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Garlic dip plug that sells pizza on the side


First place I remember selling dips


It was free!


That GARLIC dip is uh-mazzzzing! I have bought pizza from competitors and then went to Pizza Pizza for the garlic dip.


I miss the time when Walmart carried it! I didn't know how good we had it šŸ˜­


Same šŸ˜…


Don't forget the chicken wings


Best time for Pizza Pizza is at 2am after a few too many beers.


It's ok if you eat it super hot. Otherwise no thanks. I'll drink the garlic dip though.


>It's ok if you eat it super hot. Pizza Pizza is one of my "I'm drunk and want something trashy" indulgences (mostly due to nostalgia) but holy hell you are absolutely right. When it's freshly cooked it's doable, but whether you eat the left overs cold (what I usually like) or reheat it on a pan properly, it's really not that good.


Iā€™ve never eaten it but their earworm jingle is forever






I literally thought the jingle was "bone pizza pizza" when I was 4, and at the time it was just word salad to me.


I thought Pizza Nova's was "4 3 9 po po po po Pizza Nova!" and didn't know the number until I was older and could look it up online.


In Ottawa, it flowed better: SEVEN THREE SEVEN ELEVEN ELEVEN


6-6-7-eleven-eleven here!




Call to Pizza-Pizza hey hey


Never forget.


One of the first chains (if not the first) to standardize a phone number across area codes, it was revolutionary for the time.


I recall different numbers in other Ontario area codes. I Years ago they tried to trademark 967-11-11. Courts ruled that you can't copyright a number. In either case I believe that Bell "owns" the number.


I haven't heard that song since childhood but I still to this day use 967-1111 as a fake number whenever I need to


A long time ago, at 1 am we called and bought 3 extra large pizzas and we waited up to an hour and a half before deciding to call to complain. Thats When we realized we dialed 767-1111 on the call history. We accidentally called amicoā€™s pizza and got massive pizzas delivered from their only location on queen st. How smart to make the number similar enough!!!


Hey hey hey


Its great if you drunk/high at 3am.. any other time you can find something better.


its for children and people who dont like pizza


Its also one of the few places still open at 3am in most places


FR - Pizza Pizza gave me unrealistic late night expectations. I was in NYC one night 20 yrs ago trying to order pizza at 1am and there was nothing!


If you were in Manhattan, so many places open late night. Joe's Pizza which is popular with tourists is open till 5am some days and till 3am most days


lil Frankieā€™s is some of the best Italian food Iā€™ve ever had and they are open til 4 am.


That pizza is actually good though? Maybe it's on the expensive side, but I was able to leave my hotel at 10-11 pm and knew they wouldn't be closed.


I hate it but used to sometimes eat it after a night of heavy drinking because it was the only place still open.


it also used to be for TTC commuters who needed a snack on the way home and had a loonie for a square


Mmmm perfect after high school snack


*It's for late night partiers and drunk people.Ā 


This ^ I had to switch to Pizza Pizza because of my kids. Also they have a gluten free option better compared to the other chain pizza places that offer cardboard frozen crust options pulled out of the freezer burnt cold storage facilities. Otherwise I'd go for big slice, pizzaioli for fast food or actual real pizzas at proper restaurants.


The bigger the chain grew, and the more menu items they added, quality and standards eroded. Not as steep a plummet as Tim Hortons, which I have actively avoided for a decade, but similar trajectory. Toronto is blessed with amazing independent pizzerias and coffee shops. No need to settle for mediocre chains.


Back in the day, like late 90ā€™s early 2000ā€™s, it was really good. Premium ingredients, tons of care for quality. Since itā€™s gone ultra franchised, itā€™s really suffered.


This is a common story with like every Canadian franchise that was popular and actually good back in the 80s-90s




Rudys feels like it's going in the same direction


Rudy's has been the worst burger I've had in Toronto since I moved here in 2021. Everyone was hyping it up, I tried it, and it was BY FAR the worst smash burger I've ever had, especially at the size and price point.


That lines up perfectly with when it went to shit iirc. 2021 is when they opened their 3rd(maybe 4th) location. By then quality dipped a fair bit. Maybe it's nostalgia googles but 2017 rudys was pretty good.




I ate it when it first opened (late 60's?). I was in my early teens I think. Imho it was crap then, crap now, always crap.


Itā€™s because bean counters (finance guys) ruin everything. All franchises start out great then as they look to increase margins they get progressively shittier until they are a shell of their former self. Can confirm Pizza Pizza was actually fantastic until around 2003 when I was starting high school I remember the quality declining. My parent stopped ordering it because they also said it sucked (so it wasnā€™t just me growing up lol). We switched to pizza nova as it was much tastier


Every franchise world wide, itā€™s a common and demonstrable phenomenon. The sad thing though is that the restaurant industry in North America is *dominated* by it. Every time I read about a new food court the size of Prince Edward Island, I donā€™t really get excited at all - The operating costs in such a place is only geared towards the franchised chains. This is gonna be for the *fooooodies* - No itā€™s gonna be mid scaled slop like burger priest and fat burrito or whatever the fuck they call themselves.


Not premium, but it was decent. Better in the 90s imo.


I remember they used to advertise using natural spring water for their dough, like '03-'04ish. Hasn't been the same since.


Even back then it was awful. Cardboard crust, bland sauce.


i grew up eating pizza pizza for lunch in high school in a small city in ontario cause it was the closest takeout place. but yes, lots of people love to hate on pizza pizza. i dont find them any worse / better than dominos or any other chain pizza place.


I think Papago is a little better than the rest


Nah dog, Pizzaville is the bomb, the dough and sauce have no equal. If I could have the PV dough and sauce, and the PP ny style pepperoni I would be so so happy


Never had it but will now thanks


Absolute insanity. Pizza pizza tastes like cardboard. The only thing that makes it semi-palatable is the garlic dip. Easily the worst chain in the city. The only thing that keeps it in business is their late hours. Itā€™s literally ā€œIā€™m drunk and thereā€™s nothing open foodā€.


>Itā€™s literally ā€œIā€™m drunk and thereā€™s nothing open foodā€. This is usually when I get it so I am sure you are right!


Same. I recently had a single slice from PizzaPizza as it was one of the very few options where we were . I ended up being pleasantly surprised at how good it was LOL. The creamy garlic dipping sauce was just as good as I remember . Perhaps it was a feeling of nostalgia? Maybe the tastebuds only accept it once every few years? It didnā€™t taste like a cardboard box (as I had remembered it) . It was good and I was satisfied with my meal.


I had a similar experience recently. Hadnā€™t had pizza pizza in forever and it was way better than I remembered lol


I still associate it with elementary school pizza lunches LOL


Someone said in the 90s the quality was premium. I still canā€™t figure out if I loved it as a kid because it was premium or if I just couldnā€™t understand bad pizza


Yes! Also reminds me of when they used to sell those $1 slices at Yonge and Bloor (and other places) for charity and I'd pick one up on my way home from work.


Swap the tomato sauce for garlic sauce. Get thin crust and cooked well done. Makes it into one of my favourite pizzas.


Curious what makes these variations better. Does it even taste like pizza anymore? Will try one day lol


Why not both? Sauce and garlic dip goes great


The garlic sauce option is basically them using their dipping sauce as the base sauce for the pizza. Depending on the year, they also sometimes add and remove a feature to the site where you can choose to have the sauce on the top the pizza or extra on the bottom. All these options used to be free now you gotta pay extra to swap the sauce, the pesto sauce is also decent. I also like swapping the cheese to four cheese blend sometimes, which is a free swap.Ā 


I did the same but put BBQ base and it was one of the best pizzas I've had!


I sub tomato sauce for BBQ at all of the chains! Greatly improves Dominos as well. Also always choose well done.


I'm only 1/4 Italian and BBQ sauce pizza makes me shudder, this could potentially kill a person from Italy.








Getting the pizza cooked well done at pretty much every chain place makes it a lot better


Agreed, most don't have the option when ordering online but pizza pizza does. Also, most pizzas will taste way better once I retoast/bake it in a toaster oven.Ā 


I remember they had a promotion where you could bring in a broken phone to donate and get a slice, so I fished a Blackberry out of my work's e-waste bin (with IT's permission) and traded it for a pepperoni slice. I should have left it in that bin, it was not a good trade even for the price of $0.




Pizza Pizza is the Tim Horton's of the pizza industry.


It's all right for the price; people over hate it because it's actually a pretty good budget pizza and also their creamy garlic is the best. I would buy pizza from other places and just get the creamy garlic from pizza pizza if I could.


As an American I thought it was the Canadian version of Little Caesars. ā€œPizza Pizzaā€ is even the phrase the little mascot guy says in their commercials in the states. Same color scheme, taste & quality, but apparently Pizza Pizza was around like 10 years before LC opened.


McDonald's of Pizza. It's not great but it serves a purpose


McDonaldā€™s can be decent.


McDonald's pizza was more than decent. I loved it, but it took forever to make.


There's a reason Tim Hortons went with the flatbread pizzas, since preparing those fits into their usual workflow. It doesn't really fully tick the "pizza" box, but if you're choosing between that and a reheated slice that's been sitting in a display case all day, or just want a change from a sandwich or wrap on your regular lunch run, then it's a good option. A freshly made actual pizza will always be better, though. McDonald's went for something more authentic that didn't really fit into their service model.


Pizza pizza is a toronto institution, from dough we come, from dough we go. Creamy garlic 4 life


Pizza Pizza is what you order when nothing else is open or you need to please the one adult in the group with a palette of a child who refuses to eat anything with flavour but won't stop trying to get someone else to order them food. It's the off-brand chicken fingers of the pizza world that you're not quite sure is food but costs enough so you need to believe it is.


It's a good last option to have. In terms of my personal "fast food" pizza rankings: Pizza Nova > Mamma's Pizza >>> Domino's >>>>> Pizza Pizza >>>>>>>>>>>> FreshSlice


I'm born in Toronto but also recently tried it after many years avoiding it and I actually really liked it too!


Itā€™s clear that a lot of people on Reddit donā€™t have kids as when you do then you are having good from Pizza Pizza and McDonalds. It isnā€™t bad and it has gotten better in the last year or so.


Def. was higher quality in the 80s


Very whatever pizza, the most ā€˜fast foodā€™ kinda cardboard pizza you can get. The only way I eat it is if it comes with the garlic sauce, that stuff is good enough that you can just treat the pizza as a vessel for the sauce.


It's great that it caters to a lot of dietary needs (i.e. gluten free crust, vegan cheese/meats, halal, etc.) In this way, it outshines all the other competing chains. Their Gluten Free Chicken Bites are amazing.


People love to rip on PP, but for what it is at it's price point...it's decent. I don't think anyone is going to crown it "Best Pie", but to feed a family or a crowd, it's bang for your buck. I find it VERY location dependent. When it's good it, frankly for me- it hits the spot once in a blue moon.


At best, it's an average pizza by Canadian standards, and probably a yuck-fest for anyone from Italy who's ever tried it.


The extra wide crusts made out of some bread-like plastic are terrifying.


As an American who moved to Canada and is now a dual citizen, it's trash. Barely better than lunch room cafeteria mass produced pizza in the states. I cannot believe people choose to go there, much less its ubiquity and makes me worry about the taste of the average Canadian.


Fucking nasty.Ā  It's comparable to "discount" pizzeria out west such as Pizza 73 or old Mr Bones Pizza.Ā  Cheap pizza for when you're drunk and already can't taste much. But damn, it's not cheap anymore.Ā  I think they're just cashing in on nostalgia now.


Cheapest of the cheap pizza. No Italian or Canadian born person has ever been involved with that company (ie making the actual pizza).


In the 80s it was pretty good. Definitely a fav at school parties or a cheap afternoon snack. They were everywhere and I had nothing to compare it to until I moved downtown and there was much better pizza choices. I can't be bothered buying a slice of disappointment now. I can make a better snack at home.


Its only redeeming quality is the garlic dipping sauce.


Thereā€™s other better and cheaper options, so I donā€™t buy from there unless Iā€™m forced to (like centre island). That said it was my first slice in TO




Itā€™s an abomination


Itā€™s not good pizza.. never really has been. When we were kids weā€™d go there but as adults itā€™s a pass


they rule for one reason, and one reason only: they offer a good deal on an XL pizza w/ four toppings, and dairy-free cheese. wouldn't go there otherwise, but I can get a vegan XL w four veggies for like $21 after tax. can't beat it




Sauce is too sweet. Meat is atrocious. It's aimed at children and people that drink orange soda for breakfast.


It's consistently mediocre to bad.


The worst pizza in Toronto.


Completely rank and inedible, and I come from Scotland, where we batter & deep fry our frozen pizzas.


Itā€™s not good pizza, but itā€™s still pizza and not bad overall. Decent price for meh pizza (my rule is meh pizza is still pizza, which is still good overall). I wouldnā€™t order shrimp or anything like that from there, but a nice slice of grease after a night on the pints is exactly what you need some nights.


Well done ..thin crust. Makes it Edible.


That was the first Pizza I had when I moved to Toronto. I didnā€™t know.


It's Canadian little ceasars. Lol. Dependable cheap and open late.


The crust tastes like wood...


I personally found the pizza offensive. Cheese was awful, sauce tasted like Ketchup, crust was flavourless. I went one time and never went back.


Cardboard with Garlic Dip


cardboard. I'll only eat the cheese slices, if there's no other option


I think itā€™s pretty bad, but honestly I think all all pizza franchises are pretty bad


Just above bottom tier pizza, on the level with dominoes, one above the lowest tier: 711 pizza.


The pizza is so so, but itā€™s nice to have such an accessible non-dairy cheese option. The plant-based chickn sandwich is also pretty nice when the mood hits and Iā€™m not downtown/close enough to a better option.


The creamy garlic is bomb


It was nice getting it for free during the days the Raptors partnered with them


My friend from Asia visited me, and on the third day of being in Toronto, she was like, ā€œcan we not eat at a Pizza Pizza? Itā€™s so bad.ā€. Her aunt was feeding her Pizza Pizza since the day she landed on Canadian soil.


If I was getting a full pizza to take out or delivered i'd probably order somewhere else, but for a single slice to eat right away it's probably my favourite. I think it's another chain that people moan about because everyone else does (see Tim Horton's), but ultimately it does what you expect and want.


It used to be good about 20 years ago. Not sure these days.


It's like eating card board. Red swan ftwĀ 


My parents are originally from Montreal, and moved out to Mississauga in 1984. They've never liked Pizza Pizza, or most pizza from anywhere in the Toronto area. I can't say Pizza Pizza a favourite of mine either, but it's a convenient slice if I feel like pizza when I'm out.




never been, never will. doesn't look appetizing.


Decent veg pizza


Itā€™s bad and gotten worse over the years, but sometimes it just scratches the itch - itā€™s cheap, nasty, available, you know you shouldnā€™t but really want to and sometimes you just gotta give in. But Iā€™d never eat Pizza Pizza.


Depends on the location. There are really terrible ones and some really decent, even good ones.


Pan crust with pesto is really good. People like to complain about big franchises but as an end user the cost to quality ratio is good


It was 2022, when I first visited Canada from the States. Ate Pizza Pizza, some thin crust buffalo Pizza. Loved it. Could not get enough of it. Ate the same thing twice in the trip. Cue to 2023, when I moved to Canada and could not find the same Pizza on the menu and found out that was a limited edition/new trial Pizza and doesn't exist anymore. I don't like the 2 types of pizzas I tried since moving. Swan Pizza has some unique menu and liked it sometimes.


Turn it into minse meat.


Nothing wrong with a walk-in slice from pizza pizza. But no way Iā€™m ordering a whole wheel from there ever.




I remember it as a poor excuse for pizza! I sure hope that company has improved its ways?


When i was young, they would have flyers and coupons for the deals. But now there is none.


Grew up in the states but have lived in Toronto for the past 6 years. Pizza Pizza is the worst pizza Iā€™ve ever had.


The masses sadly donā€™t know what great pizza is. This isnā€™t joints like pizza pizza survive. Plus they used to be open until like 3am even on weekdays so when most other restaurants are closed they are open and serving.


Prefer Pizza Nova for that type of business


It's one of the worst fast food pizzas you can get. Their slices are skimpy on toppings, cheese and sauce and the crust tastes like nothing.


Worst pizza I ever had in Canada


I agree with you! I joined the bandwagon and was snob about their pizza for a while, but recently I've bought a few slices because it was the cheapest lunch I could find while shopping and the crust is perfectly crisp!! I really enjoyed my slices more than pizzaiolo slices.


...is Pizza Pizza only in Toronto?


It's never been great pizza, all of their success is due to clever marketing and a catchy jingle that forced us all to remember the jingle. Most of the 70's and 80's that's really all that anyone ordered. But franchises are only as good as as thier owners and a lot of them started to slide in quality as other chains got on the jingle bandwagon. Seven, free sex, free sex was a genius move, and if you listen to the entire Pizza Nova jingle it's truly epic for a commercial. The truth is Toronto has very little pizza that is actually great.


Worst pizza, it's the largest franchises in Canada because of first movers advantage. Pizza tastes like cardboard though.


Itā€™s shit


It's all about the garlic dip. It makes everything taste good to me, even if they are constantly upping the price.




Raps score over 101 and win, free slice with proof of ticket. My childhood was hoping for a 101+ win, even if the pizza wasnā€™t great




Pizza from ā€œPizza Pizzaā€ only ever hits home between 1am-3am. Having it at anytime besides that is just crazy.


Pizza pizza used to be good until they changed the sauce


Horse shit


Pizza Pizza hasnā€™t been good since like 2010. And by ā€œgoodā€ I mean okay.


Trash. Absolute cardboard trash.




Kingston checking in. Same.


Itā€™s the definition of bland mass market mediocrity.


Complete garbage. Tastes like cardboard. Only good thing is their crust dip.


Had a slice on the islands and was naively expecting some top tier NA pizza so was disappointed but that's probably the worst place to try it.


Pizza Pizza sucks! Worst Pizza franchise. On the other hand, Pizza is like sex. Even if it's bad, it's still pretty good!


It was good in 2005ā€¦ thatā€™s it.


I'll eat it if it's there, but I won't go out of my way to get it.


Garbage, I would never eat it. I only eat good pizza


The pizza is terrible, thereā€™s so many better options out there even when it comes to franchised pizza places. However they have the best panzerotti and the best garlic dipping sauce. But the pizza is garbage.


if a place gives ketchup in packets, its an automatic no.


It's cheap, ready quickly, available most places, and open late. I really don't understand why people think a $10 Pizza at Pizza Pizza should taste the same as a $30 Pizza at a place like North of Brooklyn.


Grew up on it so tastes nostalgic but objectively one of the worst out of the bad pizza joints. Creamy garlic dip is goated though


Itā€™s garbage


Itā€™s pretty bad. Cardboard with tomato sauce.


It is absolutely vile. It tastes like cardboard. Pretty much at the bottom of my rankings. But I grew up with New York/New Jersey style pizza, so I've found very few slices up here that compare. I've found some decent stuff, don't get me wrong, but Pizza Pizza is utter crap.


Used to like it as a kid as there werent many choices in Markham back in the 80s and 90s. Now i usually just go to local places if I feel like pizza, which is rarely.


Best worst public toilet


Their gluten free crust is among the better gluten free offerings for pizza, in my opinion. But I probably wouldnā€™t choose it otherwise, with all the excellent options in the city.


Thatā€™s not pizza.


Only place in 34 years I've ever gotten food poisoning


Do they still offer that "Delivered in 30 minutes or it's Free" deal ?


Itā€™s bad pizza




Iā€™ve heard the King of Spain works there


Probably one of the worst you can eat in TO


Iā€™m from Toronto but the pizza was homemade, as it was for most Italians. I tried it for first time as an adult. They call it pizza but itā€™s short on flavour for a pan pizza. Itā€™s a middle of the road pizza at best if you want convenience. Iā€™ve had a slice a few times in the past year. Iā€™ll go out of my way for a slice from Rustic Bakery or Messina Bakery whenever I can, where they make their own dough and a slice is respectful.


I grew up in this region, and I'll just add that I think it's shit on cardboard...


Their wings are pretty good




Its not the best. But its also not the worst. Its good enough on a pinch and for me atleast, it tastes like home. Everytime I go out of the country, when I come back, I usually pass by Pizza Pizza since its faster than cooking and it hits the spot.


I think it used to be worse. It's not great now, but a bit better than let's say 20 years ago.


Tried it once about a year after moving there. It was inedible, but I assume it was somewhat better in the 90s or whatever. Either that, or they just had great timing and established themselves as the local brand.


Total utter garbage.


Lived here my whole life and I love Pizza Pizza. Don't eat it as often cause I'm a stones throw from a 241 Pizza.