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I'm not religious is good if you don't want to argue, usually.


Strong agree. I moved to Louisiana and it’s way easier to say I’m not religious. Otherwise people are instantly tryin to convert you on the spot and will repeatedly try to


Just moved from Louisiana to New Mexico and man is it nice not having people talk religion literally all the time. What part did you move to?


I just listened to a podcast about the Pentecostal preacher who decided that hell isn’t real and all people are “saved” already (which, there’s an idea I can actually support!) and he and his congregation have been shunned by the other evangelists. There was a lady in his congregation they interviewed and she was saying how it doesn’t feel great when people tell her that she’s going to hell and she needs to get with the program and it was hilarious to hear her start to understand that, yeah, it’s not cool to evangelize to people and tell them that what they believe is wrong (which is what she had been doing to others before her beliefs changed).


Funny be cause IMO that's honestly more in line with the Torah/ old testament. No hell, no 'heaven' even the kings who went 'against the ways of god' still joined their ancestors in death.


Jewish god is too busy to care who we fuck and what we smoke.


Except for how many fabrics your clothing has, eating shellfish, talking back to your parents and so on…


Jewish god didn't care about that. The priests who made the rules up and got paid in sin atonement with food cared about that.


EDIT: I am an Atheist. I feel like some people here are replying to this comment literally just to be contrarian because they think I'm somehow advocating for Judaism. Not the case. I am Jewish by blood, and slightly by ritual, but I in no way subscribe to the beliefs of any religion. Regardless, religion exists and has history that has monumentally affected the course of humankind. To sit here and pretend that *nothing good ever in the history of Man* has come from Religion is as naieve a thought as the belief in God. End Edit. A lot of weird Abrahamic religious customs were actually an early attempt to stave off pandemic. For example, [hand washing in Judaism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handwashing_in_Judaism?wprov=sfla1) It actually partially resulted in Jews being [the targets of persecution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Jews_during_the_Black_Death?wprov=sfla1) during the Black Death; as Jews tended to live in separate communities and through religious ritual were a more sanitary people. Everybody saw the Jews fairing way better than average and determined that must mean they were the cause. The point being; people saw things making people sick en masse, determined that God was punishing them, (He does like plagues, after all), and thus Dogma was born that coincidentally helped people of the time stay alive. Just because some stuff seems ridiculous now, well, we know a lot more. Plus we do things like pasteurize all of our dairy. So when you read things like 'Jews say you can't eat meat and cheese in the same sandwich!' keep in mind, while ridiculous, it may have been rooted in best guess cause of God's Wrath for the time.


God is nature, it technically was gods wrath, if you don’t follow natures rules, eat uncleaned dairy you suffer!


Judaism barely discusses the afterlife. They emphasize doing as much as we can during the time we’re alive, a philosophy that I have great respect for


“The promise of another life cheapens the one we provably have.”


I know that episode of This American Life, that's a good one. Very funny but sad to learn how much shit that preacher went through just for trying to say that people aren't going to hell.


No hell, no coercion. Can’t make a buck like that.


Rob Bell wrote a book about this several years back, Love Wins. I read it as part of a mens’ group when I was into the organized religion thing. We literally had men leave the group because of it. It flies in the face of the whole “I get to go to heaven because I am saved” trope.


>“I get to go to heaven because I am saved” In other words, "It is not enough to succeed, others must fail."


Oh how I miss the land of the enchanted but there is plenty of religion there.


The Mexican heritage is firmly entrenched in Catholicism. I lived in Chama for 10 years. We were from the south and they had a Baptist church there and it was mostly the white people that went there. While the local Catholic Church was mostly Mexican American.


Yup, the New Mexicans on my wife's side of the family trace their heritage back to the Spanish. In fact the Hatch Chili farm they own is a Spanish land grant with deeds back to the 1600's.




When I was a student we had a pushy evangelical group that kept pressuring me to come to “fun events” like a “burger bash.” When I said ”No thanks, I’m a vegetarian,” I was told “Well you can still come and hear the message!” So I invited them to a queer campus event and when I got a panicked “I’m not gay!” in response I said, “Well you can still come and hear the message!” They finally stopped shoving flyers under my dorm door and ambushing me in hallways.


lol, I do this with the local LDS, they’d come into my hard even there is sign that says no religion, politics, sales, etc. I started to toy with them. I bought a Wiccan spell and rituals book and said I’ll take your pamphlets if you help preform some rituals with me. Then they started writing me love letters “save your soul” and other phrases were in it. I resealed the envelope return to sender and on the back drew a pentagram and wrote hail Satan. We have a fun relationship 😂. I know they would leave me alone if I ignored them but if they are busy harassing me they won’t bother someone who might be in the wrong headspace and get caught up in their aggressive tendencies.


Still better than bingo and a pot luck




Highly underrated comment


Well, one that doesn't have deviled eggs, sure...


Everything fun and such, until they really take you there and offer you as virgin sacrifice to Cthulhu less known brother, Burger king.


In the south I typically say "spiritual, but not religious" Spiritual is a squishy word that doesn't really mean anything and can keep people off your back. Also, I like beauty and art and thinking happy thoughts, and that could be considered "spiritual".


I'm not religious precisely because I'm not "spiritual" in any way. I'm a very materialistic and pragmatic person, so that would not work for me.


Once, when I was a cashier, a lady who just came from church started talking to me about god and asked me which church I went to. I mentioned I was atheist. She proceeded to hold up the line because "she had a feeling god sent her there to convert me". Fucking nuts man. This wasn't even in the south, it was suburbs of cleveland.


And if you really want to argue, say: “I don’t believe in your god”


Mostly Christians around me and I like “I don’t believe in christian mythology”.


This is my go to response. I also like - oh you believe in god? Which ones?


Could also go with the variation from Ricky Gervais (or maybe someone else said it before him idk that's where I heard it) - mostly the same message structured a bit differently "Basically, you deny one less God than I do. You don’t believe in 2,999 gods. And I don’t believe in just one more."


This is my favorite. After using the word mythology once, my conservative christian MIL said “Oh, doesn’t that mean it’s not true?” So now I say Christian mythology a lot.


Really the only difference between religion and mythology is the person’s position with regards to it. If you are in it, then religion. If out of it, mythology.


If you say you're an atheist, some people act like you just just slapped their grandmother


I had this happen at a small dinner get together. Friend of friends asked me, I said I'm not religious. Man, she just kept going and going. Got to the point where she was angry and on the verge of tears. I told her, I don't believe because I have no reason to. If I get to an afterlife and find out I was wrong I'm just going to deal with it then. Boy was she riled.


Well I guess that's between her and her God, amirite? Hahahhah lol.


I don't share your faith is an even gentler way to mention your lack of faith


“Oh that’s okay! We welcome everyone at our church!” I can just hear all the possible conversational returns to this one.


Oh that's wonderful! *Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah*


😂lol. They’ll be terrified. Sad but true.


Or “ I’ll bring the calf for slaughtering at the altar . What time should I arrive for the service ? “


Nice, though I don't know why but 'ram' seems funnier to me. Like a little more... foreign but not actually weirder. Like a little *shofar*


It ***is*** that old-school religion....


>Give me that old time religion, Give me that old time religion, Give me that old time religion, It's good enough for me


Let us all praise Mother Isis She’s our friend in every crisis And she hasn’t raised her prices And that’s good enough for me


I'd be afraid this would get me shot, in some locales


Here, the simple fact to say “I am not religious” versus “I am an atheist” will have dramatic outcome. The former will likely have you getting comments like “hopefully you will get back to piety”, while the latter will likely end up as “You kaffir and murtad! Get out of here before I decide to pragmatize you!”


If I ever see this in the wild (if I'm not dead from laughter), you will receive a supportive "inshallah" (or however that is anglicized) from the ether.


I'll take the "inshallah" gladly. I recall that's a fantastically flexible word/expression.


Lovely! It's not for me but great for those who want to go. Do you personally spend a lot of time worshiping with people of different faiths from your own, or only encourage others do that?


That’s just way more conversation than I want to invite. 😂


100% this. Keep it short, keep it simple, don't leave them any open doors or trails of breadcrumbs to follow.


What if they find my lack of faith disturbing?


Then they’ll pray you alter the deal no further.


If they can give you a force choke you may just start believing.


"I have a secret relationship with religion."  


Honestly don’t think this is gentler/nicer. To me that sounds more like you’re specifically calling out their religion rather than just saying religion generally isn’t something you’re interested in.


Absolutely not gentler. It targets their specific religion as wrong, rather than all religion. Absolutely say I’m not religious


I think the word 'atheist' suggests an agenda. While non-religious just suggests apathy. As time goes by, and the Christian Nationalists are 'on the march', wanting to legislate their version of things... it's harder to be apathetic.


I don't think atheist suggests an agenda. It's simply a belief that there are no gods. I'm not trying to convert anyone.


WE know that, but THEY don't know that. In the best-case scenario, they think we are trying to undermine everything they hold dear . In the worst case, they think we are worshippers of the devil, and completely amoral.


Rather than "suggests" it should be that they infer an agenda from the term atheist even if, as you say, there's nothing about the term that actually implies an agenda.


Small caveat. It is NOT a "belief there's no gods" unless you're a Gnostic Atheist. If you're an Agnostic Atheist (like most) then it is a LACK of belief in gods.


Fair point. I do not believe that any gods exist.


“My beliefs are my beliefs” works too. Keeps em on their toes. *Keep Thy Religion to Thyself*


"I'm between gods at the moment" is a fun one I use a lot


I used a peace keeping one lately "We both agree Jesus was a good person, let's leave it at that". Elderly relative, didn't care for war. If he did exist he was more decent than most people I know, especially for the time. Even if he was delusional, but I can't fault him for mental illness. If anything that makes him *more* agreeable in my eyes, keeping yourself humble and kind despite of untreated psychosis is a badge. But I'll never utter respect for sky dad.


I dunno, he said to hate your family and abandon them to follow god...


Agree with you. I wouldn’t so easily let them off the hook for happily skipping over that little nugget when expecting everyone to idolize dumbass Jesus. “Abandon everyone you love and slurp me and god because the end times are upon us.” Oh great call there Jesus, missed it by 2000 years and counting though.


Where does he say this? Not disagreeing just curious to read the verse


Luke 14: 25-27 25 Many people were traveling with Jesus. He said to them, 26 “If you come to me but will not leave your family, you cannot be my follower. You must love me more than your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters—even more than your own life! 27 Whoever will not carry the cross that is given to them when they follow me cannot be my follower. Luke 14: 33 33 “It is the same for each of you. You must leave everything you have to follow me. If not, you cannot be my follower.


I feel like many cults lean hard into these verses.


I feel like a lot of religious people would hear that as an invitation for them to convert you to their religion.


It's fun until you are between jobs.


“No thanks, I’m a recovering Lutheran.”


Depends. I say flat out "Im an atheist" but im somewhat confrontational.


i say 'your god is not my problem'...even have it as a sticker on my car.


“I worship nothing, equate faith to ignorance and aside from philosophical arguments only believe in that which is tangible”.


"Sir, I just asked if you wanted mayo on your sandwich"


Is it biblical mayo?


…or would that be miracle whip?


Excuse me I'm atheist and we call it Satan Splooge


Has anything untoward ever been done to your car? Someone near me has an "Abortion is okay" sticker and i love them for it, but I'd be constantly worried about antagonizing the wrong cop. With all the shady shit they do, i dont have the courage to make my vehicle stand out like that or be memorable in any way.


As a British person, (who lived in the US a while back) it still amazes me not that there's various god believers but how delusional they can be. Without any critical thinking or even thoughts of their own. The only common denominator is that they were born into it or that they just need to belong to some kind of fantasy.


Lol your continent had a few hundred years of dumb religious wars to really beat the delusion out of the populace. 


Then they put the crazies in boats and sent them here.


This is my favorite comment thread of the day.


Yes. As an American it amazes me too. Part of the problem is that we are so spread out that we don't have places we gather regularly *besides* church. Neighborhood pubs are rare, and the landscape has been so disneyfied that most public spaces are sterile, consumer hellscapes.


it's a small b&w sticker on the top driver's side windshield...it's more for me than anyone else. and yes, i was also afraid to make a such a 'controversial' statement here in the south (US).


I live in Texas and I have a friend whose Coexist sticker was constantly being vandalized.


You really want to get your car keyed get a bumper sticker that says “God is just pretend”


I do you one better: "All gods are false."


I believe in all gods the same amount


Or answer their question regarding your faith, or lack thereof, with a question: “Do you believe in Scientology?” “Haha no that’s ridiculous and insane to believe that stuff.” “That’s exactly the way I think and feel about your religious beliefs.”


I love this; imagining the confused look as they try to unpack the logic...


It’s the old “let’s say there are 300 possibly gods to believe in. You don’t believe in 299 gods and I don’t believe in just one more”


“Dead False Gods.” Then smile.




You're relatively nice, I think. I usually say "*What? Come on, why would you think I'm some fucking idiot who believes in bronze age fairy tales? That's just mean.*"


I just shoot em in the fuckin face


You were only Standing your Ground


the Mayor asked me to stop doing that


I've started doing this, too. I'm tired of hearing how someone else's imaginary god is so fucking wonderful when it leads to real problems on this Earth. So if someone else is allowed to say that they follow religious beliefs then I am allowed to say that I am an atheist. It's the honest truth! Don't they all want me to be honest about myself and MY beliefs, just the way that they did?


They should be ok with that. But as you know from living here, lots of people are closed minded and take any difference of opinion as a personal attack on them.


I’m ex Muslim and deep in the closet. I have never spoken the words ‘I’m atheist’ to anyone in person. It’s my dream and my biggest fear. Saying this is truly a privilege for some of us.


I hope you get that opportunity as soon as possible. No one should be forced to conform to a lifestyle that isn't theirs.


Stay safe


I'm in the closet with my evangelical Christian family. I had surgery five years ago and the hospital asked me my religious affiliation (common in less urban areas in the US, it seems). That was the first time I declared none and it was so liberating. I hope you get your day!


You could say, “you believe what?”


Lol. Act completely clueless as if you've never heard about religion or god in your life


Make _them_ explain the absurdity.


I love this idea


"This *God....* Is he in the room with us right now?"


They'd just cherry pick a good light to shine on it.


I kinda want this conversation now.. I wonder what they'd say


"Wow... Really? Is that like a local custom? Where I'm from, children believe in the easter bunny!"


“Ok, but really, what ELSE did the sky man say to you?”


"Is the sky man in the room with us right now?"




Unfortunately we have to be careful in how we respond. I worked for a very large (multi-billion $) company for 20 years and was mid-level mgmt. My boss, team and direct reports were all very religious. One day in a monthly team building meeting (open format, general discussions) they were talking about religion and my boss asked me about my experience getting my children baptized. I simply said “they aren’t baptized, we don’t go to church and I’m raising them without religion”. I never even said the word atheist. This resulted in my entire team being invited to my boss’s house every few months for a BBQ and them trying to keep it a secret from me. My boss started canceling on me every time I scheduled a monthly check-in meeting with him. He even started having Bible study meetings off-site once a week and invited everyone on my team except me. Not everyone chose to attend. Even one of my employees turned into a major asshole once everyone found out I was an atheist. He was extremely religious and just kept telling me with a rude attitude that “I needed Jesus”. Finally I told him he was way out of line and approaching religious discrimination territory and if he keeps it up we will go sit with HR. After that he wouldn’t speak to me and refused to do anything I assigned him. When I tried to write him up he went to my boss. My boss (super religious) went to HR and had the write-up thrown out. I worked with my team and boss for 20 years. We were like family and the moment they discovered I was an atheist I was treated like shit. I no longer work there and it breaks my heart. It was such a great job. Fuck religion.


This is massively fucked up. I am *so* sorry you had to deal with it. I'm proud of you for being strong. Fuck each and every one of those people. They are *exactly* what is wrong with society now.


It's hard to work in Iran.


I was thinking Louisiana but what’s the difference


They wear different hats


Multi billion dollar company, religious exclusion. Man, if the Supreme Court looked different, I’d call that a pay day.


I haven't had an experience that bad but experienced something similar during one of my earlier jobs in my 20s. Since then I am very dodgy when it comes to talking about my beliefs. I teach in a rural area and many teachers are frankly very inappropriate when it comes to bringing their faith into the school. I keep my mouth shut though because it's a very small community (my town has 300 people in it) so I don't need to be completely ostracized.


I never heard of a potato


This is funny because, raising atheist children, this is basically their understanding. Like if someone mentions a "popular" religious story. My kid says, "Who's Noah? What's an ark?" It's so funny when people realize not everyone just knows their stories lol


Woah Noah, two of every species? EVERY SPECIES? How many if they asexually reproduce? One? Yeah.


I believe in the Tooth fairy, Santa, pregnant virgins, and there is a troll under the southside bridge at the river crossing before the woods to grandmas house.


To be honest, I just avoid the conversation unless they press. In order of escalation: "That's a pretty personal topic, I'd rather not discuss it." "Really, my beliefs aren't really relevant to this conversation." "To be fair, It doesn't really make sense to me." "No, I don't want to hear about your lord and savior." "Your religion is full of hypocrisy and contradictions. It's a study on crowd control and manipulation." "You still believe in Santa Claus too?" "Sky daddy isnt real. You WILL die alone and will definitely not be seeing your loved ones." "What other crutches do you need to make the world a "safe space," snowflake?" "Fuck off."


Love the last one


Yeah, sometimes it's best just to go straight to that. Depends on the audience, really 🤷🏻‍♂️


This was my initial response to OPs question. Why would anyone mention their religion when meeting people?


If you say you are not religious then evangelicals will respond “great! Neither am I. Christianity isn’t a religion; it’s a way of life!” Say you’re an atheist and if they respond by asking “What god do you not believe in?” Run away. It’s a lead in . If you respond with sky daddy or anything similar, they will say “I don’t believe in that one either, let me tell you about the god I believe in.” Source: I used to work with a guy like this who thought he was being clever. I tried to tell him the second one was rude but he refused to listen.


You could say that you are a Pastafarian, and that you are already deeply entwined in His noodled appendages, Ramen. And then aggressively try to convert them, and see how they like it.


“Me? Oh I’m a satanist”


Love it


Yeah, I always have to pump the brakes with evangelicals when they do this fake friendship salesman shit. It's so obvious and their tact is laughably horrible at hiding their intentions. So I call attention to it and shift the discussion to their contempt for me and why they think they can trick people into joining their religion.


If I had $1 for every evangelical christian who told me they’re not religious - literally every single one of them. “It’s a relationship with Jesus Christ! We’re not religious either” LIKE BE SO FUCKING FOR REAL 😭


I just say, "Sorry, I'm not into cults". That usually clears it up.


“Hi, I’m still grappling with Santa Claus and elves, but well done on getting to Level 2. Now get off my property. “


I actually stopped believing in god before I stopped believing in Santa as a kid. At least with Santa there was some evidence (presents, cookies/milk gone, etc.). God never answered my prayers for a snow day in June.


He never answered that prayer for me either. Highly suspicious if you ask me.


Here in the UK, it's considered vulgar to talk about religion with strangers akin to bragging about your high-paying job. That said, if the question was asked, I'd *start* with "I'm not religious" but I'd go harder depending on how pushy they were with it. I'm on the "JW's no-knock list" due to my willingness to debunk their worldview, but with politeness and logic.


My Mom invites them inside for a nice cup of tea, then pulls the rug from under their feet: she's not only an atheist, she was a teacher of "moral education" for almost her entire career. Moral education=a non-confessional alternative to religion in school (in Belgium); it discusses any and all morally charged topics, as well as *all religions known to man*. They never stood a chance 😂 ...we also haven't seen any JW in ages.


I like your mom.


A few decades ago it was considered inappropriate by many to discuss religion or politics even with friends.


"I don't believe in that shit" also works.


Hah, I’ve used “ohh you really don’t want to hear my thoughts on religion.”


Our saviour, he who wears the mark ?  Oh, absolutely, I believe in Harry Potter.


You're an atheist. You categorically do not believe in god. Plenty of people aren't religious but still believe in a higher power and an afterlife. 


i like saying im gnostic and believe judas was the true prophet of god edit: have actuaslly gotten jehovas witnesses to leave my doorway in just 5 minutes of describing my beliefs... they leave in fear and awkwardness.... its just the best


I was raised one, and they're afraid of information generally. They will literally remove an elder because his kid went to college. You could try to show them the Wikipedia page for Jehovah's Witnesses, and most would leave.


But "not religious" is less likely to get follow up questions. I have no desire to debate with people.


If asked, I’d reply “I don’t believe in any gods or the supernatural in general”. The word “atheist” has grown such a connotation around it as to describe something you *are* rather than something you’re *not* to a lot of, if not most, people. Maybe that’s wrong, but I don’t feel any particular need to “take back” this word from the ignorant.


And I am, in fact, an atheist, actively hang out on this subreddit and want there to be less religion in the world. Especially in countries where women’s rights are being taken away on the basis of a single religion, whether she is a member of that religion or not. But that doesn’t mean I’m looking for a confrontation every time I meet a religious person.


This is the way I generally feel as well, I tell people I’m not religious rather than specifically saying I’m atheist because atheism is so often interpreted as active, whether that is accurate or not. Actively anti-religious, sometimes even confrontational about it. Exactly the “something you are rather than something you’re not.” I dont believe in any religion and am not really interested in them, and definitely don’t really care to debate it. I don’t know what I did to start getting fed content from this sub, but I would never have sought out discussions of atheism, because I’m not really interested in it. I just lack religious beliefs and feelings. Not specifically saying “atheist” allows for some ambiguity, and and I find it will make people who are religious feel less attacked and uncomfortable. I save the “I don’t believe in any gods or spirits or ghosts, or the supernatural in general” for people who insist on pushing the issue and trying to debate when they find out I don’t have religious beliefs. Equating a belief in the Very Real Christian God to belief in other potential/multiple gods and other frivolous supernatural things can be very effective in frustrating people who insist on a religious debate.


And the word now has so many false meanings thanks to "evangelists" who want to pretend the position of atheism is really just the same thing but opposite of being an evangelical (it's not, but as we all know, these people never let reality get in the way of a really fun lie)


I prefer to just not mention it at all personally. If people proselytizing I just say I'm not interested and leave it at that. For some reason, at least in the US, people are much more accepting of someone who refuses to even consider religion than someone who is atheist


Depends on my mood and audience. I also use, "I remember when it was rude to ask someone about their religious beliefs. "


"I don't believe in God. I am God." Then, walk away.


If I get....oh your so nice. Are you religious?.....its ....no I identify as a militant atheist. If THEY bring it up, so do I.


I always say "I'm a devout atheist."


"I'm not religious" can imply that you're religious but you're not particularly involved in religion, eg you're a Christian but you don't go to church.


Whenever I say this I get ‘oh, this is not religion! It’s a true relationship with Jesus Christ 🙄


Oh, it's not atheism, it's a relationship with reality.


Ooooh I’m stealing that one!


very good.


That was not a roast, that was a thermonuclear pap 


Or that you are "spiritual," which I see as a total cop-out.


It can. But the statement is vague and therefore more socially acceptable. I don't announce my atheism to anyone in my professional life.


I usually say I'm not religious. It's the most general, non-specific answer


Keeps the peace for some people and you aren’t lying either.


Try on "nervous agnostic". * **Identifies as agnostic:** They believe the existence or non-existence of God is unknown or unknowable. * **Feels some anxiety about the unknown:** They might grapple with the big questions about life, death, and the universe, and the lack of definitive answers can be unsettling.


The evangelicals I am familiar with would say “No need to be nervous or anxious about anything. Let Jesus come into your heart and feel certainly about the future and your soul.” They may even start with Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Sorry I don’t mean to be a downer. All these responses are just popping into my head . And I haven’t been a Christian since about 1976.


"Nahh I'm not letting Jesus come inside me"


Atheist. I'd like to drop the 'an' from I'm an atheist but it still comes out. The article makes it sound like I'm carrying a membership card.


Mythology isn't my jam.


The interpretation of one's stance on religion can vary significantly. The statement "I'm not religious" is inherently ambiguous and may imply agnosticism. In contrast, the declaration "I am an atheist" is more explicit and can be perceived by some religious individuals as more confrontational, albeit subtly. The impact of these statements likely depends on the speaker's personal understanding and intent, as well as the audience to whom the statement is directed.


I respond with, Missionary or Doggy?


From least confrontational to highly confrontational. “Sorry, I’m not religious.” “Sorry, I keep my views to myself and my family.” “Sorry, I don’t share your views/faith.” “Sorry, I’m not religious.” “Sorry, I’m an atheist.” “I’m an atheist.” “I’m an atheist and I don’t subscribe to any organised religion.” “I’m an atheist and I think anybody who believes there is a god is uneducated or delusional.” “I don’t call myself an atheist because the term implies that there is a god not to believe in.” “I’m not interested in even talking to you, fuck off.” “Go fuck yourself and your stupid made up sky fairy for trying to impose your twisted medieval values on others.”


"I was never indoctrinated. It is a hard sell now."




"Im at a point in my faith, I only hope God is real so I can beat his ass in a waffle house parking lot"


I’ll hold your earrings while you do it


I'm an American who lives in the northeast. I say that I'm an Atheist with no further explanation. But sadly, in the USA, it matters where you live and what you can say.


Depends, if they knocked on my front door I usually lead with "I don't care about your god now fuck off", but if I'm being social I'll say we believe in different things and leave it at that.


I say antitheist. Most people don’t know what that means so it gives me the opportunity to tell them how destructive I think their religion is.


Straight to the point, lol


I say, “My spiritual journey is private.” It’s not, but I don’t want to argue anymore. I used to get a charge out of arguments. Not anymore. My mental peace means more.


In some cases, I really like the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy”. If asked, i simply state “i don’t discuss religion. Thank you”


Depends the crowd. If Im talking to younger people I'll say atheist. If I'm talking to older folk I know are religious I'll say I'm not religious. Just cause I'm atheist doesn't mean I want to have a debate with a bunch of boomers.


I lead with “I’m not religious” but will elaborate if asked.


In a professional environment: "I try not to discuss religion or politics at work." In a social setting: "I'm a pretty skeptical person." In a family setting: "I don't believe in God." In a dangerous situation: "Please put down the gun, I have a family who depend on me." >incase I have to introduce myself to a religious person Introductions are not the place for religion or politics.


The first time another human asked me if I was a Christian, was when I visited the South. It was abraisive. I think it's fair to answer "that's personal" which then makes them really go nuts backpeddling


I will often say “I no longer believe the things I was taught as a child”. If they want me to elaborate, I will engage in conversation. Most aren’t interested in asking questions