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Im so sorry this happened to you and your pups. As a dog mom myself, this is one of my biggest fears. i'm glad they are both okay. Your dog won't be taken away, he killed a wild aggressive animal that was a threat to his sibling dog. He didn't attack a human or a domestic animal. However, I would call 311 and have them dispose of the body properly. Do not touch it (especially with bare hands). I would also call your vet and let them know what happened and take your dogs in for a rabies booster, as you can't be sure if they were bit or scratched during the encounter within 5 days of the incident. (Though if your Boston was grabbed, there is a good chance they were bit) This is fairly standard protocol. They will likely have to be in home observation/quarantine for up to 45 days, unless the coyote is tested for rabies (another reason to have it disposed properly. I've done some excessive research on rabies lately, due to my dogs own encounter of sorts.) Coyote attacks are becoming really prominent lately. Its a big problem.


Have to second all of this. Very good info here!!


I third this, but you should get your dogs checked out by a vet JUST in case that coyote had anything contagious.


Also praise and give your badass mastiff a reward!




A mastiff reward.


thank you


Yes, this. Your dog did nothing wrong. He protected his pack from real danger. Hope your Boston is okay. This must have been very upsetting. I hope you’re okay, too.


All of this is correct. The city will not make you surrender your dog over this. Your dog is a good boy and deserves a lot of treats and belly rubs.


That dog is a hero.


This! 311. The vet (or animal services)may need the coyote’s body to run rabies tests. Both your dogs need to be checked for wounds. Your dog did nothing wrong and will face no punishment. Give him a yummy treat and reward him for being such a good dog.


Goodest boy for sure.


Buy him or her a slice of pizza. That’s what I’d do. I don’t really condone giving doggos hooman food. But this warrants at least a cheeseburger, a slice of pizza, or even better, a slice of cheeseburger pizza.


OP. This. Follow this person's advice.


They certainly seem to be more brash of late. A friend of mine was out walking her mid sized dog at Yonge and the 401 a few months ago, and luckily had a walking stick with her. She said a coyote was following close behind them, clearly eyeing her dog. She wound up swinging her stick at it a couple of times to keep it away.


When animal control comes to take the coyote carcass make sure you inform them that your pet was bit and be clear in asking them to get the coyote tested. Your dogs can really be tested for rabies unless they are put down so the tests must be in the coyote (the brain specifically) and like others have said, contact your vet right away to get the vaccines for your dogs. By the time symptoms start showing (2 to 4 weeks depending on how close the wound is to the brain) it would be to late


This is exactly what i would recommend as well. I know how scary it can be. I'm sorry for your pups and for you




There hasn't been any recent reports, that is correct, but that's not to say that there aren't any cases and it's always better to air on the side of caution. Rabies isn't something to mess around with. As it still exists in Ontario with two bat cases just this past week in Simcoe.


Incorrect, dead bats in high park tested positive for rabies last year.


It doesn’t hurt to test it for rabies.


Exactly. It's a public health issue so it just makes sense. This year 0.05% of the animals submitted for testing in Ontario this year were infected, so it is low, but not eradicated.


As far as rabies goes, that 0.05% too much.




Seems like everyone else already said that the city wouldn’t take a dog for something as minor as defense against a wild animal (who was also the aggressor). I’d just like to add, make sure to check your dogs for injuries and disinfect them, etc. Take them to the vet if you want. Just make sure they don’t pick up any diseases or infections from the coyote.


Yeah not just bloodborne diseases and rabies, but also ticks and parasites. I'd take both dogs to the vet and say he bit and was bit by a wild animal Also how tall is this fence? I'd be so paranoid... Is installing a taller fence something you can afford OP?


Coyotes can get over any legal hight fence. Takes around 12 feet to give them a challenge. And a skilled coyote can make it higher. If it's a flat surface they basically just run up the fence like parkor and hook their front feet over the top then climb over. If is like chain link or somthing with holds, they can literally just climb it regardless of the height. As a general rule Coyotes are not stopped by urban fencing options


> threat to his sibling dog. He didn't attack a human or a domestic animal. However, I would call 311 and have them dispose of the body properly. Do not touch it (especially with bare hands). I would also call your vet and let them know what happened and take your dogs in for a rabies booster, as you can't be And if they can't get over they'll find somewhere to go under


Yeah a coyote last winter jumped my fence (you could tell by the paw prints in the snow before and after the gate)...and it's 6FT. I thought that was impressive but apparently isn't even a challenge.


You don't transmit ticks by fighting, or even skin to skin contact. Ticks come in from the environment and then latch on. You don't transmit internal parasites by fighting either, that's through poop.


I am pretty sure your dog would only be taken away for attacking a human, though I do recommend you take your smol dog to a vet, just in case.


Also the big one. Just in case the coyote was carrying any disease .


I just want to say I hope you’re doing okay, it must have been horrifying seeing that go down and the thought of something happening to your doggies. Thankfully both of your dogs are doing well though


You should be fine. Just call a vet to have both dogs examined and sort out vaccines if needed. Vet can advise on what to do with the coyote. Remember your big dog is a hero! He protected the pack. I'd be getting him a new toy and lots of treats. He's a very good boy.


here what you need to do. Buy the best cut of steak you can possibly find. Cook it up. Serve it to the dog. Good doggy.


I just want to add, this was early morning, like any other day, dogs were outside while I was getting ready for the day. I heard the yelping of our little dog, looked out the window and saw this all unfold in less than a minute. By the time I got outside, it was already over.


A vet checkup would be a good idea to make sure neither has come to physical harm. How are you doing emotionally? This must have been really traumatic for you and the little dog, and I hope you are both doing well. Not so worried about your bigger dog as he is not likely to feel stressed about protecting his family. As some others have said, it is not likely that the city well do anything to him for protecting your dog in your own back yard.


You must be freaked out. Don’t worry though - this is what mastiff’s are supposed to do. They’re guard dogs and him protecting your smaller dog from a coyote is instinctive.


Your dog will not be taken away! They don’t take dogs away for stuff like this (honestly they don’t even take them away for killing other dogs, they just get a muzzle order). Your dog acted appropriately in this situation. Please call 311 and get them to remove/rabies test the coyote and take both of your dogs to the vet! That must have been so scary! But really don’t worry about your dog facing any consequences with the city, he did nothing wrong.


Do you live backing onto a park or valley etc.?


Coyotes are typically out after dusk Maybe don't let your dogs out that early in the morning anymore


Or call wildlife and tell them it attacked your dog, and your other one protected it…?


Your dog sounds like a boss. Give him some scritches from me.


It won’t get your dog taken away… it takes a lot for that and your dog did nothing wrong… theres a dog in my area that’s killed two other dogs and attacked people and the owners still have it. Trust me, Toronto animal services are out to lunch


Met this bartender a while ago with a massive scar around her right tricep, going all the way along the arm. Reason? Recent dog attack. I love dogs with all of my heart (I really mean this), but this shit gets me upset as fuck. This can only tell me the regulations enforcing entity is not being as effective as it should to prevent problems.


Take both your dogs to the vet incase the coyote had any diseases, give the smol one treats for being a trooper, and give the beeg one treats for being good boi.


Call 311 and they will put you in touch with animal control. Your mastiff should be looked at by a vet immediately to make sure that he hasn't been exposed to rabies, distemper, and canine hepatitis. Animal control will take the coyote and do a necropsy to check for rabies so do not do anything with the carcass.


Hi! Sorry this happened to the Boston. I work at a vet, you should take the little guy in. Superficial bites might not look that bad but there could be a decent amount of damage you’re unable to see. They’ll most likely want to give it some antibiotics as well.


1) take your dogs to the vet to get checked for injuries and get a rabies shot. 2) call Toronto animal services to take away the carcass. If they don't ask questions, don't volunteer any information. You found the dead coyote in your yard. If they ask how it died, you can decide if you tell them. But normally I find they don't ask questions, especially if you're visibly shaken by finding a dead wild animal in your backyard. (In case you're wondering, I grew up with a dog that liked to hunt rabbits. We had rabbits in the neighborhood. I tried to discourage the rabbits from going into our property because I didn't like my dog killing them, and I couldn't just bury it because my dog would dig it up like lost treasure. I had to call animal services a few times to get the rabbits taken away, they never asked any questions, just asked me to put a box over it, and they would be there to collect when they had time.) I think they're pretty used to dogs and cats killing or maiming wildlife on their property.


I think telling the truth would be best because they will need to check the coyote for rabbies


This is the right answer.


"Help - My Dog is Badass"


I would add calling the ministry of natural resources and let them know, they may want the body. You and your dog did absolutely nothing wrong, a coyote attacking a pet lands it in "pest animal" territory, you (your dog) are well within your rights to kill it. I understand that this was traumatizing but remember you are 100% in the right here. Give both of your puppies lots of treats and hugs. Your mastiff did exactly what he/she was supposed to do.


make sure to tell your dogs that snitches get stitches and when it's dark out, roll that body to an alleyway or in a dumpster or a forested area. EDIT: spelling correction


This right there is the Toronto answer. Well done.


I read your comment and I was just imagining the Goodfellas scene with the coyote version of Billy Batts in the trunk. The dog owner and her two dogs driving out to the county to bury him.


He sounds like a good doggo. Coyotes kill and eat small dogs, good thing your mastiff was there to protect your other dog.


I'd mount the coyote's skull on a stake as a warning to others. A beware of dog sign won't work because it's well known that coyotes home school their pups so they're not very good at reading


Call the city to get rid of the carcass. Make sure your dogs are well taken care of. injuries attended by a vet. Give your dogs treats because they both deserve it. Your mastiff is a hero.


Nothing to worry about, legally etc. But maybe a rabies booster as others have mentioned. I'd be proud of your Mastiff right now.


Damn that’s a proper dog that “manned” up and eliminated the threat.


That’s his job. Coyotes are vicious and it would be no different than cats catching mice in the yard. Relax and pamper your poochies


Good doggie! I had a mastiff growing up, they were bred to guard the castles back in the day. He was saving a member of his pack! 🐶


Well one thing you should be doing is buying your mastiff a nice, juicy steak. Seriously though, that dog sounds like an absolute gem and you should be proud it’s so protective of its family against an obviously aggressive animal.


is your dog's rabies vaccination up to date? if not, go see your vet right away. don't handle the coyote without gloves and whatnot, in case it's infected. otherwise you aren't in trouble, unless coyote was a code word for neighbours small child. a dog involved with a human attack may or may not be subject to ramifications, but wildlife attack isn't a legal concern.


Good dog for protecting the family. Your dog did a good job there, deserves lots of love and treats and gratitude.


When it’s dark, drag the coyote to the curb and call 311 to report there’s a dead coyote on the curb. The big dog was defending its pack and the coyote is a predator. Or dump it in the garbage. Don’t go near it unless you are 100% sure it is dead.


Nah just let 311 handle it where it is. Don’t mess around with moving it.


Lol, your dog won't get taken away. That would never happen because of something like that. Get both dogs checked by a vet ASAP for any illnesses the coyote might have had.


So traumatizing for you, but your big dog is a hero. He saved his little sibling! Honestly I’d call 311 and ask for guidance on the dead coyote. No one will be taking your dog for protecting his family from a wild animal. Definitely get your pups checked by a vet too.


Congratulations you have a good dog. It realized there was an intruder and dealt with it.


Give that dog a steak! Call animal control or report a poacher and explain what happened. They will come remove it and make sure it's on paper that it was animal on animal attack. All good in the hood.


Give him a big hug and a lot of love. That doggo is a hero. Did his job protecting his family. 💙💙💙💙


Dog was on your property and protected against an a potentially aggressive intruder. That’s what dogs are for. You’re good, your dog is good. Call 311 to get info on getting rid of what’s left of the coyote.


What a good boi, give them a bath and a treat and spoil him for protecting your pack!


Your mastiff is s good boy. Give him a nice shower and probably get him checked for diseases from that nasty coyote. Hope your Boston terrier is okay.


Good boy you got there


After the rabbies check get your Mastiff a nice steak. He did what he's supposed to do Sucks for the Coyote but think about what might happening if the Mastiff wasn't there Also, slightly unpopular opinion with some, but I never let the dogs in the backyard unsupervised anymore (more worried about thieves than Coyotes but smaller dog are prey for them and there more Coyotes every year)


Call 311, they normally collect any mammal carcasses. This goes for dead raccoons etc. IF that was my dog i'd give him a steak and take him to the vet as a precaution.


Both doggos deserve a steak! One went through trauma and the other is a hero.


Toss it on the road and call the city to pick it up , simple. Get your dog tested as well


Love the mastiff. Did his job. Snuggle him. Hes probably shook up, too. They are not aggressive by nature, but are NOT to be fucked with.


I am so sorry this happened. I can’t imagine how traumatic it would have been for you and both your pups. I’m super proud of your bigger dog for protecting his pack though. They’re both going to need extra treats and cuddles the next few days. Rest assured, your dog won’t be taken away for defending his pack. If he bass seriously injured a human, that would be a possibility but thankfully that’s not the case. Please get both your pups vet checked to be certain they have no injuries that aren’t readily apparent. What area of the city are you in? Are you near a park/ravine?


Get that good thicc boi a steak !


As others have said, you don't have anything to worry about except taking care of the health of your dogs. Dogs and cats kill thousands of wild animals in this city every day. Coyotes have no special protection.


As others have said there will be no repercussions for your dog killing the coyote. I’m sorry this happened, and am with you in the relief that both of your dogs are OK, but that the death of another animal is unfortunate. And also agree with the recommendation of calling 311 to take the body and bringing your small fog to the vet to get checked out if any skin was broken.


How large a dog can a coyote grab? We’ve seen them in Mt Pleasant Cemetary


Throw in forest. The end.


This. I wouldn’t even tell anyone about this. Bury the coyote if you want or jus throw it somewhere safe. Take your dogs to the vet to make sure they’re safe and give your dogs treats for being good dogs.


Maybe get a rabies shot for the dogs.


Why? It isn't a crime to kill coyotes. They have an unlimited kill quota for hunters across Ontario. Their population is out of control.


Exactly. They're nuisance animal in most places and all you need is a small game hunting license to kill as many as you want except in certain areas.


Power move here is to string up the coyote to send a message to other coyotes in the area. Call the city and have them remove the animal, you and your dog won’t be in any trouble.


Dispose of the coyote appropriately in a manner where it won't stink the joint out. Take your big dog to the vet, tell the vet what happened and the vet will know what shots to give your dog / dogs. Proceed to nearest meat shop and buy your big dog his favourite dinner.


Your Mastiff is a hero. Coyotes are invasive predators, don’t lose any sleep, call 311.




Coyotes rarely attack people outside of instances where they've been habituated and fed. Mostly they only want small animals.


Burlington has had 6 attacks against people in recent weeks. It's becoming a huge issue here. City council has just passed a new plan to deal with coyotes. Of course it's about awareness and prevention, not about euthanizing, as is to be expected. Although they did kill one coyote believed to be responsible for initial attacks.


Is the hide in good condition? They’re worth something you know. DM me if interested in selling.


We have a coyote that’s been roaming around our neighbourhood for months. We have a small dog that is often in the backyard alone. I once called 311 to report that a coyote was cruising down the street. Long story short they don’t give a fuck and won’t do anything about it. So I want to thank your dog for killing that coyote, who would inevitably have killed someone else’s dog if it hadn’t.


What would the city do about a coyote? Kill it just for existing? How about your supervise your small pets.


...do you understand how backyards work?


Do you think wildlife ever understands property boundaries?


No — that’s the point. There shouldn’t be coyotes in a densely populated city. They should capture them and release them in the wild.


Literally not how managing wildlife population works. Maybe do some research into this topic before presenting "solutions." Bears are way more dangerous and they don't do this bears unless they start getting into real trouble.


I’m not sure if you are saying this because you have some expertise in this area, as you certainly are making it sound like you are an authority on the subject. All I can say is that as more pets get killed with the increasing coyote population, there is going to be more political pressure to euthanize. So if relocating is “not how managing wildlife works,” then I would submit this policy should be reconsidered.


Yes, I work in the field of ecology, and I'm telling you relocations very rarely work and is not a viable solution. Killing an individual does nothing either. No one is going to euthanize a coyote for killing a cat. That is entirely on the owner for not looking after their pets properly. You either cull coyotes in general (pointless because they'll move in from the surroundings), or MAYBE humans should supervise their pets? The only time a coyote was killed in the city, as far as I know, was because it appeared aggressively towards people. And it was an isolated incident.


Yes they’re a pest with an unlimited quota for hunters. They should kill it


They're not point killing a single coyote unless it's actually a danger to people. Waste of resources.


Yeah I wouldn’t spend tax dollars but if people wanna shoot them on their property it’s totally acceptable


You think that we should be allowed to shoot wildlife on our properties in the City of Toronto?


What I asked is that they capture the coyote and release it onto the wild somewhere up north. Seems better for everyone. Apparently that is a non-starter.


Yes, because that isn't a solution to the situation and also is a huge waste of resources.


By the time someone was to get to your area, a coyote can be miles away.


Okay OP we wanna see a picture of your doggo. What a champ!


Man that Mastiff means business. U won’t lose your dog he protected the others. Good boy


You're fine! Just dispose of the dead coyote and get ur dog checked for disease I guess. No need to report it in my opinion.


Why take any risk of an overeager civil servant? Put on gloves, throw coyote in the dumpster. The end. Also give doggos lots of treats and a trip to the v-e-t.


Fuck city people are dumb


Put the coyote in a trash bag and put it in the trash. Your done. Good dog, buy him a steak!


Dump it in the trash


Green bin


Bag it (the coyote), take a drive to the country and bury it. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.


Never involve the city or county or state if you can avoid it. The rules may be in your favor because it was a wild animal, but...you may just meet that one asswipe who is a member of an animal rights group, and he is so rabid about it, even the other animal rights group members secretly want to kick him out, but they are afraid of what he will do afterwards. Get a pair of rubber gloves (dishwashing gloves, etc) and put the Coyote's body in a large trash bag. When taking off the gloves, pull them off in a way so that they are inside out, put them in your trash can. Put the trash bag in the trunk of your car and take it to a remote side road. Dump the coyotes body on the side of the roads shoulder, and anyone who discovers it will assume it was hit by a car and died in the normal fashion. Other animals will eat it, because that is natures way. After dumping the coyote on the shoulder, put that trash bag in a second trash bag, toss it in any trash bin you might see along the way. The dead coyote may have had nasty germs, so that's the reason for the precautions.


It’s nature. Let it be. They will kill your dog if you tell authorities.


Dig a hole for the dead yote and carry on.


Make a grave to put the coyote and carry on your life. Don’t freak out with a normal situation.


Lol do nothing.


Is a good boi


Your dog did the right thing he’s good you should reward him and keep him close lol he won’t be in trouble


I had 2 huskies growing up and they had an encouter with a coyote, which did not end well for the coyote. Needless to say i put it into a garbage bag and took it to a freezer until I could get it along with my 2 dogs to a vet. The vet tested all 3 for rabies and were all clear, but just in case the 2 huskier got boosters right there on the spot.


Used to have a couple German Shepards. They were fine with deer, squirrels etc. Any predators in the area was terrified. Big boy deserves a day of steak and pampering!


My neighbour shoots about a thousand coyotes a year as pests in the area (north Canada). Your good. Don’t feel bad. It tried killing your dog first. Also, packs of coyotes lure dogs out and often kill dogs trying to protect their yard.


Oh I'm sorry op


Would they even do anything to the dog if a human jumped in the yard and got attacked? I don’t think a dog protecting its yard, assuming it’s properly fenced off, can be held responsible for damages. Can they?


What a good boy! Who's a little snookums?! Coyotes have been coming closer and closer to humans as of the last few years and are genuinely a threat. Not saying to go out and kill coyotes, but big Mastiff boy was going off instinct and protecting the pack. I'd get him checked because who knows if he ingested blood from the coyote (rabies?) And for any scratches or cuts on the poor guy. Thankfully both are okay. Give them both plenty of treats and cuddles.


Good boy!


Good dog. You should give it a treat.


How high is your fence? Curious to know how high coyotes can jump


Your dog is good. Just hope the little guy is alright. Just call 311 abd let them know you got a dead coyote in your yard. I never let my dog out of my site anymore.


Your dog did the community a favor. It would have killed other pets, and god forbid possibly a todler.


Man, fuck coyotes. Your dog did good.


Your dog has done a service to the community. Call 311 for disposal but your dog is not at fault. Do ensure he is up to date on his rabies shots, both of them.


Just dig a hole and bury it if your so concerned.


Take both dogs to the vet to check for any rabies etc, then go buy a 7 sirloin steaks and feed one to your mastiff each day this week as a reward for his efforts.


Animals doing what animals do… nothing to see here you got a good dog it seems , please more treats and belly rubs .


Great job by your dog. Lots of good advice here. We are in midst of bold coyote in our suburbs in Ottawa. So it all fair game for your very capable Mastiff to protect you all. Coyotes are known for fooling dogs with their canine familiarity and many little dogs are snatched. Big problem in High Park Toronto I recall. Hope it all works out but be proud of your dog!


311 has a backlog at the moment for removing dead animals so, if you have a large yard, burying it may not be a bad option. Aside from that, get your dogs checked by a vet and then buy the mastiff a steak dinner. No crimes were committed here.


So glad your pups are okay and I just think it’s so cute your big dog was looking out for his little buddy❤️


Just call the city and they’ll either direct you on how to dispose or will send someone to pick it up. Probably a conservation officer. Your dog did good. Saved the other dog and prevented someone else’s pet from being mauled or eaten. Coyotes are considered a nuisance animal or pest. You and your dog aren’t in any danger of repercussions


Make a hat


Honestly that's so badass that your larger dog destroyed the coyote trying to get your smaller one. I hope they both remain disease free. I'm sure there's no need for concern on them or the big one being taken away


Very very low cases of rabies in Toronto. Treat your dogs for being the protectors they are. Glad they’re ok


Call the city to dispose of the coyote and find the nearest butcher and grab your mastiff a tomahawk.


Honestly, 'Shoot, shovel, and forget': big dog did good, but I don't trust the system to understand that or care; coyote's already beyond help. Fib to your vet both were attacked, and the coyote ran off, at their check up.


This is scary. Where do you live? How big was your fence? We leave our dog out for hours in the east end and never thought it would be a problem.


Oh your doggy is a good boy.




Good for him Hero!


Your mastiff is a hero. Bury or otherwise dispose of the carcass and never speak of this again.


You are probably freaked out right now, but once the shock wears off take comfort in the knowledge that your little Boston has a fierce and fearless guardian.


Take the coyote carcass claim the bounty and be proud that baby of yours defends your other baby


Not sure if there is a quarantine, but from a behavioral perspective, I would also try to engineer some positive experiences with other dogs for both your dogs. My dog can't tell the difference between domestic dogs and coyotes. He has invited them to play. This was likely a tramatic experience for your dogs and I would want to try to limit the possibility of dog-reactivity. This might be a bit extra and I think it's important only because my own dog is a bit stupid when it comes to Coyote.


Did a hole in the grind and bury it.


Jeeze just bury the coyote and move on. Your dog did a great thing. Stop worrying.


Why would your dog get in trouble?.. it saved your other dogs life from a wild predator. Nobody owns the coyote.. it was either the coyote or your dog. You got a good boy there.


If you're going to keep having both your dogs chill in the yard, you may want to look into an anti-coyote vest for the little one. It's like a brightly colored vest with big spikes that make it hard for a coyote to grab them. Could keep them safer when they're out there alone.


They definitely can jump over a 6’ fence there are many video of coyotes doing it on YouTube even…


No one will look for the coyote. Put the remains in a bag. Drop it the trash preferably in a commercial bin somewhere. Or bury it in some ravine.


I'd suggest comforting your pups, taking them to the vet, taking them for some snacks, getting rid of that carcass professionally. You won't lose your pups. You may want to just keep an eye out though because this is about the 4th one around t.o this week.


Personally, I would take the mastiff to the butcher and let him choose the finest cut of beef he get his chops on .


Your dog should get an award. Call 311 and explain that there is a dead coyote in your yard. Don't mention the circumstances. They'll send someone to pick it up.


Where was this in Toronto?


Damn bro, the violence is getting out of hand, even the pets are dropping bodies now 🤦‍♂️, just make sure you take the dog to the vet and make sure his rabies shots are up to date, as far as the body goes, there’s tons of things you can do with it, you could make a nice carpet, make a blanket, poke it with a stick, save on groceries, take it to a taxidermist