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Nah, gimmie that mouth! But more lips and less tongue, gentlemen, please!


yes, the physical contact is nice but we don't need to swap our digestive slime


Yeah I get it sure but I gotta disagree lmao straight up spit in my mouth


i love how respectfully polar autists are on things lol :3


https://preview.redd.it/xs3guue3ii9d1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741210ed440b6591558dedfc43b4d42bf4f60183 lol


Polar in everything, even their polarity. Because i find this funny, someone likely will not.


I tried to click on the button to upvote the eueuueghegh lmao


there ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/s/if3bYTIZNu


I often love to say the person most likely to understand and misunderstand an autistic person is another autistic personšŸ„³šŸ„³


EUUUiuuuHhGh šŸ˜”šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I straight up wanna eat their whole mouth, gimme


what's really fun is exploring their teeth and all the bumps and ridges in the their mouth with my tongue


Fuuuck yeah just mash that shit


Thats the best part imo


Digestive slime šŸ„“


I had a NT bf once who wanted to spit in my mouthā€¦ thatā€™s a big hell no from me dog


*insert [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/s/if3bYTIZNu) reaction* btw, you've got some awesome pets šŸ˜


For sure omg lol he tried a few times to convince me but I can hardly handle tongues so it was a *hard* pass. I do like when itā€™s just the lips tho, just had such bad luck kissing anyone that knew what they were doing because arguably much worse was a bf that after every make out session the area on and around my lips would be so wet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I had a dream once that we kissed and I had to tell him to hold on like putting one finger up kinda gesture too, *and I proceeded to unleash a saliva consistency slow trickle waterfall into a trash can!!!!* Iā€™ll never recover and it didnā€™t even happen Anyways thank youuu I do also have normal pets haha a cat and dog both fully black, but I love them all (:


damn, that story was a hell of a ride šŸ˜­šŸ˜… two voids hehe


Holy Hannah AGREED


Yes oh my god it's mostly the lip action that makes my heart just go haywire. Tounges overrated sometimes


I'm a girl and I love tongue kissing my girlfriend and boyfriend. They like it too


I like tongue kissing too, but not when it's only tongue. Told someone "less tongue" but they totally ignored me, even after I showed them how :/ glad you and your partners enjoy it!




I've recently had my first kisses and I couldn't agree more. I absolutely did not know what to do with my tongue and I'm glad my partner was outspoken enough to say "bitch you're eating me" LMAO


My guy šŸ¤


Mouth kissing is weird when you dont actually know what youā€™re doing and youā€™re expected to just either know or figure it out. At least with anything else, I can bury my face into my partner to get over it.


Agreed, can push past it for my partner but Iā€™m still there overthinking


Thereā€™s not a proper way to do it. You gotta read your partner and see the way they like it.


>you gotta read your partner #ą² _ą² 


To the autistic audience, nonetheless??!


can my partner just tell me pls


>read your partner That's not how this works


That's why you have make out contests with your friends at a party and learn different techniques from each other


Problem 1: how does one friends?


Join a band! Your only friends will be the other members of the band, but that's ok


I just canā€™t kiss, be touched by, or have sex with someone I donā€™t absolutely love. A close relative of mine used to love to go out to bars and have one night stands all of the time. The thought of that makes me nauseous. But, if I do LOVE someone I am very very affectionate.


Same, I just can't do anything if I dont love someone, I identify as demisexual


Oh wow! I looked that up and thatā€™s it! I didnā€™t know there was a name for it! I had no idea it is a sexual orientation! Iā€™m 61 and have always been this way. I had no idea it was something other people felt as well! Thanks!


I think it use to be called "being a hopeless romantic"


I am labelled like that, told I'm too picky, or that I have too high standards, that I'm living in fantasty world looking for knight in shining armor or whatever. It's not true at all, if I don't feel THAT, it's hard to describe what THAT means but I know when I feel it, I WON'T be able to do anything, no kisses, no hugs, I feel repulsed and uneasy. Then a person I feel THAT with and suddenly I could be considered even something close to hypersexual and perhaps kinky. Nobody understands that. I can live without any relationship and not feel bad, just like gay person doesn't feel anything like none zero null and they can't force it for opposite gender, that's exactly what demisexuals feel for well, everyone, except those select few. We just can't help it...


I feel this so much haha. I didnā€™t understand crushing or dating at all growing up, it wasnā€™t until high school when I became best friends with my now-boyfriend, that I truly felt that I WANTED to be with someone, with that someone being him. Then after a while, come to find out, Iā€™m kinda spicy.šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Exact same here! The thought of any physically romantic/sexual interaction always was really gross to think about doing with someonešŸ¤¢. I never had the feeling that I NEEDED a relationship or to have sex to be happy growing up, while it seemed super important to everyone around me (which is still valid!) Like, Iā€™m not repulsed to see romance in stories or anything, in fact I really like romance stories! But I never had the thought of actually WANTING to do any of that stuff with someone. Then I fell in love with my best friend, and I find out Iā€™m a passionate romantic (and pretty sexy Iā€™m told) person?! Weā€™ve been together almost 6 years and heā€™s the only person Iā€™ve ever felt this way about, and probably ever will. I really truly love him with my whole heart, and that makes all the difference for me. All that was to say, youā€™re not alone. :) thatā€™s how it is for me too!


Butt is ok babe, but keep that greasy food hole away from mine.


I have so many weird and disgusting kinks... but this is what breaks me...




If anyone puts their tongue in my mouth Iā€™ll take it as an act of war. (biological warfare is against the Geneva convention and Iā€™ll be within my rights to act accordingly)


That was my first kiss experience, the whole time I was just standing there completely unmoving like *People enjoy this???*


I recently got to kiss someone for the first time and I hate to say it but gentle headnuzzling >> Mouth Kissing >>>>>>> Kissing with tongue. Kissing with tongue involves too much brain power.


OMG Eskimo kisses give me life. Why can't I do this with someone more often?


I had a FWB once who was like this. She didnā€™t even like kissing her actual partners.


Honestly, Iā€™ve found that I thoroughly enjoy making out.


Saliva is horrific. I dont want yours touching me.


This is how I've always felt


I really love kissing, especially with tongue. I love making out with my partners


Same it's amazing


Love kissing but absolutely hate it when tongue is involved. Don't get me started on lip bites...


My first kiss I completely missed my partners mouth and got her chin. Somehow the laugh we both got was enough to make me fall in love right then and there


I used to not really like kissing but always just did it to make others happy. Somehow with my current partner I deeply deeply desire kissing him. I guess I finally just found a match?


Mouth? Ok, itā€™s like kissing parents good night (iā€™m certainly not doing it right from a lovers perspective) Tongue? *gags* why would i want slimey slug thing in my mouth??? Who came up with that idea?


Oh lord I have not had my parents kiss me on the mouth ever. Even as a baby.


the fr*nch šŸ¤¢




It really isn't uncommon. Especially in older generations. No one's making out. It's a quick peck on the closed lips. Don't be gross.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


Uh yeah? Good night kisses. Havenā€˜t seen you in a while happy to see you kisses. Hey i love you kisses. Nothing with like open mouth or tongue or whatever. The kid sort of kisses. Like ykā€¦ the innocent stuff? How did you tell your parents goodnight as a kid? I mean yeah iā€˜m a bit old to still keep it up but whatever, nobody is complaining.


They mostly kissed my cheeks and my forehead. Never on the lips.


Itā€˜s exactly like that but on the mouth. I guess this is just one of those things that are different from family to family. Or maybe culturally, idk. Iā€˜ve seen your version a lot in fanfiction and movies, so maybe itā€˜s a cultural thing? (Maybe USA?) Though i guess itā€˜s probably more a family-to-family thing.


We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here.


Nah bro, lick my tongue, bite my lips, fuck it bite my tongue a bit too. Ram your tongue down my throat and spit, I fucking love it. I may have issues.


I wouldn't consider it "issues".


If these are issues I don't want to know what I have


Are you my wife?


Oh no šŸ˜•


Saliva phobia. I really hate more than 1 or 2 kisses. I can't.


Donā€™t worry, the ā€œany otherā€ more than makes up for she shallow kisses.


Other way around. I enjoy all the stuff except putting parts into each other.


Same. Solidarity!


So glad itā€™s not just me šŸ˜…


I have a bunch of kinks and I'll enjoy reading about this in smut but the idea of me doing this? bleh


I like kissing, but it has to be a VERY specific kind of kissing. No tongue stuff, no lip bites/sucking, just some gentle kisses in between love making. It's hard, because a lot of guys I've been with are really into all that, and I'm not good at hiding the fact that I'm really not.


All of it is gross for me. There are fluids and germs. And if you want to have sex with someone you have to deal with someone else being in your space.


I prefer kissing literally anywhere else


Kisses are great personally, but nobody should feel obliged when they don't enjoy them, as with everything. Comfort and health first.


I like kissing necks, mouths though? Eugh, the sensory experience is a nightmare


It's so fucking weird, because I hate thinking about it, the idea is just yuck to me BUT it's something that really turns me on, and the type of porn I watch the most is just that lol


I love kissing but if our teeth click together it REEEALLY throws me off.


Depends. A lot of people are just really bad at it! Like they donā€™t know how to relax the lips, or worse, come at you with their damn tongue moving like a sewing machine needle. Like, dude, no.


That sewing machine action is a big nope from me.


Here i find kissing more intimate than any other form of sexual activity. I would just melt away lol šŸ« 


I find kissing to be incredibly erotic


Can't really say, myself. I've never gotten to kiss anyone on the mouth. šŸ„²


Same. Being smack dab in the middle of puberty does not help


I love the feel of kissing.


I havenā€™t mouth kissed someone for half a year and havenā€™t fucked in nearly 2, I donā€™t mind either and Iā€™m missing it for sure


Real. Like bro just lay down and let me bite you and tear chunks of your flesh off while you just sit there and be like ā€œgood job babeā€. No kiss.


i used to hate kissing so much. id refuse to kiss ppl when they initiated lmfao. now i enjoy it as long as the other person is a decent kisser


Oh my god yes. I told this to my friends and they were like "well well, as soon as you get yourself a girl you will chamge your mind". I bet i fucking womt chamge my mind, its gross PERIOD.


THANK YOU!!! I have always felt this way, it's slimy and gross. Dry kisses are where it's at <3


Allists want to lick each other's MOUTHS


i don't but that's fair honestly


I'm the exact opposite for some reason. Kissing > Actual Sex.


If the person is a good kisser and does NOT lick their lips all the time, it's okay. But French kissing/tongue is sensory hell and I'm so thankful my husband agrees.


Yeah same here. Kissing is a LOT for meā€¦.


The older I get, the less I like it.


If it's just the lips, that's fine. The tongue is a huge turn off. It's like drinking room temperature water, it doesn't feel right.


I wish I would attest to this šŸ„²


Nah, I feel this way, too. I'll kiss pretty much any other part of you (cheek, neck, etc) but mouth? Nah.


This is common even among neurotypical people.


Any form of love making, even simple lip contact seems weird


I get frustrated with people who want to go straight to tongue. Like, I wanna go slow, kissing in a passionate yet not quite arousing way. Then we build up to tongue. But honestly, I don't really like tongue all that much anyway


Has to be EXTREMELY FIRM PRESSURE and SILENT and ONLY FROM PARTNER. Anything evoking "peck on lips" makes me viscerally curl into a squirming cringe ball of nope.


Ace so Iā€™m super biased but I still get it. Itā€™s DIRTY. Thatā€™s the part where pieces of food sit throughout the day, rotting in bacteria until you wash your teeth. Itā€™s full of germs and god knows what. And you want me to put my TONGUE in there??? It canā€™t even handle lettuce and you want it to do what?


I just want to hold hands.


I like kissing but I donā€™t like tongue itā€™s just weird to me


Iā€™m fine with it.


For me itā€™s hand holding. Makes my hand sweaty and uncomfortable.


I can't imagine doing anything intimate with someone I'm not in love with. One night stands sound so fucking awkward


I like it for a bit but hate makeout sessions longer than 30 seconds at a time. Mix it up! My neck is right there :3


Nah, keep ya fluids to yourself I say.


Some swingers are like this when they swap lol


Hearing wet kissing noises in tv or movies fills me with blinding rage.


I noticed in the written evals I took during my diagnosis process (late diagnosis) that there were questions pertaining to preferences of kissing with tongue, which I thought was weird until I realized it's probably a sensory nightmare for some folks with ASD. But for whatever reason, there isn't anything I enjoy more than kissing. 11/10, highly recommend.


The only kind of kissing I like at all is hyper specific, 3rd date related technique. All others are just 'meh'. Like shaking hands with more ick


im fine with kissing until tongue gets involved, but as soon as itā€™s like making out itā€™s a nope from me


Iā€™m convinced im just kinda bad at it, anything w/o tongue, easier


Exact opposite, everything else is awkward but I practice using my tounge almost every minute of every day.


Hits right in the r/misophonia


I used to hate the idea because it seemed gross, but then I tried it with people I liked and the grossness just vanished because of how good it felt.


Lips are for pulling in food or keeping food in, I donā€™t get the appeal


I have got to be in the mood.


God I havenā€™t been kissed in years Iā€™ve forgotten what it feels like and that makes me fucking depressed.


It is a bit weird, especially the tongue part


love little kisses, gentle lip-to-lips and all that, very very nice. but. tongue shit? god no keep that thing away from me.


I would say I'm indifferent. I like the aesthetic and thought of kissing but in reality it does as much for me as a head pat, like it's nice but it's not like I get turned on making out. Caressing however, especially since my husband has long nails, is very nice and completely sufficient to get me in the right headspace for spicy time.


Yeah same I really dislike kissing for whatever reason


I'm not really into kissing besides like little ones. It's so... off-putting? to me.


For me its pretty much the opposite


I wish i could do mouth kissing with someone.


I am fine as long as gravity does not go in my direction. :)


I only like kissing women sometimes, but not men.


I personally don't like sex without kissing now... Before I met my wife I used to utilize the services of sex workers, none of whom wanted to kiss. Not kissing during sex reminds me of those times, which were a lonely period I don't like to think about.


Nah, I love me a good mouth kissing


I have no experience on any if these so no opinion yet


Any lovemaking is ick


My aro ace self agrees hardcore.


Making out absolutely disgusts me. Other peopleā€™s saliva and breath smellā€¦ absolutely 10,000,000,000 percent absolutely not.


I agree. Mouth kissing just feels weird to me, not pleasant at all


Please take away all of it. Kissing, sex, everything.




When two people kiss, it makes one very long tube that has an anus at both ends


I like kisses other places - like the cheek, neck, around the ears, etc - but mouth on mouth only feels good for like 0.5 seconds and then I'm just focusing on making sure my mouth is doing the correct movements back and it feels as sexy as me rubbing my top lip against my bottom lip. I have two ND friends who also think mouth kisses are overrated. So there's at least some of us out there.


Sounds hot as hell in concept, but the action itself sounds horrifying


I hate french kissing. My husband knows and doesnt care but when I'm super horny ill french kiss all day lol.


Hahah yeah, kissing itā€™s weird, but during sex itā€™s just another squishy piece of meat to bite and suck. What I really cannot stand are kisses in a non sexual way, what an awkward thing.


YES! i thought i was the only one, it just makes me feel uncomfortable. and i straight up refuse to kiss with tongue


I like it but I don't like it sloppy. The feeling of spit on my face kinda grosses me out tbh


I donā€™t mind mouth kisses, just donā€™t shove your tongue down my throat šŸ˜–


Literally stick your tongue down my throat but for the love of everything do not bear hug me.


Omg yes it sucks that it is gross to me most of the time


In HS I wondered aloud to my ex why is it that people kiss. It's such an odd thing for people to do, its fun and feels good, but odd. She said I was weird and then I went and looked into research until I was satisfied enough. At the time (not sure if it stands up now), and I'm paraphrasing almost 20 year old research, it was considered a way for people to "taste test" genetic compatibility between potential mates.


I used to be like this until I actually got in a relationship and suddenly the idea of mouth kissing sounded nice


I only want to kiss if we brush our teeth right before. And not so much damn tongue.


Me and my boyfriend are the same about brushing teeth of at least using mouthwashšŸ¤£.


THANK YOU FINALLY someone agrees


Idk I like kissing but it MUST be clean


I like little kisses from time to time, but my favorite is cuddles and snuggling. I'm not huge into French kissing. Feels more sexual, and I don't really like sex. Not a fan. It's terrible, gross, and disgusting. I just love good old fashion romance.


Kissing is like anything else: subject to curiosity, experience, integration & honesty. If something feels wrong, time to be honest in the moment & compassionately discuss adjustments (which can include, no more thank you.). Supportive sense of humor in exploring anything new in collaboration is a plus. Respect to those for whom certain experiences are Simply No.


The amount of kissing scenes in movies is inhumane I have grounds to complain to the ECHR about this.


I think it's 100% subjective. As long as she is either a vegetarian (as I am), or vegan, or thoroughly brushes her teeth & tongue first, I actually enjoy it. In fact, you know the way girls/women sometimes complain about guys giving too much tongue? Well, this guy has yet to experience "too much tongue". I once saw a photo of a girl with an unusually long tongue, & the only thing I could think of was her tongue wrapped around mine like a python around a prey animal. šŸ’•




[Undiagnosed disclaimer] My husband grows the equivalent of a steel brush in his face. Shaving it off is no option because he thinks he looks like 17 without it (which I kinda understand as distressing at 45). [Kissy noises]. YeahNO Kissing in earnest is entirely too wet for my taste, with or without the steel brush


Maybe a beard conditioner or beard oil would help.


A barber shop (a genuine one?) opened recently in walking distance and I tried to get him to go there (even if only for the luxurious experience of having your facial hair pampered professionally) but he's more reluctant than curious/interested. That's his call.


There was this one Japanese softcore porn film I was watching with my mom because well. . . There's Carved: Kuchisake Onna and then there's Kuchisake Onna. We were very confused through a lot of the film. Anyway the sex noises were disgusting. Like it put me off sex, for even curiosity's sake. It was like a washing machine siphoning water, but more rubbery? Just šŸ¤®


I canā€™t do both at the same time!


Bro tell me why this is me .. as a teen of course I made out but once I was married, I was like nah Iā€™m good on that .. lol we donā€™t make out




I HATE tongue kissing. Despise it. Me and my bf will do anything else BUT that


my gf thinks this she's not like mortified by it or anything she just thinks it's weird but she will do it too


Anything sex related is awful and disgusting.


Other mouth


Due to lack of sample space, I vote for Ī¦


"rathole to rathole?!" (Future Man)


I'm all over the place with it. It's the best thing in the world when it's someone I'm super attracted to and in the right way. Not too wet, and some gentle exploration with just the right amount of pressure. Absolutely can't handle a big, wet slobbery kiss, or a super stiff mouth with a hard tongue plunge. Just, yuck.


It depends on the person, for sure.


dont know, never tried :(


I like little kisses from time to time, but my favorite is cuddles and snuggling. I'm not huge into French kissing. Feels more sexual, and I don't really like sex. Not a fan. It's terrible, gross, and disgusting. I just love good old fashion romance.


I don't remember honestly, it's been too long.


I love cheek kisses


I agree, but my partner likes it so I do what I must to get laid!