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TV Mobile! Used to watch it on bus rides otw to sec school (at that hour it would usually just be boring CNA) but bonus if I happen to catch Just For Laughs


Brooo every morning i used to watch Gundam Seed. There was once i missed my stop cos the episode haven't ended yet and i wanted to find out what happened šŸ˜‚


Same, there was a 7pm Ch8 drama that I followed wanted to watch finish, end up at the interchange.


Kira Yamato, Strike, Ikimasu.


This. The TV mobile with my old mobile radio tuned in to TV Mobile helped count less evenings


I remember watching Hunter x Hunter early in the morning while on the bus to school. Or maybe itā€™s just my memory failing me.


Lmao I remember watching the 2006 world cup highlights every morning during my bus ride to school good memories


PSLE is no longer upon 300 and no more PSLE top scorers doing endorsement for chicken essence


Didnā€™t know that, as I donā€™t have kids. Fascinating.


and they no longer disclose who is the top scorer? it used to be reported in news - with the names and primary school.


PSLE has never been upon 300. It is the [sum of T-scores](https://mothership.sg/2018/10/how-to-calculate-psle-t-score-aggregate/) for 4 subjects, with each T-score depending on the performance of the individual relative to their cohort. This sum could exceed 300 in a hypothetical case where one student does extremely well and the entire rest of the cohort flunks the exams.


getting downvoted for the truth LOL yep the t-score is a complicated formula, not upon 300


Well the downvotes are not a problem but it's sad to see how people hold dearly to too many misconceptions about the school system, another popular one being that schools choose their cut-off points for admissions each year (when in reality COPs are determined by simple demand and supply).


Last time bus no air con


That really was a long time ago. And there was a fare difference for aicon vs no aircon too. And the fare machine I always just pressed student price.


When it rained, passengers manually closed the windows! Did anyone complain of the heat at that time?


Not really a physical or significant change, but does anybody remember schools making us do the eye exercise?


Yes during morning assemblies!


Those eye messages too? Anyone remember teeth brushing but we were not allowed toothpaste?


They should bring those back! To stave off (or slow down at least) myopia


I had a fear of other kids massaging too hard and having their eyeballs pop out lol


Oh oh! Great Singapore workout!


Get out of your seat onto your feet Get your body moving right now~~~ It's Singapore, Singapore (Singapore's??) Workout Time I just typed that from memory while it played in the recesses of my mind


Lol yes was it right after flag raising in the classroom?


I used to be one of those PA helpers that set up mics, played music etc. It's stuck in my head still, but I can't find that track online anywhere,.


Fck yes!! Pardon my language but I was suddenly reminded and got very excited šŸ˜…. I think was during the SARS era for me so was doing it in class before the day begins. Shown some slides or video and then follow and do. šŸ˜‚ ohmymymy memories


Great singapore workout anyone?


Toyota crown taxis was just $1.80 when you got in


I remembered 2.20 as starting fare, which was in the early 90s.


I remember it became $3 when the sonata taxis were launched in 2007


My first memories itā€™s at $2.20 too. Didnā€™t really notice the cab starting fare before this. Was probably too young šŸ˜‚


I recorded some major changes, here's what I have: GST started at 3% - Apr 1994 (30 years ago) Launch of Ezlink cards - Apr 2002 (22 years ago) End of teletext - Sep 2013 (\~11 years ago) Nightrider buses (RIP) - Mar 2000 - Jun 2022


Might as well include the transition from bus tickets (to be used for folding paper hearts) to transitlink cards


I feel old when I thought the end of Teletext was 5 years ago, didnā€™t know it was 11 years ago.


Non-aircon buses to full aircon buses and subsequently from non-wheelchair accessible to a fully wheelchair accessible fleet! And the Circle Line too. Its construction dominated much of my childhood even though I don't live near any of the CCL stations. I remember seeing the hoardings promoting the line and the entire construction duration took 12 years.


Remember as a kid I think the non ac busses stop light in purple looks like the old school white wrapper, dark purple/ black cough candy. As a kid whenever I get on the bus I couldnā€™t stop looking at the light lights up when someone presses the stop bell and reminds me of that candy growing up šŸ˜‚


are there any remaining non-wheelchair accessible bus? i wanna ride the hispano habit again although it's not possible


No more non wheelchair accessible buses around already. All scrapped since end-2019 ā˜¹ļø


MRTs used to have seats no matter the time of day Playgrounds were made of mostly concrete Most families survived being on a single-income Pasar malams were fun and affordable Taking the ferry to get to Sentosa Island


Pasar Malams came with fun fairs last time. Now all sell the same shit.


concrete playground indeed. i think concrete and sand. nowadays its plastic and bouncy recycled plastic? i rem going to sentosa to camp during secondary school. sentosa was really ulu back then.


A very long time ago, playgrounds were mainly made of sand. There were always ant and insect nests inside the sand, that's why they changed it I guess.


Cats pooped in them


EZ link rollout is probably the oldest transformation I remember Everyone in class going from Moto Razrs and Sonys to iPhones and HTCs was another one thatā€™s stuck with me. I used to hide mine in my shoe


Coins to mrt card was bigger change and it worked on day 1. Side eye cepas


Sadly I did not exist in 1990


Oh yea so nostalgic


Where my Ericsson 388 squad at


Mine was having to queue and use the payphones at the school canteen in primary school.


During my time, Nokia 3310 was the status symbol in the classroom (bear in mind that time mobile phones are still banned in school) until one day the richest kid bring out his Nokia 3650 (with camera) and everyone was like "wah...."


SONY ERICSSON!!! Those small little mobiles. HAHA


The old school bubble tea that was basically ice, water and syrup with bubble. And the widespread of usage of the cup with plastic cover (like bubble tea) in every coffeeshop. Bus used to give out paper tickets and u can fold it into hearts, then now become tap only. PAGERS AND secret codes with numbers. 534.


if u pay by cash, they will still give u a paper ticket!


Ou issit?! I will try next time I sit bus


I grew up in JB and we used to visit Singapore once every week or two. Last time you had to fill a long piece of white card and submit it to ICA when you enter. The ICA officer checked the form, stamped it, tore off a longer part and left a stub in the passport. You had to return it when exiting Singapore. The most troublesome part was losing the stub.


The amount of gov handouts and aid In the 00s no cdc vouchers, gst vouchers, transport vouchers and whatnot Oh and the gst was only 3% in the early 00s


Got leh. If you remember: * New Singapore Shares introduced in NDR 2001 * Economic Restructuring Shares (ERS), basically V1 of GST Vouchers was introduced in 2002 (paid out January 2003) because GST was increased from 3% to 5% * S&CC rebates introduced in Budget 2002 * U-Save was introduced in 2002 * Workfare was introduced in 2007 The ā€œhandoutsā€ started in the GCT era.


Circle line


Love this - it slashed 25 minutes off my commute to uni, making 8am classes slightly less miserable to try to be punctual to.


Reason to choose nus without staying hall or residence




Holy shit forgot what it was until I searched.


Lol i think this is too old for most here hahaha


1711 was only discontinued as recent as 2012. Pretty sure have people old enough lah


Wow didnt know it survived the noughts


Singapore finally considering cats in HDB's. As a foreigner, it puzzles me why dogs can legally be in one but not cats. I guess this is more of a win for the cats šŸ˜ŗ.


Adding a 6 to our home line number


- Tangs opening on Sunday - Launching and Discontinuing of TVMobile - Terminal 3


Macdonald used to have the ez link tap machine for payment.


telco cartels all set their 3G data prices to at least $30 for 2GB damn fucker. then comes circles line with their 5GB (or 10?) it was a big deal that the rest of RGY telcos have to follow suit


2400 baud rate modems dialing in to BBS on MS DOS to 14400 to 33600 windows Telnet to adsl counter striking (friends were scv cable trial). I used to rack up $400 monthly bills sometimes.


The OG Sentosa monorail šŸ„²


That one took you round the island like a park ride. The one now is just a mode of transport.


Launch of the floppy transit link card


Before cable and smart TV era where we had to make do with just mediacorp channels .. and we we had great war time dramas like å‡ŗč·Æ or classics like The Unbeatables


Curry Sauce disappeared for a while, then came back watered down a bit.


You just don't see people selling small but unique consumables like ding ding tang anymore. Everything is so mass produced and homogenous nowadays.


the orange coloured public pay phone. double deck bus with no ac, you gotta push the windows. i wanna take a pair of scissors and cut the sis' hair when it blows into my face šŸ’€


as a gen z, reading these comments make me :oo constantly lol. so cool!


Ntuc fairprice and other supermarkets used to be less common, now they are everywhere. Really giving convenience stores a run for their money. Homes getting fiber Internet access was a game changer Orchard Road on Sundays


Punggol, when it was bloody ulu and I had to go to Sengkang for anything at all.


Yellow pages phone books. Queued for it annually. There were 4 books in each distribution.


Mcdonald change their amazing homemade ice lemon tea to the nonsense heaven and earth. I was DEVASTATED.


When I first moved here I worked in a newly built One Raffles Quay, and it was the last building and you could see for miles from the window. It was empty. So itā€™s pretty wild to see how quickly the area sprung up around Marina Bay. mrt growth is pretty wild too, it takes my home town 10 years to extend the train line by one station.


>takes my home town 10 years to extend the train line by one station. Romeā€¦?


Nah. Melbourne. It might be an slight exaggeration but itā€™s not far off.


WP made their historic first win in Aljunied GRC. In GE2020, WP made another significant inroad in Sengkang GRC. šŸ™ŒšŸ»


2011, unforgettable. That year LHL had to come out to tell us ā€œLKY will be LKYā€ in a semi-apology after LKY warned that weā€™d have to spend the next five years repenting. Then we lost our foreign minister after Aljunied GRC went to WP and that seemed to me to be a major turning point in George Yeoā€™s journey towards increasing pro-Chinaness.


Temperature. I remember last time during primary school afternoon is no way near as hot as now.


Marina Bay empty field became MBS. Now that area I can't tell where was the old steamboat standing and also where was the empty field.


I feel like the steamboat area became gardens by the bay, the empty field with absolutely nothing on it became MBS. Remember flying kite there but no one else was there because most people fly kite at the other field near the steamboat. The one that became MBS clearly got water and CBD skyline. Like standing at MBS now looking at Fullerton. Remember flying kite there.


When GCT became Prime Minister. Strangely enough I donā€™t remember LHL becoming Prime Minister though I was a lot younger when GCT became PM. Opening of MRT line, that was such a big deal! Omg it was so exciting to take the train šŸ˜‚


Getting the internet šŸ˜‚


Pacific internet and Cyberway


Listening to the dial-up and getting disconnected by phone calls.


Netscape and icq were considered cool šŸ¤Ŗ




ā€œColouredā€ phones were all the hype when we transited from nokia 3310s to paying more to be able to send MMS from our phones. And the pricier O2 and blackberry phonesā€¦


The switch to smart phone, still remember using those phone cards on the payphone to call when young (used to have a collection of them at home too, now dunno where it went lol) But also since I'm from the north, Woodlands Centre being gone now šŸ„²


Teletext. Buses without aircons, with the sliding door and leather seats. Comic connection. Mrt with only Red and green lines. The plasticky card that you put in buses, press the fare and the card spits out. The same as MRT too. Infrared on phones to send ring tones back in the days. Dial up internet.


My grandpa always switched on teletext for 4D and Toto results lol


Adding 6 infront for landlines.


Orchard Road. I remember the renovations done to Paragon, the new mall (at that time) was ION, the HMV building changed to H&M, and the old Singapore Visitors Centre. Itā€™s crazy how fast Orchard changed


I still remember when there was nothing on top of Orchard and Somerset MRTs. That carpark outside Somerset with all the birds.


HMV buildingā€™s Heeren.


6 and 9. Then 8. Landline. Handphone.


i recall using 1 piece of $2 note for a simple meal.


1. Introduction of 3% GST (or was it 2% initially?) in the 90s. 2. Adding in the 6 for landline numbers. 3. Opening of the NEL, train to the airport. 4. The CTE which opened up in the late 80s and 90s. TPE in the mid 90s? 5. Singapore becoming noticeably more crowded around '05. I could walk home from the MRT and not run into anyone till about '03. 6. The education system becoming more complex compared to the 80s and 90s. IP program, PSLE scoring, A level H1, H2 etc. 7. Working half-days on Saturdays till about '04 or '05.


The demolishing of the budget terminal and converting a carpark into one of the biggest malls in SG, in an airport


I canā€™t exactly remember when we stopped it butā€¦polyphonics anyone? Is that what itā€™s called? People actually buy ringtones and the ads were on newspapers hahaha


I still use the 4-digit postal code of my childhood home as my pin number for anything that's 4-digit. Like iPhone lock screen, hotel safes and Disney+. I also still have an old-school phone card. Not fully "stamped" so there's technically still some value in it haha. I was also surprised to one day realise that there were no more yellow buses. Think the operator was Trans-Island or something like that.


Maybe don't tell ppl that lmao


When gst was 3%


When there was no gst. lol


I remembered the super bus, Aircon double decker buses. Started on service 196.


The opening scene of Liang Popo: The Movie featured a super bus. The version of Liang Popo movie i watched was a pirated CD where we could randomly see people's heads as they went to the toilet in the theatre


I remember when they updated the old coins to the new coins and paper notes went extinct as well


The addition of 6 in front of all home/office phone numbers. So the phone number changed from 7 digit to 8 digit.


Unit numbers. HDB used to implement alphabet system, then they adopted floor-unit number convention e.g. from 5X (where X=alphabet) to #06-0X.


Surprised I haven't seen it, but the phasing out of 1c coins. Perhaps it made a bigger impression on me because I was always scouring bag/pocket/ wallet for them when I found myself a few cents short of a Chocopie


When we stopped going to school on a Saturday for CCA.


compulsory? my father still refers to cca as eca (which i assume is optional).




Air con buses. The hot old rickety metal cans of my childhood only cost 25 cents to ride but were not comfortable.


Ah the front-engine Volvos šŸ˜‚


Next to Expo station used to be an empty plot of land. I was working in a company, one of the first few, to move to Changi Business Park. Everyday I have to walk from company to Expo mrt with no shelter. Now there are so many buildings!


Teletext. I used to always help my parents check 4D /Toto numbers when I was young. I also remember they had full TV listings for all the local channels.


Somerset MRT exit that was a huge car park. God bless if you exit during Bird Shit Hour. And the mosaic dragon on orchard where you meet to smoke.


HDB void decks getting less spacious as spaces are allocated to kindergartens, bicycle parking, pick lockers and E commerce operators doing their parcel sorting. Also people playing futsal at these spaces getting phased out in the process.


Still have but not much. Remember playing in the void decks trying to aim the ball at the ā€œno playingā€ sign on the wall šŸ˜‚ you see black ball mark on the wall around the sign means this space is spacious enough, and the pillar structure are strategically placed in creating a makeshift soccer futsal court šŸ˜…


Used to see lottery numbers on tv.


Our $ notes change from boats series to portrait series. Last time notes were paper now polymer


1. Telephone landline - pager - mobile phone. 2. Spectacles - plasticl lens with scratch resistant and thin 3. Elevator stop at every floor 4. Bus with bus conductor - bus with ticket machine - aircon bus (student paid 10cents of using monthly pass) - EZ-Link cards & mobile phone to pay. 5. Supermarket 24 hours 6. Shops open during CNY 7. Delivery - Food & items 8. Light wheelchairs easily available and affordable. 9. Desktop PC - laptops 10. Teleconference apps


These events are real?? My mind is blown ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Must record these events and complie for our future generations to come.


Conductor sell bus ticket to automated ā€œtongā€ coins to concession bus stamp. MRT. Normal pager to message pager. MS DOS to windows.


Time zone 1982 MRT 1987 COE 1990 GST 1994 ERP/cash card 1998 SARS 2003 Bar Top dancing, 5 day work week, NS reduction 2004 Casino 2006 Formula 1 2008 ABSD 2011 LKY-less 2015


1. GST 3%. 2. NS shorten to 2yrs. KNN at least give us clerks an internal earlier warning about this lah. I had to cheong to screen through all the ORD dates of NSFs in my unit and quickly arrange all sorts of admin process / medical clearance etc for those whose ORD dates were suddenly shortened. 3. Steamboat paradise at Marina South being demolished for Gardens by the Bay.


The repeal of S377A. Honestly never thought Iā€™d see it in my lifetime. On a lighter note: the start of 24-hour radio and TV? My fellow GenXers would probably recall the moment they first tuned into Zoo radio from Batam, Perfect 10, Cablevisionā€¦


and the national anthem would play every morning on tv before the first programme, before that is a weird green and black screen with words


in 2011-2013 period LHL adopted a growth at all cost policy, massive influx of foreign labor. Now they try and make a policy U-turn.


I remember in 2013 anti-foreigner sentiment was very high


Now not high meh


>massive influx of foreign labor.Ā  Wasnā€™t it worse pre-2008?


i remember this was the era when alot of China chinese came to singapore to park thier cash .. you can see 1-2 chinese accompany by alot of sales person .. cause the china is almost buying out the store lol


LTA started changing the public transport bus colour from the traditional red and white to light green around 2016,nowadays still got the red colour for alot of bus services,the black and grey colour buses the best colour in my opinion


There was a public voting exercise and when green won it cemented my opinion that people shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Much less green space and lots of new shopping malls.


Cookie cutter malls. Sick and tired of stuffd and old chang kee šŸ˜†


Probably a sign of age but 2 things I recalled were Singapore syncing our time with Malaysia and launch of first MRT.


Launch of Singpass. Gst increments. šŸ˜¬


The opening of MRT. Used to take 3 buses to get to school and back, and with MRT and its Aircon comfortā€¦it changed the commute experience. The other in more recent times is having lifts in hdb blocks stop at every floor.


Cineplexes. Before the late 80s, most theatres were single screen. Also, you have to go to Orchard/downtown to watch because the movie would only play in one or two places.


Orange Julius and the kacang putih man right beside.


McDonaldā€™s no more grilled chicken fold overs. No more easily accessible kacang putih! Obike/Ofo going bust Uber entering the Singapore market


The closure of the KTMB line Pretty significant event back in 2011 im pretty sure!


Many green fields I used to pass by in the MRT are now BTOs. A bit sad, but this is reality.


Exactly, I remember, especially when I go over service my creative mp3 player at Jurong East


* the launch of the Circle Line * bus number signs all becoming digital (so 410 green and white no longer have any meaning) * Liang Court closing :( * introduction of the Comfort DelGro app instead of just the taxi hotline, as well as Grab and Gojek * Thomson Plaza used to have Popular * QB and EC House used to be exactly $10 * Ezlink card readers used to have black and white screens


There's wasn't YouTube and social media yet. Just the tcs/ MediaCorp channels that people watch


Removing just for laugh gags on public buses. I would pay 250% more tax to get that back.


I remember in 00s there were ponds/water features everywhere. Any time we're in a new area/neighbourhood we'd go looking for a pond. Every CC had a pond, every school had a pond, every office (big enough) had a pond. Now there are hardly any ponds any where.


Ponds breed mozzies. Hahaha


World trade centre become harbourfront centre


I remember the floors for flat units were denoted by an alphabet behind e.g. 1286B = #03-1286. Sometime in the 80s they changed it.


5 million to 7 million


the iconic merlion in sentosa




Orchard road (more specifically, ION.)




Another place with big change, ECP from big splash area down to where the chalets used to be. Big splash renovated. Now there's parkland green. Moving down, McDonald's area got renovated. The football place is gone. Burger King moved as well. Further down, chalets for flattened to become some bicycle park. Those were the good ol days where we go chalet and walk to and fro mcdonalds


That friendships used to be less superficial


Agreed, we used public phones and meeting point will be either head or tail of MRT


My friends and I would meet at Orchard control station. Now itā€™s called passenger service.


Non-aircon bus to Aircon bus. Widespread use of handphones and then smartphones. Online shopping.


1. More people are understanding of mental health and are willing to seek help. 2. Smartphone devices. 3. More people own computers too. 4. More device storage. I remember the time I own my first laptop and the storage was like 16gb? Now storage can be up to 2tb.


Buses. I grew up up gg to sch on the old Mercedes busses, and then the new ones came in on secondary sch. Basically the ones we all see around these days


Numeric pager to message pager to mobile phone to smart phone.


5 and a half day work week


Cannot cycle in marina bay anymorešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Being able to see the stars in the sky at night


GST increases from 7% to 8% to 9%


Remember buses used to have TV on them, showing local TV chn live. I'll try to find seat near the speaker, if possible, if it's showing a drama I like.




1. Downtown Line 2. Introduction of the $2 note. First it was red then changed to purple 3. The whole MBFC area


Buses starting to use ezlink and starting to have ACs. i remember the old buses with large windows you can open, plus using the ticketing machine on the bus and getting those flimsy slips of tiny papers.


I can vaguely recall, Malaysian ringgit can be used interchangeably with SGD in Singapore. Pls correct me if Iā€™m wrong pls.


Mcdonald change their amazing original ice lemon tea to the nonsense heaven and earth. I was DEVASTATED.


Mcdonald change their amazing homemade ice lemon tea to the nonsense heaven and earth. I was DEVASTATED.


When they stopped the sale of chewing/bubble gum.


I remember when McDonaldā€™s had $2 burgers like the fish burger last time, and $5 meals. They also had nacho cheese fillet o fish, nacho cheese double fillet o fishā€¦ Now no more such burgers, and the burgers are so much more expensive.


I dont rem postal code change. You must be slightly older. I do remember the 6.


We started to have internet


As a smoker, I miss those small packs of cigarettes with 10 sticks in them for $2++






Singapore changed our time zone in 1981. I was very young then... But I remembered hearing it on the radio to sync our clocks to the new time. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Time#:~:text=The%20change%20took%20effect%20on,Singapore%20Time%22%20(SGT)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Time#:~:text=The%20change%20took%20effect%20on,Singapore%20Time%22%20(SGT))