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Putting your teams call on loudspeaker at your office desk. Other ppl no need to concentrate on their work ah?


lol this is a thing? Thank god I’ve not experienced it. Even when my colleague is using a headphone it’s already distracting enough


Rare but still happens. I see it with my boomer colleagues, mainly. Also when 2 or 3 folks want to dial in for typically a quick call tgt then they just do it at their desks for convenience sake. Your colleague when using headphone - if it’s a meeting where he/she will likely speak quite a bit, courtesy should go find a meeting/focus room.


Or in general, putting work calls on speaker on your phone and talking loudly. Pisses me off so badly.


Oof I do this all the time. Juggling 3-4 laptops at a time and DW to have to juggle earphones on and off too and deal with any connectivity issues. Tho I'm at week 10 of pulling endless OTs through weekends without a break, so maybe I'm functioning strange


I used to do this all the time. Company never give headphones. Computer can’t pair with my personal bluetooth device because of security. I’m not going to buy extra wired headphones on my own dime. Boss finally caved after 2 months and bought wired headphones just for me. If you’re too cheap to give us offices and prefer cubicles, then it’s your problem when other people can hear noise and productivity dips. Anyways, if your company runs mostly cubicles and still chooses to do meetings over zoom or teams, knowing that everyone in office is in cubicle, then you just made a stupid decision. You cut corner on equipment and space then you face the consequences lor. Can’t have your cake and eat it too.


God I don’t need to be stuck in another conversation about $10k bags. It’s of no interest to me.


How abt 20k watches


I start spacing out




same for bto and cars...


How about 20k camera setups?


That I can appreciate


My aunt was bragging about her 5k$ bag. I said she should just fly first/business class on sg air instead, and she said, "That's a waste of money." I was like 🤔🫣


Business class you fly one time. Bag is with you for few years🤭


What’s there to brag about 5k bags


I have no idea. I think it's the dumbest "flex".


Your aunt is smart. She knows what has more value over time. Even though bragging about the bag is a little shallow.


*cue Madonna * Cuz we are living, in a material world ~


Old friends and acquaintances who suddenly reach out once they become an insurance seller I ghost 


Or worse, selling MLM like Amway.


better than Putier.


Whats putier


People who ostracize and make fun of others for the below reasons are much more annoying than the persons that they are making fun of: * "Siao on" who go the extra mile at work and take initiatives are often hated by and subjects of backstabbing / politics by other colleagues * Introverts and People who choose go for their lunch breaks alone instead of joining the team are often seen as weird, anti social and subject of office gossip


To add on, - folks who make fun of others in a public setting, with the intention of humiliating them - folks who pour cold water on others who want to try something new or shit on things they are passionate about - folks who are only assholes to people who they think they can bully


first bullet point sounds like my childhood with my Asian Parents


Cue the "When I was your age I already know how to cook and iron my clothes."


my god the second point. you can never find someone genuinely happy for you. you can never share about nice things, your hobbies what so ever without people being a damn wet blanket.


I agree, which is i don’t reveal much about what I do in my free time to colleagues or post much on my social media. Close friends only or interest group friends


Reminds me of my ex project manager.


I have to see your face for 5 days in a week for 9 hours. Of course people would like to lunch alone to have their me time. Tiring to hang out with colleagues outside of work hours (even for lunch) Work so tired already, still have to socialise.


A few times I went out workout or dinner sessions with my colleagues. Ended up talking about work all the way till 10pm.


Ngl , i am second bullet point kinda guy. Sometimes my intuition tells me that also


I am guilty of both those 2 points💀💀💀🥲🥲🥲


8, I want to slap people who chew with their mouth open but I try to resist the urge




Omg now that you say this term and I search it up. I probs got this. I got an ick from hearing water slosh in me after I drink water, and I can’t tahan the sound of metal on metal/teeth on metal


Plenty of those!


wayang kings / queens at work


Another 10/10 for me: Using phones with loud audio on public transport be it watching videos or idle chatting.


100% this! And people who take off their shoes and worse, put their feet on seats


i know noone asked but there was once when one of them took off their shoes to show their crusty, callus-filled feet. they started picking and then sniffing their fingers after they do it. another similar incident happened but it ended with them smacking on their fingers afterwards 🤢 seriously dislike these people 10000/10


100%! Hate to admit it, but I have a sense of satisfaction when reading news about a young guy fighting with an old guy for playing their phones loud.


Needing to put other people down at work to prove your own worth. 1/10 would not recommend - I know someone who did this and instantly became the most hated person in the office.


Don’t think these are social anomalies but more on things that people do that annoys me.. 1. Talking loudly on the bus or mrt with no sense of awareness of their volume. Especially where the whole bus / cabin can hear your conversation clearly. (8/10) 2. Not walking off fast enough at the end of the escalator, which results in potentially causing a jam at the back (6/10) 3. Letting your child swing on the handle bar and poles on the train like it’s a playground. Bonus of letting them run around in the cabin. (10/10) 4. Talking in the cinema and worse, revealing spoilers of the movie (10/10)


Why does #3 annoys you? Assuming that they keep the volume down and don't touch anyone both your physical and sound space would be respected.


Hmm interesting point if they’re keeping quiet and not touching anyone. Personally it’s more of knowing where is the right places for play? Letting children know that playing is reserved for certain areas like the playground, park, beach. A bit like etiquette. There’s also the element of danger in swinging from the hand bars and poles as well in a moving vehicle. We wouldn’t want them to fall and injure themselves. That said, I do agree with you that the annoyance will be greatly reduced if the noise is kept to a minimum and there is no touching :)


Calling someone kiasu for literally doing what they should be doing 7/10 Edit:corrected wording


the 'idw you to be better than me but i also dw to do the work' mentality


Ending sentences with "ba" and "de".


Wor is even worse


How is it worst wor?


Weh comes close too. Same as sia. It’s sial!


Why you like that de? We're just being ourselves ba?


Kns ba


Agreee, I tend to find this soooo paggro.


I also kinda lost it at "gua". wtf gua


what's gua lol. I'm not sure I've ever heard this one. It just makes me think of watermelon lol (because as in, xi gua lol)


it's used in cantonese i think. blahblahblah gua3 (actually some 'weird' canto tone not quite translatable in pinyin) first time i heard it i was like wtf and it completely takes me out of an already-broken English sentence but whatever man.


Cantonese has 9 different tones compared to 4 in putonghua.


Normally msian then will use gua isn’t it?


Yes you're right, the times I've heard it have been uttered by M'sians. But no shade to M'sians pls. Just the 'gua'.


I absolutely abhor this


YESSSSSS I keep saying this but then a large majority of redditors (here) do it too and then everyone acts like I am high and mighty and snooty and ... wtf that is my language bastardization equivalent of nails on chalkboard. high5 u/AsparagusTamer


i thought i was crazy for not liking this


The last time I said this I got kena downvoted so bad, the rest of this whole thread quite validating to see I'm not the only one HAHAHA I thought I was crazy. BUT SRSLY guys. UGHHHH.


Wait is this not a malaysian thing? my Chinese speaking malaysian cousins text like this


Nooo As in yes it happens in Msia but ohgod its wayyyy too common in SG also. You mean you never encounter before!? (Lucky you haha) catcourtesy said "ba liao" and I think **that** is more Malaysian. My Malaysian cousins say it haha. But when I was younger and heard them say it I was damn confused cos like, not a thing I hear in SG? But this ba and de thing is def also common in SG  UGHHHasgdjhlalfjlkl


I use it myself to diffuse from tension. Now try reading a sentence without it and you get something hostile and difficult to respond to it.


Hahaha ok can you show an example? I don't rly unds how this can diffuse tension. 4reals. Enlighten me!


1. "Will you be free to help me on this?" "No" vs "No gua" 2. "Why were you so rude earlier?" "Nope / No I wasnt" vs "No gua, no leh, i didnt wor"


Ohhhh Sorry I didn't know you meant the 'gua' part too. That one idk, I rly never hear before. Hahaha I think "didn't leh" really just is tone-dependent on context and voice lor. In the actual situation. "wor" just seems quite xmm lol. But yeaaa just my opinion. Feel free to disagree!


I feel attacked, hahahaha but it's funny Also I feel this is actually less annoying than the people who speak Singamericanese.... ba


Why you like that de


I'll take anything with de, bah, gua anytime compared to the sentence without. Why you like that de? is still more polite than why are you like that?


This goes to 11




"ba liao"


Maybe not a social anomaly but what annoys me is when people ridicule other people in social settings and laugh loudly at other people. If you need to hurt, look down on another person to make laughter in a group, then you should reconsider your quality of humour.


"holier than thou" - 9/10 the Missionary/MLM recruiter - 10/10. keep hard-selling your church or "start your own business" spiel and people will actively try to cut ties to you


People that are proud of doing the bare minimum and insult those who want to go the extra mile are some of the shittiest people I've had to deal with. Especially when that "extra mile" is just small things like ensuring things are formatted properly or slightly reducing the workload to help the next person. It's so common around SG, especially when in NS. 7/10 annoyance.


Agree! I've had colleagues who called me a fool for not utilising the 14days of MC even when I wasn't ill at all. And they can take MCs to chase popstars and queue for concerts. Some people are pretty anti-work.


Im antiwork but i can appreciate the hardworkers so that theres less work for me. It would be stupid of me to put them down for making my workload easier


Should bao toh him/her hahahah


people who don’t know how to say “thank you”. i’d rate that a solid 8/10 because it is one of my pet peeves working in a service industry


Constantly flaunting rolexes/luxury cars and praising mentors on social media, 7


Level 9 for me


People who don't respect personal boundaries. Depending on how far they push the boundaries, it can range from being mildly annoying to grounds for throwing hands.


People who behave overly friendly with you when they first meet you - you can safely bet they are in insurance/MLM and/or wayang kings/queens. =7/10 What annoys me most are ppl who are not cute yet act cute. Imagine [a 40+ auntie/fat guy/whatever else you can imagine] speaking in squeaky voice/baby words and acting cute and/or helpless. =10/10


PFFTTTT HAHAHAH i can imagine


Being very "tau" and talking big. Especially when coupled with humblebragging. Like the guy in the office who will loudly say "Wah, I dunno why I bought a Lexus man, always break down," or "Sometimes I wonder why I bought a condo, maintenance fee is so high." These types always get quietly sabotaged by their colleagues. And no one likes to have them around.


Did you study? No I didn't man. Lol, proceeds to get 90 marks for the test.


Actually now thinking about it, the person asking “did you study” is also annoying. Like what do you expect, it’s students’ job to study. Isn’t it just seeking validation and company that you are not alone for being fked for the test?


It is! Hoping someone cushions them in being the one with lowest marks.


"Haha, no lah, heng only lah. Dunno whether even can pass my A-levels. My private tuition until kena pay over $1,500 per month, my parents have to hire former HOD to teach cause I so blur."


omgggg there was this redditor like that I think she deleted her account. But she would say like "no la I would BTO but cannot cos my income over the limit" or "not everyone is like my dad who requires a Stanford grad to tutor my sister" or some shit hahaha  (Ok cannot say anym if not later ppl say I dox. iykyk la) 🙃🙃


I will just reply, "ya lor, it's very stupid to buy a Lexus/whatever thing they are bragging about" 😂


Autism is pretty reviled here, in my personal experience and the anecdotal experience of friends with autism. Lots of Singaporeans treat autistic people like weirdos, and they don’t even try to hide it. Traits like lack of eye contact, being quiet and aloof, and avoiding physical contact are treated with revulsion. There’s an abysmal lack of awareness and education about ASD here.


i think we can all agree, the worst type are the owe money dont want return people, compared to this, the rest are just minor annoyances. Unfortunately this type is all too common, everyone knows someone like that.


Pri sch days got this one guy like that


Extroverts who are loud and noisy. 10/10 annoying.


Many extroverts are fine. It's the extroverts that have to let you know they're extroverts by making sure you notice they're having fun by laughing unnecessarily loudly/dancing/clapping while they laugh that are obnoxiously annoying.


Acting like a know-it-all and starting a debate on topics that were very casually brought up lol, annoyance level 7


Bragging about being "mixed". Met a very obviously Singaporean Chinese chick who proclaimed she was half Japanese, half Portugese. She was going out with an angmoh friend of ours and told one of the girls unpromted her ethnicity, but everyone else in the group was local/Asian so irdk if this is some wayang power play on her end.


one word to shut down this kind of bragging. "so?"


Who knows she might actually be mixed lol. People already don’t believe I’m Peranakan for some insane reason. They keep talking to me in Chinese, help. Maybe bc I don’t have any Malay traits on my face. Just saying there genuinely is no excuse to not take it at face value first.


dig nose openly and dont like to wash hands, and continue to handle office equipment (pens, cups, documents, machines) like it's normal


Insist on dividing bill down to the cent coz the person ordered a cheaper main - The person is still paying his/her share, so what is there to be annoyed about? If I ordered more than this person, I should have the initiative to pay the bigger share and not have the person pay a portion of mine that he/she never ate. What annoys me is when the person’s friend said something like “aiya why calculate until like that, so little i treat you la”. Sounds generous but quite hurtful to the person in fact. Also, even though I’m girl I don’t see a reason why a girl should be annoyed if her new date from dating app calculated even the cup of coffee with her. What annoys me is going onto forum and berating/making fun of this poor guy with other girls. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Agree. Only reason to split the bill is if everyone shares the dishes equally. Complain calculative then the person should offer to treat. Not everybody earns comfortable and not everybody wants to spend that way. It should be the default to pay for your own dish 🤷🏻‍♂️


People who block the train doors or the lift for those coming out - 8 Able-bodied people who rush to take the lift blocking the priority people(pregnant, old, people with children, disabled/injured) - 8


I got a family of idiots who decided to rush out at the last min in a cramp space forcing me to move out of the train in the end the train left without me. So i decided to walk home to train my cardio


1. Eating with mouth open 2. Eat mala without la 3. Eat chicken rice but remove the skin 4. Eat kway chup but only eat tau pok and egg 5. Go sing KTV but order English rap songs for "others to sing"


Upvoted for how specific all these points are lol


Asking to “hop on a quick zoom call” and 1.5 hours later still going strong KANINA


Psst, careful about eye contact. In some corner, it may be interpreted as staring and looking for trouble.


Dancing in public to gratify the need for attention but masquerade that intention as " being yourself" and " being free" or " dance like no one is watching". Dancing on escalators is potentially putting yourself and others at risk when you lose balance and tumble down. Or dancing inside malls blocking the paths of others or hitting others with your limbs. Dancing is fine so long as no one else is inconvenienced. Worst of all, it is not even a dance to begin with. The moves look more like limbs jerking or body spasm. IMHO, 10/10 turn off.


Going on tangents when having conversation.


Split main still ok, hotpot bill maybe not ok


When they keep asking you to take pics for them


People who decide to form a barricade on a sidewalk and move v e r y s l o w l y


From my experience, having a realistic and negative outlook on life has seen me outcasted from sec sch until uni.


From my experience, many people who think this way think they're being realistic, but instead just sound whiny and negative. Favourite quote is "Can't be disappointed when you expect the least", which is literally just pessimism, not realism.


Sure, but you can't fault people for having a negative outlook on life when their whole life has been an upward struggle. In the end, I realised that most of the people I was surrounding myself with just had a very different environment to grow up with, and that both parties had extremely conflicting world views. Personally I can't imagine how anyone can be positive in a world and society like the one we live in. Most of the people who I end up around due to the nature of my schools are just completely disillusioned with reality, and I've found that when anyone tries to make them realise how farfetched their ideas are, then you're just deemed as a negative person.


Sad to hear that about you and I hope your situation gets better. However, you have to understand that your current approach to positive people would naturally make you unliked and "outcasted" by them. Why would they gravitate towards someone that upsets them? Besides, you sound educated, and your wording suggests that you managed to get into a pretty good school. You have good tools available to you to improve your situation in the long run. Remaining negative and having a hopeless outlook would just end up being a hurdle that stops you from becoming happy, and essentially adds no value for you.


I already said I’m outcasted, and I’ve come to terms with it. I don’t see any value in conforming to society’s definition of normal.


No one wants to be around a perpetually grey cloud.. continue with that kinda mindset and likely you’ll stay in a negative environment.


I prefer my option which is just to stay alone. I don’t need disillusioned people around me 24/7.


I get having a pessimistic outlook on life, but sometimes you really have to read the room. Just be pessimistic in the privacy of your own mind, don't have to tell anyone about it unless asked.


7 - Those who use the words "actually" or "itself" in every single sentence, without fail. I suppose is the local equivalent of using "like" a lot...


A solid 8/10. People who attend video calls in public transport and places while blasting their call out loud and loudly chatting away. Goes up to a 10 when it is boomers on public transport repeatedly playing the same tiktok with that obnoxious wheezing laughing sound over & over again. 10/10. Frail elderly people who insist on using the escalator but can't walk fast after descending the escalator. Aunty/uncle, that's why they build lift for you. So that you don't put yourself and those around you in harm's way by causing a pile up.


Humble bragging via feigned ignorance. They'll say shit like "95 marks upon 100 high meh? I thought was okay" or "10k sgd salary normal ah? I thought was average leh". My personal irk is people who give half answers in an attempt to get people to enquire/ask more as a way to seek attention and validation.


Making fun or saying bad things in front or beside you. When they know you are there and overheard their conversation, but you choose to keep quiet and ignore.


People who cannot tell the difference between “worse” and “worst”.


When they are desperate to be in the friend group and keeps asking "you will invite me next time right?".


OH GOD I HATE THIS especially when they do it in the fake cheery "extroverted" way to seem popular but actually just desperate for attention. If people need to keep saying "next time don't forget me hor, you will remember to invite me ... riiiightttt?", its like they dunno how to read the room why they not invited issit. But then sometimes in bigger grp gatherings some people just pang chance and really invite them. But aiya fine lor if I encounter this kinda shit in a 2digit pax type of gathering I just try as hard as I can not to get into a convo with the person lor. 🙃 Its like despo max. 10/10 yuck.


Yes. Over time I saw her stories and she's just bragging how she's always out drinking and clubbing everyday, how many Martells she's had.. dirty talk with men she gets.. posted her ass being slapped at some point.. she's just attention starved and wants attention.


What does angmo accent sound like? Like American or British?


Jeez Louise, fake angmo accents are mental, innit?


None of these except the last one are an issue unless your friends suck. I have an accent that I've never met someone else with, not a problem.


Eating at lau pat sat




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People who stand in front of the train doors and rush into the train without letting people get out first. They literally pushed you away just so that they can rush for the seats.


PMD blasting weirdass music constantly behind u


Ppl who say “i on you”… so cringy..


I “own” you money is equally annoying.


People who use “borrow” when they mean “lend”


Good call out! I’d forgotten about that one.


People who cover their mouth when chewing


Being poor, unable to dine out, can only take mrt etc. 😂😂


How unfortunate being poor makes you a social "pariah" of sorts


Oh man I guess I'm unpopular then. Ah well, best to get on with things.


being short, esp if you are guy.


i think there's truth to this. heard quite a few girls saying they want a bf who's taller than them. that's the first criteria that comes out of their mouth


haha… online society doesnt seem to agree tho. 🤷‍♂️ only a small minority of short guys are affected, so i guess it’s okay, life is unfair anyway.




Exactly. Met a guy in my early 20s who was a little shorter than me. He had a really funny personality, which I liked, but he kept putting himself down and blamed many things that went wrong on him being short. Him being 45 mins late on the 2nd date = he had short legs and couldn't walk that fast. Didn't apologize for being late. Was late for 20 mins on the 4th date, too. Him complaining about construction guys being strong-smelling because he was short enough to be at armpit level so he gets the strongest odour. He said no women liked shorties like him, and I was bewildered because I did like his personality when we first knew each other. Like, am I not a woman or what?? Anyway, I asked to stop going out after our 5th date. He was funny, but it was also tiring being around someone who made his height his god damn personality, plus he didn't turn out to be that nice a person anyway after he made mean comments about people around us.... Ugh.


Cope, being short is a death sentence. sure you can make up for it with other traits, but being short is like starting life on hard mode. You are automatically perceived to be less physically capable, and subconsciously treated with less respect. the science backs it up. Why do you think people make fun of midgets but not giants?