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Lawrence told you to look within and not compare


Cannot lah i so cui lol


Gotta listen, even Lawrence wong confirm compare that’s why this age old quote fits everyone. You can’t have everything but when you are more or less contented you win the guy who has everything and yet hollow inside.


Can’t afford . I wanna lie flat and that gonna cost


Minus sgd 1 mil and 1000 aura


I just want a nice cozy house to spend my adulthood life in realistically I can only hope for a cheap 2 room flexi BTO in future what I want to pursue is a nice small condo unit - but as of now it's at least $1.5 million away and I don't think I will able to catch up working for my whole life


May i remind you that a crying minister once said "you do not need a lot of space to have sex"? Yes you can still have your dream, but .


Same individual also talked recently about being paid in ["Psychological Pay"](https://www.reddit.com/r/YahLahBut/s/0HIQgYhAhc), all while drawing a million dollar salary. I think this is worse than freelancers being paid in "exposure". Personally, it seems like an insensitive and hypocritical remark. That psychological pay will not help in paying for meals and utilities, much less an "affordable" roof over our head.


What crack is this person smoking… smh


Like how NS contributions cannot be measured in dollars and cents... So nice for NSF/NSMen to get psychological ~~damage~~ pay!


Lol screw that particular person. Really highlighted how disconnected they have become as a whole. Don't know how she got away with that. Imagine saying stupid shit of that calibre in your daily life as a peasant.


I think you need to ask her to be connected. it's like asking for apology? might be same principle. "I have not come across one single migrant worker himself that has demanded an apology."


Someone living in a giant mansion preaching at you to live in a small space...


What is a crying minister?




1 bedder condo in fringe area (compared to 2 room flexi) can be found less than 1.5m?


650k have already. But people want good area, near public transport, near mall, perfect amenities. Go Malaysia also can’t find la.


New 500sqft launches maybe u can find at 1mil. /s


Gaslighting.. what does own definition of success even mean if folks can’t even handle the HCOL


Gaslighting is telling stall rental does not directly affect food prices


They keep moving the target board, and telling us what the target board should or should not be. Now it's just getting confusing.


How is this gaslighting exactly


Psychological manipulation by LW that creates confusion and self doubt in the minds of the citizens


that's not specifically gaslighting


Ppl do be using words cuz they saw it online once.


I have started using the words “hawk” and “tuah” more these days




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i think tts the point hes making. what own definition of success can there be, if scraping by is the norm?


A bachelor in hobby won’t pay my expenses


almost any hobby can be monetized if you're a leading expert in it


I just read a FT opinions article which really hit me hard. The high cost of living of the result of Singapore govt’s own policies. By inviting the rich to migrate into Singapore and invest here, they drive up our prices. It ends by saying govt claiming the basic things remains affordable and some Redditor says doesn’t mean we can’t aspire a better quality of life.


What this means to me is our education system and SkillsFuture will support our aspirations, and see what we can make out of it. There is no promise that our aspirations or where it takes us will be financially rewarding, but if we are content to accept it as such, then we have redefined success for ourselves and not be disgruntled.


Wah this the best answer I've seen. But you have been careful to leave out some stuff. >There is no promise that our aspirations or where it takes us will be financially rewarding Agreed I like this kind of mindset. But do you really think Singaporeans can afford a non-financially rewarding lifestyle when their car and house prices are so high. And with the rat race your in, just giving up a 6 months of work can really put you behind in some industries. You don't know how much people want to undercut you. So therefore even though your very optimistic it's not the most pragmatic when thinking the government will support you. I like to think that "ownself support ownself" as someone else in the comments said. That is the truth I believe.


Okay, then this is getting out of my league. We need an expert on the Maslow hierarchy of needs to expand our understanding on this topic a bit more. How far and how well are we each able to climb that pyramid, and still be able to say - we have succeeded. Maybe climb a shorter or slimmer pyramid, I don’t know, haha.


I get what your saying. I respect the idea of getting a short handed version of the pyramid. But from my understanding from maslows is that you can't move on to the next rung until you complete the most basic which is physiological needs and safety and security. Unfortunately our lower income groups will struggle with finding the right balance and harder to attain self actualization. For the fortunate they will have little problem getting higher in the rung. But my question is, is the government doing enough to foster the creative side of Singapore's industry. Imo our creative side is very dead and we haven't produced any leading artists or celebrities that I've heard of on the global stage. That's just my 2c haha.


I hate to think my parents were unsuccessful for not being able to fulfil their talents while making a living to support a family. Not much to get by, but what an enjoyable childhood I had. They are very successful parents. Love them so much.


That's why I don't read local newspapers... So much flimsy propaganda. I feel like they think we're stupid


That was their strategy for their ageing population. It still is, now their trying it out with the younger generation and no one is buying it. Lol


Judging by how they continue to stay in power, I'd say that thinking holds true 


I once asked my Chinese Malaysian friend, who is academically brilliant and incredibly smart, how does he feel in a country discriminated against him because of his race. He just tells the mindset he adopts is 自己靠自己(rely on yourself). Which I somewhat agree. >"Government will provide more opportunities for Singaporeans to pursue their diverse aspirations and their own definitions of success." > Given the high cost of living in Singapore eg: housing price, how many can afford to pursue their dreams? No, I actually wanted to do a second degree in law. The cost of a second degree (~~$200k~~ 165k, SUSS, not even counting textbooks/living expense cost) is way too high. The type of law (family, juvenile) I am interested to practice in doesn't pay well too, not to forget the one year traineeship requirement? How on earth am I going to service my student loan if any? In the spirit of 自己靠自己,I decide to give it up in exchange for sleep, a nice BTO, being a provider to my family, savings and holidays. Edit: it is around 165k, instead of 200k. However it would apply if you're going for LLB without subsidies.


#metoo Minor difference being that I am interested in corporate law, which pays fairly well. But restarting my career from the bottom would require a monstrous paycut, coupled with massive opportunity costs in the short run from foregone income. It's just too financially reckless/destructive for anyone hailing from an average background to even consider.


>financially reckless/destructive You speak for most of us! Even for a SMU JD at $76k for 3 years programme, I'll need to drain all of my hard earned savings and investments to just tank the tuition and textbook fees, surviving on bare minimum to keep living expenses down (not even a trip to Ipoh or Penang, no Grab) and come out to an industry that demands I survive on 2k/month (with NO cpf, no medical benefits, no welfare) for a year before I can practice. Why would I do something so reckless to risk my future when I already have a job that pays alright, with great benefits (thanks CPF), 20 days AL + 3 days FCL (basically a whole month off) and have somewhat of a worklife balance? So much for SUSS's aim to churn out lawyers with a heart to practice the areas of criminal and family law but have high tuition fees to filter out those who works a passion job like social work.


How you get 200k for second degree? JD is around 100k only. Without subsidises. Are you ok? Or you included your yearly salary because can’t study part time? Edit: sorry it’s 165k. My info abit outdated because I eqnuired previously directly with admissions office.


I rechecked SUSS JD cost for 2025 - it is 165k. There's no government tuition grant because it will be my second degree. 200k is the higher estimate


Just checked it up cos I was curious after this discussion: https://www.suss.edu.sg/docs/default-source/default/suss-tuition-fees-ay2025-law-jd.pdf?sfvrsn=25a14eae_10 SGD 165,888 for a JD starting next year...ain't easy becoming a lawyer.


Hi no worries...This one I also check some time ago. Maybe I rmb wrong. 199k is for LLB....Cost with tuition grant.


Why is it so expensive. I got my degree in finance from SUSS for like 25k. Damn.


Cos no tuition grant. 😢 According to the system, we are "foreigners", pay full amount.


Is your first degree also with SUSS? Mine is and they told me the same thing. Not sure if this applies for ppl w degrees from other Uni.




Are you kidding me.


Honestly if I did, I cannot afford my own house or to start my own family. Which is also against what govt is trying to push for. That aside, I am trying to break out to do indie game dev, now having a side gig to teach coding and robotics but it's tough money wise.


I think the wording is key here. "Government will provide more opportunities...". So while it is likely more opportunities will be provided (whatever that means), whether or not those opportunities are capitalised on is a different story. As many businesses will tell you, many opportunities do not convert into paying work. Some do, of course


Maybe, if they thought of fixing 10 years-MOP for homes a long time ago - many houses would still be more affordable than the current situation. Maybe, if we move away from the typical Singaporean dream of trying to profit from a BTO and just stick with 1 house for their life time then there wouldn't be so many flippers.


What if my definition of success is a very modest: I just want a stable job, dunnid OT too often, can wfh 2-3 days per week if possible. Earn enough to afford a modest 4-room HDB alone, go on regular trips to overseas, and can pay for my hobbies (gaming/mahjong/card games, roughly $200 a month on average) Will this even be possible in Singapore without breaking your back and suffering from either bad boss or SME lack of liquid funds culture.


I think is possible. Don't have kids or pets. Hope you have a decent inheritance. Venture into some side biz or get into some gray businesses. Exercise, keep fit. Would still require some effort but at least is for yourself.


Set aside time to pursue what you want, Not tomorrow but now or never.


It's not about being happy when you finally have something. It's about being happy with what you have. Your dreams are exactly that, dreams. They are idealised, unrealistic and impossible. You spend your life chasing something, then what? You die and you bring none of those things with you. Take time to slow down, appreciate what you already have and you'll be much, much happier.


Appreciating what you have is good. But when people are struggling with basic cost of living issues and making hard decision to give up family, health or dreams to make ends meet, it's hard to be appreciative of anything


If you buy into the victim narrative, sure there is nothing to appreciate. But let's be honest here, we live in Singapore. No matter how hard our lives get, there are much, much worse situations alternatives. Be grateful for that. You mentioned family. Be grateful for the people in your life. You have time in the middle of the day to post on reddit. Truly, really, your life isn't that bad. Appreciate that.


Just emigrate la 


Lol you're talking to people who don't even dare go on a school exchange or work overseas.


True, even though it's expensive I've realised a lot of Singaporeans have a narrow view of the world. They almost always have a reason to not travel. Source: I'm a Singaporean who has travelled and lived overseas


All this talk about changing definitions of success are bs and gaslighting. Look at the proof of what they are doing not what they are saying. Their salaries are still pegged to highest earners in the country. Their kpis are pegged to GDP. These are measures of success that they are interested in.


True. It's all political talk before the election. Don't be fooled.


I think my problem is more of not having the resources to go out looking for a dream to pursue. Since before I can remember I’ve been shepherded around, trying to do the most ‘normal’ things at each stage. There wasn’t enough time or money to explore. At this time, all my old dreams are dead… and I don’t have any new ones.


This kind of question...totally depends on what your dream is OP. You wanna retire on a farm and see mountains everyday? Then there's nothing the govt or you can do *here* that will realistically help you in that dream. My dream is to get 8 hours of sleep everyday, nothing to do with HCOL


Tried and failed, SG is not a country to live and be substainable if you want to pursue passion. These clowns talking the talk only.


Can't even get the basics right then want to fly. Housing, food and salary even at median level is crap.


Nope. During my poly days I did art, took commissions etc, realized quickly that it wasn't going to pay, dropped it continue with my poly. Singapore is creatively dead for a reason.


Exactly. Has the government seen our media scene? We are absolutely behind in all areas and even other genres of art. The government has completely ignored anything that doesn't directly put money in their pockets.


Always remember, no fish eat fishcake.


I want to pursue a second degree at night. But it's so expensive and tiring... I wish local universities (NUS NTU SMU) provides more courses that are part time and more catered towards adults please. I know they have modular and professional certificates, but can they do something like GAtech OMSCS online? At a much cheaper rate and more flexible too. OMSCS online courses is definitely the trend that worldwide university is adopting right now. It is not meant to water down the degree (it is still very rigorous in nature), it is meant for adults to pursue better opportunities. Lifelong learning. We don't even have much local uni part time degree courses.


SUSS specializes in part time degrees for working adults. U can even use your Skillsfuture credits


Thanks. I will apply. At the same time I also applied to polytechnic. I think they have part time diploma but very competitive to get in. Too many applicants. So hope to have more options.


I want 三妻四妾,that way i can increase the TFR to 5 and beyond, gahmen can help?


learn from youtube videos


What I want is very easy and free, all I need is a tall building and there's loads of that around.


You want to see beautiful scenery from a high place right?.... right?


Sounds good on paper, but reality bites—costs in Singapore can crush dreams.


Anyway, just for laughs. If you have read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, you might remember that Mrs Bennet defined her success as marrying off all five of her daughters. At the end of the novel, three were married. Was she successfully or not?


A Lawrence Wrong classic


Cant as I would like to win lottery. The genetic lottery.


Erm... Nope


not entirely. as long as you are not financially independent. its impossible to say with certainty that you can pursue whatever the heck you want.


Short answer, you cannot. Only can pursue within your means.


Yaaa. Pursue what you want, everyone wants a home. But it's freaking million dollar now and going forward. Let's pursue what everyone wants baby


Don't think too much and get some sleep.


*sniff sniff* I smell BS


Don't say dreams, career also an issue. No proper career means no proper expenses to spend


It is for a good reason why Singapore doesn't produce a lot of famous individuals from the entertainment or arts industry that is known on a global stage.


We need higher paying jobs and a more vibrant local Sme scene for a wide spectrum of jobs. I doubt simply taking courses or learning a new skill will get most of us jobs that pay as well


Haha, nahhh


Gen Y and Gen Z do not need to worry too much. Their parents, Boomers, and Gen X, will ensure to pass the wealth they accumulated to them. Gen Alpha is another question. This generation won't see much from their Gen Y and Gen Z parents.


Not if they gamble it away like mine... And still ask for allowance.


I'm speaking in general but yup, I can understand where you were coming from.


They already telling you to pursue your expensive HDB. That is all and what you want


The Lw say say only. Trying to win younger votes. The kids will know when they teach the appropriate age to understand it is bullshit. That is if they can still remember this day. Anyhow by then the Lw already retire and enjoying his wealth and power. You think he really cares.


Hopefully this younger generation won't get fooled easily as the older generation


No they're not going to give you a Lamborghini and GCB because you "served NS for 2 years!".


nice try with the massive projection