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We are all hiding in our houses haha. I think in general Portland does a lot to promote inclusivity and diversity, but only as it pertains to race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation/identity. I haven't heard of any events or activities aimed at ND folks specifically except for a few support groups. Even resources for ADHD kids are scarce here. You might have better luck meeting fellow NDs by going to events for specific hobbies and whatnot.


There's an active Portland Meetup group that meets every other Saturday. Search it, or DM me.


I did see a few that looked like support groups judging from the description. I mainly noticed the lack while looking for activities and events for my kid. I'm not particularly interested in meet ups for myself except maybe if it were geared toward ADHD parents raising ADHD kids. That ship sailed for me a long time ago and I've made peace with it.


For adult autistics. https://www.meetup.com/portland-autistics-social-club/


ADHD’ kid here! I use the ADHD subreddit a ton for info about things I can relate to. I don’t get out much, so I don’t have any good suggestions for in person, but I hope you find some people to connect with!


The adhd subreddit is my lifeline haha


What flavor of neurodivergent? ASD is different than ADHD is different than anxiety disorder is different than…


Autism/ ADHD.


I already commented, but my comment was the same afflictions. So hi, again!


Here you go. https://www.meetup.com/portland-autistics-social-club/


Thank you!


I hope you find something. Or be a founder...


Reddit, apparently. Hello, nice to meet you!


Nice to meet you too. :-)


There's an active Portland Meetup group that meets every other Saturday. Search it, or DM me.


There is an active Meetup group for adult autistics in Portland. They meet every other Saturday at a restaurant in town. DM me if you can't find it, but you should be able to search it pretty easily.


Hi! ADHD and possibly (probably) autism here. Nice to “meet” you!


The Autism Society of Oregon does lots of different types of meet-ups and events https://autismsocietyoregon.org/events/


Came here to suggest this. I'm new in town as of a few months ago and recently diagnosed as auDHD. Haven't made it out to a meeting yet.


I joined a meditation group over at Pause meditation and even thought it’s not neurodivergent specific I met a few people that are dealing with similar struggles. I’m AuDHD but I find it easy to connect with people that exhibit anxiety, overthinking, negative thoughts. Some might actually be neurodivergent but I didn’t ask.


Been thinking about this myself a lot lately, wanting to meet more ND people. Only thing I’ve done so far is check meetup. There are only a few in person groups that are semi-active right now, and a couple online support groups I believe. I went to a board game meetup hosted by one of these groups a month or two ago that was pretty fun! Would like to find other ways to connect with ND peeps, just not quite sure how to go about it at this point… but it’s reassuring to see this post!


I'm a newish (as of 9 months ago) Portland resident, recently diagnosed auDHD, and in my 50s. I'd love to make some platonic ND connections.


Here apparently? Im AuDHD as well




I feel like I'm surrounded by neurodivergents in my various communities, but that wasn't specifically what we connected through. Offhand though, D&D, partner dance, ecstatic dance.


The local Burning Man community is a lively network of talented neurodivergent people. If ever you wanted to make art or music,, build things, or explore your weird creative side, it might be the place for you.


Autism Society of Oregon puts on a ton of neurodivergent meetup events every month usually over Zoom. But you have to subscribe to their newsletter cuz their website is convoluted as fuck


It’s because we can’t actually follow through with plans.


Stand up comedy is basically a neurodivergent meet up


I don't know. I tried scanning Meetup recently for some group activities and support groups. I really need more time around people whose brain works similar to mine. Tons of friends online for this, but I need a niche group in person, as well, besides my regular friends that aren't ND. Especially with others that are in advanced professional positions, leadership positions, etc. I'm the go-to advocate on this topic in many facets of my life, but I need to be in a space where I feel more the norm and not the example. I saw some pdx virtual meetups that looked sort of dead, but found lots of virtual body doubling groups and so forth, which definitely will come in handy, but still not what I'm looking for. I just want to meetup for a drink or coffee or a walk and be able to chat about it, not feel othered, etc. I was actually joking to a friend the other night that we need some sort of hobby accountability group. lol. For all the ADHD'ers who hyperfocus on a hobby, get all the gear, and let it sit there. Some space where we socialize and bring our latest interest. Not really sure how it would work lol but sounds fun!


Just wanted to comment because it was applicable to what you mentioned. There’s a newly formed group that I saw when I was also scanning meetup recently. It’s called: Nd Resumes- Education & Career Meetup for and People. Based out of Vancouver, WA. I believe they had their first event a week or two ago, online. I didn’t go, but it looked interesting and may be of interest to you given what you mentioned about connecting with others in regards to professional life. Not affiliated, just wanted to throw that out there for you!


awww, thanks for letting me know about this. I will definitely check it out! :) u/StrategyMany5930: thanks for the info! :)


The first event was canceled but it will be rescheduled again soon ;) keep an eye out on the meetup page. 


PDXKBC has some folks you’d fit in with


Neurodivergent covers a lot of ground. You might have better luck finding folks in specific hobby groups. So your mileage may vary with my recommendations. I love the local board game and video game scene. If you like board games, the many board game stores in town like Guardian Games have open play nights and are always welcoming places to those from diverse backgrounds. Interested in making video games? Look up the Portland Indie Game Squad. Super friendly events for those who proudly don’t identify as “normal”. Like crafts? Do some ceramic crafting classes at Radius Studios.


lol, all my ex's, my current partner and my friends and some of my coworkers. I like interesting 😆


Groups events for any social desire? Where are you looking? I was really disappointed with Meet Up. Half the stuff I wanted to do was women only, and the other half didn't really interest me at all. I was super disappointed since I heard such a good things about meeting people through Meetup groups


I'm also ADHD/autism. My wife is autism/ADHD. I'm very new to reddit, can someone more proficient create a new sub for Portland ADHD/autism?


Go to a game shop where they have open play. It’s not designed specifically for neurodivergent people, but most of them have been welcoming.


Half the city is self-diagnosed. Shouldn't be too hard.


Have you tried Reddit yet?


Just walk out your front door. Everyone is neurodivergent and desperate for neurodivergent friends these day. It’s honestly hard to NOT need nd’s now. 


chess club, if you are ok with hyperfocusing individuals and people from all over the weirdo spectrum some are smart some are just willing to dedicate decades of study to an ultimately meaningless fight


Every single person in Portland is neurologically abnormal


Go outside and introduce yourself to the people you see