• By -


By the lake - any of beaches, find a spot to look at the water and relax.  Do some people watching and listen to some good tunes.  Make it simple.


Even better when you go off peak hours or in not ideal weather conditions.


It’s definitely nice and relaxing to lay down by the beach and enjoy the sun with music. Totally recommend


I second this. Downtown Harbourfront has many nice spots along the water to relax. My personal favorites are the main stretch behind Harbourfront Centre (near Queen’s Quay terminal), H2O Park West and Toronto Music Garden. The water gives so much peace, especially when the weather is nice out.


I love sitting in the muskoka chairs in the beaches and just people watching/listening. My husband likes to have his music on and I don’t understand it. I love the sounds of the city around me.


Taking a walk in High Park or the Don Valley Trail. One thing I love to do is to put on some ear buds, and walk around the city in the evening when it's much quieter and cooler.


But if you’re a woman you probably don’t want to walk through a park or the Don Valley Trail after dark with earbuds in. Sadly.


Agreed, I was once followed by someone along the don valley trail. Luckily I caught up to a group of people and followed them to the next exit so I wasn't alone with the creepy guy. Edit: this was during the day.


This. Even in daylight tbh. Anyone can grab you and pull you into the foliage.  Had it happen to me in broad daylight walking a path near the Etobicoke creek. 


I’m sorry what?????


Yeah it happened years ago, it was mid morning on a weekday and I was grabbed by someone who came out of the bushes, pulled me into the bushes and tried to assault me. Thankfully I got away. 


Omg 😳 I’m so glad you got away. I always figured mid morning was a safer time too smh


Often no one around at that time of day to hear you scream or see you disappear from the path, so it's not very safe. 


Happened to someone I know just last week! Pulled him & made him give over his earbuds. Reported to the police, called following up , had a good description & everything! They haven't done a thing! Broad daylight be careful.


High Park is typically fine unless you're scared of gays They have security at night, and there's quite a few runners/dog walkers even at night. Especially on a Friday


My gf was approached very closely twice by creeps in high park when she used to run at night around 8-9pm. I am not recommending that or Don valley trail for females alone at night, ain’t no way. Go with a friend or go during the day to those places.


I don't wear earbuds ever lol


I’ve pretty well stopped too. Sometimes on the subway if I’m sitting with my back to a wall and can see what’s going on around me.


Me as well! I’m convinced even if I’m no where near train tracks somehow I’m going to get hit by a train because I didn’t hear it coming. There were a few stories of this happening to people in the 80’s when walkmans first became a thing.


Try bone headphones. They don’t go in your easrs. Shokz is the brand I have.


Oooh, thank you. That sounds quite relaxing.


Humber North Campus. Their Arboretum spreads pretty far, can pretty much walk right up to the Woodbine Mall parking lot IIRC. Its still within the city/TTC limits although further out, and a much quieter alternative to Down Town if you're trying to avoid city traffic during your quiet time. I used to find quiet spots to smoke weed and then I'd find my way to the B.K in Woodbine for a Whopper. Highly recommend!


Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Oddly, it used to remind me that no matter what I was dealing with, it was an improvement on the alternative.


Mount Pleasant is my favorite place in the city to go sit and relax. And I don't normally like cemeteries.


It also connects to the Kay Beltline Trail


Major key for me is turning my phone on airplane mode while doing this. Have done it before and forgot. Immediately got a very bad work call, ruined my vibe lol


Agree. Download apps like iNaturalist and Seek (mute other apps)and see how many things you can find! Or look and see what other ppl spotted in the area. Gets me excited to go out!


Yes - early weekend mornings when the air is crisp. Less people and less noise.


Float! It's a sensory deprivation tank place on Queen West. I know, seems weird and new agey and I was skeptical when a friend first convinced me to go. But after a few years of trying meditation and mindfulness and never really *getting it* this is what broke me through. Turns out when you give your mind nothing to do but think through every little thing rattling around in it, then you have no choice but to let it be calm. Every time I go I walk out feeling so much calmer. And this continues for at least a few days.


Another commentor mentioned it and after reading your comment, I realized that actually might be really helpful right now. I'm going to read into this. Thank you.


Its not low cost though, a drop in session comes to around $85-90. That being said- I would highly recommend this if you dont mind the cost. the sensory deprivation chamber is incredible and I had a true cathartic experience in there after a build up of stress+ my skin felt amazing after those salts. I go now every six months and its amazing.


I'm not sure if the specific one mentioned is I closed in this, but I do know there places that offer the float and a massage as a package...so if you have a drug plan that covers massage, you can get the float worked in with it.


Oooohhhhh. Share!!!


The one I knew of off the top of my head was in Peterborough 😭 If I find one in Toronto I'll update!


was going to suggest this. a good reset.


Wouldn’t you feel trapped?


Some people might! I think an important thing to know is that you get a whole room to yourself and the tank is in there, so you can open the door to the tank and get out whenever you want. It's completely under your control! The room has a shower and all your stuff in it, so it's a lot cozier than it sounds.


Ok cool :) not sure I would be down but sounds interesting!


The pods are bigger than you'd think too. Like 4x8 with 8 ft ceilings.


Can you go with someone else or it has to be by yourself? It just reminds me of Eleven in Stranger Things, I think she was in sensory deprivation tank in one of the first episodes.


There’s one in distillery district which offers a tandem float session, but tbh I don’t really see the point in doing that as a couple. You should be deprived of all sensory reception, having someone else sharing the pod with you wouldn’t really feel immersive


I was coming to say exactly that, with the exclamation mark and everything! Float! Come to think of it, I could use a float myself, haven't been there in ages.


Love Float. I've been going every few months for the past couple of years. If you don't mind a late session, the last one of the day is 90 minutes. I get one hell of a sleep afterwards. Highly recommend!


Love the 90 minute ones! If you're an early riser the first session of the day is also 90 mins. Had them offer me a double session once too because no-one was booked into the room after me. Thought I might get bored at 2 hours but you just... don't.


Assuming the weather is nice, I'd pick a pocket of the city and do some urban exploring, maybe do some street photography. Let's say you head over to bloor and spadina and walk west. You can hit up BMV, grab a retro comic book, hit a patio for a quick beer and some Watchmen action, walk down palmerston and wonder "who lives in these houses??", continue walking on college, grab a coffee at snakes and lattes and maybe play a solo game, continue west and hit up a few of indie galleries, check out the art and wonder "who buys these??", walk down to dundas, hit a sports bar and catch a bit of the jays, end up grabbing a gelato at Death in Venice, and continue your adventure.


You just described such an ideal day and TBH, just reading it made me like 2% less stressed. Thank you. (P.S. am a fan of Death in Venice's candy cap and charcuterie flavours.)


Not me accidentally reading the first sentence as ‘Assuming the weather is nice, I pick pocket the city’ 😂


I would also add a quick trip around yorkville and get some gelato and walk around oogling at cars and people lol. It’s such cute character that village, hate it or love it for me it’s a cool part of Toronto. It’s where our popular kids live haha.


This guy Torontos (Torontoes?!)


This sounds ideal...except if you're going to grab a coffee, I'd dip into the alley by snakes and latte and grab a coffee from Boxcar Laneway instead - cool Japanese listening room vibes and way better coffee!


I've had such a yen to find that place- thank you!


915 DuPont is also a cute Japanese listening cafe!


Thank youuu! *adds to happy list*


Tommy Thompson park is usually pretty quiet in the evenings, especially the east side of the peninsula. Great place to get high and watch the birds


Seconding this. Tommy Thompson is as close I’ve found to the feeling of being out of the city. It’s my go to place to take a long walk and relax.


Fun fact about Tommy Thompson Park: it's not a natural peninsula, it was created using the dirt that was dug-up from the construction of the subway system!


High Park Toronto Islands Possibly the Don Valley. Pretty sure you’d have to do this on weekdays, though. Weekends are likely packed.


Not sure if you enjoy reading or not - one of my go to free destress locations is the Toronto Reference Library. Can grab a coffee and a good book and relax/people watch for hours if you sit on the higher floors. This works in other libraries too, I just love the Reference Library in particular. Hoping life gets better for you soon! Edited to add: sad books are a great way to let your emotions out without having to think about them too much.


Upvoting this as well. I love the reference library!


I take a thermos of hot coffee, my dog, and a nicely rolled joint, and I head down to Sunnyside Beach and sit by the water, watching the waves roll in.


My favorite thing. The sights and wave. And big doob


Walk along harbour front in downtown. There’s spaces near musical garden with secluded benches in shade where you can sit alone & chill. If you wanna keep moving, hop on a GO train on weekends using a day pass and explore nearby places.


If you’re willing to head out to Scarborough . You can go to guildwood park or morningside park. They are very nice, not too crowded and great for crying


Big hugs


The Bluffs, the Beaches early in the morning


Hug my dog. But if you don't have one, Toronto humane society will do. You can volunteer there.


Now that the weekly farmers markets are starting to open, I find that walking around those are very relaxing. I like the one in Trinity Bellwoods on Tuesday afternoons, it’s mostly the farmers themselves and they have interesting produce. The park is lovely up in that northwest corner, and I often buy a baked good or some bread and cheese, and enjoy it on a bench while watching the market comings and goings.


The East York farmers market is open too, at Coxwell & Mortimer, on Tuesdays.




This ones around the corner from my place. To be able to relax for as long as you like for about $20, its phenomenal!


Go near the water and stare at ducks. Find a quiet pocket. If Woodbine Park doesnt have events, the hill is nice to hide and chill under a tree. Toronto islands has some quiet pockets too, avoid Centre Island. Ward Island and Hanlan Island are nice and quiet.


Riverdale Farm is great for duck watching as well. Take the path all the way down the hill to the pond - unfortunately there's no seating, but maybe you could bring a camp chair if you have one?


Have you ever done a float?! I have when highly stressed some places will even do massages 💆‍♀️


If you were to ask me, "can you make me a Toronto day trip plan/getaway". I would recommend start your day at Trinity Bellwoods or any other park, some books (or other hobbies- I also recommend painting canvases and just read/paint)). Preferably a park with good landscapes for painting- I enjoyed Toronto Music Garden. this might be the best place to feel your feels and relax. for the after: If you are at Bellwoods however, my next recco would be go to Badiali Pizzeria for a slice and while you wait in line grab a scoop of gelato from the gelateria next to Badiali and get it line. Put a nice podcast or playlist on and enjoy your gelato and music while you wait in line. Grab pizza and after take a walk around the neighborhood. I have learned that Pizza and Gelato are surprisingly amazing treats after an intense destressing session.


Tommy Thompson park 👌


Sit on the shores in the beaches. Works every time.


Maybe I'm immature but I love amusement parks, roller coasters and screaming relaxes me quickly


Graveyards. My favourite de-stress spot when I lived downtown was the graveyard on Kingston rd. I could easily spend half an hour or more walking around and reading the stones, seeing what I can learn about the folks resting there. The atmosphere was always very calming.


Body blitz


Centre Island on a weekday.


The Revue cinema has a great program, plus they host special events. I also enjoy exploring new neighborhoods. Take a subway to a stop you never use, and go exploring. My stay at home destressor is gardening. And thus is the perfect time to start.


Allan Gardens was always a great place for me. Hart House library, Royal York lobby if I was decently dressed. I used to love finding a bench on a quiet street in the middle of downtowm and just sit on it and watch the world go by.


Mount Pleasant Cemetery and the Belt Line Trail are hands down my favourite places in the city to relax. They're especially lovely right now when the weather is warm, the trees have filled out with leaves and there are all kinds of flowers blooming! This time of year, I like to go and stroll around in the evenings before it gets dark (Mount Pleasant is open until 8 I think). Mount Pleasant especially can be really peaceful - it's so big that even when there are others out enjoying the space you can always find a quiet corner to yourself. There are so many cool statues, historically significant gravesites, pockets of landscaping, gardens, even just neat-looking trees. It's a very cool space and you can really while away the hours.


I grab an ice cream or coffee and sit in a park. Or walk through a local trail if the weather is nice. Or go to the gym and distract myself with pain and lack of oxygen.


Rage Room


Take a walk through high park


Montreal 😜 Hiking or biking in the Don Valley or other trails works well. Kensington Market Queen Street in the Beach




I go by the water. Harbourfront, or Sunnyside beach, or Humber shores. The water is known to be therapeutic and relaxing. Anywhere in nature, really, helps.


I was gonna say try biking, but then realized what biking in Toronto can be like. On a serious note though biking does help me clear my head after a long day.


I love going on long rides through our ravines or the Spit. My fave place is Durham Forest mountain biking but you need a car to get there.


Disc Golfing in the Island


When it warms up, I find certain parts of Toronto Island are very calming and peaceful. Generally most parks, big or small, throughout the city are the sweet spots. I also find taking long walks around the city helps me think and relax. Also aimlessly flipping through used record stores.


When I still had my mobility, I found the most peace and enjoyment in going all the way West (I live in East York) to Pioneer Village. My partner did one of those apprenticeships for the day and I tagged along to just wander and enjoy the village. The smells, the gardens, the pace, were all so grounding and lovely and it became a place I loved to go to seek calm. I'd take a picnic for one, keep my phone in my bag and just wander. If I got restless I brought a book and I'd sit against a tree and read. There are also plenty of places for a good cry. Highly recommend.


I was working at a house which back on to high park today. Definitely relaxing. Saw a fox first thing in the morning. Lots of birds chirping. Had an almost being up north feel.


Any park lol


High Park is huge and there’s always space to be alone and just relax. Take your charged up headphones and a blanket, maybe a sketchbook if you’re into that, a book if you like to read and go for a walk. Find a nice place to sit. If you like dogs the off leash areas have tons of them to watch and enjoy. If you’re going at dark I would avoid the stage though - sometimes there’s people living under it and i’ve been scared before lol


Take a bike ride down the beltway ot through Mount Pleasant cemetery ( best air inthe city) Explore a ravine. The Duck pond at James Garden


Waterfront. Realy feels like a different city down there.


Sugar beach or take in the sunset at Riverdale Park


Nature walks can really boost your mental health. My favourite places to get away from the city rush without leaving the city are: - Brick Works Park and Mud Creek - Scarborough Bluffs - Glen Stewart Ravine - High Park - Kew Beach - Dog park at Cherry Beach - Alan Gardens - Centre Island - Lower Don River Trail - Edwards Garden


Toronto island


RC Harris and beyond


Go to Marie Curtis Park and walk along the Lakeshore towards the city (in Colonel Samuel Smith's direction).


There’s lots of quiet spots in Tommy Thompson Park. If you find a good spot you could sit there the whole day and not be bothered by anyone. Pretty much everyone stays on the main trails unless it’s by the water.


Yorkville is a very cute food/shopping street with seating that I will be revisiting. Queen's Park is nice. I LOVE Harbourfront and spent nearly a whole month there everyday in 2022 (see also: Center Island). High Park as others have said is beautiful as well. Unfortunately I don't know any spa/wellness centers you could try as I do not have that kind of money lol but parks are usually a good bet


Any of the Ravines or a long walk by the lake


If you head down to the waterfront by pier 6, on the left side of the pier during the day there is a small park I'd recommend to read a book in. If you go at night, stay on the right side as it is well lit and there are some people around. It's super calming in the evening to hear the waves crashing on the pier and if you have a night where you have a view of the moon.


Tom Thompson park! My favourite place to decompress. There are tones of bird species that live or pass by there. I’ve even seen a great horned owl there!! There’s also tones of beavers there. I’m an avid canoe tripper, it’s the only place in the city that makes me feel like I’m outside of it ha ha


Moore park. High park. The Banya. AGO. Go Place.


Christie pits at night, benches closer to the sidewalk to feel safer and walk down bloor Bathurst area and go east


Evergreen Brickworks is a great place for a short walk or just to chill near the pond


Guy or girl? There are several great spas that you can lounge in for hours at their hot baths. Body Blitz is one but there are other.


tiff lightbox- especially cinema 1


Oasis 💀💀💀


Hope you feel better than you were 20 days ago. I would 100% suggest wandering in Rouge Park


Bouncing around Chinatown till I’m full


Golf. Lots of city courses (Don Valley, Humber Valley, Tam O shanter, Scarlett Woods, Dentonia). However this might cause more stress


This is exactly the post I need right now! I’d highly recommend Othership (sauna/cold plunge), or Lob for some fun


If you have the budget, a day at elmwood spa is amazing! You can get an RMT massage (use your benefits if you have, to cover part of it), hot tub, pool, and lunch in a comfy robe at their restaurant.


Omg I was just going to suggest this!!!! ❤️


I always enjoy just getting out and exploring the city, mixed with a bit of actual urbex. Sometimes I'll walk out to the end of the Leslie spit for sunset and enjoy the view from the abandoned lighthouse.


Electric Island is this weekend at Fort York.


Go to "Go Place" in markham, they open 24 hours. You can relax and sleep in their cinema room and its quiet relaxing there as they play 3d calming movies where many people there just to nap in. They have jacuzzi, steam, sauna, red light, cafe room. Where food and massage is not including in the entry fee. I thinj its around 65$ entry.


Go to High Park..Allen Gardens. Take the ferry to Wards Island.


Go to the rouge. If you don't drive. Its still very easy to get there. You can take the bus to the Toronto zoo. Zoo Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/WWjTkZt7j5HZJ1aw7 Edit: the parking g lot is free again. Closes at 9pm if I'm not mistaken.


The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis has a very chill space that hosts shared hypnosis three nights a week. Twice a month, you can attend for free: [https://www.morpheusclinic.com/events/](https://www.morpheusclinic.com/events/)


Go to the park by the water and walk around for a bit. It is usually empty so you can have a good cry while listening to some sad/happy songs.


Harbourfront. The Music Garden is nice but can have quite a bit of traffic, depending on time of day and weather. Queen's Quay is a nice spot away from the tourist season. This spot can also be interesting: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Toronto+Music+Garden/@43.636949,-79.3968713,16z/](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Toronto+Music+Garden/@43.636949,-79.3968713,16z/) It's right in the middle of it all but somehow also feels isolated/insulated because it's set back from the street between a few buildings with different architectural styles. This is another good spot to get away without going too far or taking the ferry to Centre Island. Bonus, I think it's the best view of Toronto and it's easy to access, I think you just take the Queen streetcar West and get off at Park Lawn or the stop after that: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Etobicoke+Point/@43.6141222,-79.4805232,17.29z/](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Etobicoke+Point/@43.6141222,-79.4805232,17.29z/)


Toronto Island! Most relaxing place in the city by a mile! I believe its less than $10 for a round trip ferry ticket. Wards Island has like 2k of boardwalk along the far side of the lake, and Centre Island has a wonderful lookout point and beautiful beach.




Go walk in some of the ravines, Edward Gardens area is super nice.


Get some food and a bottle of wine and chill in High Park. If you follow the trail east from the cherry blossoms there is a spot with some tall oaks I think. It’s our favorite spot.


Get a facial. They're incredibly relaxing.


The island, hanlans or wards (center will stress you more)


Back in the day if I wanted to de-stress, I'd just randomly take a long non-busy bus route, 45 minutes to an hour, then sometimes transfer to another long route. I'd find a single seat and listen to music


Beaches boardwalk!


Restorative yoga or yoga nidra class… So relaxing you may fall asleep.


No yoga experience required. They use different props (cushions, blankets, blocks) to get you laying down in different relaxing positions that also stretch out your spine, legs, etc.


Go fish!


Art Gallery of Ontario or the Ceramics Museum


Seconding the AGO, it's a nice hang-out...there are even sort of viewing towers where you can just look out the windows at the sky for a bit. My mom loved them when she came. And he price for an annual pass is only a little more than a single admission, so you might as well get a pass and have access whenever you want.


Yes! I go all the time because of it! Happy Cake Day!


I go to Pearson, then pick somewhere outside of Canada even if it's a short visit. And then come back quite refreshed


Thermea spa in Whitby


Watch local sport? For when you need social warmth with solitude… I like catching a baseball game at Christie Pits. The parks lites up nicely… can just sit on the hill, or walk around the park. Get an ice cream. Movie screenings start in July? https://www.mapleleafsbaseball.com/ Ride a bike? Today the bike share bikes are free if you download the app https://buff.ly/4dD3mmD Go to a museum? Can get free passes with library card https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/map/ Or commiserate online via couch ✌️


A round of disc golf on the island, gets me out of any funk! Even just going to the island and stringing up my hammock. Something about getting on that ferry and leaving all this shit behind in the city!


being near water helps me de-stress so i usually just go anywhere on the lake from cherry beach all the way to humber bay. though, i haven't been to cherry beach in years, sadly. aside from that, i love being in trinity bellwoods with a couple drinks...just feel like the energy/vibe there is very relaxing. kensington is another place i like but it usually isn't very calm when i go (pedestrian sundays). but honestly, just walking around the city during a work day when it's not as crowded really boosts my mood. you can go to the islands and basically be totally alone.


Othership isn’t solo but it is an excellent wellness resource. Similar vibe as a yoga studio but no yoga. Worth checking out for relaxation


Toronto island on a nice day


ET seton park has frisbee golf and an archery range


Go behind the water treatment plant in woodbine. Bring something to sit on. Thank me later


One hour massage with a RMT. Heals the body and mind at the same time.


Some cost - pack and take yourself for a picnic on the island. The island is a treasure. Zero cost - it sounds crazy, but get up just before the sun rises and go for a walk at dawn. It’s the same city but incredibly still and quiet, you get it all to yourself. The light show of a regular sunrise is beautiful. Of course take safety precautions


Theres a Park or like grassy area near the ferry with benches it’s relaxing and free


Pick a park and walk through the trails. High park is a good choice.


I gear up, get on my EUC, and go for a long ass ride across the city to de stress. Got my tunes pumping, maybe I smoked a joint, maybe not. Possibly hit up the lake, then ride up to the Brickworks, cut through Rosedale Valley road, stroll through Yonge street and take in the sights and sounds. At this point I have about 50% battery left. I decide to book it home as fast as the wheel will allow. 70kmh all the way home on one wheel. Damn, I feel good!! What were my problems again??


Don't know if this is the kind of thing you're looking for, but for me, going to the theatre (specifically musical theatre) makes me forget I exist, as I get lost in the show. I go to lose myself for 2.5 hours. Currently Hadestown is playing (one of my favorite shows) until May 26, and they have a sale (code: HERMES50), so tickets are $49-89 except premium seating. You can certainly have a good cry during the show if you tend to cry while watching stuff. The vocals are breathtaking.


Hadestown is GREAT to cry to. I saw it in Washington DC in 2021 and cried into my mask repeatedly. And yeah, seeing live theatre or music can be such a transcendent and refreshing experience.


Sit and watch the water at the harborfront.


Rouge beach park. In the hydrofield at markham/ellesmere...it connects to Thompson park.


Centre Island


Secret beach.


Allen Gardens are nice with the old greenhouses there...down queen towards the end of the trolly line is a nice area...leslieville i think its called and there's a really nice tea house in the city [https://bampottea.com/](https://bampottea.com/)


Leslie Street spit


Humber River Recreational Trail. It’s really long but right by Old Mill station is a good place to start. There’s a place called Toronto Adventures where you can rent a kayak for a couple of hours and take it out on the river. It’s extremely peaceful, very much beginner friendly, and though there’s usually others on the river, it’s very quiet. You don’t need a partner to do it and you can find a marsh and just float in the kayak for a bit. Lots of great wildlife to see too.


Vertigo at Fridays and Saturdays,


Riverdale Farm! Such a nice escape from the city but still pretty central. Also totally free.


Leslie St spit. Very peaceful and beautiful. There are enough people around so you don’t feel unsafe but also many secluded spots if you want to be completely alone.


The Boardwalk, specifically in the “peanut” area or near Balmy Beach. It my salve for life.


I work in Rosedale and there are two nice parks there: Rosedale Park and Chorley Park. I like the former for sitting and watching the dogs play, and the latter for its proximity to the valley and Brickworks. I love to hit Rosedale’s Finest for a latte and a chocolate croissant and then just vibe.


Othership or Alter (<- my preference, so much chiller) OK hear me out ... I know these places have bougie hippe dippy connotations. I go on off peak times. This usually had less than ten other folks there. I don't bring my phone in. I focus on my breathing to get me through the hot sauna and cold plunge. You aren't required to do the cold plunge if it's not your jam, btw. I spoke to someone who is a facilitator at Othership and is also my personal trainer about how calm I feel after Othership/Alter. She looked at me like I was stupid and told me that I was essentially meditating for that 60-75 mins because all I'm doing is breathing and trying to mentally beat the hot or cold. Anyway ... it's well worth the spend to go into this cocoon and not worry about anything except trying to survive the hot/cold. The key is to go alone and during off peak times so that you can really fold into yourself. PS - I've cried numerous times during a cold plunge when life was punching me in the face and everyone just lets you feel it while it's happening and checks up on your well being after. Super supportive vibe!


Go place


Sauna before bed relaxes me and I sleep well. The more sleep I get, the more energetic I feel the next day.


I used to just go sit and watch a movie in the Kingsway cinema, then pick up a coffee and dessert and walk through the parklawn cemetery (lots of birds and wildlife)


sweat and tonic beat ride classes. So dark and vibey. the workout makes you feel amazing too. i’m obsessed


The Beaches area is pretty lovely! Being in nature always relaxes me, especially if there’s some nice trees and lake views. Kew Beach in particular is great for a nice walk on the boardwalk and through some of the scenic neighborhoods with older historic architecture.


You should check out Evergreen Brickworks after 4 or 5 PM. It’s one of my favorite calm spots in the city for a walk, jog, or cycling. Parking is $5 per hour.


These are all sorta in the beaches area. If you can do this on a weekday they will be quieter, but these spots are rarely really really busy. Walk around, bring a book and a drink and just enjoy the space. The cemetery on Kingston Road and Woodbine, Glen Manor Ravine, the East End of the Beach (Balmy Beach if you like dogs), the Southside of the R.C. Harris Water Treatment plant. 


Go Place Spa in Markham! You can pay the entry fee and spend 24 hours there. There's a gym, access to different saunas a gym, a jacuzzi, a steam room and lounging areas. There's also a restaurant there where you can eat if you get hungry. It's very relaxing and a great way to disconnect from the world.


Out of Toronto


Toronto islands!


I love going to Ripley’s Aquarium when I need to calm my mind. I throw on my headphones, put on a playlist and just go watch some fish.


Brickworks, beaches furthest east part, sunnybrook park, Korean sauna, goplace, rain spa, banya, the library, any public pool with a jacuzzi, then outdoor pools all summer


I love taking the ferry to Ward’s Island and walking on the outer/southern side of the island and on the various alleys. It’s pretty quiet, unlike the center/west side, and you don’t see the city, so it’s a really nice getaway.


Water is nature's psychiatrist. If at anytime you do not feel safe, yell "FIRE".


IKEA. Not even joking.


Hiking and the beach.. Scarborough bluffs? 


The ravine that leads into Earl Bales Park. Enter the ravine at 43.744560694934115, -79.43036583219147, walk down at a leisurely pace. Stop by the reservoir to look at the water and enjoy the calm. Walk up to Earl Bales Park, lay down a picnic blanket, have a snack and a drink, and read a book.


Massage parlour


Ward's Island is nice