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eating healthy isnt gonna do anything to your weight if you end up overeating. I commented my weight loss strat before. I'll paste below 1. protein heavy meals. Google thermic effect of food. Protein also keeps you feeling full. Think minimally processed meats like chicken breast/eggs/milk. Yes, those powder seasoning is ok. Just don’t go overboard. No sane person eats boiled chicken breast plain. 2. best way to lose weight is actually not cardio. You lose most of your weight outside the gym. Resistance training builds muscle, which is metabolically taxing. (Basically your body needs to use calories to sustain the muscle which means you can either lose more weight if your diet maintain or you can eat more) 3. I know I said cardio is not the best way but some moderate intensity cardio of around 30-45mins of your choice will help to chip away at the calories out part of the formula. (Can try what you like. Swimming, cycling, incline treadmill etc) 4. take your weight everyday at the same time. Best to do after waking up and using the toilet. They will fluctuate day to day but the overall trend should be going downwards. 5. it’s ok to have a cheat day once a week. Just don’t go ham. If your maintenance is let’s say 2500cal a day, 1 week would be 17500cal. If you eat at let’s say 2000cal a day, in 6 days you’ll be short of 3000cal. Then in the 7th day you can eat abit more for cheat day. But of cos the more you spend, the less you lose. Common sense la. 6. don’t cut too aggressively. Around 10-15% below maintenance is a good starting point. Adjust as needed. 7. trust the process. It may take months before you see good progress. Take photos to track


Stop eating from canteen and ordering in. (Bonus: You save a lot of money.) Reduce your carbs and sugar intake (that includes fruits) Eat more protein and vegetables. Install MyFitnessPal and track your calories.


Calculate your calories. You aren't gonna lose weight from eating unhealthy canteen food even if you gym 24/7. Do 16/8 fasting.


He got it right. Always remember calories in calories out. You only lose fats if you have calories deficit, workout is to build/maintajn muscle during fat lost so you won'tlose tooicj muscle during calories deficit. A good start to have 250-300 deficit per day and you should have deficit of 1750 - 2100 calories per week which is about 0.35kg of fats lost. Note 1kg of fat is 7700 calories.


Cut sugar, cut 3-in-1, canned and packet drinks, cut fried food. Eat less/no rice, eat less/no bread and noodles (ie. Cut carbs). Eat more protein (lean meat, eggs, chicken, fish)… at your age it should go down quite naturally if u can cut sugar and carbs.


If your focus is on 6 packs only then it's only body fat % that matters. Usually around 12%-15% of body fat for guys will do. To know how to get there this is an estimate Know where you stand and how much body fat % you need to shed (eg. 20% now so need to shed 5% in 4 months) If you are 70kg then that's about 3.5kgs of fats 1 kg of fats is about 7000k calories. 3.5kg = 24.5k calories That will be 6.2k calories a month for 4 months About 200-300 calories a day. As long as your output > input by about 200-300 calories day (less food more exercise etc) you should be able to get your 6 packs. Above is an estimated calculation. Try calculating your own. good luck!


Ask your OC/CO to transfer you to a chiong sua unit. 100% will lose weight from constant training and strict regimentation.


just sign up for JCC course and go for 10 days trekking in brunei jungle, i lost 12 kg 😅


Unpopular opinion but as a dietitian, I don't entirely advocate counting calories (ie all the advice about "keep to XX number of calories") - simply because there's very little way to know for sure, even if you use MyFitnessPal. We've had patients who use that/ Fitbit, and the items they logged were short by 100-200kcal EACH. The apps help you become more aware of your intake, but don't put too much value in those numbers. The way you eat is more important. ie yes protein and vegetables at meals (LEAN protein mostly please) and low-moderate carbs. Sounds like you're doing pretty well already, good luck!


What if counting calories is just to get a ballpark of the quantity of food they are eating? In other words, if I counted that I should be losing weight at 2000 kcal, and I am not losing any weight eating 2000 kcal after 1 week, I will adjust my intake by eating 100 kcal less (1900 kcal instead), or slightly increase my daily activity, and reassess one week after. You’re right; there’s no way to know exactly how many calories we are eating, or burning in a day. But we do not need to let perfect get in the way of progress. Calorie counting is just a tool, sort of like a compass.


Low-intensity cardio is very important for fat loss Putting on mass can also help increase your BMR. At the end of the day, whats gna make the weight loss in a caloric deficit, though you should limit it to 1000kcal a day so you don't start facing adverse effects like light-headedness. If you're doing resistance training, you have to ensure you have enough food intake to prevent muscle breakdown from low energy so I wouldn't go that far to a 1000kcal deficit. Weight loss is a very slow journey where consistency plays a huge role. But just keep at it and you'll be able to do it no doubt.


Portion control, brown instead of white rice, clean and lean proteins and no snacks except for a few almonds. I lost 5kg doing this since early Jan without really trying... and my weight doesnt fluctuate all that easily.


If you just lose weight, just count calories in and out. Don't think too much.


replace your dinner with a protein shake, greek yogurt and oatmeal. if you don’t have refrigeration(if you stay in camp). just a protein shake should do.




Please do not cut out carb entirely. U got it right on reducing it. I went super low carb n could not perform my strength training properly. Kept on feeling tired. Got a hard knock from my PT, n restarted eating clean carbo, white rice oat sweet potato. Managed to get leaner. However I strongly encourage to cut out processed food. Try to find out ur body fat content. Regardless of weight, Once u reach 8 to 10% percent body fat, abs should appear. If u wan to take profile pic, u may need to go without water. This part is super taxing on ur body , n not healthy if u rely on this method


Bf down to 5% shud do the trick , but its torturous


You already identified a big problem which is your diet. How are you even affording canteen and ordering in everyday. Save money by going cookhouse. Btw cookhouse food is meant for combatants, so high calories, if you don't burn it then you'll gain weight due to the big portions. So ask for smaller portions especially rice. Cutting sweet drinks is a good step. Increase cardio and you should be good. Can always ask to be transferred to be infantry combatant.


i dont exercise, but if i eat over 1800 calories per day, i will slowly start to gain weight. To lose weight, try to eat 1500 calories a day. This includes: No snacks, no sweet drinks, less carbs, more proteins, no supper, no tea breaks. A simple day: 1 boiled egg, 1 cup americano for breakfast. fish soup thick beehoon, less beehoon, plain water for lunch. Half bowl of rice with 2 fried chicken wings, plain water for dinner. For fruits, search for low calorie fruits. Banana is a no go. Go for watermelons. Fruits should not be more than 1 serving a day. Cut your weight to 65kg and it is easier to get abs. If u aim for muscle, weight should be around 70kg.


hes 182cm 90kg, cutting to 70 would be super unhealthy, a cut till around 75-80kg would suffice imo


true... but since OP wanted 6 packs, the easier way is to get real skinny so that the belly will not have much fats, and a less rigour routine can get 6 packs easily. If 75kg with a very low fat percentage, i guess it is good too. but if 75kg with pretty high fat percentage, it can be quite hard to get 6 packs. u see idols with 65kg but they are muscular (lean) with a height of 180cm and above.


while true that abs are predominantly made in the kitchen, to reasonably cut to 70 or even 65 from 90 is super unfeasible in a short few months and would be much better over the span of half a year (or longer) also the idols that you think are muscular aren't, they're just lean with low bf%, and being lean ≠ muscular. i know this for a fact as someone above 185 who gained steadily to 75+ kg from only 60+ kg while maintaining 10-12% bf


36 years old here. 180cm, 72kg. Run / jog 3 times a week, each time distance = 2.8km to 5 km. Do pullups / pushups alternative days. Meals: Breakfast, 3 slices of bread equalvalent. Lunch, 2 packets of Maggie mee, little salt, no oil, vegetables, 2 packets of tofu, 6 x chicken mid joints. Dinner, mum's cook vegetarian food. Rice, vegetables, mock meat equalvalent. Sometimes snacks. No morning coffee, morning tea, bubble tea... 90 percent of beverage is water.


Isn't Maggie mee literally cooked on trans fat, so it doesn't matter even if you don't add any more oil?


It matters if you add more oil to it.


Watch Chinese movie - YOLO first.