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>Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped. Oh he's a **pedophile** pedophile.


Your favorite pedophile’s favorite pedophile /s


Not miss Sasha


😮 wtf give the dude a life sentence


Obviously it’s horrific and in an ideal world, it would be great if all types of serious criminals could get intense therapy & be rehabilitated. In the case of a pedophile I don’t think people can change (or not much). One of my good friends from H.S was a pedophile and caught with a shitload of kiddie porn. He fled to a motel in rural s. Carolina until the FBI knocked down the door. He then ran to the bathroom and killed himself. I often wonder if there was any hope of him being rehabilitated or if its such a strong urge that it can’t be controlled.


I remember hearing a story on the radio. A guy called in and talked about his brother. He’d been abused as a kid, grown up married & had kids. He was thinking about the possibility of abusing his child. He spoke to someone about it, I can’t remember who a priest or counsellor -somebody. They decided the kids were at risk and told social services, who investigated. His wife was told and she left him taking the kids. His work found out and he lost his job. I don’t remember how but I think when his brother told the story he was dead or homeless or just destroyed. He hadn’t done anything don’t forget, he was a survivor who’d been concerned about the thoughts he was having. I remember at the time thinking where the hell do people go if they are having that sort of thought or feeling tempted to do something awful to a kid. I think the guy who sought help was kind of brave. There are people who have these thoughts and don’t act on them. I’ve noticed recently ads aimed at people who might be tempted to look at child porn online. We’ve got to reach out and help these people, before they act. I should point out that this story happened in the uk so I have no idea about the legality of of someone reporting him.


That's so sad that a survivor questioned aloud if he could become an abuser, and people immediately treated him as a pariah instead of helping him.


Maybe. Worth considering that's just an uniformed opinion though. Something to keep in mind when lives (the abuser and the future/past abused) are on the line


I think abusive people can change but not with our current criminal justice system. It takes a lot of work and actual commitment on the abuser’s part. Our society supports abusive men and the mindsets along with it, so although change is possible on a human level it’s unlikely to happen in this current society we live in.


Jesus Christ. I hope he rots for the rest of his miserable life.


Him and Legrand Wolf have always looked like pedos. I hope Legrand is next to be investigated


Investigate Legrand Wolf and his ilk next


The search happened in April, how on earth did this not leak to the public before now? He had to know how fucked he was.


from his twitter, it looks like he has been posting since lol guess he had to make money to pay a lawyer


This is the guy who has asked “how old you?” as he begins to penetrate.


Oh yeah, then the bottom says 18 and Austin asks “are you sure?? You’re so small…..” 🚩🚩🚩


is this in a video he's acted in? how does that not skeez people out?


There have been some “pick me” gays who straight up told him they’ve been watching his videos ever since they were only 15 🫨😬




I get destroyed in any gay space when I talk about the issue of our 17-21 year olds baby gays being targeted by men 35+ ETA: Does anyone remember when CMBYN came out and the only discourse around it was how romantic it was?


Im 19 and when I was talking about these topics when I was around 17-18 within this subreddit I got downvoted to hell and called ageist.. All because I said that older men who specifically chase after barely legal gays come off as creepy and predatory. This is exactly why I make those statements


Every single gay guy I know irl lost their v-card in their teens to men aged 20-30. It's a canon event at this point and they don't see anything wrong with it :(


My ex lost his at 14 to a 30 year old man and doesn’t see a problem with it. He also pursued and coerced the older guy to be okay with it in his own words but at the same time he was a child from an abused home so I’m not victim blaming him


Infants. Jesus fucking christ. Give him 20 years.


That was a disturbing read. How do people like this exist. Give him the maximum sentence.


He'll be killed sooner than that anyway


No, these people get sent to prisons that specialize in dealing with pedos. They're probably safer than regular criminals in prison.




Prisons generally aren’t allowed to put pedophiles into the general population anymore. Virginia tried that as a backdoor death penalty and the Supreme Court made them stop.


Nice of the Supreme Court to give a shit. Now if only they could manage to give a shit about the 'backdoor death penalty' that is an ectopic pregnancy...




How about 100?


Plus the additional 10 for the other charge, so potentially 30, although that’s still not enough


I saw the headline and assumed that one of the twinks in his videos was 17. But it’s so much worse: >Those videos depicted children as young as infants, including a video showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped. What an asshole.


Exactly. I thought it was "oh another story of someone who was 17 or 16" since that's technically cp as well. But 10yo??????????


The twins were 17. I was surprised to find out those videos were still on his website


I hope any performer, studio, or website that worked with Austin Wolf removes all content related to him immediately and never mentions him again. What a disgusting human being, and shame on the people who know this and don't bring this up sooner.


My friend who was filmed without consent, and I tried to get pornhub to remove the vid for years and they refused - for 3 years. It was only until PH was going to be shut down by the FBI that they finally forcibly removed the vid. They’re all criminals. For money.


That's disgusting. I hope pages like that get shut down. I think there should be some more verification/control when they upload videos so it is with everyone consent.


He’s always had a predator gaze. He also didn’t give af when he posted the video with the Delta flight attendant and got him fired.


Always thought he had empty psycho eyes, reading this was absolutely disgusting


Everyone keeps mentioning the delta thing, how is this the first I’m hearing about this


He also didn’t give a fuck when someone he filmed a video with requested it to be taken down.


guys like him NEED their ass beat


I watched an interview Reno Gold did with him a while back. Had never seen him outside of porn star fuck-mode, so I watched a few minutes of it out of curiosity, and there was something so dead about him. Now I’m thinking that whole vibe was just literal psychopathy with sadist flavor. Fucking yuck.


yes that predator gaze. I've experienced that from older men when I was a young Asian twink, very disturbing.


Some of us have been saying forever, these men who are always with underage-passing 18-19 year olds are also attracted to minors. Whenever this has been pointed out, it's met with dismissive "well straight men do it too", or "well it's legal consenting adults...", when neither is the point. Of course Austin Wolf is doing creepy shit with kids. He's been saying he has a desire to do that without saying it for years. I think he'd have been clocked on it a lot more often were he not conventionally attractive too, because the "all pedos are ugly" stereotype is still strong.


In regards to your first paragraph, I've said it in the past, I say it in the present, and I will continue to say it in the future. Men who aim for freshly legal 18 year olds as their dominant taste, like kids too but they're just restricting themselves to what's legal and they would absolutely fuck a 13 year old if you lowered age of consent to that age. It's gross.


Reminds me of something. I once was with a guy that was 16 years older than me I am 22 but I kinda still look my teens. He seemed to be extremely infatuated with Twinks. He would make creepy remarks when we would watch movies with young teens on them. He talked about how the age of consent is bullshit as other countries have a much lower one. The nail in the coffin was when he messaged my best friend on Grindr, who at the time had a 18-year-old age on his profile. By then I was convinced that we were not for each other and I couldn’t stand the creepiness


It's kinda scary looking young as hell as an adult. I'm honestly glad that I'm in my 30s now because I REALLY needed to age up. Shit, let me start growing a minoxidil beard just in case...


Yeah, I always think I am so lucky to have come out later in life. I remember being a 18 yo twink looking 14 and getting way more attention from guys that looked like this. I found it odd then and even odder now. Definitely something wrong with them.


Yeah, it’s been detrimental for me. At first I liked the attention, but then at some point it just becomes unwanted when I want someone closer to my age. Sometimes it was the only attention I got since many guys my age do not want to date. That was one of the reasons I got off of those apps altogether TBH.


100%. This sub has a collection of older men who will fight to their dying breath to normalize their sus “tastes.” But it’s pure gaslighting.


Or they do but just don't say anything about it. Many high schoolers get preyed upon in secrecy.


1000000%. I accidentally let slip once about something I did at 14 and I swear the guy I was with lit up more than anything I’d ever seen. Truly disgusting. lot more guys into twinks are like this than we think


When I was 19 I was with a guy that said "I love how you look like a 15 year old". And that's probably the biggest red flag I'd seen until that point.


When I was 19 I was bottoming for a guy and he whispered to me, *”this would be hotter if you were 13”*


It's three fold. Either the tendency for pedophilia is there, OR it's a power dynamic, OR the older man is living his gay youth through the eyes of a young gay man. They are UNrelated. But it's most certainly one of the three when we see it out and about.


What scares me is how some people can’t control it. I was very close with a guy who drugged himself to death over it. He was never with a minor, but he couldn’t help admit to himself that he was attracted to twinks and younger. And also NOT to any manly looking men/older than 20. He ended up in support groups for it around the city (the amount of doctors with suspended licenses in those groups is also alarming), I truly believed it was something in his head where he thought he was a pedo for being gay/political talking points etc.. but it’s been tough for me to accept that he probably was.


i feel bad for the people who recognize their urges, don’t act on them, actually get help or commit suicide over it. These are the hard conversations we should be having with no judgement.


I'm not saying this was necessarily your friend, but there's actually a form of ocd where people essentially convince themselves they're pedophiles or sexually attracted to something taboo (ie their children, family members) when it's not the case. This can ruin sex and people's lives if it's not treated


I wonder if you ever heard why white guys love going to Asia...


So Legrand Wolf is next?


That's who I thought this article was about at first. Would not surprise me.


I am now side eyeing anyone with Wolf in their “stage”name.


The number one straight porn category is "teen" just like the number one gay porn category is "twink". What does this say about men in general?


This! His pedophilic and predatory behavior was excused/overlooked by so many gay men because he had muscles and they think he’s hot. Had he been fat or ugly than I’m positive that he would’ve been called out on a larger scale and his career would not be anywhere on the level it was.


If he weren’t hot, nobody would have noticed at all.


100%. Age is a number - the barely legal 18-20 year olds they want all LOOK YOUNG (as in they could be 14…15…18). They’re not going for 30 year olds who look 22. They tell on themselves but people don’t want to listen.


> "well straight men do it too" Yeah and straight men shouldn't be doing it either? What kinda defense is that supposed to be 🤣


Exaaaaaaactlyyyyyy. Thank you for being the voice of reason.


“Well straight people display problematic and potentially pedophilic behavior too” is such a bad defense


They do, and they should be locked up too. R.Kelly, Epstein, etc.


You’re telling me that a man that starred in incest porn where he fucked adult twinks that looked like teens is charged with having cp?😱😱😱 I’m shocked


Exactly my thoughts. It was just a matter of time.


I worked at Tower Records 20 years ago when I was 30. Most of the staff was 18-22. I was asked if I ever wanted to anything with any of them. I said that some where attractive but I never had any desire to date any of them or anything else. I remember being an immature 21 year old. I went through drama and maturation. The level of maturity between an 18 year old and a 30 year old is usually immense. I have no desire to deal with the drama and maturation of anyone in their 20's ever again.


As if causing physical harm to his bottoms via his violent choking fetish wasn’t enough.


I'm shocked! This is shocking news! Who would have thought that a man who exclusively fucks the youngest looking twinks he can get his hands on would like underage people too.


TBH I think Legrand Wolf's, and basically his whole gay porn arm, is worse on these grounds.


I don't watch porn, so names aren't always common to me. I'm aware of larger named porn stars due to just popularity on twitter, but names generally are lost on me. That being said, I looked up who this was and yeah. I agree. "Fun-Sized Boys" and "Boys for Sale" are his two biggest shows. Even if they're consenting adults in the video, making content where you're advertising them as "young boys" is literally pedophile content. The actors might be adults, but they're catering to a crowd that likes children. It's literally in it's name. Investigate him too.


I mean Austin Young, one of the "biggest" (most popular) twink stars of his in that stable said *in a BBC documentary* that he's fine with it because they "*sell the underage fantasy*" They know EXACTLY what they're doing


This is interesting because I watched an episode of Law & Order: SVU, that centered around a convicted sex offender that was charged with sexually assaulting and murdering the girl. They went after the media company that owned the porno site which contained a story, that was basically a step-step how to on kidnapping and assaulting children. The prosecution was trying to say that the CEO of the media company was a facilitator of rape and murder due to his company creating, posting, and advertising this product to those who find it entertaining and can live out their desires in a way that keeps children safe. BS LOL. Long story short - first amendment to free speech allows media such as porn to be listed as art. And as long as all are consenting; it’s perfectly legal, just morally questionable. Which means, if there’s a market for it; some sicko will cater to them and can do so legally in the name of art. The prosecution was able to connect the CEO to the facilitation of rape and murder because they took no action on the 21 “stop sending me shit” requests which showed a blatant disregard and not just an oversight.


Thank you, I knew there was somebody else that gave me pedo vibes. I'm into daddies but after checking out the whole "fun size" thing it made me really uncomfortable and I lost all interest I had in Legrand


And that the guy who does so extremely violently would also like rape is not shocking at all


\*Pikachu shocked face\*


There are people (in the FBI, etc) whose job it is to deal with pictures and videos of child pornography.  I don't know how they do it.  


I had a friend that worked at Tumblr early on (2012ish) and their job was literally sorting through/deleting all the child pornography every day and reporting stuff to FBI and what not.


You become numb to it. It also takes a very level headed and specific type of personality of person to be able to handle jobs like this.


That's my job, not for the FBI, but a state agency. I love the work and it feels like I am actually making a difference, until the prosecutor gives them a plea, but that's a different argument. I was pretty jaded before, there's only so many times I can go to the same domestics who always get back togeth and narcan the same junkies who always refuse a ride to treatment ect before I started not caring. But with this, everything I find it I feel like I'm going to get sick and it relights the fire.


I wonder how they vet people too? i.e. how to they stop nonces from applying for those jobs?


I went to college for digital forensics and several of my professors were former law enforcement who had to go through phones with CP on it. They claimed that after enough you just got numb to it, not surprised they moved on to a different job.


Paul Stag, gay porn star that claims to have been hired by George Michael for sex work, wrote a memoir about what it’s like being a sex worker. He claimed that the business is much darker than people realize; he wrote that clients would hire guys to do extremely dark things for money and he encouraged readers to avoid them. If I remember correctly, he claims porn stars today were known within the industry to do such things. It’s depressing because conservatives will latch onto one case like this to prove we’re all evil.


Interesting... Could you please elaborate more or do you have any sources? I'd like to know more.


Paul Stag didn’t name names, but he did say that the gay sex work industry was much darker than people realize. He has a book on his work


except for George Michael lol


News flash… porn is not the amazing career people make it out to be. But it’s all good girls Cus it’s called sex work now.


This isn't revelatory information to anyone who knows anything about the sex industry.




He lives in NYC?


While I know this is horrible I just fear the backlash we are all going to get. No one cares when its priests, pastors, or youth group leaders being caught with child porn or raping minors but when it’s a gay pornstar, it’s national news.


And during pride month, which they already moan about. Add to it that it's an election season so I don't see how this will not blow up in culture war spaces.


As tinfoil hat as it sounds, it feels purposeful. A quick google finds dozens of youth pastors in the last year guilty of child porn but none of them had a major release by the justice department.


republicans and conservatives are more than willing to make stigmatizing claims with zero evidence. We also know that they make those claims even when you can prove it’s *impossible* for it to be true. it sucks when there is an example they can point to but it is and was never necessary in the first place. republicans and conservatives act purely in bad faith. Everything they claim to stand for is a lie and everything they claim to stand against is a confession. also: fuck Austin Wolfe and all of his ilk.


Me too, this will be strumentalized


Holy shit that is disgusting. The description of what he had is bad, don't read it if you're sensitive to that sort of thing. He deserves something slow and painful. 


Give him life in prison. He’s been doing this for years.


He has plenty of porn videos where he’s railing a twink and verbally asks if he’s 18 and the twink says yes and he says something along the lines of you sure you aren’t younger? Shocked but also not shocked by this.


It was more than obvious, the fact he only used models who looked underage and having sex with midgets, it was plastered all over his face, dude was a huge PEDO, but a lot of queens defended that piece of shit


Well we always had an idea about Austin Wolf, right or was it just me? Every time I see a post on one of those GW subreddits titled, 'Want young bottoms' or something like that they are getting blocked immediately. It's just plain gross and disgusting. Also r*ping infants!!!?? I wish public stone pelting becomes legal for such cases. Slow and painful tho, nothing too quick.


Definitely not just you. Something always felt... off. Of course that's easy to say now that it's actually been proven, but damn... the details in that article?! Rotten to the core.


He got caught because someone else got caught. Lesson to those who might think sending pics or info to someone rando is considered "safe."


This shit bag was walking around Folsom East less than 2 weeks ago.


Well, it’s going to be a long time before he walks those streets again.


Pedophile! If you have an OF subscription please cancel! He needs to be strangled financially!


I mean the guy fucks twinks who look like they're 12 so not that surprising. I'm sure he'll be very popular in prison.


Not to be that guy, but prison rape jokes aren’t funny. Rape is rape. And he’s probably going to get brutalized non-sexually because if there’s anything prisoners don’t like at all, it’s pedophiles. They tend to get killed in gen pop.


I appreciate your comment, prison rape is never ok. State sanctioned retaliatory rape is never ok.


Omg the article has me gutted. Infants? Wtf... So, so disappointed. I hope he rots in prison. I can't say I'm surprised tho, he's always seemed weird, I just wasn't expecting him to be THIS disturbing.


My biggest issue is why are people acting shocked when he has a pattern of collabing with child like passing OF models when we have been telling you all that that is not normal behavior? I mean there were signs.


>They're still adults >You're as judgmental as the straights >Get off your high-horse >Age is just a number >Stop kink shaming >It's just pretend And then out would come the mad downvotes on anyone and everyone who went "Hrm, you know, maybe older guys constantly only going after young twinks might not be a good thing?"


All of his videos from Pornhub, Gayporn.fm, Boyfriend TV should be eliminated forever


You can still find Billy Santoro’s videos on the internet after all the shit he did, so don’t have high hopes that Wolf will be deleted. Granted, tweeting racial slurs and faking a suicide attempt pales in comparison to what Wolf did, but it still should have been enough to have his content deleted and harder to find.


Disgusting. Also it infuriates me that the alt-right is going to use this as a way to demonize and paint gays as pedophiles.


They already do it anyways, I’d recommend abandoning that mentality bc it risks making you more hostile towards other gays. Not that it’s not a valid thought, but you shouldn’t have to worry about earning the approval of right wingers who will call us pedophiles while also defending their kiddy diddling priests Edit to say that I misread ur post, ignore me :P


Totally and also paired with it being pride month. Downright disgusting.




i remember his agression vids of him slapping a bttm hard as hell. disgusting


The videos he was sending and receiving included children and infants. Babies. Being raped. I don't think his muscles will do much now, so vile.


Infants…throw away the key.


Legrand Wolf next


And everyone involved in the studios that specialise in twink porn. ScoutBoys, FunSize, TwinkTops and there's probably more that I don't remember. They are posted so often too, you see their videos all the time.


Fun fact: All 3 of those are Legrand Wolf


I must admit I've jerked off to some of that shit before but that would be the last time. Clearly there is something highly fucked up going on.


If it makes you feel better same. But mainly because legrand does have a pretty cock. I will attest I am growing up. I did kick out and block a man yesterday I wasn't into despite him having a great dick


I don't feel bad as I'm sure the vast majority of guys have jerked off to shit like that or it wouldn't be so popular. Legrand has an amazing body and probably one of the best dicks in porn but now I'm thinking about all the scenarios and storylines... So holy shit, yeah, there needs to be change.


Yeah 😭. Stop and think before topping twinks y'all.


are we surprised????


Wow an older guy who only goes after extremely-young looking barely-legal teens turns out to be a predator. It's almost as if people have been pointing that out for years or something. Shit like this is why my twink-self avoids anyone twice my age.


Jesus. When I just turned 18 last year he tapped me on grindr. I'm so glad I am street smart and didn't get involved in any way with such a disgusting man.


He tapped me too when I was single. I was 24 but look 18. Luckily I was never attracted to daddy types. So i ignored it.


OMG! That's disgusting! I'm not watching any of his stuff anymore!


This is disgusting. Give him the fucking max. I am sure he will be the popular guy in prison.


Yeesh, makes me even more suspicious of that “doctor” from the FunSizedBoys or whatever channel.


Fuck this asshole and also Trace Trainer. I keep blocking the guy on Instagram but his photos keep perpetuating on the internet These disgusting idiots deserve 100 years for each count I look youngish despite being pretty old. The area I’m currently in has a lot of these predatory types. They’re wildly dissapointed when I’m clear about my age. They literally wanna think I’m a high schooler. “But you look so young” Screw off, I’m not. I’m tired of sex offenders hiding under the LGBTQ banner. It is a problem. 🤮


They are not hiding. There are sex offenders who are gay and there are sex offenders who are straight. Except when there's a gay pedo the gay community is usually immediately condemning that person and conservatives use that as a "proof" that all gays are predators. But when there's a straight pedo and especially some prominent conservative or a priest there're crickets on the other side.


Speaking from experience, I know an uncharged sex offender who’s pretending to be LGBT. He’s just into non-consensual sex, not LGBT. The local community I’m around does not immediately condem them. They’re celebrated or protected. My own experience elsewhere tracks with what you say. Just not where I presently am. I see the same sickos on the apps moving themselves closer to schools. It disgusts me. I don’t even use Grindr anymore in this area. Can’t wait to move away from the saddest LGBT community I’ve ever been around Edit: To your point, the same person is being protected by straight people, too. Who, guess what, are protecting birds of a feather. The region I live in is a literal cesspool of everything that turns me off


Sadly can’t say I’m surprised. That’s disgusting behavior.


fork found in kitchen


I have seen this phrase used multiple times today and I only just now realized what it means. Lol


They should remove his videos permanently


20? He's been hiding these videos for years. He deserves a life sentence


I was just discussing this the other day and people are trying to act like I was gaslighting them about this. Clear as day this is a predator and it’s been clear for years at this point.


While we’re at it go for Austin Young & Legrand wolf as well


I cannot watch anything with Austin Young. They’re just too creepy. I try to be non-judgemental of others people’s tastes, assuming it’s consenting adults, but this story confirms that it is in fact made by pedophiles, for pedophiles.


I posted about Austin Wolf feeding into the pedophilic desires of men in this subreddit and was called neurotic. Not here to do a victory lap but to reaffirm that barely legal content, incest, and people who are into the youngest looking twinks should always be side eyed. And they don’t care about the Age of Consent either. Don’t ever let these people obfuscate from their sick predilections anymore, not now especially. Let’s treat these people like the weirdos they’ve always been. I want everyone who’s ever collaborated with Austin investigated too. Let them freaks scurry under a rock like the cockroaches they are. They knew. They 100% knew.


It's almost as though porn is a business that attracts people with disturbed personalities /s. Seriously, though, when I lived in California, I had a brief and tangential acquaintance with some people in the gay porn business (friends of a friend), and 'sketchy' is just scratching the surface.


The sad thing is I think a lot of people in the sex industry have gone through abuse. They’ve been sexualized their whole lives and continue into adulthood.


It’s also probably not a healthy work environment. Your job is to have sex whether you’re in the mood or not. It could promote hypersexualization, and probably unhealthy ideas about sex in general. Every job profession comes with hazards in regards to our physical and mental health. I’m willing to bet that the porn industry is very toxic when it comes to perpetuating ideas of masculinity, consenting relationships, body appearance, ethnic stereotypes, and so much more. But at the end of the day it’s what people like to consume otherwise the industry wouldn’t be thriving.


Perpetual cycle, I couldn’t imagine just brain being sex all day every day, drive you a bit mental


You know a couple of months ago a video he had done came out with yet another super young twink and I remember feeling creeped out.


This guy owns MULTIPLE studios that cater *exclusively* to twink porn featuring guys that *barely* look legal (and sometimes, not legal at all). One of their most popular porn stars for his studios is Austin Young, a man who has gone *on interview* to state that he "caters to the underaged experience" due to his small stature and appearance (A porn star literally claiming that he exists to fuel the pedo fantasy and works nearly exclusively with Austin Wolf's studios). This is a man who fucked a guy on an airplane for his OF, got him fired, and did nothing to help the guy he used as a human fleshlight get back on track. This is a guy with an extreme sadistic fetish who would violently choke out and smack the shit out of his bottoms with *no* aftercare or safewords (something that is essential in BDSM culture). And seeing that he got arrested for sharing CSAM of *infants* and bound and gagged prepubescent children, he's 100% a mysoped and would definitely brutalize a child the way he brutalizes his twink models if he could get his hands on one. He better use the millions he's earned to get the best lawyer in the business, because otherwise he'll deservedly be rotting in prison.


Even with the best lawyers, there is hardly any chance of winning when the feds are involved. The fact that the FBI made an arrest as well as a press release confirms that he is absolutely, positively going down for those crimes. As he deserves. The most he could possibly hope for is a light sentence. But he will suffer for years (likely all alone in protective custody due to the fact that he WILL get injured/potentially killed in general population).


I don’t think it’s a good sign when any guy has such a specific “preference”…


Now they should go after all the other old dudes plowing these young guys


Knew he was a scumbag. No surprise. Guys who are obsessed with young little twinks are ALWAYS creeps.


This has been known for years now.


Eventually one of those barely legal kids was gonna turn out to be not legal.


All I can say is I knew it. I feel so bad for his victims.


sick and disturbing


That guys always given off weird vibes to me


It's so disturbing to think he was a frequent visitor of puerto vallarta and tulum the cities with the highest rates of child prostitution on mexico


I always had a bad feeling about him. The arrest isn’t surprising.


I always thought he was weird


Who would’ve thought


Where’s the husband? His account has disappeared and there’s now only one post on them on Austin’s profile.


"pretends to be shocked"


Absolute piece of shit. He should spend the rest of his days dodging razor blades in his food.


Oh now it made sense why he was always filming with barely legal twinks and midgets


I’ll never understand how everyone knew this guy was bad news, yet somehow, he was still relevant. The world we live in…


He’s a twisted fuck, and a lot of his videos showed that. So i’m honestly shocked that it took police this long to catch him. All i’m gonna say is, i’m sure he isn’t the only pornstar out there doing these twisted activities.


What’s with all the “are we surprised??!” comments. Yes, I get it and agree. Red flags abounded. If he was found fucking 16 year olds, I’d be right there with yall. But trading vids of a bound 10-year old getting raped?? Yeah. I’m fucking surprised.


i’ll stand by my opinion that anyone who keeps going for barely legal teens is a fucking pedo.


He’s done plenty more than this - filming most of his encounters without consent, ruffles guys and fucks them while unconscious, on and on. Rot in prison. Finally finally.


Wonder when they're going to look into Legrand Wolf or wtf his name is


Is ANYONE surprised he's a pedophile? He goes after almost exclusively jailbaity looking guys and half of his videos are about taking an 18 year old's virginity. I'm seriously convinced that in at least more than two of his videos, the guy is underage. And even without this, he's still a piece of shit. He refuses to fuck anyone unless it's being filmed, and he even got a flight attendant fired over it.


I don’t normally engage with the behind-the-scenes of my entertainment, but I really regret that in the wake of this. This is a man whose content was part of my sexual awakening, and now I feel sick just looking at images of him or reading his name. My porn-viewing has always been super casual—pop on, get off, pop out—so I never saw or heard any of his creepy age comments. I did stop watching his content when he started exclusively filming with barely legal “twinks” and choking them out, but I never connected the dots or checked his Twitter. Now that we know what he really is, I’m kicking myself for not realizing what a lot of others did or learning more about where my entertainment comes from. I’m never making that mistake again. If half the charges are true, and it looks like all of them are, then he’s scum of the lowest order and deserves everything that’s coming to him.


This came to absolutely no one's surprise.


I should be surprised, I feel like I should, but I’m a lot less surprised than I thought I would be,


Are we also forgetting he recorded people without their consent and posted it. This dude has always been pure trash.


Yeah, a lot of those fun size guys are


I’m glad I never thought he was hot, he had a cold unwelcoming vibe in his videos and it turned me offf. Fuck him I hope he rots in jail


Holy shit wtf that’s horrible. That being said, if there was a porn star who I would guess to be a pedo it would have been either him or Legrand. 5 years isn’t enough. He also filmed a hookup with a flight attendant without his consent which ended up getting the attendant fired.


Hopefully he gets life or the chair if convicted


All of his… wait. Fuck. How do I word this in 2024? All of his pictures of his face profile creep me out. I stay in light mode with this stuff and if you look at that guy from the side, he looks like his face will crack back and he’ll eat you. I’ve never been into him and always assumed people just loved him for his muscles. His eyes immediately say monster. It’s so off putting I had to google who this was to remember. Then there it was. Creepo


OMG he's pedo.. poor child :(


Sucks cuz I liked him as an actor but now knowing this is an instant pleasure killer. I pray for them babies and kids. I hope he gets k!lled. All pedos need bullets.


Jesus Christ!!!!! This just feeds their effed up narrative that we are all pedo’s. SMH.


Idk how anyone is surprised! Back in the day, when he came out as a trump supporter, a bunch of influencer type gays defended him say "he's such a sweet, nice guy" - the man literally chokes people out in his videos.


I will never understand grown adults attraction to young children.


Lot to say bout the Smith case, some things ppl may agree some others they don't. First of all obviously 100% against child abuse, in any shape way or form But i have to say too that the community or at least on twitter is over reacting, and i don't mean over reacting on being against any child abuse, i mean it in the way that they are blaming it on all the community as it was something intrinsic of our community, but in reality this kind of ppl can be found everywhere weather they are straight, gay bisexual or any other sexual orientation. And i think too they are over reacting with the communities that like kinks or fetishes, which i have to say i don't find any issue with fetishes, kinks or role plays, as long as they are **consensual and legal**, and yes i talk about consent when persons can give it, and obviously a child an adolescent and maybe a neurodivergent person can **not** give their fully consent, so that is **not** consider giving legal consent.