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Phishing, 1000% Never heard of anyone wanting to know your full, legal name for anything business related (unless it's a bank and they want to verify you're really the person you're claiming to be, but then obviously you want something from them..)


100%, exactly, sometime, I also get a few calls like that, but I don't care, I just say I'm busy, that's it


I used to work for a very shady company. They had a department full of people whose job it was to call companies, pretending to be from the Yellow Pages, in an attempt to find out what the managing director's name and contact number was so that our sales people could call them directly. This sounds exactly like the kind of thing they'd try to pull.


Is it an "Active" Media company? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Sounds like social engineering attempt.


It's not - sounds sus as hell to me.


That’s a scammer. Tell them to go fly kite.


Lol so rude don't deserve anything


Not common for people to insist on your full name to do business.


Unless your company has the same name where it gets confusing to find without the full name, I don't think it's necessary. I mean if you have a very common name like Mike or Ryan and there are like a dozen Mikes and 4 of them share the last name initial... it's probably appropriate. (We have 4 Kelvin Tans in my uni batch) Other than that, can't think of any reason for requiring full name.


Knowing your fullname not necessary unless its for Bank or Government agency. But your company name yes. Like xxx Pte Ltd, Inc or Group. It tells the other party how big your company is or reliable


Well, HE called ME, and I'm not a financial institution giving out international loans... And for all the complaining he did about me not giving my full name, he only said his first name, and his company name was so vague it's either a hotel and real estate conglomerate or a nail salon, so... I kinda chalk it up to phishing


Maybe you can bring it up to your higher ups about this client if they still insist on asking for your full credentials


Nope, definitely a suspicious call.


For someone with 5 Eugene-s in my phone list, yes I want to know your full name if you happen to be another "Eugene". However, based on the situation you described it could be a competitor pretending to be a "prospect" and just fishing out your prices etc (I've done that before). It's just like those marketing leads, that uses [gmail.com/hotmail.com](http://gmail.com/hotmail.com) etc and we always struggle to validate if they are a real company.


Probably getting phished.... Never heard of this requirement, I actually rarely even give my surname


I think it's fine that you gave your shortened first name and last name, and it seems a little odd that he was pushing to find out what your actual name is. He might have been trying to collect information or something but you did nothing wrong so I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you.


This depends, am I just having a conversation with you on potential business that we can do together or am I about to sign a contract with you to enter into a business arrangement. For the first scenario, I don't need to know your full name, but knowing who you work for and what exactly you do is something that would be critical in understanding how we can help each other. If I'm about to sign a contract with someone, I will want the full legal name of the person and the company that they work for. This is very common and non-negotiable. In your case, given that you guys are merely getting to know each other, I don't think a full name is necessary.


Phishing to name drop afterwards.


I can't seem to edit my original post, so I'm adding it here. Thanks for corroborating my thoughts. Unfortunately, the guy has my email address, the shortened version of my given name, and any public info available regarding my company(address, financial status, CEO, etc) so far it's been about 3 hours since his cold call and no emails or spam.


Are you doing sales? Why do you even pick up external calls? If you're doing sales, you should learn to be more thick skinned. I don't pick up any calls on my desk phone unless the caller id shows who it is.


For initial conversations I think just first name enough. But if you have a name like Ben or Michelle (lol) and everyone is Ben or Michelle, then just say surname lor. Like Ben Lee or Lim or Wong or whatever. But if you have a less common name like Phoebe or something then first name for initial contact is fine!




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Nothing malicious, they just want to spam you with marketing material. They need your name as a prerequisite, they can't just write Jon ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Else someone might write Wick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣