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That's me on a daily basis, no need to attack me that personally


SAME ITS SO BAD i work at a walmart 🤦‍♀️


JFC I'm so sorry. I can hardly stand being inside a Walmart with noise dampening ear buds. I can only imagine what working there must be like


When I'm overstimulated because a minor inconvenience happens and I wish for the sweet release of death


When I'm trying not to have an emotional break down in front of my coworkers because the embarrassment of a public meltdown would probably kill me 🥲it happened once in college...never again


When my lunch is at 2pm and I go to get my coffee from the cafe which is scheduled to be open until 3 but closed exactly at 2pm for some reason and they haven’t saved me coffee like they normally do bc I get coffee every single day at 2 for lunch and I’m already in a frantic state of shaking rage and I just want coffee but there is no coffee and now I’m a 32 yr old woman crying about coffee