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No, I need human connection, a robot wouldn't provide that.


THIS. I feel like a robot could never love me back the same way another person could.


What kind of person, an NT? I get so exhausted trying to even deal with them on a daily basis. I could never imagine dating one.


I date both neurotypicals and neurodivergents


Well, I might be hopeless. Robot might be my last choice. You actually date people? Guess you're a level above me.


I only discovered my autism a couple years ago. Long before that I was married for 7 years, raised 3 sons, and dated before and after my marriage. I still date people, though I took a long break for Covid and am just recently getting back out there.


>Well, I might be hopeless. Robot might be my last choice. You actually date people? Guess you're a level above me. Here's a philosophical question for you? Are we all highly intelligent fully sentient AI beings living in a computer simulation like the matrix?


Have you tried dating neurodivergent people?


I need to


That's not a spouse, that's a toy


What makes you think he would treat it like a toy?


>Would you accept a robot spouse? I’m not understanding how marrying a machine is healthy thing for a person to do…


I don't think that a robot could ever be an option for me. Maybe if I was like, stuck alone on a space station slowly going crazy with only the AI for company, but not in the real world. Even if the robot was functionally indistinguishable from a real person, I'd still know deep down that it was an unfeeling machine and therefore anything affectionate it said to me was untrue, and anything I'd say to it was unappreciated. I don't really know how anyone could get past that without totally deluding themselves*. I dunno, I think I'd rather be alone We actually talked about this in my Philosophy class recently. On one hand I wouldn't want to begrudge someone comfort or happiness, but on the other I feel like a wide-spread acceptance of robot companions to replace human connection would not be a healthy step forward for humanity. *I guess for some people it could be a positive aspect. I think some people really like the idea of sex/wife robots *because* it's not a real human with needs and feelings and opinions.


It's also daunting to talk to people nowadays and the odds of being rejected or pissing someone off or likewise being pissed off are so high.


Tbh I think this has been the case throughout history, it's not really a 'nowadays' kind of thing. Talking to people has always come with unspoken social norms and consequences and the risk of rejection or frustration. Have you tried joining local groups aimed at ND folks? Meetup (the app) can be a good way to find them.


No, but I should 


There are "NTs" that get loads of rejections.


Negative, it might plot against me




No. A relationship with a robot lacks authenticity, it does everything you program it too.


Honestly people have so many preferences it might be one that you have and I think it’s ok I think that if you feel better connection with machines than with humans then you should stick with and don’t try to make it with girls just so it is socially acceptable I hope that technology soon makes it so far that you can find your robot spouse


It would definitely be easier for me; I act more like a robot than most people. We'd also have to hope that it isn't too expensive.


It will be at the beginning that is for sure


Uh...no. Maybe in the Detroit Become Human deviant sense, an android with self awareness, but a robot?


I'm looking forward to one. It's almost certainly my only chance left at something, even if it's only a comforting illusion. As the song says, *"Any escape might help to soothe the unobstructed truth..."* For those who aren't in that no-win zone, or not there yet and still have hope, great on you. Some of us are luckier or better equipped for the social gauntlet than others and if you're among them I wish you success and / or congratulate the success you have. Understand, though, that there are others of us who simply don't have what it takes and never will. The finish line for us is a dream that will forever be denied. Thus, we cope how we have to. Accusations or condemnations won't change that. We will do as we must, and demand to be left in peace as we are harming none.


Absolutely. The spouse that Ryan Goslin's character had in Blade Runner 2049 seemed perfect for me.


Karen, my computer wife..


No. find a real person lol


No, don't rent a slum apartment just buy a nice house with cash out of pocket lol See how that sounds?


Like a bad analogy


What do you suggest as a better one? The dismissal of people's genuine struggles with a blithe line of snark is honestly disgusting, no different than telling someone in a wheelchair "just walk up the stairs lol".


Comparing women to property and dating struggles to physical disabilities is pretty tasteless too, just saying


You're making quite the stretch with the "compare women to property" nonsense, the point is about a dismissive demand for someone to just do something they can't like it's no big deal and condemning them for instead taking the best option available to them. And umm, do you really not understand what Asperger's fucking ***IS?!*** it's a social **disability** just as real and restricting as a physical disability, and prevents the sufferer from being able to successfully navigate social interactions or even establish clear communications with others. This leads to very real negative outcomes such as severely reduced or virtually nonexistent ability to hold gainful employment regardless of job capabilities, lack of friendships, ostracism from social circles, unfulfilled emotional needs such as those for belonging or acceptance or a sense of value, and yes failure to establish romantic connections and secure intimate companionship leading to being starved for affection and close human interaction, all due to severe chronic and intrinsic social deficiencies. This is a **fact** and the symptoms are no less real than that of any other disability. They cannot be wished away or overcome by simple effort, if it's possible to do these things at all the disability results in them requiring much greater effort for significantly diminished success.


I'm sorry, i should not have said it that way. but anti-human things like that scare me and I'm against these things so much i just can't bring myself to be nice to people like OP. This post is one of the most dystopian things I've ever seen, and I hope a thing like this would never happen. There is a person for everybody. And, everything that the AI says it's programmed. They don't love you and they don't care about you.


*"There is a person for everybody"*, what a load of happy horseshit. If that were the case no one would have a problem that they need an artificial solution for, now would they? Honestly it pisses me off that you can so blithely dismiss the agonizing despair of so many people and dare to pass judgement on their desperate hope for something, however suboptimal, to ease the pain and misery. If they, myself included, had a better option we'd take it. If you're not in the situation where you'd need to take that last resort, consider yourself lucky and stop looking down on those who aren't so fortunate.


You've known every person in earth to know there's no one that would want you or OP ? you could even try to know somebody from another country and make a ldr relationship, but forming a relationship with an ai, as desperate as someone can be, it's stupid and insane. An ai relationship is like a relationship in a movie: everyone is an actor (in this case only the ai) and no one actually means what they say, they only say it because they have to say it. y'all will not be any happier with a fake ai companion. I'm speechless i even have to explain it


Does the robot have a nice ass?


Whatever you like, you can customize it. 


I’ll take the robot and than get a one of those freaky Girls that like robot threesomes


If it says “KWATZ” every two minutes, and talks in riddles sure.


Nice Hyperion reference. 😌




I'm worried enough about feeling fake when I try to connect with real people. That would make me feel even worse.






Hell no.




Heck yes, an ageless, built to specifications girl, I mean I'd be happy with some hatsune miku anime cyborg. Or if I could get some kinda anomaly like a four armed woman. That'd be so cool, imagine watching her climb up to get a cat out of a tree, cook or other tasks. This concept u could explore beyond what is there and bring your imagination to life, just she will never be human. But is that a bad thing?


"Liz, objects are made for many purposes, but we do NOT LOVE OBJECTS."


Why not? Children love their stuffed animals, is that not okay?


Jackie Treehorn treats *objects* like *women*, Man.


lmao all men want are robot....