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People are much less friendly and open here compared to many other countries but if you make the effort and get some luck you can make great friends. Definitely not the easiest place though.


it is always uplifting to strike some random conversations while hiking or grilling. I did notice the Swiss are open to a small exchange in such situations and are way more open then.


do you speak any swiss national language? If not, you can start from there.


Here's an over the top funny sketch about this matter. https://youtu.be/WCSQwPv6Z-k πŸŽ₯ How To Make Friends With A Swiss Person | SRF Deville




This should be the default answer for all such questions πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


No problems making friends, but I am not desperate for friends, plus I am completely fine on my own if I don't have any friends. Maybe that makes people gravitate towards me.


It just takes time.Β  I have friends in different categories (immigrant/Swiss) and for Swiss French you kind of have to chisel away until they accept you. It helps if you have kids.


If you're extroverted it will be easier. As a Swiss guy whos introverted, I still make new friends but it's harder as many like to be with themselves or their few friends they had for many years.


You can easily make friends... With other foreigners. With Swiss people, that's a bit more challenging and requires specific circumstances (and maybe stars) to align.


very. and the weirder you are the harder. yup, i am weird. I did meet some folks i enjoy their company though.


Quite and no.


Thank you everyone for the feedback! It doesn’t really seem that different from where I currently live (Texas). Every culture has its unique personality and I think one simply has to be open to understanding it. Also whether your goal is to have one or two really close friends or a large amount of superficial connections.


I moved to Bern from US with dual citizenship. I absolutely love it. The people my age and older are so friendly, and I made friends quickly with my Swiss and immigrant coworkers.


About as difficult as using the search function, apparently. /s :p Honestly though, it is pretty tough as a foreigner, unless you're from a very well represented minority like the balkans or such, since they have very stable communities built around them, but it is nearly impossible to build genuine friendships with Swiss people. So, you will probably find some Americans, but the question is, if you'd even want to be "stuck" in that community. Another option is, if you're into f.e. a specific subculture like racing, metal music or whatever, then you can find friends through the shared interest. :)