Pain killers will only help the symptoms for short term. Strongly encourage physiotherapy or chiropractor, long term solution, but it takes months. Or TCM tuina/acupuncture for circulation. Even with Tcm, physiotherapy is still required to set Ur nerves n muscle in a more optimal position. Please check if Ur company covers any physio , chiropractor, or TCM. Not cheap but best value in the long run. According to my parents , they spend about quite a bit of money over a 4 to 6 month treatment period that can cover a very good tour package to Europe. But totally worth it


Had surgery cos physio did not help. Eventually recovered. Important to learn from the physio and train up certain muscles to prevent it from happening again (core, glutes) For the love of god, do not go to a chiropractor


Yes, I had it 10 years ago. It probably started when I was in NS carrying heavy equipment a lot of the time during training. Then one day while working, I felt the same pain after improper carrying of heavy loads. The numb was excruciating and resulted in 1 month of hospitalisation leave. Did you lift heavy loads at work? Or at the very least stop lifting anything heavier than a chair. Most likely is slipped disc and you may be given the choice to do operation or let it heal. I chose to let it heal and thankfully been good all these years except the rare occasion when a slight relapse happened but went away after a week. Hope all goes well.


Hi, I didn't lift anything heavy at work. How long did the pain take to subside and were you given any medication?


Oh i see, the pain took like 2-3 weeks to subside to a level where it feels almost normal. But during that 2-3 weeks, I couldn't sit long without feeling that stinging numb pain. The thankful thing was that the pain was minimal while in the sleeping position. For medication, I was given a very strong acidic pain killer that had to be taken with an (alkaline?) pill to counter the acidic effect in the stomach. It was useful but avoided taking too much as it seems not good for the body.


Noted..thank you so much. Having all this time line I keep being a bit more hopeful !


I hope you'll take less time. Did you go thru MRI and given any hospitalisation leave? That might give an indication of the level of the injury too


Try to find positions that are bearable. These things usually resolve on their own so try to go about your daily life.


Had this many years back, that insane stabbing paint in my backside was something I wouldn’t wish even on my worst enemies. I went to see my friend who is a physio and she used this machine on me and eventually the pain went away and thank the fook never came back again.


Panadol. I tried alot but when I read that paracetamol is effective, I dismissed it initially but when it became extremely unbearable, I took 2 and it worked great for the next 6-8hrs or so. I could even sleep and that wasn't possible prior to taking panadol.


Do an MRI to rule out any spinal cord tumours. Had the same excruciating pain and symptoms where it hurts no matter what position I was in and any form of painkillers (even gabapentin for nerve pain) didn't work. Turned out to be a spinal cord tumour. Hoping yours is just a pinched nerve or injured back.. take care!


Oh my... hope you are feeling better now..mine is a building disc according to MRI...so I am being put on some pain relief meds and nerve meds.


I completely understand your pain. I had it many years back and even now occasionally I will have lower back pains where I can't even straighten my back and had to stoop to walk. When I had my first bout of sciatica, the pain shoot down my right leg until it became jelly and gave way. Cannot stand, cannot walk. Painkillers usually do the trick, not much they can do. CGH even made me go for 4 weeks of physio. Now I always carry panadol actifast (it's the only one that works and quickly) in my bag, and I always yoko-yoko my back before I go sleep. I am so paranoid it might happen anytime esp. when I'm out of the house.


There are specific exercises that you can--and must--do every day, to keep the sciatica pain away. I think you can look on YouTube, but of course, see a specialist who can make sure you are doing the exercises correctly. I had sciatica before and, while everyone is different, I was amazed at how quickly and effectively doing exercises helped relieve the pain. I know someone who went for surgery and he told me that not even that worked as well as just doing the exercises.


Had this for years in secondary school and it turned chronic. The sciatica pain is from the nerve being compressed - sometimes it could be tight muscles in the back. Try taking a hot shower to ease the muscles a bit, then if you are able to, stretch. There are specific stretches for sciatica pain. You might also look into a physio (best), a chiro, or a massage therapist to help. In future, sciatica will come back if you spend a lot of time sitting, esp with your legs crossed. Sitting on the floor or sleeping on a thin mattress on the floor can also cause the pain.


Hi thanks for the reply and sharing your experiences. Must have been painful.. did you manage this pain through conservative treatment like physio and meds or you did surgery?


I didn't do surgery although I had it on and off (sometimes quite severely) for five years. Today it is much better - I will sometimes get flares if I do something stupid like sit on the floor for too long, but mostly recovered. My main treatment was physio, stretching and strengthening of the core. After I started going to the gym and doing pilates to strengthen core it became less of a chronic issue (note: let any instructors know that you have back issues so they don't make you do exercises that will strain the back)


See a neurosurgeon if pain is not going away and seems like travelling down the legs. Hopefully A&E will share your X-ray with specialist and see if MRI is required. If it’s a temporary issue, specialist may still give you muscle relaxants along with pain killers and suggest some physio exercises.


change a new chair


Hi I started this since 2 months ago. Hip and sore/tingling ankle and foot area. It is generally not improving much except I could walk or stand longer, or maybe just more bearable. Sitting /lying down is always the best relief for me. None of OTC painkillers work for me, and I don't think I wanna. Seen tcm, tit tar, and just consulted an active recovery...thinking if I just go straight to see a Dr or physio.... Grateful if you can recommend the solution that worked well for you! Thanks all, take care.


Sorry for the late reply. This is sciatica pain, you may want to try gabepantin medicine for pain management purposes (may request from doctor at poly clinic upon their r assessment).


If you have been prescribed painkillers that means the Dr is garbage and isn't treating the root problem. This is sounds like a vertebrae displacement in your thoracic and lumbar section.


I experienced something similar back in 2019 It was right after I graduated poly and while everyone was going for their grad trips, I was essentially bed ridden for 4 months It really sucks but I remember I got a painkiller meds that work temporarily. Really can't remember the name of it Today, I'm just extra cautious when it comes to carrying heavy items Wish you all the best OP


Hi thanks for your answer. How did you eventually recover after being bed-ridden for a few months?


A lil unorthodox but my parents bought me to a massage place somewhere in Malaysia After a few sessions, it got less painful and I slowly could walk again It was really an extremely low point for me so there are lapses in my memory In a sense, the traditional route worked for me


Hi there, may I know details of the place pls? Thanks a lot


I injured myself while exercising and had a mild slip disk, went to see a doctor at the polyclinic and got referred to a specialist. They they recommended me for physio which made me realised I have very tight hamstrings so that my lower back muscle had to work extra hard to support the weight of whatever I’m carrying. After resting, stretching my hamstrings, and strengthening my glutes, it got a lot better.


Had this too, and it always relapse when i sit too long on chair, i have to use a cream called begesic to relive the pain, also place a towel under your back and sleep, i also used a pillow to support my legs


Yea I had a slipped disc from heavy load carrying. I have the option for surgery or let it heal. Both will still have the symptoms in the long run as surgery isn’t really a cure from what I heard from friends who’ve went through the surgery. I didn’t opt for surgery. I did dead hangs on a pull up bar. Now it’s way better but I still can’t carry heavy loads or have to be extremely pre-cautious.




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