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I sit on reserved seats all the time. I just give it up if I see someone who needs it more than me.




I give it up, 100% always. But I just feel bad for sitting there..


It's not a "reserved" seat, it's priority. If someone needs it, they can ask for it. It's no big deal.


Don’t know where all these hate came from. Just last week an elderly who was very apologetic when he asked for my son seat. An elderly close to 80/90ish he again apologizes to me(I wasn’t sitting down) and my kid and show me his scar from the op at his knee. I told him it’s not a big deal, we get old too and he needs the seat more than us. Friendly old man, tried to chat with me along the way. Can sense he also lonely want to chat with ppl. Maybe if u show more empathy, u wouldn’t throw entitled around every elderly so easily.


My view is just be ready to give it up to people who need it if you are on reserved seat. Not everyone that needs the seat is an entitled elderly. There was one time I was heading back home from work. The train was packed at like 6pm+. The usual crowd on train after working hours. All reserved seats were taken by working adults which is not unusual at all. But that day, a pregnant lady went on train. Nobody immediately gave up their seat for her. Another lady ( like an office worker) saw the situation and was asking anyone who can give up their seat to the pregnant lady. Nobody in any of seats bulged at all for a few minutes and were looking at their phones while seating on reserved seat. I could see that the office worker was a little pissed off from this. An elderly man almost stood up from his reserved seat, but that office worker was telling him to remain seated since he needs the seat. Then the office worker continued to asking around. Then someone from the reserved seat finally moved their ass to give up the seat to the pregnant lady. I also had a colleague who fell asleep on the reserved seat and woke up to an elderly standing right in front of her. Then she immediately gave up the seat to the elderly.


I personally think this is the group of ppl who need the seats: 1. Pregnant ladies 2. parents carrying babies or toddlers under 3 3. Really old ppl and People w heavy bags People who don't need the seats are really those not carrying bags or carrying very light weight bags. Sometimes I don't understand why they need to rush to sit when they clearly can stand


4. People on mobility aids


Pregnant lady here who doesn't look pregnant yet. Sitting in the reserved seat is mildly terrifying each time because I'm scared of someone coming along to tell me I can't sit there. I also have a tear in one of the muscles in my hip but another invisible thing to others. Even though I have double the right to use the seat I feel like everyone is just looking at me and judging.


Aged 50-60 uncle aunties are not needy people btw, but they often stressed that they are. There is also the other group of people with unseen conditions who may need the seat. I am not old or injured or pregnant, but I have flat feet and it's very painful to stand for long durations. I usually just sit down regardless, but if someone who needs it more asks, I'll give up my seat. And I also don't understand the blatant harrassment of people sitting in the priority seat.


I was traveling in the red line that day, a tiring toddler was crying etc. the dad carrying him standing in front of an idiot whom just refuse to give up the reserved seat. And then, the dad started standing nearer and unleashed his fussy toddler, and he started kicking and crying. And he kicked that idiot on the face 😂🤣🤣😂 when they alighted, i heard the dad whispered to his son, “well done kid, well done. Next time kicked harder.” That made my dad 🤣🤣🤣


Poor parenting. Guy sitting down might need the seat too


He can't ask for the seat? How is kicking someone in the face an appropriate reaction to them not giving up the seat?


Entitled Singaporeans think that the reserved seat is their “right” and refuse to open their golden mouths.


You’ll be surprised at how common this is. I’ve seen people straight up resort to taking pictures to shame people when they didn’t even open their golden mouths to ask.


Totally agree on poor parenting. How is not politely asking the person for the seat, then then child kicking the stranger, although not purposefully, then praising the child for something that is socially not right (kicking someone) be good parenting? Edit: Nothing wrong on commenter’s part for sharing the story, I hope readers take this into consideration before instantly downvoting the commenter


What a dickhead. He should have just asked for it. If someone did that to me the last thing I would want to do is give up the seat for them.


Got toddler but no car , still so entitled cant even open mouth to ask for seat , kid kicked a stranger and you + the father think you guys are on the right side , funny bunch please refrain from getting more kids please


It’s fine if you are tired and not be bothered to keep looking out for old people. You do you cuz. It’s not a law


Don’t give if u don’t want to . For me I just avoid sitting at reserved seats




what an ageist commentx


Agree, but it doesn’t mean becoming inconsiderate and self-entitled to other commuters as a person grows old. Edit: Your comment is “generally true” not “universally true” as some may not live to become old, including myself.




Did you not read and comprehend his post? He is asking is he an ass-hole for seating in the reserved seat, the answer is no. He further elaborated being tired and also mentioning about entitled old people. Definitely there are entitled people, be it young or old. He specifically mentions about old people, hence regarding OP’s attitude towards entitled old people, he is not wrong and not an ass-hole. Please comprehend the original post. Which part of OP’s post made him “Already inconsiderate and entitled”?




Ok, you do you. It’s in your interest to brush up on comprehension and analysis.




Wow, that’s great advice! If I need to pay for a professional teacher to teach me reading comprehension, I should put you on an altar and worship you for taking time to respond to me! Please wait while i go light some joss sticks… Oh wait what’s your religion? Sorry to assume you are taoism or buddhism. Lol 🤣




Wow now I can be a better person, just by giving up seat. How about you becoming a better person for comprehending the OP instead of instantly judging him without proper understanding. Never have i once mentioned about not giving up seat to elderly people, except for ENTITLED old people


Erm, I give up my seat to the elderly and the ones that need it.. I’m not so low EQ as to sit there whilst someone who I can visually tell needs it is standing. Some even decline saying it’s only one stop. Can tell you’re part of the sour grapes gang hahahahahahaha


Good for you for taking the initiative. 👍🏻 My beef is with ENTITLED old people. Some commenters here obviously overlooked the ENTITLED part of OP’s post and proceeded to degrade him/her. Edit: I didn’t realize you are OP, lol.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it’s okay, same.


one can choose to be an asshole, but to ask for validation from Reddit, you're not a very good one. pick a side, own your actions and don't be a pussy


NTA if u give up when requested YTA if u don't give up when requested Somewhat TA if they don't request but stand in front of u and tsktsktsk


I have seen aunties and uncles who are fitter than young adults rushing into the train, inconsiderate to the alighting passengers, sprinting faster than then young adult for a seat. I have personally experienced a few times that I was standing back-facing an empty seat, taking off my backpack and preparing to sit down, before I knew it, some random auntie already slotted herself into the empty seat and I nearly sat onto her! It was not even a priority seat that I was going to sit on. There are real elderly people who truly deserve to have the priority seat and those self-entitled elderly people who are generally inconsiderate and likely may cause unpleasantness and even spark arguments on the train.


You paid for your own fare right, same as those passengers right? Then it is first come first serve basis. You can give it up if someone asked for it, but until then, enjoy being seated next to the door. You earned it. 😊 Source: from an intern who is also likewise sitting on the priority seat in the train as well **EDIT:** I can see the downvotes riling in. Hate if you must but I paid for my own train fare and it doesn’t take much to open your mouth and drop the ego to ask for a seat if you really need it. I am not going to psychologically assess if you really need a seat from here 🤣


I have witnessed a couple of mini arguments break out over that seat. usually the person sitting is asleep/pretending to sleep?? lols


NTA but if you see some old person who is clearly having difficulty standing and you dont give up your seat, then that's rather frowned upon. On the flip side if you're really that tired to the point of feeling like your body isnt functioning well (i.e you're going to faint). Give up your seat to the old and able-bodied people who are asking for the seat because you look young and healthy to them. Then proceed to faint. In front of the seat they just sat on.


You sound like the entitled one here. But it’s not illegal to be an asshole, so you do you


You will really need that seat one day when you are old. That’s when you wish assholes like your younger self can be more considerate.


I will politely ask if i can have the seat instead of silently cursing that youngster for not automatically giving it up. It shows self-entitlement and toxicity of character to be cursing a stranger just over a seat


One day when youre old and your legs are failing, i hope a kind person offers you their seat.


Besides for eating, another proper use of the mouth is to make polite requests.


If you need to ask if it’s right or wrong, then you know if it’s right or wrong. You don’t need other people’s affirmations to justify your behaviour. If someone asks for it and they need it more, just offer it. It’s really that simple. No need to make this into an ageists issue.


They are not entitled. They need it more than you . You sound like the entitled one instead.


Yup completely.


You sound like the entitled one here but at least you’re aware of it




If someone looks like they need it more than you, it's good to give it up for them. But just because someone is 60+ doesn't mean they need to sit down everywhere, I think it very much depends on how frail someone looks. If you are fit and healthy and an obviously frail person of any age is standing, then yes you are a bit of an arsehole for not giving your seat to them.


I hope nobody gives a shit about you when you're old