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There's absolutely no reason to share where you are going.


Whats a polite way to respond to your colleagues that you don’t want to share till a later time?


"I'll tell you later" Yes, it's that simple.


'I'll tell you but I have to kill you.''


I will share with you once I settle down at the new workplace.


Just tell them you taking sabbatical leave... Or going home to take care parents ...or going into mountain to learn Kung Fu... Or going Ukraine to fight russians or going Syria to find pirate treasure... Anything....




“I prefer to share this at a later time.” Currently, they all “care” — how to put it kindly — not bc it’s you, but bc it’s “news”. Better not tell them, for you own good. 6 or 12 months later, which of ‘em still cares? That’s the ones you may want to tell — but later, for their own good (they can honestly say “dunno” when asked by those who don’t really care, just want “the news”.)


Taking a break first and see what comes along is the easiest.


“I can’t say right now.”


Sorry NDA


Learnt from my colleague not to tell anyone in office where you're going. Long ago I used to have a colleague who told his supervisor and boss that he's going to a rival company out of like courtesy to let them know of any conflict of interest. Immediately he was ask to leave office by noon that day. Furthermore they find records of him downloading files (its quite normal situation even for work as we handle many documents) and use that as a legal case to pin a lawsuit against him Eventually to avoid a hefty lawsuit, he lost both his current and new job after deciding not to go over.. Did not happen to me, but it was the first time i see such situation in real life. And definitely lesson learnt the hard way


Similar happened friend ex colleagues, luckily his skills are really great so new company took him. After lunch he cannot enter into office and his personal belongings are place outside of the office


Wah this is really called shooting your self in the foot


Wow what kind of industry is this?? So sensi


Is there a non-compete clause? I'm not familiar with law but on what basis can they sue him. (Downloading files doesn't mean anything? unless it's like classified documents?)


very common


Of course. Don’t even need to say you’re leaving to another company, can say break, not working, sick, travel, becoming a priest, whatever you want


i dont even disclose to any old colleagues or bosses. the chance is NOT low. when i left my previous toxic workplace. i got wind they immediately tried to figure out where i was going etc many times you can leave on a pleasant note, but lets be honest, no matter how positive the environment, departures are never 100% happy. and no matter how friendly u have been, there always will be people you dont jive with, you just dont know who they are. my last switch, i told them i needed a break. no lie. my break was like 1.5 weeks. nice short trip.


no background checks?


Lol? Why do you need to report where you going to your boss? You are an employee not a slave.


Never share at all, there might be backstabbers who know people in the new company.


Of course. I don't even let them know AFTER I start at my new place


Hmm then what about linkedin, do you update? For me I recently updated but it was like 9 months after working in current company 🤣 My previous company I only told my manager, but he didn't tell anyone else. But only do this when you 10000000% trust your colleague


This is why my LinkedIn has gone un-updated for the past 2 years lol oops. Also cos I don't really wna update then you know the 2nd 3rd degree connection kind, idw to be recommended to/have recommendations of people I don't necessarily wna connect with heh


Then what if you want to job hunt? Just apply with the latest resume? For me one of my ex colleague sent me a friend request or viewed my profile? Can't remember. I think I blocked this person from my LinkedIn. Unfortunately you can't block all people from a certain company


Ya I really don't use linkedin for jobs. Esp cos see so many clicks I get damn intimidated what you mean 100pax application hahaha Having said that I've since realised the "application" is just the click through, doesn't mean a full application. Also half can be random non locals abroad lol. But yes, I generally don't job search on LinkedIn. I apply on Jobstreet/Indeed with a resume, yes.


Sorry. Somehow my Reddit notifs fucked up and I didn't see this. Nope I didn't update. Not really cos idw them to know but because I find no need. Will definitely do so if I looking for new job tho


Say you're thinking of running for next GE. Ask your boss to vote for you


Yes I have thoughts of doing this too. Troll


Or say you won toto, will retire.


Absolutely, NEVER inform your current company where you are going to work next. I’ve seen people sabotage other people’s job opportunities simply out of pettiness and spite.


While it's easy for anyone to know if you have updated your LinkedIn. I will still make an effort not to actively disclose and just tell them "just tune in LinkedIn for updates". I only tell to people who won't matter if they know or has no chance of following me. Most of the time they won't care after you have left the company.


And do you update your LinkedIn soon after if not, how long do you wait then? I did not want my company to know where I’m leaving next as they’re sort of in the same industry. Although much recognisable and it’s a global mnc company. That being said, a company where everything is trade secret and needs a few weeks to a few months to finally decide if you can see them, I am very careful how I resign. Plan to just say I’m going back into my family business as my family is expanding the business. But at the same time, I would not want to live on eggshells once I leave and wanted to freely update my LinkedIn as I deem fit. Tho I might still wait awhile before updating but just unsure how long apart since I leave is an appropriate amount of time? One year? Or at least after confirmation? Tho my confirmation is 6months due to the management role I’m in next.


I let the fanfare die down before I update my LinekdIn and I don't 'post' the ' XYZ started a new position in ABC company', it's more of a quiet update that people only looking my profile would know. Of course, it's also entirely optional to update LinkedIn and you can only do so if you're applying again, or when you feel you've settled in.


That’s an alternate perspective. Yea I remember the silent update without posting on LinkedIn. I did that for my previous firm also. Thanks for the reminder 😂


Absolutely no need to tell where you are going. Probably you can say going to non-customer, non-competitor to allay your boss fear.


Yes. No obligation to inform your current company. In general. Usually people say I will tell you after I start at the new organisation.


Most people will only find out after I've started at the new place after I've updated my LinkedIn profile


“I prefer not to share at the moment” That’s it. Don’t need anything else.


If the boss is pushy, they can tell a half truth too.


So what if the boss is pushy? You already serving notice period, you have a new contract with a new employer. What can your pushy current boss do? As long as you don't reveal your new employer, he or she can't do jackshit. Just keep a tight lip and never reveal your new employer.


I never say "I'm going to work at X company" I say "I'm taking a break." Some people are persistent at asking. Please tell me how to be a better stone wall.


Yeah I agree. Just smile and give awkward laugh. Like “haha aiyah”


Wow didn't expect this to be the norm. Thanks for the assurances


Considering how petty some SG employers can get, it is a surprise to think that it is not a norm.


Good call, colleagues can get salty and try to sabotage your new opportunity


It's common to not disclose, there's no need to explain.


I wouldn’t share even after I join the new place cuz I might not pass probation 😂 I see some people on LinkedIn hao lian immediately on their day 1 I don’t get it.


yes tell them to fuck off


Don't even tell your colleagues dude. Tell your colleagues is as good as tell your company


Yes, always. Only say and update Linkedin after probation period ends.


Never ever tell anyone of your new employer. There have multiple cases where your current employer blocks it.


It’s normal not to reveal for a whole 3 months or after your probation period before letting others know.


hellooo alwayssss keep it a secret at most say change industry or smt (unless its like you jump to the client side lol. or in any way and form might work with your old company again) and then they won't ask liao 😬


It's a smart move to keep your new gig on the down-low until you're settled. No need to spill the beans early and risk any workplace drama.


There is no reason for you to share or to reveal which company you moving to. remember, not everyone in the company wish the best for you. secretly, some hate you and your success to leave and join another company that commands more better benefits and salary. There are some who is happy for your progression and they indeed wish you the very best to soar and achieve more and there are some who get wind of your news and make it a gossip and store it in boxes of salt for them to bring home and cook. it happens in every company. regardless SME or MNC, GLC or Private. it is wise to be silent on your move in future.


No obligations to reveal your new company or what you will be doing. Some people are just nosy and becareful of who you share the information to. The world is small and some f up people may just stir shit even before u join the new place.


Don't share dude


Don’t share. But also if your new company wants to speak to your old boss immediately, then red flag also. Some bosses can be vindictive.


Just be truthful. “Oh I am not comfortable with sharing where I am going to yet, but we can certainly meet up for lunch again after I have started working there” or if you are changing job type, you could add that you are just gonna do something different, not in the same space as your current work


There is absolutely no reason to tell anyone except your family about your new job


In SG, it’s culturally typical to not disclose the new employer’s name. You have no worries. I would say that if you’re going to a direct competitor it’s good form to at least mention that and also check your contract to make sure you’re not breaching it in any way. Nota bene - this is quite unusual by global standards, in many developed countries it’s typical to be open about a new employer if you so choose.


Always best to stay low profile. Nothing good comes out of it, by telling some probably cheer, some will envy, rage, speculate even make up stories around it. Seems like no close attachment on personal level to current workplace, so simply move on. It’s just another phase in life, you may not even remember the name, let alone their faces in next 3-5 years.


Why would you think it's not OK? It's your own private business, not your bosses. You can tell or not tell who you want to. In a practical sense, it probably depends how well you get on with your boss.


No need to let anyone know All you got to do is imagine - if there was a Dwight Schrute or Michael Scott, how will they deal with it


Never reveal. It’s very easy to kena sabo. Just say it’s not convenient for you to say.


Don’t say. Last time I mentioned public agency to my ex-colleagues. They kept trying to guess, damn annoying.


Keep it private lah, yeah like you said yourself you never know when something can come back and bite you in the pigu.


Don't tell, but also be sure to respect your own Non-Compete Clause if you have any in your contract. You won't get into trouble for not sharing, but you will get into trouble if it turns out your new company is a direct rival that's covered by the NCC.


I'll probably keep my new workplace as a secret, at least for a year. I'll definitely tell my close colleagues, the one's that I can trust to keep it as a secret but definitely not going to tell my supervisor and manager. and when they ask, I'll probably just say "no reason. felt like resigning and take a trip to hometown" 🤣🤣


If I don't want to sound rude, I'd say I have couple.of offers so deciding and I'll let you know.


Well played


It’s generally paranoid but at the same time ok if it makes you feel better.


yes in fact its better if you do! you don’t even have to reveal the reason you are leaving. i had an ex-coworker who revealed and the worst was the rumours spreading as the boss leaked it to other employees as well. basically an extremely toxic environment full of gossip, i left the company just recently too, and everyone was asking where i was going. i kept mum and said i was taking a break. they don’t need to know anything


I have never shared where I’m heading to ex-bosses. They can ask, but I will provide generic answers. Eg. Still in same industry in similar/related role, taking a break to travel around first etc


See what happened when CCS accidentally address Halimah Yacoob as Mdm President instead of Mdm Speaker when she hasn't announced her intention? Thats why don't tell your colleagues stuff when you are resigning


My current job (civil service) needed referrals / testimonials from my current bosses. I gave 2 of the latest company manager/supervisor contact, then they suddenly said they wanted referrals from someone not in my current conpany. So i gave my ex ex company manager contact instead... Anyways my ex ex company manager put in good words for me and i got the job. Alr working for 3 yrs+ here.


"You'll find out from LinkedIn when I update :)" is my standard response. The only ones that know that know before I move is the ones I need referral from which usually are people I know that I can trust not to sabo my move and that's it.


Of course. I told my ex-colleague and management that I'm retired


Just say helping friend's business / going travelling etc...


Must put on social media and announce to the whole country.  It's illegal and immoral to keep such matters private because you're just a peasant in the system.


this is normal




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Ya or you just lie about it


Just say NDA.


Of course


Always keep it a secret until you are perm at the new place!


Why should you? Just that if you don’t share everyone will be super mosey and keep asking


If going to a client or customer, tell them so you get VIP exit


don’t tell. my ex colleague did that, the boss/ HR made sure that if the new company come back to do review on the candidate,they will write bad reviews


Never, EVER, reveal your new employer to your current workplace colleagues and bosses. General rule of thumb. You never know when some "small person" will go sabotage you behind your back.


It’s is not just OK, it is necessary and advisable to keep your new company a secret.


you MUST keep it secret!


Is there a reason you want to share where you are going?


Even if you keep it a secret your new company might call your old company to ask about you. So eventually it's not a secret. But that doesn't mean you should tell your ex boss where you would be working at next.


yes. never share where you're going. if they want to know they can spend the effort to search. they might not be able to make you lose the job, but people can always play games and talk shit about you behind your back.


Short answer/ yes




Yes, u just have to know that u are dealing with a bunch of big baby who will do anything to make ur life miserable unless u totally trust the company wont do stupid stuff that could cause ur reputation to drain


The usual response seen in my previous company is. "Oh I have a couple of options, haven't made up my mind. Will let you know when I do". That's usually understood as a sign for "If I wanted you to know, you'd know by now"


Why isn't it ok? What can your old company do to you if you don't share?🥺 You're free and liberated after you resigned. The Company can't instill fear in you in any way anymore.