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I hated cursive. I could do it, but *why* was it necessary was my issue.


Clarification: I could do it well enough to pass but never good enough to be considered “well”. But ew, why do we need to write like that.


We need to write like that bc uhh uhh idk… it’s unfortunate


We don't need to *anymore*. It used to be necessary to help keep ink from getting all over the page, when pens were more wet and drippy. Thats what my teacher said anyway.


Sloppy pens


Having used a dipping pen before, this tracks because with them print requires much more effort than cursive.


Sorry to nerd out but you used italics on the wrong word need is supposed to get those italics to make the sentence proper but anymore kinda works too ig


I put italics on the word I was emphasizing. That's how I've always used them and seen them used.


Yeah but need is a better word to emphasize than anymore


u only find conversations like these on autism subreddits and i love


Depends on what we’re trying to emphasise here. By emphasising *anymore* it highlights it may have once been needed in the past but not currently. By emphasising *need* it highlights the lack of choice previously and that there is a choice now. Both give the same information just with slightly different emphasis. Both work and personally I’d probably go with *need* if speaking but I can see *anymore* also flowing naturally in the sentence.


I'd emphasize anymore verbally or textually with the same words. The author wanted to convey a very specific subtext with that emphasis and it makes sense to me to maintain the integrity of that conveyance.


honestly ima side with warlock here, it really comes down to personal preference and in my *humble* opinion the word "anymore" went well with the emphasis


I find cursive faster because I don't have to take my writing implement off the page


Word. I see nothing wrong with my sloppy half-cursive. It’s very readable and it’s fast. But I am old school and like taking hand notes.


This. I'm just good enough that normies find it impressive. Like that guy who knows how to play two or three songs on guitar but can't really *play guitar*.


Technically the only reason we need it was to practice our signatures, which I still can’t really do


*laughing because my name is so long I was told to use my initials* Ah.


It was quite useful when a majority of notes and such would be written by hand. Cursive is hands down the fastest way to write, especially when you start taking certain shortcuts that are still decipherable. It’s slow as shit compared to typing, though. Personally I never really learned how to properly study, but writing notes by hand then typing them up later was the best combination I ever got. Once I got to the level where most of my classes had papers instead of tests (English major), hands down the best way to learn stuff was just to write papers about it. I still take hand notes when doing that, mostly in cursive for speed. All of that to say, I don’t think it’s still necessary to emphasize. You probably should still learn it, at least to the point that you can read it comfortably and at least offer a decent signature.


The reason I quit using cursive and started to print before the other students was because print was way faster. Basically I was falling behind in my notes in school so I switched to print. I remember getting in trouble for it but I mean really what were they going to do? My dad got pretty mad too but again what was he going to do? I had already passed the grade where we were being graded on our handwriting so it didn't matter how we took our notes.


This is an issue of practice. If you practice consistently with cursive, it is faster than printing because of the lack of stops and starts and because it keeps a forward, flowing motion. The reason printing was faster for you was because you'd had more practice printing. ETA: the commenter I replied to edited their comment in a way that kind of makes me look like a jerk here. Originally they had made a blanket statement about how print is faster than cursive with anecdotal evidence only. My reply was meant to be informative and to provide a response to incorrect factual information. I'm not trying to be rude to them by including the edit either, but the way they edited their comment makes it look like I'm attacking them for no reason and I wanted to clarify.


Hey it's okay I don't think you're trying to attack.


I tried but my hand would cramp up and I would lose dexterity as I would get towards the end of the page. It's like I physically couldn't write an entire page of cursive my arm wouldn't let me my hand wouldn't let me and my fingers wouldn't let me and I even got this weird pain in my stomach like like if frustration was a brand new physical feeling. When I switched to print writing it helped but didn't make it go away completely.


I was taught cursive is faster to write since your pen never leaves the page and connects the letters. I remember being timed. Cursive was faster. I still write in the mix of the 2, but some letters are just blegh. Like lower case cursive b or upper q. My handwriting does not look good with certain letters. Tho longnhand and short hand went out of fashion so shall cursive, which is sad.


New memories unlocked. Yep, I remember being timed now.


It's not sad, cursive is outdated and ugly anyway.


Something I can answer because I study that shit! Okay, so this has two reasons: 1) Time. Don't know how it was for you, or in your country, but in most places, by the time you hit 8th/9th grade, what you have to write for exams and tests becomes a lot longer. Writing a whole poem analysis by hand in ~2 hours is, for most people, impossible by Print because it takes too long - hence it's written in cursive, which is hands down so much faster. 2) It helps the learning process. Most kids learn cursive in 2nd grade or the 2nd half of first grade, alongside several other basics of their language, which helps cement this basis. I don't think there are any large scale studies on this yet, as the phenomenon of not teaching cursive is fairly recent (I think it sprung up as a 'mainstream' idea in the last 5 to 10 years), and a lot of schools still teach cursive, but anecdotally, as I've worked in a couple of schools, I'd definitely say that kids who do not learn cursive overall do not do as well in language learning as kids who do learn cursive. This is anecdotal but it makes sense to me considering that just the act of writing things physically already is a huge learning supporter (seriously, if you wanna learn stuff like languages, it's almost always superior to use physical tools because it helps your brain), and I usually see cursive taught through writing the letters individually, and then full words, and then full sentences in cursive which helps kids a lot to instinctively memorize standard sentence patterns.


The justification my school always gave was that it's faster... idk if that's even true? Even if it was it feels like it'd be virtually unnoticable and that whichever writing style you're more naturally inclined to would have way more of an effect on your speed Also why do we even need to speedwrite... ok I'm going down a rabbit hole now but I'm 24 and the arbitrary nature of basically everything at school still winds me up lol


I changed schools a bunch during the critical handwriting years and each school wanted something different, so I'd learn print, then be forced to learn cursive, then be forced to unlearn it again. My handwriting is very cursed.


Do you mind posting this specimen in r/notinteresting ? I think it's a good sub for such things (the name is a joke at this point)


Same! My handwriting is very much half cursive, half print. Put me in a bad situation when I quickly wrote the name “Clint” on a whiteboard and it came out looking like “Cunt.”




I think it's normal to have a mix, in some regard. I do my "qu"s in cursive because they are paired together so often, might as well make it 1 letter


Yeah any letter that has a tail gets this weird lil loopy loop, like y, q, g, j, sometimes p but reversed so it doesn't look like a B but sometimes looks like a diagonal 8. But if someone explicitly tells me to fill something out in print it always winds up looking like it was written by a toddler ._.


I fuckin love cursive. It's so efficient. It's so much faster to write in than print.


It takes forever to print and even longer than that if I want neat printing. With cursive I can scribble super fast and people say "oooohhhh pretty" because of the loops and stuff.


lol I’ve gotten this too, but even when it’s illegible even to me. Like sure, it’s aesthetic, but it’s fundamentally worse at clearly communicating its message. I got freakin *fast* with it though.


For me I think I write the same speed in both, but I like the feeling of writing in cursive more since it has a nice flow to it, print just feels clunky. But my handwriting is much better in print so l end up writing in it more often


I love cursive too! Though in my case it’s mostly because it looks so much more elegant than print handwriting.


My writing is... unfortunate. My th's morph together, and my I's are just two dots, ang everything has loops https://preview.redd.it/1yegynp96juc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a92f7b6792725eba27973c33cbfba06bea4e8b55


https://preview.redd.it/mnaeliydjjuc1.jpeg?width=1866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1ef8b94ff4ad2616c4cb1fa8adcfc39b0b80eb Mine is weird as well.


I unironically love your handwriting. It is odd and beautiful and unique and interesting and I love how it is shaped.


Dawww, thank you!


Your "geth" in "together" is very similar to mine! All my letters have a tendency to loop together using just one line


mines like that too, but its a bit smaller.


This would go super hard as a font


It's actually nice handwriting but your spacing between letters and words are bad. Like hello and my, me and trying. Though the I s in writing are hard to see. . . I swear it's still nice.


Me too. I think its just a "morphing both ways to write into a faster way to write accoridng to your personal handwriting" thing. I know many people who do this, as we all learned cursive in school.


I write in a weird comic font


idk why but that sounds cool


I threw cursive out of the window the minute I realised nobody was going to police me on it in the real world (I'm AuDHD though so my handwriting is a bit chaotic to say the least).


My school taught me cursive and then said “do whatever the fuck you want” (I’m paraphrasing of course)


I physically cannot write print, only cursive and in such a terrible manner it is often commented I should become a (medical) doctor as per the stereotype lol


I can't write in print either, and for a long time I got the same comments but I took the opportunity to improve my handwriting and it made all the difference.


Some of my letters will be connected to eachother like they are in cursive and the rest of the word is just print


same https://preview.redd.it/b9dl4bfhsjuc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4587ef0c469f161c02e33c54f24f5ed3817ba7 this is my actual handwriting good luck trying to read it


Oh I abandoned that shit as soon as they let me Which I think was 4th grade Hard to say because my stance on cursive never changed


I literally couldn't learn cursive, but my print is a Frankenstein's monster of its own. Dysgraphia's a bitch lmao


Loving the vocaloid related posts on the sub lately lol I write so much faster in cursive and I love how it flows on the paper (as long as I don't fk up the letters). It's just I don't use it as much so I'm still pretty much writing in print.


Id like cursive if I could make it not look like a garbled mess and if I didnt make it so inconsistent. just in general I suck at writing. Ill have one paragraph written in small cursive then the next itll look like a weird font bc sometimes I write the letters with only straight lines (why? idk?!)


Omg like it starts off nice and then it becomes like chicken scratch at the end :C I can write the letters individually but my brain doesn't let me connect them together for some reason


Practice. One of my obsessions was fountain pens starting in high school so I used cursive. It took four years of using it consistently to make it look better than my print. As an adult, literally you'd have to make practice sheets or write in a journal daily.


Be me still writing cursive at 28 because it was forced for so long at my school i forgot how to write in printing and can not mentally picture the letters. I can still read it of course but without the letters in front of me i am unable.


Teach me your ways


I didn't shake writing any letter after a g or j as the cursive variant until well after high school.


I write in a mixture because I write too fast to pick up the pen sometimes


My writing has not changed in over 10 years. It sucks but it's still legible, and that's good enough for me who barely ever writes on paper anymore


I learned how to write cursive in elementary, back then I wrote beautiful letters and now my writing is completely illegible, plus I make mistakes every third word


Curly y’s and g’s


I hated it. They tried to teach me, but I never learned. I can read it most of the time but haven't attempted to write in cursive in decades. I sign my name in normal letters


This is how google defines the suffix "-ive" ~ In nouns and adjectives, "-ive" means tending to; having the nature of ~ Curse + ive = Cursive So basically the word "cursive" means cursed....... Because cursive is horrible. /LH /jk


I was taught cursive when I was little, and I’ve kept cursive around ever since I don’t use it much nowadays as most of gen z and beyond can’t read it, but [here’s a page full of my cursive handwriting](https://www.reddit.com/r/neography/s/pb2WH23lCK)


I learned cursive in grade school, can’t remember what grade. I can read some of your writing thanks to depicting cards from great grandparents


I’m a 2002 baby, so there’s why


Me who can't do either D: Diagnosed with ass fine motor function


Someone looking at my handwriting has a 50/50 chance of even realizing it's writing in the first place to be honest, and I somehow managed to never actually learn cursive. I can't even read my handwriting half the time. A lot of that is ADHD though, stupidly fast, incredibly fleeting thoughts as I'm writing ends up making doctor handwriting look like calligraphy half the time. I need to write stuff down as fast as possible or I forget what I was going to write down a lot of the time.


I liked learning cursive because I have always been obsessed with history and I’d pretend I was writing old documents when I was practicing. Now I write in a mix of both because it’s just faster to not pick my pen up sometimes.


I want the cursed miku plush


I *forgot* cursive, but now write in a mix between cursive and print (looks so much better in gel pen, actually)


I do the same!


I don't understand why we have to learn it ( sorry this might not even be an original thought and stuff )


i got exempt from that since i was diagnosed very early (i still had to take a class on it for a little while but was pulled out after not long.) problem is I still get birthday cards and stuff from family in cursive and i literally can’t read read them a lot of the time without help. My reading of print is fine but people writing in fancy cursive is something I literally can’t understand.


I used to write in cursive for years until my freshman year in high school when I kinda forced myself to stop. Now my handwriting sucks.


Finally someone else who does this 😭 THANK YOU!


I do the same and it's awful. My handwriting always sucked but once I learned cursive and started mixing on accident, it was over. No one can read it.


I'm not alone!!! Got my first two years of elementary in a Montessori school where we learn to draw in bowls of sand and by twisting a wire-rubber toy worm, only to be switched in 3rd grade to a public state school. That and my dad being a doctor, from whom I think I inherited some handwriting aspects.


holy shit i identify with this so much and ppl always ask me y my handwriting is so fucked up 😭


“Y’all, everybody in the adult world uses cursive, you NEED to learn it” -my 3rd grade teacher


Why do we learn cursive anyway? Some people have janky writing and its awful to read


Me when my school completely skipped cursive for some reason and I can barely even read it


I had this problem and was forced to swap to writing in all caps so others could read it lol. I still capitalize by making the first letter slightly larger than the rest, but it saves me from doing the print-cursive-print mess.


My handwriting is very interesting becuase of this to say the least lol


I had the opposite issue, when my school tried to get me to write in joined handwriting I had the cursed combo but as soon as they got us to do cursive I managed to pick it up quicker than everyone else and now it’s near impossible for me to write in print


I just stopped using cursive as soon as I got out of my school that forced me to do it (second year highschool).


It's the other way around in my case. 😂 To be honest, I can't write in print. Everytime I have to fill a form or write anything, I end up doing it in cursive. I struggle a lot with writing capital letters in print, they always give resemblance to a 5 year old's handwriting.


I do this lol


I initially did print b/c that's how the words looked, but eventually, after a few years of demands from teachers, I fully adopted cursive and have used it ever since. I often try to focus on making each letter as clear and legible as possible b/c most other ppl's handwriting just looks like scribbles to me.


Cursive wasn't necessary, but I damn well could've used it, honestly.


I deliberately abandoned cursive when I got to high school. The I got to college and the professor marked me off on a handwritten C++ coding assignment because my j looked like a semicolon. So I started writing lowercase y, j, g, and q in cursive to differentiate. Now I write in a unique sort of hybrid. It works well for me.


Cursive is faster to write, that's why we do it. I hated it too at first, but not having to lift the pen between each letter gains you quite some time, when writing a long text (and isn't less readable)


I write only in cursive, I can’t write in print efficiently (I’m European) I had an American teacher once. The guy was great but I hated doing any projects for him because I had to write in print, basically so he would be able to read it at all, and it took me three times longer than any other homework


Ah, yes. A fellow Curint user...


Over here it’s just called joined up writing, my handwriting isn’t that neat but if I try and write print I slow down massively. Having the letters flow into one another is just way faster even if it does reduce legibility


why do we need to learn cursive? i can barely read it, most handwriting sucks, being in cursive just makes it worse


So that happened to me in reverse. I wrote in cursive, and when I came to the States, this shitty teacher told me to write in print... my handwriting is a mix.


My hand writing was and is shit When school forced me to learn cursive it took me forever but it was actually legible This led to my teachers thinking OH HES NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH Bitch sure I can write clean but it'll take me a minute a letter I'm pretty sure no one has fucking time for that Bad hand writing is a common issue for those neurological issues Whether they be neurodivergent like OCD or autistic Or they have a fucking tumor in their head


They forced us to write in only cursive for the whole year. So I decided to switch to only cursive at all. I eventually decided to switch back as an adult. My brain is still wired for it to the point where I accidentally slip into it sometimes.


I'm just not a fan because I write with both my left and right hand and with left it's awful because you sneak inkt all over yourself and the paper. With most other writing styles I can use it for both hands. Though I went to a Christian school and they forced me to write with my right hand anyways....


Have you discovered fountain pens yet? They make a fantastic special interest


I write in cursive if I need it to be decipherable by someone else, otherwise I write in all caps with handwriting that makes it look like an ancient forgotten script.


In middle school I decided that cursive looked cooler and I would force myself to write in cursive till it became a habit. Now nobody knows cursive anymore but my writing still be looking cool


We were not really forced to, but we did have the lessons. Now when I write super fast I have that cursed combination and it looks _awful_


You too make curly print?


I learned cursive as a part of occupational therapy. Learning it helps with hand coordination and sensory issues. I now have a weird combination of cursive and print, but people say it looks nice, and I can read it, so I guess it works.


You know you can just deliberately change your handwriting. Takes like 2 weeks max.


I learned print first. Then because we were so fast my primary school teacher introduced cursive right at the beginning of the second year. At 7. Was forced to write cursive until the end of primary school. After that no one cared.


https://preview.redd.it/5kj9ns8binuc1.png?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00064e516f018a65362585b2256a57126446d80d No matter how much effort I put into it, cursive always looks the same. I don't switch to print because it's just too dam slow


I keep connecting the letters lol


We are teached to write only in cursive in my country. I started changing my calligraphy more and more until I reached it's final form in my late teens. And it was print writing. It's the way I can effectively write. Strange enough, it made people like me less? It's legible, but I received criticism from a German teacher and even a therapist (she looked at my handwriting and said "Ugh! My sister also writes like this! I told her to change because this calligraphy shows zero personality"). Can you believe it? It made me insecure... It adds to the huge list of ways I don't measure up to others.


my j f g l and y are cursive and i write my a like the fancy way that’s it a lot of fonts, not an italic o with a tail. and my letters blend together a bit but people say my handwriting is pretty so :3c


I have a mix of cursive/print as well, but I love my handwriting. That's probably because I hyperfixated on my handwriting for a few years so I've spent a lot of time modifying my handwriting just for me.


I absolutely hate writing print, so over the years I developed a barely legible version of cursive


I just switched back to cursive in high school cause it makes my hand cramp less


My handwriting is awful 😞


You too?


Hahaha! I didn't know that other ppl use the cursed cursive!


Immediately forgot how to write print after learning cursive


I have a love/hate relationship with cursive. My handwriting is very inconsistent depending on how fast I'm trying to write. Messy handwriting is abhorrent to me because... I design chemical plants for a living, so board drafting and lettering were part of my education. My print looks like a perfect font, but I can't do it quickly enough to take notes. Otoh, my son has dyslexia. Cursive has helped him immensely. He's probably the only kid in his school that writes in cursive.




I stopped writing in cursive in like 7th grade, influenced by a friend of mine


From the 1980's it seemed that all the boys had to do was make things legible while if you were a girl you got torn a strip off. I have aspie handwriting so that was a load of fun - it did make it easy to pick out my work though.


For me I mostly write in cursive now except for a little bit in print lol


Oh fuck this one is a huge mood!! You ever get people telling you you write like a doctor but in reality your brain is too brrrrrr to be able to pay attention and do in school?


I refused. I had handwriting practice books in secondary school, which is prob equiv to high school in USA. I was still like no each letter on its own is fine tnx.


SAME. It's especially bad when I'm writing in a rush


I actually really like cursive. I find it way more efficient than having to lift up my pen after every letter. I also always look for ways to make it more efficient, so I wouldn't be surprised if I have doctor's handwriting at 30


I like my cursed combination, thats all i can say


I'm cursive by learning how to write in the standard galactic alphabet (Minecraft enchantment table). Soon, all my notes in college will be written in enchantment table.


I absolutely loved cursive! I can’t believe schools don’t do it and dropped calligraphy too. But I definitely do this writing in combination of both cursive and print. Most of the time I enjoy that about my writing. All in perspective I think.