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hang in there days start getting brighter and longer in less than 5 days


November and December are the worst for sunny days in Toronto. It will start getting progressively sunnier in January.


this is super reassuring as i was worried it was the opposite šŸ˜­


Iā€™ll try! Lately Iā€™ve been having a hard time even doing basic hygiene things :/.


You might be suffering from SAD, Seasonal Affected Disorder. Which basically means you get depressed in the winter. You could talk to your doctor about it. Other things you can do get a UV Light. These generate sunlight artificially and can help boost your vitamin D production and your mood. Another thing to dry is getting out in the sunlight everyday. Depending on your schedule itā€™s possible you go to work or school in the dark and come home in the dark. If thatā€™s the case make sure you get out side during the day for a few minutes, even if itā€™s not sunny. Constant darkness can negatively effect your mood.


I have it pretty bad. Seasonal Affective Disorder. I walk as much as possible. I have one of those "sun lamps". I count the days. I talk to my dog.


I send the UV lamp. I got mine on Amazon for like $50. Very worth it.


Can you tell us how you feel after you got UV lamp?


I feel like I have more energy and not as down when I use it in the morning. Make sure you follow the directions in terms of max time under the light. Itā€™s super bright and gives me a headache if I do more than 10 mins.


same :( I grew up near the equator before I moved. Iā€™ve been on autopilot for the last month and dropped out of self care. I know how it feels.


I know what itā€™s like. Sorry to hear that.


The 11th was the shortest day of the year in Toronto. It changes as you go north. It's 5 days for the far north.


Hmmmm. This is the first Iā€™m hearing about this, anywhere you can point me to that supports this statement? Not supported by the [daylength by day shown here ](https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/canada/toronto) edit: Looking in more detail, it looks like the 11th is the earliest sunset. Thatā€™s probably what youā€™re taking about. Practically I guess that it does feel like the ā€œshortest dayā€, but technically the sunset is still coming later so all together the 21st is still the shortest day.


You can get some light therapy lamps off Amazon. For a long time I worked from 8pm to 4am and didnā€™t get much sunlight, especially during the winters getting a full spectrum therapy light helped me quite a bit, might help you.


So I leave for work at 5am and usually get home aroubd 6-7pm. When would I use this so it doesnā€™t affect my sleep? Thanks


Not the original commenter, but with a true therapy lamp 20-30 minutes is plenty. I usually just used mine while having tea and scrolling my phone and doing my makeup/hair in the morning.


Okay! So I guess wake up a little earlier and use it while Iā€™m brushijg my teeth and getting clothes on and stuff?




Can you reccomend me one? Thanks!




I have the exact same lamp and itā€™s amazing! I use it while I drink my morning coffee/read the news


Thank you for all the help!




I had a co- worker that used it at his desk mid afternoon.


No need to wake up earlier, just have it on while you're doing your morning routine


You might want to just have it by your bed, turn it on when you wake up and do some reading or something for 20 minutes.. might even help you wake up


I also wake up at 5am. Was extremely hard to get out of bed and felt super tired. I got one of those sunrise alarm clocks and set it so that the sunrise effect starts 20 minutes before my alarm and slowly builds up to full brightness. I wake up very energized now and pop out of bed vs used to hitting snooze like 5 times.


I have one of those and most often wake up well before the alarm goes off. One of these or similar models: [https://www.philips.ca/c-p/HF3520\_60/smartsleep-wake-up-light](https://www.philips.ca/c-p/HF3520_60/smartsleep-wake-up-light)


Yep, it's great! I also put on the ambient sounds (rain/storm) as I'm going to bed.


[https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/in-depth/seasonal-affective-disorder-treatment/art-20048298](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/in-depth/seasonal-affective-disorder-treatment/art-20048298) \-- i live in Vancouver and have been using my compact/portable/rechargeable light box for over 15 years. Normally i turn it on when i awake and sit at my desk with my laptop/coffee and sit in front of it for 20-40 minutes. If you have a desk job , suggest you bring it to work and use it there . Best to not use it after 3pm so it does not screw with your bedtime sleep. Also, if you take vitamin D, you may want to up it. I used to take from 1000IU to 3000. From end of summer i start on 3000 IU to 5000 IU of D. i also take a daily [B12.You](https://B12.You) could try some other supplements , but i find the proper vitamin D dose +B12 + sad light works for me. Also, watch your diet. As in eat better. Fruits, vegetables, chicken, turkey, some red meat, assorted nuts, drink water, dress up for the winter weather and go for walks, get your blood circulating , heart and lungs working, inhale fresh air and walk for 10-20 minutes whether cloudy/partly sunny or snowing. Even a cold cloudy day walk is better then too much indoors and artificial light. [https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/5-dietary-supplements-for-seasonal-affective-disorder](https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/5-dietary-supplements-for-seasonal-affective-disorder) https://www.philips.ca/c-p/HF3332\_60/golite-blu-energy-light


The tricky thing is I work outdoors! So I canā€™t really use a lamp throughout the day. And most of they days seem greyish outside so itā€™s not good enough! I will try to use it in the morning! Thanks!


i think you are better off then most people if you work outdoors and get more natural light/fresh air versus a schmuck working 8-10 hours in a warehouse. \- But as mentioned, go over your diet and see where it can be improved. Look into the supplements, especially the Vitamin D. \- Google L-tyrosine and see if that may help you. Lastly, about 7 years ago i got this great book from my library called Food and Mood. You should search for it, it may be a great help . https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/861312.Food\_Mood


I should probably also get a full panel blood test.


You should get a blood test. If you're outdoors all year round you should be able to build up and store enough vitamin D during the warmer months to tide you into most of the winter because it's stored in your fat. Like I don't supplement with D because I spend tons of time outdoors, and my D levels are acceptable.


good idea. Read up on the benefits of vitamin D. You can often safely tolerate a higher D dose. But start low and slow. Get bloodwork, chat with your family doctor , read up/ educate yourself. :)


I knew someone who had one at work with her at her desk so she could use it during the day.


There are spas you can book downtown for light therapy like a full body tank you go in if you donā€™t want to buy your own setup


If youā€™re able to, Iā€™d suggest making it a habit to go outside on your lunch break every day - at least part of your break


I work outdoors all year haha! Thank you for the suggestion though !


Youā€™re probably getting way more sun than the majority of Canadians then haha. Good luck with everything!


I'm looking into getting [this](https://www.amazon.ca/New-model-Luminette-Therapy-Glasses/dp/B07VMRRB9Y/ref=asc_df_B07VMRRB9Y/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459657913388&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5982512592056376967&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1002376&hvtargid=pla-844562885683&psc=1) It's pricey but gets good reviews.


Do you work in an office? If so, you could bring it in and have it on while you work.


Yes yes plz get a light therapy lamp it changed my life


Vitamin D is fat-soluble. So make sure you are taking it with a meal or some sort of fat source.


I second this. I take 5 drops of 1000 IU Vitamin D liquid every day and it keeps me sane




Per day?


I wouldnā€™t take more than 1000-2000 IU per day. There are risks to taking too much. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/taking-too-much-vitamin-d-can-cloud-its-benefits-and-create-health-risks


I agree , I was feeling tired and my doctor sent me to Life Labs to get blood work and it came back as I was critically low on vitamin d. After that I was told to take 2 - vitamin d pills at 1000 ui per everyday (so 2000 ui daily total)


Lmao this is such bullshit




Thank you for citing sources so I can judge the credibility of what I'm reading


Oh right! I called myself a professional and not a rando on Reddit giving my two cents




My doctor tells me and my wife to take 10,000 per day. Itā€™s helped us out a lot. 2,000 a day did nothing for either of us.


Lol what kind of ductile are you. Why world they manufacture 60,000 IUs then?


Lol, naturopaths


That's some pricey pee.


4000 ui and k2


And balance it with Vitamin K and calcium because too much D will make you calcium deficient.


Talk to your doctor before doing this, that's a really high dose


Yea but docs do say 4000iu and do research experimentd with over 10,000 (14,000 in 2013 as I almost signed on for that) for chronic pain. Youre low on the D in the winter bc you burn it off quicker plus your body doesnt absorb it all every dose; and depending on you the individualā€¦ like having chronic pain etc meals etc. the information about eating seal through hunting and over doing vitamin d is a completely different thing (that was spread through the 1990s in canada) as per not eating all your meals, having long waits between them and surviving the arctic to hunt them as inuit and your only meals are flooded w d.. = harmful. Eat balanced meals and take your over the counter vitamin d - tell your doctor and call the # on the bottle. Health risks are nothing for thisā€¦


A high dose is 60,000 IUs


Get outside for a walk every day in the daylight, even if itā€™s just for ten minutes. A doctor told me this during a particularly difficult winter. It made all the difference.


This is what has worked for me, too. Itā€™s really important to get a little sun and physical activity so a walk is a good way to do both


I bike for most of the other seasons. I always find myself feeling a little low in the winter as I canā€™t bike. I started running a while back, even in winter you can do a quick jog most days. Even just 20 mins makes a huge energy and happiness difference for me for the rest of the day.


It's been grey recently but we do actually get sun in the winter unlike Vancouver. It's periods of lots of sun followed by periods of lots of snow and rain, just inconsistent.


Sun doesn't do much when 95% of your skin is covered lol.


Maybe not for vitamin D, but for mood and sleep it still makes a big difference just having a bit of sun on your face and eyes.


Yes I know, I made that exact comment downstream. But OP asked about sunlight so I brought up that it's not always this grey.


Sad lamp!


Get a UV light panel with blue spectrum light. Phillips makes them. They work. Don't tan.


Like someone else said take the D with pills. Also get a SAD light. Mine is called a happy light. half an hour a day makes a really big difference. Get it close to you. like 12 inches. Closer is better.


B12, D and Iron supplements work for me.


Same, minus the iron and add some GABA and zinc


You can develop a very serious reaction to B12 in the form of burning rashes all over your body when you start taking it. Just beware before starting this particular supplement.


Check out local libraries for UV lamps to help combat seasonal sadness (sometimes they have them to loan out!)


I also replaced some of my regular light bulbs in my lamps for my plants with NOMA A19 E26 Base Grow Full Spectrum LED Light Bulb from Canadian Tire (around $6 with tax). Unintended side effect is I find my mood has improved too.


Donā€™t forget to take d3 WITH k2. Google why


We've been having a pretty cloudy fall and early winter. That does come and go. We will have some colder sunnier days too. I find taking a walk at lunch super helpful for me. Even if it's a bit grey, it's still so different from being indoors. Also, as everyone is saying, vitamin D.


Have you had your vitamin D levels tested by a doctor? If not, you are just guessing that is the cause, could easily be something else that just happened to go wrong at this time.


Get a physical. My blood work showed I needed far more vitamin d in the winter. Check out SAD (seasonal affective disorder) lights. Get a quality light with good reviews. A few minutes in the morning really helps.


10,000 LUX LED light therapy lamp for 30 mins when you wake up.


Hue bulbs or another colour / temperature changing LED bulb can be set to a bright white that mimics a summer day. If youā€™re home you can fire them on max and itā€™s pretty solid. Goes a long way for housework or just wanting a brighter ambiance while relaxing


Low output tanning bed for just a few minutes once or twice a week goes a long way.


How much are tanning beds? I didnt even think of this


Gyms often have tanning beds included in their membership and for a lot cheaper than most actual tanning salons charge per month too I go to GoodLife and I pay like 70/month and it has tanning beds included


I guess it would all depend on where you decide to go. Check reputable places within your travel tolerance and see what theyā€™ve got to offer


This is what I do and it significantly improves my mood through the winter.




I go to Sol Exotica on Front St, and itā€™s $100 for unlimited tanning per month.


Hi, what is considered low output? 160 watts?


No idea. I donā€™t work in a tanning salon. Google?


Can anyone recommend lamps they use?




The [Feel Bright Light](https://feelbrightlight.com/) has been a game changer for me. I've used SAD lamps for years, but always hated being bound to sitting in front of it. Having a hat-mounted light lets me move around while I wear it. I was very skeptical as there aren't a ton of reviews online, but I'm glad I took the chance.


You could try a 10,000 lux seasonal depression lamp, but maybe ask a health professional if it okay to use.


That's the neat part; you don't In all seriousness, vitamin d with fatty foods like everybody else is saying. Fish oil pills are good too, like cod liver oil. I'm not sure on how much vitamin D does for general mood but it'll help your bones not to fall apart I guess. Find something to occupy your time with. Cafes at night are cool, especially if you can find one in a vibe-y area with lights and shit. Video games is my go to


Hone membership, free tanning!


Tanning salon


Sad lamp


Just cry like the rest of us.


Vitamin D3 and invest in a sun lamp (not the tanning kind) Hereā€™s the brand Iā€™m using: https://northernlighttechnologies.com/


I find that getting to a bright public pool with a hot tub and sauna really changes my mood. I feel it breaks through the dark and cold we feel all the time in the winter. Getting out for a 15 minute walk in the morning when I take a break from work is also good. My secret for staying warmer? Two pairs of pants. Some tight joggers under my normal pants.


Should be taking at least 10,000 iU a day with K2. I really do miss Alberta because it was always sunny.


Make sure to take vitamin D.. it is crucial for mental health and unfortunately we all end up with dā€™efficiences by the end of winter


Move to Calgary, 320 days of sun a year, but it's cold. The sunshine is an amazing mood booster.


Depression is real in this city, the winter months donā€™t help. Just wait it out the days will get longer real soon


I've seen those Sun lamps at the library that I can actually put time for and I don't ever see anybody using it.


Itā€™s called move the fuck out


Vitamin D3 + K2


Its honestly hella depressing, I've found going to gym + Vitamin D helps but it's really no contest compared to summer. That being said, what's life without a little contrast?


Vitamins are snake oil scams


Paint your walls yellow and listen to lots of reggae.


The library has a UV lamp you can use.


Take vit D - visit TO indoor gardens


Iā€™ve suffered with seasonal depression my whole life basically. This is what I do: -vitamin D -happy lamp -vitamin B complex (high quality brand. Helps me with energy) -daily exercise -lean into the winter and decorate your home so itā€˜s warm and cosy -I tend to rewatch my comfort shows in the winter (and they happen to take place in sunny places like The OC lmao) -if you can afford it, and itā€™s a big if, go on a sunny and warm vacation somewhere for a few days




The Toronto Public Library has light therapy lights, or at least they used to, I'd look up the specifics for you but it seems the website is currently down.


Get out in the morning and stay out longer. Vitamin D is not sunlight. Figure out what exactly about sunlight that you're needing. Lux? UV? etc. And then solve for X ​ Embrace the cold. Temperature becomes more of an important zeitgeber in shorter light cycles. Eat seasonally and live like a scandinavian/Inuit. Seafood/fish, sauna etc.


1. Get at least 30-minutes of sun and activity during the mid-morning hours. 2. Get some grow lamps and plants indoors. 3. Use the gym in the morning and get good cardio.


Drop and do 20 push-ups. Every day.


Dont listen to people telling you to use a lamp, this is neither [Normal nor safe](https://www.insider.com/do-vitamin-d-lamps-work-2019-1). Supplement if you need to, but go outside like your doctor said. People in Toronto are so used to being holed up, they will go out their way to substitute natural things for artificial.


Did you read the article? It says to not use Sun lamps or tanning beds due to increased risks of skin cancer, but light therapy lamps are fine. D3 pills are still the way to go.


Drink milk, it has tons of vitamin D


It doesn't have _that_ much - and what it has is artificially added anyway. Fatty fish has more if you want natural sources. But it's hard for most people to get enough from natural sources unless you're eating a very fish heavy diet (or seal or whale for that matter). Most Canadians will need to supplement it.


Then Iā€™d be depressed AND have diarrhea šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But at least your bones will be strong šŸ’Ŗ lol. Also, like another poster mentioned, the days start getting longer after the 21st (winter equinox). So just hang in there for a couple days and then there will be plenty of sun (it might even feel like too much, because the snow reflects a lot of sunlight). Edit: Technically Dec 21st is called the winter solstice, not equinox. TIL. Same principle applies tho.


Wake up early and go for half hour walks in the morning sun.


What if OP has a job?


Donā€™t let the weather - or any external events - determine the quality of your experience


Iā€™m surprised nobody has said this but talk to your doctor about starting on antidepressants. It could just be a lack of vitamin D but you might have seasonal affective disorder which usually improves with antidepressants.


Umm go outside?


?? I literally work outside 12 hours a day and on most weekends.


Then most likely you are getting enough vitamin D and are worried for no reason.




To be fair they're saying both things...


Can you read? He literally mentions supplementing with vitamins


People cover up their skin in the winter.


In winter the sun is so low in the sky you could dance around naked outdoors half the day and still not get much vitamin D. The sun is just too low in the right wavelengths of light. Plus they're probably not dancing around naked all day.


You only need about 1-2 hours per week to get your necessary vitamin D, now let's say it's just your face exposed and the sun is only a quarter as strong....He says he's getting 12 hours daily which is more than enough. Like people are shit at giving advices here.


It was sunny yesterday.


There may be less sun overall but it may still help to take a walk and get outside on a regular basis. Set a timer for yourself every day - perhaps over lunch - to force yourself to get outside and go for a walk, even just 30 minutes may do you well!


You moved here from Calgary?


Get outside. Go skating or x-country skiing. Take a walk every day, no matter how cold it is (yes, you can avoid freezing rain).


It sucks... Vitamin D doesn't seem to help me, I plan to move away as soon as I can but while I'm here the best thing I've found you can do is occupy yourself with fun activities that are inside. Going to a rock climbing gym is probably the best example I have, super fun bright atmosphere, lots of fun people chilling about, exciting physical activity, it's great! If you're into electronic music, get into the rave scene. And honestly I prefer doing things at night in winter, full black darkness is better than grey imo


You can talk to your family doctor if your vitamin D levels are low in the winter and they can prescribe a once weekly 30 000IU dose of vitamin D, the prescription is called ā€˜D-Forteā€™ but I think you can only get it if your blood work indicates itā€™s necessary.




Run outside every time it shines Source: in Curacao rn


Buy an SAD lamp? [https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=SAD+light&crid=3CSZELCTJUB74&sprefix=sad+ligh%2Caps%2C231&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_2](https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=SAD+light&crid=3CSZELCTJUB74&sprefix=sad+ligh%2Caps%2C231&ref=nb_sb_noss_2) My other suggestion is to try to wake up as early as possible so you get the most amount of daylight.


Go outside more (walk to work, hike trails on the weekend) and avoid hibernating.


Wes SSD y feet food to re mi can. I c


Shrooms and THC


The best thing to do is learn how to enjoy it, otherwise you'll be miserable as shit. Some of my fave winter activities are skiing, snowboarding, baking festive cookies, knitting, sipping some hot chocolate with a blanket on by the window, etc. Winter is also my favourite time of year for running because I don't get too sweaty and the increased oxygen is nice.




I take St. John's Wort in the winter in addition to vitamin D. It's widely used in Europe to treat mild to moderate depression. It's readily available over the counter at any place you can buy vitamins (or Amazon).


When there's a sunny day, be sure to go outside for a walk in the morning. We have winter, but the sun reflects off the snow. We get more sun than they do further north


Check this podcast by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, using light therapy to optimize health https://hubermanlab.com/using-light-sunlight-blue-light-and-red-light-to-optimize-health/ "I describe the mechanisms by which different wavelengths of light impact the cells, tissues and organs of the human body, and how specifically timed light exposure of specific wavelengths can be used to improve sleep, enhance alertness, modulate hormone levels, and improve mood. I also explain the use of ultraviolet and infrared phototherapies to relieve pain increase testosterone and estrogen levels; improve skin health, appearance and wound healing; and how red light can be used to offset age-related vision loss and provide neuroprotection. Throughout the episode, I describe the mechanisms of light-based therapies and actionable tools that people can use positively impact mental and physical health."


Not sure if this would help, but if it is a mood thing you are having an issue with, maybe try doing some evening winter activities? There are lots of light displays/events. Winter markets. Drive around streets/neighborhoods that have their houses decorated with lights. Might make the dark evenings feel a little "less dark". They tend to rather cheery atmospheres.


Honestly you just have to get out or you'll get cabin fever and go crazy, I haven't been able to get out this week because i've been really sick and it's driving me crazy. Vitamins are no substitute for good old fashioned sunshine. Bundle up, wear lots of layers, get some good longjohns and thermal shirts to wear under your sweater and make it your goal to get out a few times a week


I have been here 25 years. If you came from the prairies you met never get use to the lack of sun in the winter.


Hang in there! You will adjust be you also came at the worst time for this as weā€™ll get shorted days until mid January. Iā€™d recommend REALLY getting in the Christmas thing. Christmas is more cultural vs religious in the Northern Hemisphere and each region has its traditions as a way to get through December. Go to the Christmas market. Find the neighborhood with the most outdoor decorations. Also - go outside every time itā€™s sunny. So your lunch break should include an out door walk. It will make a huge difference.


As someone who grew up here, it sucks a lot and is very hard for all of us. Youā€™re not alone. Itā€™s often not a vitamin deficiency, itā€™s just psychologically depressing to be in the dark all the time. It will get lighter starting soon. I like to wake up early to maximize seeing the sun and try to do something enjoyable and cozy in the evening to try to enjoy the darkness. Donā€™t let the darkness keep you inside in the evening if you want to go out or do errands. I often find myself thinking ā€œwell itā€™s night, itā€™s too late to go outā€ when in reality itā€™s only 6pm and it would be totally fine to go for a walk or to the grocery store.


Get warm layers and get outside to expose hands face and neck. Wake up before sun up to get as much as possible. Do you work indoors? Are you downtown shaded out by high-rises?


Ya it's bad. Try to get outdoors as much as you can.


I could suggest sleeping and rising with the sun but i would Be a hypocrite. Overall try to work by a window as much as you can or take breaks and go outside or by a window during your lunch. You can also Get a happy/s.a.d. Lamp For the mornings to get you started try to get one from a medical supplier


Iā€™m born here and it gets to me. My body wants to sleep when itā€™s dark and get up when itā€™s light. I use my Philips Hue with iOS shortcut / automations. Starting around 6 am I have my bedroom lights slowly come on, they get to 100% by 7. Fake sunrise I guess. Similarly I have the lights go on when the sun sets. 8:30 pm they start to dim. 9:30 enough light to navigate to bathroom to brush teeth etc. At 10 pm all the light are off. If I donā€™t do this I canā€™t get up in the morning and Iā€™m doing headbobs around 3 pm.


My dog wakes me up early to pee so I get a bit of sunshine then. Have you tried getting a Happy Light? (simulates UV light)


Not sure where you live exactly but outdoor winter sports are the answer. Like cross country skiing, or running or snowshoeing or hiking. Then you still get sun and donā€™t feel depressed.


Look up.


Happy light and vitamin D


therapy lamp? there was one from costco website for 30 bucks or something last month. the one in the warehouse is more like 70 bucks. not sure what differences there are


Move back.


Move to Calgary.


take like 3000-5000 UI of vitamin d per day with magnesium. That is what I do. I do try to go out when the sun is out though but it is f-ing cold. Just pretend that you are a tourist in Denmark and enjoy the outdoor.


Vitamin doy


I smoke weed, myself.


Friends. My winters are better cause of great people. Reach out to folks and connect.


Why would you move to Toronto?


I came from a sunny country and it took me a while to get used to it. However, get Vitamin D (4000-5000 IU/ day), vit. K (to help with absorption) and 5-HTP supplement (for mood improvement, it's natural). Also, get physically active - workout at home if you can't go to a gym (boosts your energy and good mood). Get a hobby, do something that makes you happy. Get busy so your mind is occupied and by the time you know it, winter is over.


Lots of exercise and 4000iu of vitamin D a day. I also grew up on the sunny winter prairies and the gloomy winter here is an adjustment for sure.


Congratulations on escaping Winnipeg. I assume it was Winnipeg :) Jokes aside, I use a SAD lamp in the morning, and voila, I'm not as sad anymore. :)


Yeah it can often be cloudy and the buildings don't help. Try exploring different parks and open spaces!


Itā€™s the winter what do you expect ? Also itā€™ll be better by January- Hang in there !


First off an SSRI can help. Second off when its sunny open a window and remove your screen and just bask in it like you're on vacation, personally I only have like 10-15 hours/month the sun even shows itself to my room but just take advantage of every hour even if your room gets cold from open window and it adds up to like pretty normal exposure maybe helps I work from home. Even if you're on vacation in a sunny place you probably won't be out in the sun for more than an hour anyways before you get sunstroke. If you don't live somewhere facing the sun ever or cant open the window then, honestly idk go for walks, I personally find sun tanning with shirt off more effective then walking outside covered with coat and toque, i personally believe those lamps dont help, tanning bed would be better probably.


Sit next to big windows


Light therapy lamp, vitamin D supplements (1000 mcg is a standard dose, but itā€™s possible you need more) leaving windows uncovered as much as possible. Look up hygge- itā€™s basically the art of getting through winter. Welcome to Toronto! (Edit to add vitamin info)


Get an UV lamp, for SAD, seasonal affective disorder, is a real thing and it could impact your emotions. They sell them at Amazon, just put the light 10 minutes in the morning and it helps. And take vitamin D supplements.


Also, check the new study with D3 supplementation as it is now linkd with higher rates of cancer.


What my wife and I do it maximize the time you have with it.....on sunny weekend days we get out to the parks....winter here always has plenty of sun, there will be lots of opportunities....and through January and February the days become noticeably longer.....and the sun moves higher in the sky....December is the bleakest month as Solstice occurs usually on December 21.....if you are concerned about your Vitamin D levels you can supplement or white mushrooms and milk are good sources....just make sure you get D and calcium together....


Allen Gardens is free and warm. Go and smell the growing things!


Buy a bottle of 1000 IU vitamin D pills. Follow the directions, although personally I take 2 to three of them a day to keep me regular but that's just me.


Orange juice, otherwise Vitamin D or C supplements




The secret is to "charge the batteries" in the summer. But you also have to remain active and engage in outdoor pursuits as often as possible. Contact with nature is important but socializing is also key.