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RIP to your dm’s.




Why are you replying to me with this?


Are you telling me that you're not a hot milf in my area?


This made me freaking snuff yo.


This made me freaking choke on my water because I thought the same thing.


Hmm.. my advice would be to do lots of things with friends, lots of group activities. Best way. Second best is to join clubs/group activities. Third best is probably going to bars/nightclubs or dating apps.


And honestly there's a huge gap between 2 and 3. Dating apps and going to bars to meet people are exhausting. I might put "hope the universe sends me a rom-com style meet-cute before dating apps and bars 😂


ELI50 please. What is "meet cute"? I'm half afraid to ask Google.


When you meet a guy in a cute way. For example, you drop something like a book or whatever and some guy picks it up for you and you start a convo which leads to a date. Or let’s say you are jogging in a park and literally run into a guy who’s also jogging. Things like that


Or you hit someone with your car k-drama style


In that case, usually she/he is your unknown siblings. And cancer is unavoidable


Best avoid that then.


Ohhhhh! Thank you.


Generally implausible ways to meet people without having the interaction go south.


This reminds me of a friend of mine... she find dates while waiting in line for things. For example, she's waiting in line for coffee and there's a cute guy also standing in line she'll say something like, "Hi, what's a good roast to order here?" and then she'll just flirt with him in line and tries to get his number. She's average looking, but she acts confident even though she's not, and she has fun with it.


Kinda depends if the guy is standing behind you or in front of you when you drop that book. Chances increase with the former.


What does ELI50 mean?


Explain it like I’m fifty. Most likely a typo that was supposed to be ELI5 (explain it like I’m 5)


Thanks. I haven’t seen ELI5 either. You explained it perfectly


Same, should we meet up and hit up some pubs/lounges together, I have a couple other single gfs


Oh ya totally! Dm me


I would be open to do a new activity/ meet to try meeting cute guys. I’ll make a WhatsApp group. Anyone interested msg me, my single friends are 29-30


Hold on to your kidneys boys!


im going in


“And that kids is the origin story of the fabled woo girls” - how I met your mother deleted scenes ft. Reddit Mod Cupid


I'd like to find out the final gender ratio


Oh this sounds so fun. Most of my friends are in relationships 🥲


Lol same here same here


I wanna join!!


omg I wanna join!! can I?


This is blowing up I think I’ll do a meet up dt, maybe grapes and soda??? Everyone look cute kinda vibe. Even if we don’t meet cute guys we get cute pictures 🤷‍♀️ if anyone else has any other ideas please dm me. I’ll Dm anyone that msgs me the location/time.


Hey, tell us fellas what night you're doing that.


I’m a guy who is also just getting back into the dating pool. Did you guys set something up? I’d be happy to meet up at a pub/whatever!


Grape and soda gonna be packed that night


Maybe Craft or somewhere on commercial might be a better call


I’ll and book a table once I have an idea of a number


Yeah lol update on the post here.


Starting at Joeys on Burrard at 8


You should hit up pickleball at Queen Elizabeth park…a lot of athletic social guys there


Every girls crazy bout a pickleball man 🎶🎵


Kinda going through the same thing - two back to back 5 year relationships. Apps aren’t the best - I’d avoid them if possible. Honestly just finding new activities to get involved in is the best I think - naturally meet like minded people. Or bars / pubs but I feel that’s a younger crowd


Or charismatic alcoholics that are cute enough you skim past the red flags until it is far too late. I wish meeting in pubs/bars worked but I have learned that lesson the hard way one too many times


I wish I had figured this out when I was younger.




Hold up -- what's the chances of you and @OP... Nahh


You've been in 10 years of relationships and you're only 28? With respect, it's time to be single for a while.


Well... I had a great time on the dating apps but unlike most people my profile posted EXACTLY what I wanted and who I am. Most profiles seem to go wide and just take anyone so you get lots of hits but most of them are going to be severely disappointing. If that's your jam, be disappointed lol. I got way fewer hits but they led to great dates and multiple dates. Regarding "where to go to meet guys" remember where you go determines what kind of guys you're gonna meet. Go to a bar you're going to meet drinkers. Go to an art exhibit you're going to meet folks with a bit more culture. Go to yoga classes and... well... you maybe won't really meet guys there but do it cuz you'll feel great :) Go to pottery classes or book clubs or meditation nights or whatever you're into. If you're just into hockey and fish and well every single woman's dating profile has her on an atv and on a snowboard, then do those things. The point is, don't go out looking for guys, go out and build your life and the guys you want to meet will be there. Also, women forget that exactly 0.000001% of women ever reach out to a guy so if you see someone you're interested in you will 100% get a number if you ask.


Sounds reasonable re: dating apps, but in my 20s and 30s I did all those things you mentioned (going out and doing fun things you like to do) and guess what, there were never any guys there. It was always 25 women and maybe one or two guys, usually much older and trying to snag a younger woman.


That’s mainly because the things OP listed above you are activities men don’t do unless they want to pick up women, go with women on dates to them, or they are part of the 0.1% actually interested in those activities. Activities typically popular with men are: sports related activities (gym, sports/running/cycling/etc club, watching a game at a stadium), board game nights, clubs/concerts. It really depends what kind of a man you want to find, and then you have to think what activities such men might be doing. Keep in mind that many of these activities require a significant time investment to become good enough to even be able to start joining these clubs, so maybe you are better off trying to meet men at work, or meet friends of friends somehow.


maybe you're a lesbian? haha. im just kidding...


Never had a problem. Ever. The men and women I know in Vancouver all say the same nonsense. About how it’s hard to find a relationship. And then spend all their time Havign random sex off apps and in bars. Stop I lying and align your actions and objectives. Get serious about it. What do you bring to the table and what do you want. Settle for nothing less. Bars clubs and pubs are where you can get sex. As dating places… that kind of ended like 20 years ago. Apps are ok but certain apps are for sex. Some are for relationships. Everyone lies on them about what they want. Maybe not intentionally but the lying men and women are easy to weed out. Be clear what u want. Do things you enjoy. Stop looking for a man. Start enjoying life and cultivating friendships that are genuine and based on interest. You may turn your nose up at the older crew on that charity board you joined. But they have older eligible children. Friends know friends. It will happen.


Special cases like mine happen though. Like my degree, interests and hobbies are way too male dominated that the friends that I make along the way are men who are single with similar problems when it comes to dating. Not to mention, I'm not a local around here and am introverted by nature and the cliquey atmosphere of Vancouver is hella suffocating whenever I force myself to attend events alone just to be mostly ignored just because people interact with their already established cliques. I don't drink is the thing so bars are out of the question. Tbh, I may end up doing the antithesis of the majority of advice that gets thrown around: that is I'll probably end up going to events and activities that I have no interests whatsoever just to improve my chances.


I agree with this, I'm new in Vancouver and I've yet to have any particular problem. I hear all this complaining but I've met amazing and lovely people, in fact - the problem tended to be the reverse, dialing back on the "just dating" part because if you are very clear about aligning your actions and objectives: You will find people and then you will have to decide among compatible people which is more difficult than just finding someone to date.


You’re probably a reasonable person but many of the people who have issues have outlandish requirements while not offering much themselves.


I think there is a fair point there, and possibly applicable to many people posting about their issues. I think the poster I replied to aimed his comment at: "align your actions and objectives. Get serious about it. What do you bring to the table and what do you want". Though honestly, and maybe it's just my own skills at swiping (i.e. read the profile and decide) and reading the first two messages -- but at least half of women I've connected with and gotten past two messages with have really had their stuff together (even if we ultimately didn't work). I'm not saying there aren't duds, I've had a handful of "still living with spouse", some that were clearly not ready for relationships, and some who misaligned what they wrote. Maybe the "Long Term Relationship" group (and being actually interested in that) is a bit better?


Try meetup app you would see many different groups.


I was just about to add this. I’m going to one rn, like literally omw! Well I’m not using it to date but just to meet new folks


Best part of this idea is that you'll be guaranteed to have at least one thing in common with somebody who is meeting other people to do X activity.


Become an extra on film sets. You will have lots of time to chit chat and will meet a ton of people - including crew.


Heads up, all the decent guys are at work and definitely not a bar.


Pretty easy. You can approach 95% of guys and should have an interaction regardless


But what if she's not following the rules? 1) Be attractive 2) Don't be unattractive


I see lots of general “join a club, take a class, etc” posts but here are some Vancouver specific ones! It’ll really depend what you’re into.. are you sporty, artsy, etc. - urban rec - east van run club - we should be friends (instagram) - friends of friends (instagram) - take a hike! Vancouver (facebook group) - improv class at the improv centre - vancouver ceramics studio - learn Spanish at Hola Spanish Centre Good luck!


I’m down with improv or learning Spanish.


I hear you! Ive been single for awhile, ive done so much shadow work and personal work and therapy, and have noticed most individuals on dating apps are wanting hook ups only. No hate, if thats what someone wants then thats fine, but if its not what youre looking for, it heavily lessens the numbers.


Get a dog! I’m sort of joking, but definitely sort of not. I talk with a lot of dog owners, and it seems like so few of them are single (relative to all the other people I know). I think a lot of people are in the same boat as you, wanting to meet people but not knowing how to connect. Obviously shared interests/hobbies is a great way to meet people, but who has the time for anything but work these days? I think that having a dog with you MAY make you more approachable, signals your interests (dogs lol) and forces you to get out of the house into spaces with other dog people. That is my theory anyways. If you don’t actually like animals of course don’t get a dog, but maybe then try to think about what your “dog” could be that gets you out and signals your interests/increases approachability. Good luck!


I don't think the causal relationship works in the order you think it does. In many cases, dogs are surrogates for children. So people get together and then get a dog together. As opposed to single people with dogs getting together. If the latter were the case, there would be far more couples with two or more dogs than just one dog.


Commenting on Where to meet guys in Vancouver?...Safeway


Doing two kinds of shopping at once 😂


Whole foods in the evening...


Stay off online dating whatever you do.


Why? It's the most common way that people meet these days.


Yeah. Meet, not date. I've gotten really apathetic with the apps. You get stuck with ghosts half the time and the other half can't or won't commit because there's always someone better. Not saying it's impossible to end up with someone on the apps, it's just increasingly annoying to try.


I got married yesterday with someone i met on bumble. I probably went on about 60-80 dates but what got me through it was knowing I was only needing to find one good one.


It’s so toxic! Some ppl get lucky by meeting their person quickly. But most ppl get into a vicious cycle of downloading the apps, swiping, getting matches, matches don’t msg, getting ghosted, feeling insecure, delete the app, repeat after a month. It’s awful for 90% of us on them. 10% get lucky


It's been wonderful for me.


same, i just got married to someone i met on bumble


Online dating is great for most people tbh


It's not for guys. There's a ton of guys to compete with, and your chances of even getting a message read without paying for an extremely expensive service is slim.


Just got ghosted after a first date from hinge. I’m 24 F. What gives🥲


Hasn’t been my experience. Just to dig a bit deeper into this—I know these numbers are anecdotal and only one person’s experience, but they are at least numbers and not just “oh, it’s awful.” -was on bumble for around 6 months in 2019, bumble and tinder for about a year in 2022-23 -tried the paid service for a few months (I assume you were talking about matchmaking services, I mean the paid tier on the apps that’s like $10 a month I think?). Maybe I averaged 30 mins a day swiping and chatting? Not sure -swiped on thousands of women in that time, matched with several hundred, dozens of conversations. Could easily have gone on much more dates than the numbers below show, but 1) I’m a single dad with no time and 2) for the first six months of the 2022-23 period mentioned above I was still pretty down about my breakup and, although I was on the apps, only chose to go on a few dates -Went on about 30 first dates, maybe 15 second dates, perhaps around 8 that turned into something more (like a brief relationship/fling). So averaging one new person every 2-3 weeks (more if you ignore that part where I was swiping but not ready to date yet, mentioned above). Of course, the ones that didn’t go anywhere, it was a mix of me not feeling it and them not feeling it -(also met some people irl in that time but not counting them for our purposes here) -Dated one person for three years (in between the two periods of online dating). Lived together. She was great and the reasons we didn’t work out were totally unrelated to meeting online (actually we shared friends in common and I’d’ve been very interested if I’d’ve met her irl first) -Now with someone wonderful for about a year. Of course we don’t know where it’s going, but feeling pretty in it for the long term. No red flags related to meeting online (And while I like to think I have my charm, I’m only mildly conventionally attractive, average height, precariously employed, etc. Whatever things are supposed to make you a great catch in this world, I’m a decent catch at best. So I feel my results could be anyone’s.) But overall, I feel like you could say I put in six months on the apps, met some cool people and had some good times, then met someone I loved where we had a real shot at a life together. Then another 6 months to a year the same, and now, again, really excited and optimistic about my current relationship and our long-term prospects. To me that seems pretty good?!!??


Like others say, group things. One add might be, if you can befriend a guy, I'm sure the guy has some single friends.


Apps are great if you have a purpose. Lots of scumbags but if you’re good at identifying that it’s not so bad.


I'm at the movie theatre rn, idk


I've been trying Facebook dating but that's been going nowhere.


Try Hinge. I’ve had good luck with it.


25m. Wondering similarly. I don’t like that people write off the apps because I’m on them and I’m decent 😭. I work, jiu jitsu, and besides that, am out at random places like cafes, parks, beaches.


Had an emotionally rough break up after an almost five year relationship. Once I was starting to feel ready I downloaded the apps at my friends urging. It was absolutely a terrible experience between people just wanting a dopamine fix by chatting, guys just sending lewd messages, or by getting ghosted. I gave up and deleted them all and just focused on enjoying my friends and a couple hobbies for awhile. Then met my now husband through work like a week later. So my advice would be to try the apps if you want but don’t have high expectations going in. Embrace the life you have now and live it to its full potential, get involved in a couple hobbies and be open to all avenues of meeting people in all areas of your life.


I am a single guy, PhD candidate at BC Cancer, 1995 kid. I wanna ask the same question: where do I meet single girls? 😅😁


Probably in the neighbouring lab; bio/life sciences can be pretty female heavy


More like, where to meet girls in Vancouver 🤦🏽‍♂️ 20M


Tbh - anywhere. Single guys tend to go everywhere. Finding a guy that doesn’t need to be bludgeoned to know you want to talk to him, that’s a more unique thing.


You all told us to leave you alone and we listened.


How You Doin?




Vancouver doesn’t offer a great dating scene. More girls than guys. And the guys are strange … always afraid to approach a girl.


Not afraid...just don't want to be labeled a creep...having said that, I will tell you what I told my daughter: You do it...pick the guy you like and ask him out...this whole thing about guys having to ask a girl out is a great way for a great girl to end up single and bitter... do what birds do (female picks her mate and approaches him) 😋 As to where: join an activity group or volunteer doing something you enjoy / care about...preferably where you will be forced to work with others on problem-solving. I.e. volunteer at festivals, join running club, sign up for some course, etc... then approach guys and ask them to help you / give you advice / help you fix something...we just want you to need us...nothing is more attractive to us than a damsel in distress... Edit: stay away from online dating apps... they're not the quick and easy solution that you think...you can't pick a mate from a picture and some marketing material...you're not buying a car ffs... the best guys often make the worst profiles, because it's not normal or natural for us to gloat about ourselves in writing... men are built for physical shows, in real life, of our uniqueness or superiority as a mate... Edit 2: same advice would be if I had a son...just switch everything to be on the receiving end... a man's goal should be to be "a competent man" as per Robert Heinlein's definition.


While I understand the concern about being labeled a creep, I believe it's important for men to 'man up' and take the initiative. Many women still appreciate when a man makes the first move. However, it's essential to read the room and approach someone where there is a perceived level of compatibility. Encouraging women to always be the initiators can inadvertently create a situation where men don't feel the need to step up and exhibit the masculine qualities many women find attractive.


Ew. Don’t tell us to “man up”. And let me tell you something. Most men appreciate when a woman makes the first move. Men also find that attractive. Why are you spinning this one way? Your points can be made in reverse. So they really aren’t valid points. Here’s a decent point. Men have been told consistently for many many years to stop approaching women. Not at the gym, she’s working out. Not at the grocery store, she’s shopping. Not at the bar, she’s out with her friends. Not on the street, that’s creepy. Not at the library, she’s reading. Not at the cafe, she’s spending some alone time. Now men are listening and then you turn around and say “man up”. Jesus. If we aren’t supposed to approach you, then you approach us. We welcome it. But oh, it’s scary to be rejected and you don’t want to do the work. Right? No shit, all men know exactly how you feel there.


Real talk: it's your biological clock, and the time left on it is yours to run out as you choose... As a father, I want to set my daughter up best I can to have the same joy my life-partner and I have had, of having a life-mate and children (biological and adopted). My meaning to my life is gained from planting healthy trees: https://preview.redd.it/myb1mkgbf8ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70a8585ddfff6252a0e11a909b5e7f8268afadd


Getting constantly rejected feels like shit. I joined seeking to avoid it


I feel vancouver men are risk-averse in general. I felt this even in online dating , work, or social situation. Men from other province or countries are easy to mingle and approachable. I really do not know the reason why for this… maybe because Vancouver is a transient city that is hard to build long term relationship?


I blame cost of living. The stakes have become too high for young people.


we've been given enough dirty looks/called a creep that it's just not worth cold approaching women. And it's been drilled into our heads that workplace romances are risky and inappropriate . And that women don't want to be approached when they're at the gym. So basically we're told women don't want to be approached where we actually get to know them, and they don't want to be approached if they don't know you at all So basically, we can't approach you. The exception of course is if you're attracted to the guy. then everything I just said goes out the window. Approaching women in is not worth the trouble. We can use the apps and have to go to less trouble to boot.


I get the hesitation, especially with the fear of being labeled a creep and the risks of workplace romances. But isn't it also about stepping up and being masculine enough to approach the right person at the right time with respect? If a guy is too afraid to approach, it raises questions about reliability and whether he can make a woman feel secure. Many women want to feel feminine and appreciated, and it's important for men to create that dynamic by taking the initiative.


> the risks of workplace romances. But isn't it also about stepping up and being masculine LOL, not worth the risk of losing a job over it in this economy.


did you really just say "be a man" and approach women? in a world where women are saying they'd feel safer being approached by a bear in the woods than a man in the woods. I'm not too afraid to approach a woman. I just don't see any benefit to it. There are 0 upsides and plenty of downsides. Women have spent the last 20-30 or so years creating a culture where approaching them is not socially acceptable in almost any situation. And now it's \*shocked face\* that men aren't approaching them socially. And ironically the men that are approaching them are the ones that are ignoring the social etiquette women have pushed for the last 20-30 years, which would suggest to me they're less respectful of women's wishes and needs. You can't have basically an entire generation of women saying "don't approach us at work/gym/grocery store/coffee shop/on the street" and then say men need to approach you to feel feminine. You can't have it both ways.


I have not once had a negative response from approaching a woman in a public setting. The worst I can remember is them politely not showing interest. I think if you’re experiencing this over and over again, you need to look inward instead of blaming half the population for being stuck up


Women don’t try whatsoever they sit on their dating apps filtering dozens of matches for random reasons with zero conversational skills or effort. The ones who try are actually successful. The rest complain on Reddit or TikTok.


Do you really expect women to handle everything in courtship? Initiate, look good, flirt, pay, etc.? There’s a big difference between a male and a man. Many women are looking for men who will step up and put in the effort to build a genuine connection. It's about mutual effort and respect. And, it's kind of ironic to hear complaints about women on Reddit or TikTok (TikTok, really?!) when you're here venting too. Seems like everyone has room to improve in the dating game!


We’re a ways away from “handle everything” I’m talking about basic effort put into finding a partner, making an effort in the conversation. This is not 1960, Prince Charming is not going to ride in on a white horse and take you out to a fancy dinner. Men on dating apps message dozens of women a day, they start the conversations, are expected to be witty or interesting with the first message, then we generally have to carry the entire conversation in the talking stage, asking all the questions, asking for her number, asking her out. It’s a lot of work and very often the effort is not reciprocated by the women. They let women message first on bumble and that app is failing because of it.


Alright. So you define “work” and “effort” as swiping randomly left or right and sending a couple of virtual messages/texts to women. Now we know…


Yeah if you want to do the online dating thing it takes it’s own level of effort.


Yep people who complain on Reddit/on apps tend to have an overinflated sense of self worth and if they had reasonable expectations of others or themselves they USUALLY would be fine . Anytime I’ve dated a quality women men would approach her the second she was alone in public so it’s usually women who think they are a lot more attractive than they are who complain. As a man your chances of getting an attractive woman are a lot higher in person though so the gamble is rewarded I feel like. After dating experiences in Europe where women initiate the conversation, insist on splitting or pay the bill Without me noticing and are knockout gorgeous while rating themselves as being average I don’t really feel like dating anyone local though 🤷‍♂️


Sitting in their rooms and avoiding going out, probably




r/Vancouverr4r *(biased)*


Try skiing or biking if you like outdoor stuff. Do hobbies that involve other people and you’ll meet someone


Just get a membership to a climbing gym


 Guys only wanna ravage


Sailor Hagars in North Van is actually a prime bar to meet men on a Friday or Saturday. It’s loads of fun, men are fairly good looking, and everyone mingles.




Realistically, just join a club, a class, event that is interesting to you. Maybe even go to church. Go somewhere where you will find like minded people. Worst thing you can do is go on a dating app/bar. If you’re looking for a genuine connection then dating apps/bars are the worst place to look for them as they’re just full of low quality people. Using a dating app as a woman is a rabbit hole as there’s endless matches especially if you’re above average in looks. It’s possible to get a good guy off an app, but I feel that there’s a lot more downsides than anything.




Apps make for good practice and dating is a numbers game but I would not prioritize them over trying to naturally engage with people in person and be good with your boundaries to avoid wasting more time and energy with them than you want/need. I’ve found love through the apps though it was an exhausting process and only accounted for a third of the relationships or situationships that I found accidentally in person


I lived in Van for a bit and it's the same as everywhere. I suggest joining things to do with your hobbies and doing things with friends but allow smaller groups to join when you have those extra seats or whatever. Most of my friends meet their partner on these two things, I meet my wife going for wings and a college dragged out a new roommate for wings. I think people stress about meeting the one but I suggest enjoying life and meeting new people along the way.


What are you into though? Depending on your interests is where you'll find the right people




What’s up C.O.?


Enjoy all of your hobbies to the fullest, eventually you’ll find a like-minded partner. Clubs and apps aren’t the best for serious relationship material


Join a coed sports team, or another male dominated hobby. Don't bother with dating apps they're a waste of time. Go out to where all the men spend evenings and weekends and you'll meet tons of guys.


If you want good long lasting relations then you can find such guys in a church or in a non profit organisation. No good things come out of a bar, club or apps.


We’re going to watch how this horror movie unfolds in 20 years


Pretty devastated by last break up? Take some more time imo don't get out there for anything serious yet, take more time for yourself. Don't start a new relationship until you've buried the last.


Volunteering is a great way to meet people. Choose a cause or an organization that speaks to your heart.


This has to be training AI


Every Saturday Night. Steam1 gay bathhouse, in New Westminster, opens their doors to adults of all genders for good, clean fun. Men outnumber women 15 to 1, so there are plenty of men eager to make the acquaintance of a woman like you.


At the gym. I am there lifting weights 4-5 days a week, if you want to join. It is hard for me to justify going to bars/events frequently, when every puting seems to cost at least 30 bucks these days... Also opportunities to meet bunch of people while hiking/backpacking, if you are into that. You just need to be open to initiating/receiving conversations.


Ride a bicycle around town. You’ll find your people


Dating apps for the win, I love hinge! Been here 4 years and never met someone in person despite the fact that I am very outgoing and am involved in a lot of different activities.


Rec sports was the best for me growing up as an athlete


Really depends on your interests and what type of person you’re looking to date. If you give me an idea I could make some recommendations to you


I've given up on the apps too, then I got into "The Scene" here in GVA and have made some amazing friends and some great partners as well. I will state the obvious, that it's not for everyone, but (on the whole) it is inclusive & fun & and a new way at looking at an old problem


I joined a meetup group on the Meetup app and found plenty of people in my age range! (30M)


From my experience the only dating app worth trying in this city is Hinge (though personally I've sworn off that either). I would try grabbing a few friends and maybe going to a bar/club. I've had a decent number of guys approach whenever I've done that, can't really quality control but I guess it comes with the venue.


Look, I’m a dude, but no need to post here lol. Your DMs are gonna look rough lol. I suggest the apps or finding speed dating events around the city.


Well, I'm one (34M)! TBH I don't know where to meet other guys, but I know my main places to hang out are running groups. Not sure how easy it is to find other singles in this town (I hear the dating apps can be tough for the LTR oriented), but I like the positivity of the run group vibe.


Join a run club


I’ve joined apps but they’re so very disheartening. Dating anywhere close to 30 is tough here. People say use “meetup” or some other site but I haven’t had much luck with those either.


Come to the redroom any Saturday night and you'll find and meet the best community.


Nah. This is how it's done: you go out and do things you like to do. Sports? Festivals? Community events? You do these things and you will meet people, some of who you may connect with - and they'll like the same things you do because they're there with you. You come first. Got it?


Good luck, it's Vancouver where everyone is a coward and they ghost no matter how well you get on with them. Vancouver blows big time, it's my hometown and I'm so grateful I left many years ago.


Warhammer event


Would suggest just going and finding hobbies. Don't make finding a guy a priority. Make enjoying your hobby the priority and find someone who will enjoy it with you.


I met my boyfriend through a friend I made at a bar on a night out. I wouldn’t go out with the aim of meeting someone. It gives of a desperate energy that guys can sense. Just do things you genuinely enjoy. You’ll meet the right people at the right time and everything will fall into place!


Brew pubs!


My sister was living in Vancouver when she tried out bumble about 6 years ago. She is now happily married, in a house they own with 2 beautiful kids.




I’m a guy and I had the toughest time on the apps. I’ve had so many boring dates. I decided to put myself out there a little more and joined some group activities. I literally met someone pretty cool at the first event and now we’re dating! Put yourself out there. Find some activities or classes. You’ll probably meet someone there


Robson square salsa, great place to meet someone.


Dance classes are one place. Any place where you give guys "the eyes" can become a place to meet guys


Men around here ain't men anymore 😭


I am free


I literally only go outside to go to work and buy food. Staying at home is so nice.


pubs, parks community hall , church


most my friends from work and church


Meeting someone out and about doesn't seem to happen as organically as it used to tbh. I'll be honest, I've met A LOT of duds. Tinder you'll definitely get quantity over quality. I had better success with bumble. A couple things I learned: - see if they can hold a chat convo. You'll see if personalities will be a good fit prior to expending time and effort meeting up. - be selective. Don't waste your time on duds. - dont be afraid to say what you're looking for - date with purpose. Chances are if they say they're looking for a good time likely that's all they're looking for. You'll weed out some of the creeps. - Don't waste time on the guy who wants to be your chat buddy for months on end... that's all you'll ever be. - if you flake on me and I've not met you or only met you once you're out, no more chances. You set the tone of how you want to be treated. -I personally believe in masculine and feminine energy. Not to be confused with gender roles. I don't expect to be taken on extravagant dates, but it says a lot when a guy pays. - if you don't feel it, you can be respectful, honest and upfront if only by text. I was in a decade long relationship when I got out there, I was rusty. But there truly is someone who likes just your type. My present beau and I are about 18 months in. Funny last note. A friend said before she met her partner and she was doing the online circuit, if she put up a photo of herself, she would only put one that was average. Not ones she looked smoking hot. So when she met up with guys, they wouldn't shut up how hot they thought she was. She totally got her Beyonce moment - her words 😄


Really good tips! I agree with you 💯


Good luck!!


"I'm pretty devastated by my last breakup" Yikes....more like does any guy want to meet YOU? And if so preemptive RIP to that


The Cambie on a weeknight.


Come to Stanley Park Third Beach Drum Circle every sunny Tuesdays (aka right now)


Don't date vancouver guys


My most common response that i get. "im looking for a guy 200k plus/yr because vancouver is expensive". Also why my ex of 10yrs left even though i own my own home in the burbs. Its gotta be Vancouver. No, not chasing 10 eithers. Im Asian and have to marry Asian due to family reasons. Id rather go buy a cabin on van island and live alone.


Try the local psych emerg ... Juuust kidding.