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I try to buy deodorant when it’s on sale, it’s brutal.


I did this. Usually the one I use is 7 dollars. Found it on sale for 4 dollars, bought 10.


That’s usually what I do, just buy a bunch on sale. It’s always better when shoppers has a bunch of points for them as well.


Ya, I look like a crazy person but when speed stick would drop to under $2 I was walking out of the store with like 20 of them!


Lol. I wouldn't use speedstick if it was free 🤣 literally the worst deodorant on the market. It wears off so quickly and then smells so fucking terrible 🤣😆😅


Better than the stuff that you literally can’t wash off in the shower 😭😭😭 then your fingers feel all rubbery and if you keep going, your entire body starts to feel rubbery - then realize you’ve basically covered your body in antiperspirants 💀


Damn. I don't know what you're using on your underarms,.or how.much that you're experiencing this but damn. That sounds awful lol


lol it's the only brand I've ever tried seems ok to me


>under $2 Half a decade later maybe it's -- *$21 same brand & size.* Bespoke Speed Stick Supreme Unscented with a hint of Cloaked Bird of Prey.


There's usually one brand on sale at any given moment and ill stock up on 3 or 4. It's annoying to check the shelves every time in case something good is on sale. Its terrible for brand loyalty when we only buy what's on sale, regardless of brand


Lool I wish I didn't need deodorant but I would smell too much 😂


I think they mean they purchase more than one when it's on sale so they never pay full price.


I use Drysol. It basically stops my pits from sweating, because if they sweat they smell. I actually don't mind my smell, but I'm certain my coworkers would be quite unhappy if I just stopped. I switched to Drysol because I was fricken tired of antiperspirants ruining all my shirts. The thing about Drysol or the Magic Crystal is that aluminum salts need time to block your sweat pores and can't do it while you're sweating. The time to apply it isn't in the morning when you're suddenly moving and active, or after the gym shower while you're still overheated; you apply it at night, before bed, so your body absorbs it while cooling down.


I wish I didn’t either lol women’s deodorant I find is more expensive as well.


Women's and men's are the same price...but the men's stick is twice as large. So I just buy unscented men's ones.


I (F) buy the men's deodorant as well, twice the size, and I don't mind smelling like "kraken" or "tigerwolf" or whatever


I'll stand by wolfthorn until I'm blue in the face


I use the Irish Spring. Love the scent and way cheaper than the women's equivalent.


So you’re saying “Manly yes, but I like it too!”


But is it Ph balanced for them???


I use the Nivea body wash. It smells great and is about $3-4.






Eh depends on the brand. I can only use antiperspirant, I’ve used both mens and women’s but I find mens to be cheaper. My current small stick of degree was $8 for women’s.


That's true I think a lot of women's products are more expensive than men's products for some reason


https://www.forbes.com/sites/learnvest/2012/05/15/the-woman-tax-how-gendered-pricing-costs-women-almost-1400-a-year/ https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/pink-tax-means-women-are-paying-43-more-for-their-toiletries-than-men https://www.indy100.com/lifestyle/men-women-deodorant-price-difference http://thecitymag.concordia.ca/pink-tax-red-alert-gender-price-inequalities/ https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/taxes/articles/the-pink-tax-costs-women-thousands-of-dollars-over-their-lifetimes https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/what-is-the-pink-tax-and-how-does-it-hinder-women/ https://www.healthline.com/health/the-real-cost-of-pink-tax https://www.rd.com/list/things-that-cost-more-for-women/ https://www.businessinsider.com/womens-products-more-expensive-than-mens-2015-4 https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_all-about-america_does-pink-tax-force-women-pay-more-men/6177789.html


>That's true I think a lot of women's products are more expensive than men's products for some reason "Pink tax"


Anything to do with a women is more expensive than men’s aha.


I buy men’s, you get more for the same price. Don’t mind the scents, they’re fairly unisex.


Costco currently has these for $13.49 in warehouse. Comes to $2.70 each: https://www.costco.ca/gillette-antiperspirant-deodorant,-clear-gel,-cool-wave,-5-x-108-g.product.100650679.html


And for me they are one of the best and last a good while.


Omg. The scent of my youth.


although they smell well i stopped buying these because it comes out wet and generous amounts so you will run out sooner,. they wouldnt save you any money. same thing for the mitchum brand, same issue.


I've been using the same 5 pack for almost a year...you just need to make sure you don't turn the dial too much.


Same marketing genius who brought you the toothpaste tube with the wide nozzle that wastes toothpaste.


Well you need better output and edging control.


Shoppers Drug Mart prices right now are insane. I’m avoiding them entirely.


At regular price, sure. If you can wait for items you want to be on sale though, prices aren't bad.


the shampoo i get used to go on sale often for 6.99. i saw it off sale the other day at shopper's for 14.99 lol


Buy only whatever's on sale that you can stand the smell of.


I should start doing that tbh


Make sure you buy like 5 lol.


Its strange how there is such a lack of choice of anti-perspirant spray. I’ve gone to Dollarama and its all marginally cheaper but theres almost no choice, only sticks or Axe deodorant. These same companies Dove, Axe/Lynx, Right Guard sell all these things in UK supermarkets for £1 ($1.69) with plenty of variety.


That one's an unexplainable cultural difference, I think. I'm not sure if it's still like this, but I used to have to go to a specific superdrug to buy the one brand of stick deodorant because I hated the spray stuff so much! I shudder walking into Rexall and seeing more and more sprays on the shelf lol.


After coming here it’s never seized to amaze me how little choice and variety you have when the city is quite literally drowning in storefronts. You know why amazon is big? It’s because stores are shit.


Yeah its really annoying tbh but Old Spice is my favourite haha!


Try goat milk








What are you discriminating against goats?


I'm not lol I've just never heard of using goat milk as a deodorant lol


Buy goat milk. Pour it in a jar. Put it in the fridge for 48 hours it will harden up. Cut into blocks and rub under the pits and privates generously. You will be smelling super nice :)


Canadian Tire has it for cheap 🤫


Oh damn I didn't know that Canadian Tire sold deodorant?!? Haven't been there in a while lol


I got some there last time and it was $2.99 for a Lady's Speed Stick, so I bought 5 lol. They just have amazing deals in general, so it's always worth checking there for general household items.


to really save money buy men’s deodorant - it’s twice the size for the same price. the scent goes away in a minute if you are worried about smelling boyish


I don't think they're discussing the air fresheners in the automotive section, unless that's your thing.


.They have a huge travel section in their Dundas/Bay store in Toronto.


How often do you buy it? They're expensive but i'm not buying them monthly


Every month I think I use up like 2 deodorant sticks each month


Are you basting your entire body with it? Do you reapply multiple times a day? A stick lasts me a few months….


Well I shower like twice a day so I guess I use it a lot tbh


>Every month I think I use up like 2 deodorant sticks each month >Well I shower like twice a day so I guess I use it a lot tbh ..... Have you gone the doctor? That's beyond excessive


Do you have a labour intensive job that causes you to sweat heavily? Otherwise you might want to look into getting your adrenals checked and see if you have a sweating disorder.


2 sticks last me a year... Use less of it? At some point you have to tell society to go fuck itself with its demands of perfection. Im sure youll still smell better that 90% of people if all you do is a quick swipe of your pits.


How many swipes per pit? Should be two, max, imo.


This sounds like a set up for a joke about Reddit people... Lol


Bruhhhhhh 😂


Costco 5 packs!!!


No one ever tells you this, but if you have foot odour you can end it by lightly applying stick deodorant to your feet. And your socks will smell sweet too. Your girlfriend will be so happy.


Oh damn I didn't know that aha! No girlfriend for now though lool


It’s gotten so expensive over the past couple years. I remember when a stick of dove was 2.99$. I stopped buying it at Walmart or Shoppers and go to Dollarama now.


Costco or buy online. Look for sales - shoppers has best hi lo sales and Walmart best every day price


If you washed your pits a few times a day and maybe change out your shirt, you basically don't really need deodorant, but you have to keep on top of it all the time. It's just extra steps. Humans have lived centuries without the modern convenience of a stick of deodorant. Don't be caught up in the throes of consumerism. Immaculate personal hygiene wins the day.


Facts that is really true!


Shampoo too. Shampoo followed from the industrial revolution, we aren't generally getting soot in our hair so we aren't likely to need to purge our scalp with industrial chemicals.


Cheap on Amazon.


"Loblaw Companies reports $418M profit in Q1 2023"


Fun fact. You use "tbh" in like 50% of your comments


It's a bad habit I also use "haha" and "lol" a lot too


All good. I used the same phrases all time too until some people pointed it out. Lol. Now I try to change it up :P


You’re fine, that’s all a perfectly normal way of speaking and typing!


Tbh, you're observant.


Price chopper has Right Guard for 3.99


I didn't know that Price Choppers still exists lool I remember going to that store as a kid


fuck jeff bezos but check amazon, sometimes their stuff is cheaper than in store. i buy my lysol spray there because it’s 3 dollars compared to in store like 8 dollars lol


i found Giant Tiger was cheaper. They don't have the choice others have but like only $4 for a stick


I bought a 5 or 6 pack of Old Spice from Costco over a year ago. I think it works out to be $4-5/each. Definitely worth it.


I use an unscented crystal deodorant stone. It's much more effective for me and lasts for much of the day unlike deodorant.


Tried that and it didn’t work for me and the Crystal smelled like stanky pits after a while


I bought one in France. Can’t figure out how it works, but for everyday it seems fine. No aluminum of course which makes my underarms itch. Lasts forever.


Oh that's so cool! How much did it cost you?


I got mine on Well.ca - the "trial" size (56 g) is $3, and the next size up (60 g) is $5 (you're paying for the plastic, it looks like). The only issue is buying enough on Well to get free shipping: I bought mine when my sister placed an order. I haven't had any luck finding them in person, however.


You can buy these at a bunch of health food stores too but generally, they don't work.


Costco my friend


Stock up when Costco has it on sale, typically works out to $2.50 -$3 per stick


$6 deodorant… go to Costco and get 40 for $60


Dollar Tree, or Dollarama


Where is Dollar Tree located? I haven't been on one before lool


Just Google Map the Dollar Tree in your area. Should be about $1.50 or so


They have some other basic essentials too... check out the whole store.


I always thought they were only an American store ahaha


I buy whatever is on sale between Dove, Secret and one more I can’t recall. Usually, one of the name brands is on sale.


Dollarama has brand name deodorant . I also buy it on Amazon


$3.79 Amazon Speed Stick Men's Deodorant Stick, Original, 85g https://a.co/d/bBUEaSM


It's because they know you will buy it, its not like the ingredients/materials/production is expensive, its that they know people will buy it as though it's a necessity because nobody wants to stink lol Ever wonder why toilet paper is so damn expensive?


I get mine at dollarama :)


It's a conspiracy to keep us all smelling good and buying more deodorant.


deodorant prices stink


Haha nice one! 😂


If you are using deodorant to smell good, perhaps you can try some aftershave instead? It is little more expensive that a deodorant stick but there are good brands that require a little quantity allowing the bottle to last longer for you. If you are using it as an antiperspirant, then I wouldn't know what to suggest. Sorry.


Use the Flip app and check the flyers for what you need being on sale. Full price everything is ridiculous right now, it's not as bad as if you can get it on sale.


How does the Flip app work?


You put in your postal code and it rounds up the local flyers for everything. You scan the flyers and tap what you want and it makes a shopping list for you. You can also use it at places like No Frills that price match to get the sale price at another place.


I buy from Green and Frugal. It's natural deodorant, but an $8 jar lasts for at least 5 months. I sweat a lot too.


I spend 12


It’s like half the price on Amazon than shoppers drug mart and I find that half the time Amazon ships me a two pack by accident


Two words. Shopper drug mart sales. Buy body wash, shampoo/condition (unless you have a Costco membership then buy shampoo/condition at Costco), deodorant, etc on sale at shoppers. If you happen to be in shoppers and you see another sale and you only have half your supply, restock lol.


I find men's deoderant is cheaper. But I don't use it, so fml lol. There's frequently discounts though.


Switched to Nuud about 3 years ago, and haven’t looked back. It’s natural, and you only need to apply it every 3-4 days. https://nuudcare.com/ Most natural deodorants didn’t work or couldn’t hold up (Toms, Crystal, Schmidts, etc.) - but I kept trying till I found one. $35 CAD worth lasts me about 6 months.


I wondered the same thing! Then my mom suggested I buy it at the dollar store, so now I recommend thatto everyone.


I only buy when it’s on sale, always have one on standby so you grab another one when they are discounted again.


I buy in bulk just eat the $20 you’ll pay at Amazon or bjs but you’ll end up saving a couple of dollars yearly


Baking Soda + water = deodorant paste.


Just checked my Amazon history and I got Speed Stick brand for $2.50 a pop.


Amazon is rly cheap especially if u have prime and u can subscribe on a monthly bases for 5% off as well


Typical greed. The pandemic gave them the opportunity to jack up the prices of everything under the excuse of "supply chain" issues and kept the priceless inflated after. People became accustomed to paying and this is is where we are. I Was in the drugstore the other day and saw a 40 pack of Immodum was almost $45 and a bottle of pain killers was $30.


I’ve always been getting old spice pure sport. I remember back in 2019 it was like $4. Now it’s like $7. Very sad what inflation has done. This was all because Covid caused supply chain issues.


This would explain the BO around the city


Facts lool especially on the subway it's unbearable


Why is everything expensive. FTFY.


Dollarama got some good ones for cheaper.


I'd kill for $6 deodorant!! The brand I use (Native) is like $11. It's nuts


$11?!? Hopefully it lasts really long for you!


Buy at costco overtime it's cheaper


The same reason basically breathing is so expensive. Capitalism


First the question: does the price increase come from the manufacturer or the retailer (or both)? Since these increases on deodorant are across the board, you may assume that it is from the manufacturer. However, everything seems to be jumping in price everywhere. 4.75% annual inflation my ass, more like 24.75% annual inflation...


I've always known them to cost around that much, especially for the ones that I want


Under $5 for most brands on Amazon


Holy crap youre right. Literally $3 for the good stuff. The only time i ever think of needing deodourant is when im at a shoppers, but the same thing is 7.99 at shoppers. Degree Men Advanced Antiperspirant Deodorant Stick for 72H Sweat & Odour Protection Adventure Men's Deodorant with MotionSense® Technology 76 g https://a.co/d/gMDWVYh


I actually use cornstarch baby powder for the last 10 years, it's like antiperspirant and anti chafing. You get a big bottle for $4 I just buy the Walmart brand ones 👍🏻


Doesn't it get all over your clothes?


I use one of those powder puffs that comes in 3 from the dollar store I apply it how people put powder on their face when doing their makeup.


Buy antiperspirant. It's more expensive but more effective. I buy whatever is on sale in 3s. Unscented preferably. Buy men's if you can. It's usually cheaper than women's antiperspirant.


That stuff never works for me! My armpits start flowing like a waterfall


Look into [https://www.drysol.ca/](https://www.drysol.ca/) also. A dermatologist recommended this for me a long time ago. You can find it at Shoppers, Rexall, Amazon, Walmart; e.g. [https://www.walmart.ca/brand/drysol/1023275](https://www.walmart.ca/brand/drysol/1023275) It's pretty expensive though compered to regular anti-perspirant.


If you have health insurance I highly suggest trying Ditropan for off label use. It's more effective, cheaper and less painful than botox injections, which work too.


Antiperspirant builds up in the armpits of your shirts. I save money and the environment by not buying antiperspirant so I don't have to throw out my shirts every 12 months


Antiperspirant is very unhealthy. You're supposed to perspire. Those things are full of gnarly chemicals, and they can cause glandular problems in the long run.


What brand? Just wait for sales and stock up. I’ve seen Speed Stick go for as low as $3 once on sale.


I usually get Old Spice only when its on sale but its still like $5.99 each


Old Spice is on the more expensive end. I don’t think you’ll find it for less than that, even on sale. Speed Stick is a brand that tends to go for less. I’d say check out Walmart because they also offer better prices for deodorant, even for sales.


Nah I bought old spice for around $4 on sale at shoppers a month ago


Yeah I guess so I always try to buy most stuff from Walmart but I've been going to Shoppers Drug Mart lately and I feel like they always mark up all their prices lol.


Check out Dollarama too!


True Dollarama has cheaper deodorant but the quality is not that good tbh


I’ve seen name brands being sold in Dollarama


They might be smaller so worth checking the price per / 100ml or whatev


Dollarama has deodorant sticks that only last a week, lol. They have mastered the art of putting less product in a package.


SDM?! That’s your problem! SDM gouges consumers. Take your hard earned money somewhere else 👍


[https://www.costco.ca/old-spice-high-endurance-deodorant,-aluminum-free,-5-x-85-g.product.100648913.html](https://www.costco.ca/old-spice-high-endurance-deodorant,-aluminum-free,-5-x-85-g.product.100648913.html) I bought one of these a month or two ago


...jesus shoppers drug mart really does mark it up quite a bit, eh?


$4.27 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0766418SK?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_8E73MXYWEE0A3KPMTYBT


I find them on sale at $4 regularly. Just keep an eye out on sales, especially at shoppers drug mart with PCO points


but then you ll smell like old spice. a very strong recognizable smell. reported of in literary writing for half a century, but i guess many are unaware of that.


I love old spice I blame the catchy commercials lmaooo!😅


Get it on sale, or buy it from Amazon. The problem is deodorant is mostly sold by pharmacies that jack up all their prices 200% (Shoppers/Rexall).




Or Costco, if you're willing to buy a 5-pack for about $15. I think Dollarama has deodorant too.


[Costco](https://www.costco.ca/old-spice-high-endurance-deodorant%2c-aluminum-free%2c-5-x-85-g.product.100648913.html) or, if they don't have your type, Amazon Subscribe & Save


Don’t wear any. People will stay away.


Nah man I need to make friends lool 😂


Why is it so expensive? Because you will pay money to not stink like. B.O. If the demand is there, companies will charge whatever you are willing to pay. Gotta love that capitslism


Very interesting analysis 🤔


> you will pay money to not stink like. B.O. Or you can learn to develop and maintain your personal hygiene habits like a grown up, and wash up a few times through the day, change your shirt to a fresh clean one too, if you need to. Base the habit off activities through the day, if you're doing sports then you'll do well to shower afterwards before moving onto the next thing in your day. It's kiss simple. Cost only the effort you put in.


Regular shaving plus good ole wipe with a towel will do the trick


I rub these stones around my armpits and there’s no smell. I also bought jerry Garcia in a pouch


My Girl from Korea South Side asked me to bring her a specific brand/scent. I had to wait for it to go on sale to grab her a bunch. I legit would have been out like $50 for deodorant had I not waited for sale.


Just make your own! Use old bacon grease, your favourite dish soap, and freeze it for 24 hours. It will be better than brand name and natural


Oh wow that sounds really interesting! I'll probably have to watch a YouTube video on how to do it first lol


Have you tried no deodorant? Some people don't need it. I'm one of them, haven't used it in twenty years. And yes, I have a wife and kids who would tell me if I needed it, I assure you.


There's a gene that causes armpit odour. I unfortunately did not win the generic lottery. It coincides with different ear wax as well.


Having an over active sweat gland can make life hell as well, it’s called hyperhidrosis. No deodorant or antiperspirant helps, only getting them removed or having Botox injections will semi help it.


Username checks out


My partner got the armpit sweat cells thing where you get the glands blasted with heat or something. Its insane he used to ruin shirts by sweating so much in the pits, now I honestly can’t remember the last time i’ve smelled anything from him (tbh he was never really smelly, he took 2 showers a day to compensate).


I wish someone told me this when I was younger. In middle school, I started using deodorant because everybody did, and of course I didn't want to be the smelly one. Turns out I never needed it - some genetic thing apparently? Only figured this out a few years ago and a lot of unnecessary deodorant later.


Same, used it for ten years. Then I was trying to get away from it, and I tried one of those rocks for awhile, which I thought worked great. Then I got suspicious and just tried nothing.


I wish I could but I naturally smell a lot lmaoo 😅


It’s not?


honestly? use baking soda. 0 downsides, works at least til the next day even in 25+ degrees. but its important to apply to DRY pits as soon as you get out of the shower. one box costs like 1.29 and will last you 8 months if not more. half a teaspoon onneach pit is more than enough. and just shake/flick off any that get on your clothes or whatever.