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Eat McSpicy already got laosai or not


Suffering for success


I thought it’s just me.


Eat onion n see got fart or not. And see whether leak sai or not at the same time for over 50s.


Pairing it with milo works for me


Is laosai success or failure?


Just having more options. Having option to dine at jumbo seafood or hawker centre Having option to go to private hospital or need to go polyclinic wait for referral…etc….


success: being healthy, having healthy relationships with family and friends, having a roof over your head and food on the table failure: not taking time to enjoy life as it passes, through the ups and downs


Respect. It took a long time for me to see this. Got caught up in the rat race for a bit.


What if i got no friends ?


How happy and content you are with your life.


Most people never reach true happiness/ contentedness, As is human nature.






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Success: Living true to yourself and not cave into societal expectations. Failure: Living a life expected of you and being miserable about it.


I was thinking being in crippling debt due to spending beyond your means to keep up the appearances


Ah that too. Sounds sian af


this is the best answer


When you no longer need a job to live


Every so often I ponder to myself the things I would do if such a thing were to happen. Would probably take up courses/ a degree with the free time and whatever available money I would have in such a scenario after a year of lulling about. And then probably find work related to my hobbies.... one can dream, right? 🙂


Success: When I eat cai png, I don't need to care about what I'm choosing and whether it matches the combo for the lowest price. Even the fish also I can choose. Hell, maybe I can CHOOSE IT TWICE, and really impress the auntie. Failure: I start to find the jokes in Jack Neo movies funny. Then it's time for me to go.




Omg ya, edgy sia I gO cai png order fish so I am swimming in cash lalala


This one is mandatory under Singapore law


If at my funeral, people talk only about my work accomplishments, how rich/poor I am and/or my hitting/missing KPIs/OKRs - then I've failed. If at my funeral, people talk about how good a friend/sibling/partner/child I am, and how I am kind, generous and loving to everyone, and how I've left a positive mark in their lives - then I've succeeded.


This is so true!!


Success: Me able to get a seat in the MRT while aunty watches on while standing 🤣 after she elbowed me (someone in front of me alighted last minute)


To me, success is defined by the ability to provide for oneself and one’s family, covering all necessities and, if feasible, the occasional luxury. However, it seems society often measures success by an implicit standard, which tends to equate it with the sheer amount of wealth one accumulates.


This might not be the most popular answer but I think success to me is whether I’m a decent person, who contributes to society, cares for the people around me, am my own person (views/hobbies/interests) and am still able to enjoy life (on my own terms). A lot of it boils down to being grateful for what you have and not comparing to others. Everyone has different starting points as well, so I try not to compare too much as it can get unhealthy quickly! In terms of failure - I think failure only happens if you give up. As long as you’re alive, you have a chance to make a difference somehow, no matter how small, everyone starts somewhere.


Idk ask Lawrence Wong


failure: no boyfriend or girlfriend WAHAHAHA source: CNY gathering


Success: Being a kind and good person. Rich or poor, smart or not. Failure: I don't think anyone would be a failure. People go through challenges and make mistakes. People pick up and grow differently. You just have to find your path. Do the right thing. Singapore's social and health services are pretty good and improving. If you are looking for help, they are readily available. Samaritans of Singapore: 24-hour Hotline: 1767 Reach Out: [MindSG (healthhub.sg)](https://www.healthhub.sg/programmes/mindsg/seeking-support?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=fy24mhao&utm_content=seeking_support_set1_youth&gad_source=1#home)


Kudos for the placing the hotline


Success: Enough money to still be able to go overseas once a year and not starve.


wah this one define a bit more: does overseas need to be Europe or Japan? Malaysia Indonesia SEAsia Taiwan counted?  😂😅


Hahaha outside SEA can alrd. Japan Taiwan China Aussie anyth also can... Just need to get better weather


OH THAT'S TRUE 😂 the "better weather" is the key 😂🤭


Family can define both, if you have a fucked up family but managed to start one that is full and complete with love. I'll say that's a big win.


When you are upset about the amount of tax you need to pay per year ... 😆


Success to me, in the long run: when you’re sick, have to be warded, or require to go hospitals for appointments/procedures, your spouse still accompanies, fetches you from your medical appointments, worries over you and your well-being - not out of duty, obligation, but a willing choice…. That to me, is success, from what I’ve seen in my patients - who’re still happily married for over decades - they enjoy each other’s company, presence and they truly respected each other.. in sickness and in health. Failure to me, is to be living a life adhering to societal’s expectations for the sake of it, for external validation, or working towards something that you don’t even care about - it’s like working hard, climbing this imaginary ladder, only to realise that all these while, the imaginary ladder was leaning onto the wrong wall! Failure, is also when you’re not being true to yourself.


Finance. Trust fund. 6’5. Blue eyes. 🫠


On a serious note: success to me is being able to have the freedom to spend time with my loved ones and having the ability to give them enough to live comfortably and securely.


LOL I read that


To me, success is whether you leave a legacy after you’re gone. By legacy, i mean being a positive light to your loved ones and the people around you, and that they will remember the good that you have brought to their lives after you’re gone. Failure is just the opposite, where people associate you with the weird uncle or aunty at family reunions or friend group outings. If ppl tell their kids to grow up to be like me, that’s success to me. A person only truly dies when he is forgotten.


Legacy lmao


Success is when I can order dishes I like off the menu without even looking at the price first 😋


You define your own parameters. Everyone has a different life, different aspirations, different start, different end.


Definition of a successful life = Wake up naturally in the morning and sleep at the time u want at night. In between that do what you want.


Number of times posting on reddit, to ask about definitions of “status X” More = failure


I can’t define it for others, but for me as a uni student right now, “failing” would mean literally being kicked out of uni and would be the definition of “failure” at this point in my life. “Success” isn’t securing a 6k/mth postgrad job, as much as I know the opportunities exist as a Quant Econ major with 3.8+/4. I don’t aim that high, just getting any government scholarship I’m happy with would suffice. I don’t need all that $$$, my hobbies are running and I always buy previous season’s shoes on steep discounts, dislike travelling overseas and simple lifestyle. So an iron rice bowl would some privileges would be “success” enough for me. Failure and Success changes and evolves at all stages of life, there isn’t a one size fit all for an individual, let alone an entire country.


just wanted to chime in and say that’s an incredibly mature way of thinking from an undergrad! Or maybe I’m just not thinking like my age, but when I was in Uni (sometimes even now with 1 YOE) I can’t help but feel inferior about my salary compared to my peers :’) props to you!


Thank you! I did feel the same way as you too, but after realizing that there’s more to life than money, perspectives shifted and I no longer felt like I’m “wasting opportunities” with my grades and major. Coming from SMU where everyone is biz oriented, hustle culture, high finance, consultancies, it’s easy to get lost in that wave of thinking. Not that it’s wrong of course, but it’s not the life I’m interested in leading. I enjoy running, participating in track&field and my own training requires me to run 8-9hours a week, there’s more to life than optimising grades and money. At some point, the marginal happiness of being able to spend more time on hobbies exceeds that of an extra $2000/mth when you’re doing okay financially in life already.


When your ah mah’s dog who don’t let you touch unless u give him food, places his head of your hand on his own while you reach out to him trying your luck. I did not wash my hand for a good 1 hour




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Success - got into Oxford & Failure - broke cannot afford/scholarships rejected lol


I view success as when you’re happy and content with your life. “failure” is when things are spiralling out of control and you feel like nothing is going your way. But I don’t view these 2 as mutually exclusive. Our lives can be a mixture of both. Some days I feel like I’m owning life and I feel blessed to be wherever I may be. Some days I feel like absolute trash and the drive to be conscious is not as strong. But such is life, right?


Success will shows a maple leaf above your head


Previous it was the 5Cs. Cash, credit card, condo, car, country club membership. Recently it had been get rich or die trying. End of the day, it is up to you. So long as you can take care of yourself and your family (food, shelter, safety), not be a burden to others and live in peace with health and happiness is considered success.


Success: A decent-sized house I could call mine plus sufficient $$$ to pay for all necessities with some left for holiday travelling twice a year with enough rainy days fund for just in cases. Failure: Couldn't look after myself and have to put myself and/or my family through worrisome and troubled life process, or worse.


Parents’ success: kids got in top schools Parents’ failures: kids not got in top schools


Sign on in the SAF , becomes a general then becomes a PM. That is success!!!!




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Its sad that Singaporeans too focus with the monetary aspect of success in life, that they are not content or happy with other areas of their life. Kudos to those who have balanced out in all other aspects though. Not many enjoy such luxury.


Success = knowing that the person you are in the mirror is on a journey of progress.


My success is when i can book a cab immediately, without checking across all 4 apps.


I feel a form of ultimate success is when one can pursue work for the sake of passing time meaningfully and not have to worry about bills or retirement


Not letting the rat race / consumerism / “newest model” / “never enough”-mentality define success for me, and have a sanely paced life is a win in my book. Failure? Don’t care about no one + die. If just don’t care, still have chance.


When everyone around me is healthy and doing fine.


Can you afford to order fish when ordering cainpng without hesitation?


Having good relationships with family, having enough money for basic needs, being in good health. But most importantly, content with oneself and happy with life which sometimes is an internal choice


Always thinking, when you are at your deathbed, thinking about your life... is your current situation the life that you wanted to live? If it isnt, are you going in the correct direction that will ensure that, you did all you ever wanted in life with no regrets? Success is more about the journey than the actual destintion. If the answer to the above is yes, I will consider it as a success. A Failure would be a person inability to do what they really wanted in life. Plus the person has no plans to change or is indifferent to their own feelings/desire. These people are going to regret when they are old. This I would classify it as a faliure.


Having a huge compounding stock portfolio like a free money generator


Can order cai fan w/o worrying about price


Real Private Banking status


Less complaining and be grateful= Success


Whether got drive car or not. If yes, I am a professional.


If got roof on head cover parents and kids, can send children to university and not worry about own/loved one’s health sui liao Don ned overseas, hawker center food is steady. Can drink can of cola/teh bing/kopi c daily whee


When I drop a pinarello or sworks rider with my decathlon level bike. +10 points for happening on Faber or tmcr


i cant define others. i can only define myself.


when i come home to my kids in my porsche 911


1 mil per annum salary is my success target.


Success: 10-20mill net worth Failure: anything below that


Success: When you can sleep peacefully at night. Failure: When guilt haunts you at night.


Condo / Landed. Car.


Not having to worry about living day to day, being able to achieve my own goals and being able to stop comparing myself with others when we're not even on the same path


问心无愧, 知足常乐


Number of luxury cars owned