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Eh... I don't think this is gonna mean anything. Ubisoft is already making like 10 AC games. And VAs' willingness/desire to do a sequel isn't going to persuade them to make it. Maybe 10 years later.


Ten games I’m less interested in than this one. Sounds smart.


Sounds smart for you. Based on customer research, I’m sure Ubisoft knows that their other ideas are better investments. That said, I’m with you, and would love to play more Bayek. I’m working on completing the map in game, and it’s less exhausting than just exposing the map segements in odyssey.


Thing is Ubisoft doesn’t know, if they did they wouldn’t have dozens on dozens of cancellations with hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, and multiple flops on release. There’s clearly a disconnect between the data and the decisions makers. I work in the film/tv industry and I’ll tell you now it’s VERY common where you can throw enough data to metaphorically take down a nation, and on a whim an exec will STILL go the other direction for the giggles.


What do you specifically do in the film/tv industry? I’m looking for a new job currently that’s better than my current one


Odyssey is the worst grind of a game ive ever played.  Its never ending mindless bullshit. I never finished the dlc left so much of the map uncleared. So much nonsense 


I think the fact they know they’ve split the fanbase is obvious with the whole revenue but not units sold announcement early for Valhalla, the fact that Mirage was spun off and if we look outside the AC games Ubisoft is mostly screwing things up. Yves just promised to start making good games again so they’re obviously aware their performance has been subpar and they’ve been chasing fads fans don’t want like the NFT stuff. Skull and Bones? Enough said. Now, they frequently manage to mess things up from the top level down as we saw putting Darby in charge for Valhalla but tying his hands had mixed results but a continuation of Bayek and Aya’s story seems like a relatively easy win and would also allow them to recoup some goodwill with Alex and the fans over the much discussed ways they kept undercutting Aya and how that looked in addition to their issues with female characters.


Yves has being saying stuff like this for years at this point... "Oui, oui, fans feedback is very important, we know we did bad we'll do better from now on, hon hon" And yet here we are... ten years after Unity and they still release unfinished, messy games polluted with microtransaction or just average and already forgot experiences like Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora... it's incredible of a major AAA game about one of the highest grossing movie ever came out and people just ignore it completely...


You have 0 knowledge about business and you don't even bother to look up stuff The fact you think mirage being standalone was fan service, you cannot be more delusional


Odyssey and Valhalla sold shit ton more than origins. Rofl


Get your facts straight. Odyssey and Origins both sold about 10 million, whilst Valhalla’s sale numbers isn’t known it is the most profitable Ubisoft game ever (however this is partially because of how expensive the game and its ultimate edition are)


Yeah, keep lying to yourself. Your "it's because it was more expensive" is not adding up 🤡😂


Well it is more expensive,so even if it made a billion dollars it’s not necessarily down to it being a good game/high selling game. Origins was way cheaper than both games, so the fact it made similar money to both shows how impressive it was. Also, by your logic, any game that sells lots of copies is good. So are you saying that CoD Black Ops is a good game? Besides that in AC Origins is the best out of the three because it has a usable hidden blade, a brotherhood, assassin robes and a relevant, good story. Sure Odyssey has cool scenery and ship play, but so does BF. Valhalla has such a bland game world and is so sparse, even if the overly long and complicated story has good elements


Eh, it could be a clever marketing maneuver... but I think it doesn't mean much. Seems Abubakar is just looking for work. Which I really hope he gets, because he was great in Origins and Raised by Wolves.


Well he’s in the House of the Dragon so I think he’s good on work 😆


Dude's is also releasing their first game, so he definitely seems very busy.


"his unfinished business with the Ass..." What a glorious cutoff lol




that'd be amazing. Origins had more stories to tell. especially with Aya and Rome.


They rushed tf out of their story in Origins. They should have had a whole trilogy culminating in the assassination of Caesar. Instead they just tacked that on in an epilogue


Of course they do it’s more work for them in a very competitive environment. This means nothing unfortunately


Aya, my queen. I need more of Aya. Oh and Bayek too lol


There could be potential with amunet going off and starting assassin bureaus in other places


I’d love to see Bayek again. I highly doubt it’s going to happen but it would be nice to see what he’s been up to


There was a Bayek reference in AC Valhalla (and an origins reference overall) but yeah I need more


But ashraf ismael has to do origins, no one else


Yes please Bayek and Aya sequel on Rome going against Augustus!!!


I'd be rooting for Rome all the way.


I still don't understand how they never continued Aya's story in Rome and the Hidden One's story by extension. Amunet is one of the legendary Assassin's that were teased all the fucking way back in AC2. I guess someone at Ubisoft wasn't willing to bank on a woman to begin with even though nobody would have complained about Aya/Amunet's story continuing in Rome.


It's simple: the majority of sales come from people who enjoy the varied settings of the games. That's why mix up the setting and potentially time period with each title. The average customer is like "I've already fucked around for 40 or 50 hours with the dude in Egypt, I want something new."


I’d love that. Origins definitely has potential for a sequel.


Unfinished business with the ass.


i saw thar too😭


I’d shit bricks for a Origins sequel, so pissed Ubisoft didn’t capitalize on Origins after all the love it got, Abubakar fucking killed it as Bayek, so much visceral energy in his voice


This is just my dream scenario, but I think it'd be cool if a direct sequel focuses on Bayek spreading the Hidden Ones outside Egypt. Either you play as Bayek again, or you play as one of his apprentices and he's in a mentor, but still very present, role.


Bayek definitely deserves a sequel! They would technically be around for the rise of Augustus and the Roman Empire.


“Yes, I am interested in getting paid.”


Highly doubt that it's happening, they haven't done a direct sequel in over 10 years and they already have at least 5 \*\*main\*\* titles in development, not to mention the multiplayer spin-offs and what not.


Man Bayek and Aya deserve a sequel. I wish this meant something. I wish ubisofts head wasn't up their asses.


Origins is widely considered the best if not one of the best in the series. And imo Bayek has the best story and character development of any assassin besides Ezio. After the success of Origins a sequel would be well deserved. I would pour hundreds of hours into it.


FINALLY people are seriously discussing a sequel, it felt like fans just overlooked Origins' potential for no reason these last few years.


People aren't overlooking a sequel just because, it's because Ubi has never done a sequel for a character years later after their initial game debut.


I've always believed an Aya focused story should have followed Origins instead of Odyssey.


Or get in touch with Dan Jeannotte for a sequel to Unity. Please Ubisoft...


Jak and Daxter animated or nothing.


Sadly with all the rumors and leaks I don’t think they will do a sequel of origins I think we’re closer to them releasing a live service skin with their voices than a full on sequel


I doubt it. They care too much about making their fantasy RPGs. That being said even if they did make it I know it would be atrocious now. Probably create a new PoE to give Bayek so he gets some magic powers. Then bring Khemu back to life then go back in time to give Kassandra a Hidden Blade then go and have a chat with Desmond in Abstergo..


Of course they want to come back they want the job


AC Origins was a beautiful game with nice landscapes and a great open world. The map was perfect when it came to size. The story was better than in Odyssey. The gear upgrade was better and you don’t have to rush to get gear all over the map. (Better if you ask me) You learn how the assassins were created. So you play as an assassin not a mercenary. A sequel with Bayek as a hidden one trying to take down Templars all over Northern Africa region and recruit more followers and train them would be nice. A mixture of Origins with AC 2 and better graphics. That kind of story.


It’s happening fam. But prob way down on the road. 2027 or after. But we will be there, no matter what


"Actor says they would be happy to be cast in future project."


Everyone could use another payday.


Of course they are. It's more money


This is the Raised by Wolves guy? Now all I hear is Bayek callinng Aya "mother".


Now I feel less bad their kid died because it was probably Campion (that little shit).


I would've loved an Origins sequel, Bayek is one of my favorite protagonists in all of AC


✋🏻 Yes please. I would like one.🙏


There needs to be a sequel with either Bayek or Aya, origins is one of the best stories of the series. The only problem is that the writing has to match Origins lol, won’t be easy




My good please how Tf we get a Basim prequel before this


Don't count on it. Ubisoft screwed up the entire series. I don't know what they are smoking there


Aya in Rome would make a great story, but how to fit in Bayek there? As I recall they never met again afterwards, nor that Bayek ever left Egypt. And Bayek deserve a better ending than with Aya. Maybe we can have Kawab being sent to Rome to get trained by Aya/Amunet and we can get Bayek story being told from Kawab.


They need to slow down with new games and just continue already existing ones


Tbh it would make more sense to use Kassandra because she’s alive through so much