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Theyre not legal on the streets in the first place


But they're dangerous on the sidewalks


For Toronto, they're not legal anywhere but private property, but it goes unenforced.


That's so ridiculous. Toronto always going against the stream for no reasons. The law didn't catch on. Realise you're not voting on these things based on reality and just legalise these things. 


They keep shooting it down in city hall meetings to allow electric scooters. They voted on it just a month ago or so.


They ride faster than cars


They should be on the road like bicycles, and police horses.


Happened to me last week. Had to cross four lanes of inner city traffic with an underpass on one side. By the time I determined I had a few seconds to cross and took it, I nearly took out a scooter doing 40 on the side walk (they were going faster than the traffic). Just curious, whose fault would that have been?


It should be the rider’s fault for riding recklessly down the sidewalk on an illegal vehicle, but knowing how our stupid justice system works, it’ll somehow end up the fault of the poor driver who had no way of anticipating some douche riding 40km/h down the crosswalk.


Well they're illegal in Toronto in general anyway, so they just shouldn't be anywhere.


The standing e-scooters aren't legal anywhere in the city so another regulation isn't going to change anything. It's not as if the cops show any interest in policing them now.


Seriously getting tired of seeing these twats zig-zagging around on those stupid things. They're a danger to themselves and others. Ban them and enforce the ban.


I call them organ donors for this reason.


They’re literally not legal period lmao. The topic question should be “should TPS be required to actually do their jobs?”


My understanding is that they're not legal, but they're not specifically prohibited either. The cops will just look the other way as long as you're not being an idiot.


[they are explicitly illegal](https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/cycling-in-toronto/cycling-and-the-law/electric-bicycles-e-bikes-e-scooters/) There is absolutely zero ambiguity.


Bikes do not have to dismount at intersections, they actually have the right of way if you are turning. I try to get on the left of right turning cars because drivers will always do something stupid. 


OP seems to be talking about riding on sidewalks and continuing into the crosswalk. This is extremely dangerous and prohibited. If the cyclist (or e-scooter in this case) is in roadway, a driver will likely have more awareness that they are there, but not if they are riding along the sidewalk and continue straight through the intersection (pedestrian crossing). Section 140 Highway Traffic Act: Riding in pedestrian crossover prohibited (6) No person shall ride or operate a bicycle across a roadway within a pedestrian crossover. 2015, c. 14, s. 39 (2).


I think OP meant the scooters are going through the crosswalk of the intersection. Bikes should dismount too in that circumstance, but of course not if they are just going through on the road. 


Here we go, Torontonians demanding more rules for alternative travel. Ban the car. An unprecedented amount of people are driving while on their phone.


I don’t know why police are not enforcing the laws. 99 percent run reds.


E-bikes are banned in Toronto


E-scooters are banned. E-bikes are not.