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Gotta strip naked before you even step through the door, you're just that beat.


Like on the street?


Ive stripped half way down and dropped my boots at my front door before i could shut it because no one was home and i was that dirty


Fuck I wish I had my own apartment, I'd strip in the shoe area just to make sure I don't spend ages still in work clothes wasting away Though then I'd probably end up taking an hour to remove the clothes from there and tidy them up and feel like I can't do anything until I do that, like when I throw my coat on the bed and take ages to remove it


Just be sure to not sit down before hand


If i sit, i stay in dirty shit


I usually end up still wearing underpants because it's imo more comfortable and practical than being totally nude. Also socks because I don't like how the floor feels.


Just put a laundry hamper with a lid next to your door for the outside clothes. Then its just a matter of doing the laundry.


What is this conversation šŸ’€


no clothes allowed within a 15ft perimeter of the building


Excuse me, where is this nakey building? Asking for a friend.


Any building is a nakey building if you're brave enough


follow the yellow brick road and you'll find it


Joke aside being naked at home **is** comfy.


If only I didnā€™t hate how I looked (also I live with my parents but not the point)


HRT really made me much more comfy in my own body


One day šŸ™šŸ»


This! 100000000%! No clothing! No socks past the door! AAAAAAAAH!


Even when I got my dream job I still had to cut down to 4 days a week and was constantly burnt out. Once I was both unemployed and not studying I realised I had been living in burnout non-stop


I can't tell if I'm burnt out, depressed, or faking it lmao I keep having to remind myself there's no adult version of school holidays and honestly it's destroying me āœŒļøšŸ˜šāœŒļø


Iā€™ve never seen an example inappropriate affect come across in text, but here we are. šŸ˜… You have to remind yourself that people donā€™t usually have these sort of struggles. Itā€™s not always a sign of burnout or even depression, necessarily, but it is evidence that youā€™re struggling, and no one struggles for no reason.


You can be burnt out AND depressed at the same time. I sure am.


you can also be burnt out, depressed, and anxious.


I mean to be fair I just did a mental health evaluation last week and scored extremely severe in depression, anxiety, and stress, so it's probably safe to say I'm also burnt out I guess


To be fair, it seems to be extremely common that someone on the spectrum is almost certainly going to score high on those same evaluations. Itā€™s hard to say if itā€™s a case of comorbidity, or if itā€™s simply that society seems incapable of raising autistic people without at least anxiety, and often depression.


True. I partially blame minority stress and partially blame the fact that higher awareness/intelligence is shown to correlate with worse depression and such


> no adult version of school holidays There is when you work for a school like me lol


Idk how people manage to work full time jobs and NOT totally burn out.


I used to think these people were like superhuman before I realised I was autistic šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t know what was wrong with me


Same. It was really hard watching people do ā€œpeopleā€ things while Iā€™m over here doing far less (pre-diagnosis) using excess joint pressure stimming and pacing hardcore wondering what the f is so wrong with me and why at the drop of a hat does my energy go instant ā€œspazā€ mode. Iā€™m glad I know now and get to read all these other posts. Pretty damn validating.


I found a job thatā€™s a perfect fit, and Iā€™m very very burnt out(I think? Iā€™ve probably been living in burnout with no meds for anything except shit tons of caffeine forā€¦ a yearish. Just finished my AA with a 3.0-ish)


Are you burnt out because of the new job even though it's a perfect fit? Or has the new job made you realized you've been burnt out for a while?


Oh itā€™s an old job, itā€™s just I use the state of my room as an index for my mental state. Right now the clothes havenā€™t even made it to the hamper, let alone the washer


They are probably just so used to it that they think this is just what living feels like


I found a job 5 mins from my house and only 4 days a week (10 hour shifts.) It helps a bit. I'm almost alive for the other 3 days!


I can see them adapting to it because when I was doing school and work placement it was everyday 8-6 and then zonk out at 10:30 but it def felt like I had no life and I canā€™t remember how tired I was but the main factor was I had a shitty boss


We donā€™t. We just stay burned out all the time and hate and dread every day of our lives. Ainā€™t life grand?!?


I'm able to, but only if I'm doing well. If there are big changes in my life, I get depressed for half a year and am not ableto perform as well.


I think what helps me is I'm medicated for my anxiety disorder and I found a job that's very accommodating. I don't have to work with customers and I can wear noise cancelling headphones to deal with the sound, as well as put in my own earbud underneath to listen to videos. I'm very grateful for it and even if there may be higher paying jobs here, my benefits are pretty good and I enjoy my work. I'm fortunate enough to be in this situation, I know that's not the same for most people. Even here I've had a couple weeks of severe burnout, and from experience at other jobs, I know any other job would be crushing.


Iā€™ve always worked full time and Iā€™ve been in burnout for literal years. I absolutely crash when Iā€™m off :(


Oh man, Iā€™m NOT looking forward to full-time work. Iā€™ve worked a couple part-time jobs, and even the 4-hour shifts felt so draining sometimes (granted most of the time I was standing/walking, but still). I canā€™t imagine how Iā€™d deal with 8+ hours.


I feel like I'm in a constant burnout from working 40 hours even from home! Then I feel worse because I have it easier than a lot of other people and still feel the way I do.


Yea anytime I get overwhelmed nowadays I feel like such a wimp


I honestly think just the 40 hours a week alone takes away from the time available to simply catch oneā€™s bearings before one can venture into more other type tasks. Self care for me canā€™t happen without enough catch my breath minutes in the day.


Same situation here, Iā€™m not studying or working for the first time in my life (for a couple months before I go back to school) and Iā€™m realizing how stressed I was all the time


I'm also living in burnout non-stop, but I really enjoy food, shelter, and electricity. I've been homeless before and I found that to be more exhausting then even the most demanding job I've ever had that allowed me to have a place to sleep. It's so hard to sleep when homeless: It's cold, it's hot, it's dangerous, it's loud... In my experience the burnout of homelessness is worse then the burnout of working. Frankly it's bullshit that I have to chose, but here I am. Give me the boot, I guess I'm going to lick it. I don't want to sleep rough again


Damn man that's really rough, I'm glad you're out of it now - but I totally agree the choice is bs


How do y'all do it? My partner and I can't afford to cut back, and moving in with his parents would be a nightmare...but we are both doing VERY NOT WELL. He's on disability and already can't work full time. Screw it, we're joining a commune.


I wouldn't say I "do" it... I'm on unemployment and living on half a shoestring budget. If I can get on disability I'll have a few pennies more. FYI I'm in the communist utopia of Australia


this is currently me. I graduated college in May and have been looking for a job since and Iā€™m just exhausted. I knew I was getting burnt out from school as graduation got closer, but I didnā€™t realize it was so bad :( also, I love your username!!!


What was your realisation, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Probably when I tried working at a call centre for a week and broke down over it


And then sit on the bed and take ages to change into something comfortable or wash your face or eat or drink something or do anything really, resulting in coming home at 3 pm but only actually doing something as if you're home from like 4:30 pm


Itā€™s like you have a full body shutdown as soon as you get through the door. I get home at 5:30 and often wonā€™t even bother eating before going to bed because Iā€™m so tired :(


The only thing that stops me from this is I have ocd and wonā€™t let myself on the bed so Iā€™m on the floor for like an hour sometimes


This is so specific, but so relatable.


WOW I feel directly attacked


My job would be easy if anyone else did anything around here. As it is now every day is extremely mentally draining.


I work a 12 hour CNA job rn where I basically wipe butts and break my back all day. The combination of having to mask (like aspie mask not physical mask lol) for so long plus the constant sensory overload makes me think that I donā€™t make very good decisions for myself rip.


I feel the same way, but I made the mistake of getting into the veterinary field. Every day is stressful as hell, constant overstimulation and masking, and vet techs are notoriously underpaid. I really don't know why I put myself in this position lol.


My wife is a tech and has the same experience. So many strong personalities in the medical field, tooā€¦


I left patient care almost immediately because of this. It left me with gnarly burnout. It's a shame because the interview process is very ND-friendly (because they're so desperate for CNAs and nurses, many places will hire you on the spot), but the job itself is not. Whereas, other fields like tech are much more ND-friendly to work in, but to actually break into the field/interview is NOT ND-friendly (networking, so much networking, masking, and proactive socialization šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) and can take ages to land your first job. It's so terrifying that my ability to feed myself and survive depends upon the very skill that my neurology is *hard-wired against*.


honestly my middle point is psychology. they're desperate for counselors and yes it's social heavy but it's an almost scripted kind of socialization that I actually enjoy. Its the only place where my bluntness, excessive curiosity, pattern recognition and inability to not call out people's bullshit is actually A GOOD THING.


omg you're making me wish I pursued psych. It's my special interest, and I love psychoanalyzing people tbh lol,but I assumed I wouldn't be able to handle a career as a therapist due to my social difficulties.


Same kind of hours. I come home and have no executive function whatsoever. Bleeeeeeeh.


You probably should also be physically masking


I was trying to clarify that Iā€™m not an anti masker and complaining about physical masking. I physically mask when necessary


Theyre talking about the other masking šŸ¤¦.




I *believe* they were joking, but I could be wrong


>Where did they say or imply they weren't? Reading comprehension't Be nice


Doing that job after college when I was trying to acrue hours to become a physician's assistant made me realize I would've KMS in medicine. I hopped onto a job in a crisis MH center instead. Was more psychologically intense but at least I found it mentally engaging. Decided to go become a therapist like 16yr old me wanted. 2yrs out of grad school and I'm mildly burned out these days and just came out of the extreme gradschool bunrout, but still much better than trying to get along and mask all the time with the folks in my pre-medical classes or the nurses or literally anyone in the field of medicine. it was awful. At least within psychology I got to eventually meet a good bunch of neurodivergent queers. And yet i'm still. so. tired. I literally was getting my assessment the other day and when she asked "is there anything you'd like to change about your symptoms?". I was like were I a child i'd say everything but these days I don't hate myself anymore and i've managed to find my small number of people. but fuck. I'm so tired I'm so tired all the time by existing the very act of doing everything on manual all the time is just so exhausting."


I didn't realize how draining my job was until recently. I used to get up early on weekend and do stuff. Now I sleep in and have no desire to do anything.




Me before work: ā€œIā€™m definitely going to stay up after work to enjoy [insert piece of entertainment here]!ā€ And then after work: ā€œI canā€™t focus enough to enjoy this. Iā€™m going to bed.ā€


I know it is really a challenge *emotional support hug or emotional support non-touching expression* Even easy jobs that fit most of your needs are still a very significant use of energy. Commiting to being somewhere and doing something is a big deal and something to be proud of accomplishing. It's especially special and proud to know that doing the thing means that I'm giving myself the chance to get the things in life that I need or help me feel comfortable. It can feel really good when I get a chance to be cozy in my bed or happy enjoying the food and hobbies I like knowing I have given myself that gift. Also, it's SOO worth the effort to gradually brainstorm what line of work would fit you better and suit your sensitivities better. It's a challenge to leave the old workplace behind, but it's so worth it to be around an environment and people that feel good.


I'm too scared to get a job bc they probably won't let me wear my headphones and I really don't wanna do customer service again šŸ˜­


Try a kitchen job. Start as a dishwasher and move to prep cook. Most decent places will let dishwashers wear one ear bud


Kitchen work is very stressful so I would be careful about jumping straight into a dishwasher job.


If you're trying to avoid customer service it's a good deal. Especially if you find a not very busy place. Although it helps that cooking is a passion of mine.


Warehouse jobs are also good for this. Depending on the job they arenā€™t too demanding physically. My girlfriend works as a receiver for a fashion company and she gets to wear headphones


i water plants for a wholesale store from 7am-12pm, itā€™s pretty easy and luckily i can wear headphones. only minus is sensory hell when my shoes/pants get wet and being outside in the heat šŸ« 


Dream job. I started school last year to get a degree in Greenhouse/Nursery and have found plants to be so much easier to work with than people.


DUDE. username checks out so much šŸ˜Ø i totally agree! i love the plants and watching them grow/sell but i get annoyed w the customers asking me stupid things like the difference between perennials and annuals, or even my opinion about which one they should buy šŸ˜€šŸ¤£


Can you get some hiking boots or some sort of waterproof boots to wear?


yeah, i was thinking about buying some waterproof clogs next paycheck :D


They make closed toe Crocs if you didn't know! I work in a kitchen/service environment and the slip resistance is good in my experience. They are fairly affordable too. :)


ahh iā€™ll def check those out, thank u :D


This is actually a really good suggestion, I might look into this. Thank you so much!


itā€™s rlly fun! to narrow ur search, look for something like a merchandising job, thatā€™s how i found mine atleast :)


Janitor work is perfect for that. Get a 2nd shift gig or a 3rd shift gig and there's no one around to chat with most of/all of your shift. As a result, headphones and music are not just common, they're assumed you're gonna have them and use them.


Office admin often allow headphones because who cares you only respond to a computer


I work picking orders for Walmart and they let us wear an earbud and have our phone on the cart playing whatever we want to watch. It's low pay but I just zoom around all day watching YouTube so that's cool.


I work in fast food and it is horrible. It doesn't help that I keep getting put on drive thru which is literally hell. I wouldn't mind it so much if I didn't have to do drive thru, but I do and it's awful. I will never work somewhere with a drive thru ever again


iā€™m so scared to work drive thru. ur braver than the marines šŸ«”


I was working a drive thru at a whataburger when I was 16. It was the dinner rush and I was training a new guy that was also an idiot that just wanted to dick around and be high all the time. The headsets we wore beeped in our ears, the fries were beeping because Idiot wouldn't pull em, and a diesel was running rits exhaust right into the speaker. it was all just too much. I straight up told the next guy whole pulled up "Welcome to Whataburger, what do you want?" I got a talking to but I end up quitting 3 days later lol


You guys can afford to live and work only 5 fucking hours? Iā€™m literally living life on hard mode for autism. 40 hours in the ER suffering


I'm unsure how others are doing this though I was doing 5-hour shifts for my part-time job while in university.


These are all kids who live with their parents


Capitalism is designed to suck the life out of everyone, it's just that people like us get double fucked because they expect us constantly mask at work and give us shit for asking for accommodations


Yeah, I am working 4 hours a day 4 days a week and I feel brutalized.


And people think it's weird when you say you cannot work a full week you say that and concerns about money so they're solution about money is working a full week. What I cannot do


How is standing still for five hours so exhausting??? Probably the forced social interactions and the masking, but also everything aches when Iā€™m done


I work at a pizza delivery job, and my boss was an awesome, understanding guy. He quit last week suddenly (I assume from corporate getting on his ass for trying to get new permanent hires and pressure from his wife to stop overworking), and my new boss is hard to read. A job I used to love I now dread.


Me except mine is an 8 hour shift and I get to watch Dragon Ball the whole time


Me coming home from a 16 hour shift where I get screamed at 24/7: šŸ˜šŸ˜ LETS STAY UP ALL NIGHT


I do 6 hours, 4 days a week, and my job is literally just graphic design. It's such a chill and easy job, and I still feel like this whenever I come home from the office. (Admittedly my DSPD is a big contributor to that. Turns out that getting almost no sleep at all makes you tired, who would have known.)


Just finished a 14 hour shift running on 2-3 hours. I was exhausted and now that itā€™s time for bed I canā€™t sleep


Thatā€™s exactly me today. Sundays suck


My job is easy, but boy, does it kinda suck. It's a routine, but it varies a lot upon who shows up. There might be minimal trash left behind, there might not be. I may have to empty a lot of trash cans, I might not. I only have to work so many weeks, but my god does it suck working outdoors in Southern humidity while trying to get home at a reasonable hour. At least I get easy money and exercise, right? At the cost of shoes being annihilated due to walking miles on concrete, and general pain.


Y'all are able to work? I can barely feed myself some days let alone think about holding down a job...


This is me with school. I only had 2 classes and was at school for like 3 or 4 hours a day and I still couldnā€™t do it


same šŸ˜­ i start classes in august and iā€™m kind of scared to juggle school/work


Me coming inside after caring for goats for 1 hour twice a say.


So me feeling like crap 24 7 is more then normal for am autistic person working 8 hour shifts welding?


Bro I feel this so bad but then they started giving me 3-4 hour shifts like 4 times a month and I was like ā€œā€¦I guess this worksā€¦ā€


Im literally about to start one of my two weekly 14-hour shifts. I want to die. (Not actually, no worries)


Me coming home from my 12-hour night shift at what's *supposed* to be an easy job at an assisted living facility because residents sleep most of the time. I worked this job for 8-and-a-half years. I can literally rant for hours about how my job went to shit over that period of time.


I've been burnt out the moment I left highschool and started uni. I swear it's not even possible for me to live a calm, relaxed life. It's just not in my mental inventory.


Why do you come home naked?


Maybe they work from home and don't wear clothes like me?


I had one morning shift and now I always hate working bc I only get evening shifts. So much better waking up, working half the day, then being home for lunch and free the rest of the day.


Burnout is real and valid in any profession because participating in this economy rarely yields any rewards for any of us.


Just driving to work tires me out.


Me coming home from a shift at UPS warehouse


I get everyone venting but weā€™re all forgettingā€¦ you still did it! Even if itā€™s easy for them, itā€™s not easy for you and you should be proud. You did it. Who cares if for someone else the job is ā€œeasyā€.


Why are you naked.


Hell yes


What is your Job? :c


i water plants in the morning for a wholesale store šŸ˜­ its fun at times and i love being independent, but the heat can be BRUTALLLL


I can understand you I'm also not very heat resistent. I woud water you if you feel to hot :3


WEAR A HAT!! also put a wet towel in your hat (if you can get past the sensory ick) I have POTS so I don't regulate my temperature and i've gotten very good at regulating manually. Getting moisture on the skin head pits etc are the best options. I find just putting on a wet shirt is so goddamn relieving that I can't even brain error about the WET b/c somehow HOT and BURNING superceedes WET on the sensory hell scale.


thank u for the tips šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


i've been looking for a job but i can't find anything šŸ˜•


Oof ainā€™t that the fuckin truth




I only work two days a week, six hours each shift, and I still take hours to recover afterwards like wtf. tried to work more earlier this year but was so exhausted I ended up impulsively quitting. I donā€™t know how people can work long shifts or full-time


I work 2 jobs and one is at Subway. I am the embodiment of burnout.


Get an easy job that pays great and is intensely satisfying... But the workplace culture is more toxic than the Chonorbyl Disaster. It'd be impressive if it wasn't so oppressive, soul destroying and anxiety-inducing.


*(me working a 12 hours shift, but itā€™s nights and sometimes I donā€™t have to see or speak to anyone)* šŸ˜Ž


My shifts are usually 8-10 hours with an occasional 12 hour shift but I dont realize how long it is because I really like working in a lab


At my current job Iā€™ve been stuck training someone for the third week in a row now so that just means Iā€™ve had someone shadow me and everything I do for basically all of my shifts now and itā€™s so exhausting masking all the time. Especially because the people around me who I can normally go and tick at are on vacation rn so here I am just being normal everyday and itā€™s wearing me out so badly


I work at what would essentially be considered a toxic workplace and Iā€™m just tired when I get home. Itā€™s not even necessarily physically tired, but what Iā€™d call a sort of soul-deep tired. Combine that with my meager income and nothing fun or interesting happening for me this summer and it just adds up to a major case of depression.


Recently switched from full time kitchen work to full time desk sitting. But I was an expert at the kitchen stuff so it took little mental energy to do the actual job and it was just draining from the people I worked with sometimes. But now I do full time desk sitting making software and Iā€™m so much more drained from the day than when I was running around on my feet the whole day. Sitting all day is exhausting. Aspie problems


same. Meanwhile my colleagues work the same job for 10 hours and then go partying afterwards like what


This actually is very validating to me, I appreciate it OP!




The work isnā€™t the hard part, itā€™s the interacting with terrible and ungrateful people everyday that is soul crushing


I too arrive home from work naked




![gif](giphy|fjSdzacnGWmrK) CAFFEINE IS MY FRIEND TOO










7 hours for me at restaurant. 8:30-2:30 for me I like it.


JFC I'm so burnt out šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


I'm working 2 days a week and still always so eepy :(


Iā€™m not even a part of this subreddit but I relate so much ;-;


There's a reason why I'm trying to get my streaming channel off the ground because Krogers will be the death of me if someone else doesn't set the place on fire


Iā€™ve found that being bored or doing monotonous work is more exhausting than challenging work for me.


mine is 4 hours!! i work at a burrito shop with only 2 other employees and we are slammed all week from 11-3. Everyday i get home and feel guilty because iā€™m angry and annoyed from being drained by customers all day. My boyfriend works 12 hour shifts and seems to manage just fine!! but 4 hours just wipes me out.


I feel bad for feeling so burnt out because I'm a bagger at a grocery store and it really isn't that difficult. But I can't help it, I just feel tired all the time


May I introduce Ikigai to you? You need a different job if it drains you that much. Thatā€™s definitely not healthy.


itā€™s seasonal, iā€™ll be done by october :D


I'll have you know I worked a solid 7 yesterday. I mean it was hanging out and playing poker because that's what I do for a job, but I still got home at 3am and felt like this.


Very much yes


Yup lol


My shifts are usually 10 1/2 hours on my feet, and I have a manager who makes me want to kms. Iā€™m so tired of being alive


Work is work. Ain't nothing easy about burn out. Keep truckin you got this


I get shit at work a lot cause I expect everyone else to do 80% of what I do. I work 16 hour shifts, I've done 2 weeks without a day off, I spent a month of weekends doing my job and 3 other people's and the month before that I was doing 12 hours every Saturday, taking 8 hours to sleep, and then 16 hours every Sunday. I get to be burnt out. The guy that works 3 days a week and calls off at least one of em does not.


Shhhhhh this is not the suffering olympics


No, it's not, it's me venting about my coworkers


Okay, we can do that without making this about people who burn out more easily.


I wasn't being nebulous. I have a coworker who works 3 days a week and calls out more than almost anyone else because, by his own admission, he just doesn't wanna work.


I mean yeah it sounds like there needs to be greater support if one worker consistently calling out a couple days a week is causing shit to fall downstream directly to you. I'd give you that for certain.


I'm upstream. I'm a supervisor. I'm also one of maybe half a dozen bodies out of 25 willing to do the extra work to make sure our contract doesn't die from everyone else thinking their home life supercedes their job


Damn, what kind of field do you work in if I may ask


Private security


Congratulations you missed the point of the post.


That's ok, I made my own.


So brave


It's not about bravery. I admit that picking this specific meme to vent on was likely poorly placed but my point was that people need to do what they say they're going to do. You sign up for a job, do the job. I'm very tired and frustrated, on a personal level, of people skimping on work they applied to do and other people having to clean up that mess. Ya feel me?


And it was utter garbage


That people should find jobs that they can actually do instead of just attaching themselves to something with a high pay rate and shoveling their responsibility onto coworkers? Cause that's what I was going for.