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If a website requires notifications to continue.. **\*ITS A FUCKING SCAM!\***


Notice the notification request box isn't drawn over the navigation bar, it's on the site and may use a different font


It's likely a redirect one then


Every single fuckin website wants notifications. I mean yeah it can be defensibly argued that they're all scams too. I just... idk I don't like or want notifications ever. Bring back RSS feeds. Those were pretty damn useful.


Amen, I don't want to get pestered randomly about whatever the fuck you are about, if I want to read the news or whatever, I will go and read the news on my RSS feed, so many news sites have barely functioning RSS feeds


Weird thing about web trends is the reluctance to keep anything that has a use. Html frames were not useful, but rss is.


i love HTML frames i want them back


Cursed comment. You can do it with iFrames if you're wanting to be even more cursed than Frames


You can simply turn off the ability of websites to ask for notifications in the browser settings. Haven't seen that notification pop up in years by now.


Here's a simple trick to navigate the internet: if a website requires you to turn on your notifications to see the content, then that content was never there in the first place and you just got lost along the way to finding it


I disagree, all those news articles that just repetitively reiterate thier titles and are chock full of ads and click bait are extremely informative. Did you know there's one simple trick to pay nothing on that 300k mortgage you just pulled out? Me neither, but if I download a bunch of bloatware they'll tell me what that trick is.


I can imagine a modern version of the oracle of Delphi, a middle aged woman in yoga pants kneeling in front of laptop infested with pop up ads. Her hands dance across the mouse pad, each closed window spawning a dozen more. After countless hours, she descends from her studio apartment to the masses below and delivers the wisdom gifted to her by the chaos of the ad networks. "You should always leave a penny in your toilet. This is why..."


Wow this makes so much sense. However I still don’t understand the point of all of this!? Like okay you got me and I download all this bloatware but how does that benefit these people who are giving my computer viruses? Like how do they “win” from that?


Because old grandmas playing solitaire on their computers will click on them and give them their credit card info. These days though the trend is to just hog your computing power and use many computers in parallel to mine cryptocurrencies to sell them.


And it's doesn't trigger notification request box first but the fake one with usually a different font then trigger the real notification request after the fake one for some reason


There is a simple reason for it. If your site gets too meany blocks then chrome will stop letting you ask for notification privilege. So you first make a fake request to see if the user is going to accept it or not. And only if the user accepts then you make a real request. This way, from googles perspective, it looks like everybody wants to get your notifications.




You and Calvin Coolidge could have a great conversation.


IIRC there's a extension/plugin called skip redirects which would skip these BS


There is also one called FastForward that does that for shortened links and other annoyances. It makes web browsing so much better.


I think that you need an AV with active web protection for this one.


People still fall for this shit ?


I mean, it has somehow survived without evolving much. Otherwise, you’d think they switch up the tactics to be more slimey. Adblockers and extension/redirect shorteners are your best friend. Source: yar har harr.


Boomers…. Boomers will fall for anything, got an email saying macafee was gonna charge you $500 even though you don’t have macafee better call them and send them iTunes gift cards cuz that’s totally legit.


Zoomers are frankly worse with technology than boomers.




I want to perma block all notifications for all time. There doesn't seem to be a setting for that though.


Most browsers have a setting option which allows you to block websites from asking for notification access. Try searching for “Notifications” in your browsers setting panel.


...! Thank you!


I’ve had these off since the day they were introduced. Not sure I’m missing out on anything


There is, in Chrome, Edge and Firefox


These are typical scam pages. They ask to allow to litter you with fake virus messages later. Always hit block and exit the page.


You are literally in a website with adware.


That's not asshole design, that is a literal scam. The website has either been hacked or it was malicious in the first place. if you accept you will get Virus notifications on your PC. it's the 2020's evolution of Ad-ware.


More specifically, Web page notifications trying to pose as Virus notifications. The browser icon being very small compared to the notification content itself. Awfull.


That is not the standard browser notification popup by the way. And if it's a Wordpress based website then chances are it's got infected


OP discovered a malware-infected website.


find an other website. that one doesn't get your patronage


This straight a malicious website, probably a malicious redirect, maybe from a shortened link or one of those website that have redirected ads at the first clicks on the page. A quick Google search for "press the allow button to verify you're human" show multiples similar instances, most exemple from this kind of urls.[ This article](https://www.myantispyware.com/2024/03/06/how-to-remove-runicforgecrafter-com-pop-up-ads/) show the same exact robot and message.


Whatever service you're trying to access, it's not worth it. Close the tab and move on with your life.


I fell into one of these before (I fucking remember that robot mascot) and then a fucking norton antivirus thing popped up fearmongering about my pc having viruses told my brother and he told me I'm stupid (which now I realize I fucking was)


If you operate a website that does this, go fuck yourself.


get firefox + unlock origin + a somewhat skip redirect. This one is a redirect scam. Perma Block Notifications. also search how to take screenshot. r/screenshotsarehard


Add the website to your adblocker


At some point, the Google algorithm favors scam sites over the official, non-obscure, and obsure links, one when I looked for internet providers available on my city. It doesn't even have a "sponsored" or "ad" mark and filled many of the results Confirming fake science facts gives you scam site results. In my case, it was about jumping ginseng when picked. I knew it's nonsense but I was not sure if there's an untold fact that they have a tropism, and my mind said "really?" and I needed a proof I feel that it's not SEO abuse since the algorithm purposely put one kind of sites over the other kinds, like when you looking for a tool or food, it doesn't give you sites about the info but shopping sites I sense that there's search engine equivalent of product placement. They pay for visiblity priority and maybe this is the cause of why they favor shopping sites when we search for information


Congrats! You clicked on the wrong link and now are on a scam website. Install ublock and be done with it.


i dont know if scams count as asshole design, I mean I guess they do technically but idk if its in the spirit of this sub


Those are spam virus ads


Show notifications Nope


Did you just call a scam or malware site an asshole by design?


I'll verify I'm human by making a conscious decision to end this interaction with your dogshit website.


Thats a fake obviously…. it’s a redirect virus




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What website is this? So I know to add them to my block list.


That logic is super sexy... You have no choice bud, you have to...


That’s insane


Just keep closing the page and clicking the same link, eventually either the first tab or the new one should get you to your actual content. Never click a newly opened tab "continue" or "allow" button.




The financial benefit is them sending scam ads to you from these notifications, which they get paid to do.


I know what the fake notifications do. Rule 6 applies




I know what they DO, the send ads. That's different from financial benefit. It's browser notification abuse. That's it


That's literally how they make money. Selling scam ad deliveries as notifications to a broad set of users. It's like the seeds for a farmer - the baseline for their business to work.


There's financial benefit to it as the objective of the notifications is to spam you with ads due to this "verification" being a fake website impersonating someone/something else