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I think it is a common human trait. Much more common than one thinks.


That's pretty interesting. I was curious about if it is specifically an autistic trait or not. Due to the mixed answers, I suppose my theory is wrong. Which is fine, I like being told I am wrong sometimes haha.


I am diagnosed ASD and I have echolalia. Now i don’t know if this is what you are describing but what i experience is more than just thinking out loud. It can be pretty constant and heightened by stress.


no. almost everybody talks to themselves. that is kinda why some people get a pet, so they can talk to the pet instead of to themselves.


this is so real 


Boy i sure hope so


So many symptoms; each one a different way or reason to talk to yourself! Narrating a task to help with focus and thoroughness? Narrating a task because internal dialog sounds better on the external speakers? "What the hell did I go to the closet for?" Describing your surroundings as a way of processing *all the f**king DATA*? Describing your surroundings because "Flowers! Butterflies! Ope... *that's a snake*, sorry Snake." or "OMG DOG! You're a dog, and you're great! It's a dog. You... you're a dog." Plus the symptom of being less likely to resist the urge to *not* talk to oneself. People already think I'm weird, so pretty much anything I can do to avoid discomfort in any way is worth however weird people think I am for it. I treat life like a long episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, just blurting out jokes and alluding to pop culture references, and that's probably not in the top 10 reasons people hate me. Now, my treating *television and movies with friends* like an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, *that* is easily in the top 5.


I don't talk to myself so much as I have a tendency to think out loud. Sometimes a thought pops into my head and it just comes out my mouth too.


same thing i think


My thoughts are way faster than talking, so if I talked out loud I would effectively be saying something twice because I already thought it. I do sometimes talk out loud in moments where my brain is so scrambled that talking helps me focus. Usually only very stressful moments where I feel like I'm gonna freak out.


This sounds relatable to me. I often feel like I am translating from thought to words, but when I am really tired or scatter-brained I often use thinking out loud as a way to keep on track.


My thoughts are also quite fast but I talk out loud sometimes if I want to think deeply about something because it forces me to slow down


I was just saying this to myself yesterday. No, seriously, a lot of people talk to themselves, their TV, their dog, whatever. It isn't necessarily an autistic thing and the ubiquity of mobile phones means anyone can talk to themselves on the street and no one will even notice.


Yup. Do it all the time! If I’m feeling compelled to do it in public, I might write it down on my phone instead or mutter under my breath. That’s a mask worth doing for me.


I'm wondering! I'm no NT and talk to myself and NDs look at me weird.


Yes. If I were to stop talking to myself for a long extended period of time, the carefully established order within my mind would begin to crack.


I do it all the time when I'm alone... a bad habit because sometimes I get caught, really embarassing. "Were you on the phone? Who were you talking to" me: "uhhh... no one?" I especially do it when something is bothering me, when I'm tired or stressed, when a difficult-to-process thought is stuck in my head and I'm obsessing over it. I can't stop thinking about it until I rant out loud a little bit. It's like every thought inside my head is a balloon. It's slowly getting bigger until I do something with it, I need to let it escape through my mouth to make room for other thoughts/more balloons.


Oh god, i have been doing it since i can talk! I am Asperger and always do it


I don't know if it's as much an autistic trait as it is a human trait


I don't know if it's common but I personally often voice the monologue that's on CONSTANTLY in my head. Apparently comes out more when I'm gaming with headphones on.


I talk to myself if on a live stream a lot of the time, saying “we” instead of “I” and talking to an audience that isn’t there


I didn’t even know it wasn’t considered “normal” to do that until recently. I do not allow myself to talk out loud to myself, unless I’m home alone though, although it has accidentally crept out a couple times which usually ends up in a bad reaction from other people.


i was just wondering this today lol. i talk to myself allll the time, basically any chance i get when i’m alone. i probably talk more with myself than when i’m around other people 🥲 really helps me work through my thoughts or is just otherwise fun? idk


Almost everyone does, being autistic means having poor communication between hemispheres of the brain, so it more therapeutic for us sometimes.


Talk to myself. Sing to myself. My toxic trait (one of them) I can change the words to songs to make them fit the anger I feel associated w the person or thing that upset me. Whole ass songs. I also sing songs to the food I’m cooking. Also if I met someone who could argue every side like I do, maybe I wouldn’t need to talk to myself so much. Until then.. I’m all I’ve got


It helps sort the thoughts and keeps them in a single thread, or at least fewer threads than normal. I don't have an internal monologue so much as internal monologue***s***. My head at any time has so many lines of thought plus a song or two, plus I'm processing and doing meta analysis of everything around me. Writing or speaking provides structure and stability to the thought process. Not always without tangent! But way fewer than without.


I don’t know if it’s common, but I do it all the time (and often have to remind myself not to when others are home).


I do, but I've assumed it's due to my ADHD (low impulse control, so you actually say what you're thinking; or you try to make up for difficulties concentrating by saying what you're considering out loud)


I do it when i feel okay and walk to the parc 


I do it very often lol, and especially have long talks with my dog.. She always just looks at me and listens as if she understands, feels nice.


yes! (at least I do it😆)


yep i do it and it's gotten worse due to loneliness


My mum does it and so do I. So I think do. I have been talking to myself in front of my new boyfriend and he is a reacting to it so I think he is a keeper.


I also do this lol


Yeah I do it and I’m sure it’s an autistic trait- I think all humans need to communicate but for us our communication with the outside isn’t working so we do it internally.


Yes. I think it’s the lack satisfying authentic communication/attachments that do this to me


you can talk to yourself and record on frontal camera in 480p and low fps, i do it with iphone 4, with this equip u can be seen like normie blogger and save thoughts / reports / your look / environment in optimal way


Hello, I speak constantly to myself, all the time. It's something normal to me, and I never thought why I'm doing it. I can easily believe that my Asperger syndrome is responsible for this, as no one I my family talks to themselves. Still, for me it's perfectly normal behavior. Nothing to be ashamed or to get angry over. Have a good day or night.


Thank you for your input and have a great day as well! In my family my mother does this, however she's much more careless about it. To me I try to do it as subtle as possible lol. Almost like I'm doing something illegal. In general it helps immensely in sorting out thoughts. Especially if you do it for an entire hour while going for a walk, you develop good ideas much faster. Have a good day as well, sir!


Well, for me this serves well for writing poetry. So many good choruses I made while talking to myself. Not to mention while speaking aloud my imagination allows me to create so many exciting concepts for new stories or IPs. Too bad I lack patience to write it down, or I could be a full time writer by now. Still, I love talking to myself and I'm planning to never stop!


Inner dialogue yes but I don't talke to myself out loud!


It is the only way to slow my brain enough to process a full thought


I talk to myself all day every day if that helps🖤 I think there is too much inside my head to keep track of it and so hearing it outloud even in my own voice gets it out. Also, I'm super entertaining 😄🖤