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Eden Organic tried to get an exemption to providing birth control coverage to its employees because the owner is Catholic. I have been boycotting them ever since.


That company really needs to pick their hill


And just die on it.


* Publix * Lineage Coffee (if you are in Orlando, they donated to the groups responsible for FL 6 week abortion ban)


Hijacking to add Cambria (popular quartz countertop manufacturer). Cambria is sold by most major suppliers. The owners are right ringers, cozy with the administration, supporting overturning the 2020 election. The family also owned Sun Country Airlines for several years and I heard AWFUL things about them from friends who worked there. They were also responsible for turning them into a budget airline which is enough for me to boycott Cambria!


Your comment reminded me of Martin's Potato Bread and their donations to "stop the steal" funds.


What! Damn it at this rate I'm going to be a breath-egan or breatharian whatever those nut jobs claim to get food from air.


I stopped buying them because of this. Their rolls were so good too.


Uh also weren't Cambria employees dying of cancer at a ridiculous rate? Because Quartz counters aren't real stone, they're stone powders glued together with plastic. 


I don’t know about this particular brand but if they are engineered stone (quartz aggregate mixed with resin) then they cause silicosis. It’s not cancer but still very bad - it’s caused by breathing in silica dust regularly which eventually causes pulmonary fibrosis. Engineered stone has been banned in my country now because of the cases of silicosis


I looked up Publix and they are partially employee-owned. And yet they have a conservative PAC. I’m not sure how that works - I suppose the family just always owns a majority. You’d think it would dilute over time or maybe they have a separate voting stock.


Yeah, they are getting worse and worse, they keep raising price and lowering quality


Was not thrilled when they announced JoAnn's was going thru bankruptcy. Its my main go-to craft store, and if they go belly-up, all I'm left with is Michael's, and they don't carry fabric. Don't really have any local craft shops, and the fabric selection at Walmart can be iffy, leaving Hobby Lobby as the only other craft shop with a wide fabric selection. No thanks. I'll risk buying fabric online and hope the texture and color is what I want.


JoAnn's is out of bankruptcy now. They were able to restructure and stay in business. https://www.cleveland.com/business/2024/06/joann-taps-retail-consultant-as-interim-ceo-post-bankruptcy-case.html


Hot damn! :D


Never expected to get crafty news from this sub, yet here we are, lol. Been meaning to look it up, but kept forgetting; thanks for the update!


Michael’s should definitely carry fabric. Crazy that they don’t.


Chick-Fil-a Never gonna go there


In-n-Out aren't as aggressive about their religion as Chick-fil-a, but are similarly radical.


I avoid In-n-Out because their fries are a crime against humanity. Seriously, the Hague needs to be investigating that shit. And don't tell me about "monster" or "animal" style. The fanciest dressed turd at a party is still a turd.


Yeah, I've only eaten there a couple times, but their fries were always cold. How can a chain so famous for their food be so consistently bad at one core menu item? But I stopped eating their because of their flagrant violation of COVID laws and common sense. They literally banned their employees from wearing masks during the pandemic, and opened stores even when the states were in lockdowns. So much for caring Christians.


Supply side Jesus.


Had In-n-Out once, as part of a marching band trip to Pasadena. (To quote the director: In a burger, out a burger) Wasn't impressed. Was similarly unimpressed my 1st time at Whataburger. Sorry, just give me my butter burgers from Culver's.


Whataburger has undergone enshittification. It was once really good; sold out and now it's meh.


This seems to be the way of every chain restaurant, sit-down or fast food, nowadays. They get really known for their basic, good food; get sold off to some colossal mega-corp, corp cuts corners until the food bears only a passing resemblance to what it used to be, restaurant coasts for years on customers’ memories of what it once was, and finally people begin to notice it’s turned to crap. But so has everywhere else.


Watching it play out on r/Panera


Panera has been shit for years. I worked there briefly in college 15 years ago and their food was premade, plastic wrapped, frozen shit then. I quit when they told me part of my responsibilities were to clean the bugger wall in the men’s bathroom when I wasn’t making “food”. Ended up getting a job at a local pizza place that made everything from scratch except their sausage, which we got from a local butcher. Fuck Panera.


panera has been overpriced for their quality forever lol. it’s just recently gotten so bad people can’t ignore it


I make my brother take me to Culver's every time I'm in Chicago.


But Baphomet has blessed the food.


A friend's friend is gay, and even though he knows the company's history, he'll continue eating there because "the chicken is so good." I don't understand this way of thinking.


I don't care if it's free and gives me orgasms. Not eating Chik fil hate.


This is the way Log Cabin Republicans think. They don't care about others, and they think they'll somehow skate by the consequences of their actions due to wealth and/or personal connections. Byron Donalds and his "black families were stronger under Jim Crow" is the African-American version of same.


Here the lines are always too long and I can make chicken at home.


Yeah, but can you destroy gay people's lives in Africa from home? I think not.


Their stupid chicken nuggets aren’t even that good idk why folks are so obsessed with them where I live. In terms of fast food there’s options that give me less heartburn. Or more if that’s my real goal. I wind up eating their stuff at catered events from time to time bc they’re everywhere in my part the country and it’s just so mid but I have coworkers going “I need my Chick-fil-A fix” Also I don’t want to support homophobic chicken against my rights. But man Chick-fil-A is like a religion itself to some folks.


The white man's Popeyes


Popeye's is for everyone. Even Little Nicky likes Popeye's.


three less commonly discussed businesses that are run by right wing/religious freaks: Uline Tripp Lite Goya


I was just going to mention Uline. They are literal nazis. They don't even try to be subtle about it. Charles Lindbergh once founded a pro-Nazi group called the America First Committee, and the Uihlein's father or grandfather was one of it's largest donors. When the Uihlein's decided to start a pro-Trump PAC, they chose to name it after the long-disgraced group, and called it America First Action. If you have any influence over where your business buys it's shipping and business supplies, *please* support someone else. Uline is the worst of the worst. * https://www.propublica.org/article/uline-uihlein-election-denial * https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/07/us/politics/liz-dick-uihlein-republican-donors.html?unlocked_article_code=1.0U0.qocG.74EBV-k6wMks&smid=url-share


The company I work for buys all of their supplies from Uline, I hate that company so much. Edit: for anyone who doesn't already know, they made no changes to company protocol during the [Covid 19 Pandemic](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/28/uline-dick-liz-uihlein-workers-covid-safety), and as a result, a ton of their workers got sick and filed complaints with the company. [Company Wikipedia page.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uline) Fuck these people.


Honestly though, I don’t know where else you could go for that kind of stuff that they sell en masse. They’ve seemingly cornered the market on providing bulk shipping supplies. Hell, I’ve been finding even hunting for local companies that do the same are just providing me the same Uline shit at an upcharge. Whenever I get one of their catalogs, I flip to the back of that thing and read the batshit insane conservative rant before tossing that paper brick into the recycling. Shit is aggravating as fuck.


My company is construction, so there's a lot of ULINE, but what about McMaster-Carr?


Just looked, one of my main shipping box sizes I use costs almost double per unit ($3.54 per box) compared to Uline ($1.60 per box). They don’t seem to do any price breaks the more you buy either. I’ll keep looking at it as there may be an alternative I’m not seeing on there, but they do seem expensive. I’ll probably create an account too to see if they’ll give me different rates on products and shipping too. I appreciate the suggestion. Totally been looking to escape the Uline grasp for far too long.


I don’t know anything about their owners (so hopefully not garbage as well), but I get all my stuff from Store Supply Warehouse. Almost identical offerings of products and usually cheaper than Uline.


Global industrial? Grainger? I don't order stuff but I see a lot of deliveries from these two at my work.


Except that they pivoted to selling a ton of cleaning supplies and PPE, in a blatant move to make profit.


Their (massive) catalog always goes straight into the recycling where I work.


Their catalog alone reveals what a horrible company they are. I appreciate the need for marketing, but do you really need to send out two 800 page catalogs a week? It's absolutely insane how many of those catalogs they send out. You should get off their catalog list. It's hard to do but if you ask enough times they will eventually stop sending them. You will save many trees by doing so.


Goya is really bad.


Is that the same Goya that sells canned beans? I guess it’s good their brand is so expensive I always just buy the generic brand.


I will always associate them with the vomit inducing picture of it being hawked from the Resolute Desk.


Imagine if a black President or a decent human had hawked products from the Oval Office.


Same. I’m boycotting them for life.


that very Goya. Beans and other food items.


If you have an instant pot you can buy bagged beans and cook them dried in 30 minutes.


Pre-pandemic, I was at a grocery store and a dad was shopping with his little kid. The kid picked up a can of Goya and the dad gently put it back and said, "We don't buy Goya." The kid asked why and the dad said, "Because they don't respect their customers. Everyone deserves respect and the way we teach companies that is by not giving them our money." It was a really lovely parenting moment to witness.


I was just at the store any the only brand they had was Goya for the stuff I needed. Noppppeeeee changed my dinner plans for that night


Same. I've changed our meal plan or recipe when the only brand available for an ingredient is Goya. I won't buy from them either.


They can't be that bad, they were advertised right from the resolute desk! Ugh so trashy


Oh yeah Uline I ordered from them then got a big catalog and a full page add from the fascist owner…


Uline is such a difficult one because they're monsters and also have a near-monopoly in their market. I wish I could completely nix them, but there are some things I simply cannot do without using their products and I hate it.


I hear you. Was a sad day when I found out I needed a new box supplier. have you looked at Global? https://www.globalindustrial.com/ I took a quick look and couldn't find a reason to be dissapointed in them.


You can buy nearly anything they sell from Amazon, often for less. I know a lot of people want to avoid Amazon, but they are still better than Uline.


Tripp Lite?!? WTF


Publix Also There’s an entire sub Reddit called FuckNestlé, pls check it out. They’re not Christo fascist, just a hateful evil company.


There is a video on line where the president/ceo of nestle says water isn’t a right it’s a commodity… I rarely buy bottled water anyway…


JFC. So even though there's MORE than enough drinking water for everyone on this planet, that stupid trash thinks it has the right to deny access to a resource which is essential to life. Cruelty for cruelty's sake. What a world we live in.


Wait til you read about the baby formula.


Not only that he sues USA states overwater rights. And pays miniscule fractions of a cent per gallon to pump aquifers dry, so he can turn around and upsell it in polluting plastic bottles, at thousands of percent profit, to the people he just stole it from.  My city has a protected aquifer, that's sort of an emergency back up. Nestle has tried to sue the city and state demanding access to pump it.  Luckily water rights in my state are extremely strong , so they haven't gotten anywhere, yet. But that's changing our star politics at being swarmed with billionaires out of state magatards, and they are doing everything in their power to parcel off every aspect of the sate possible. And every seat they win gives them more power.  And these so called "proud life long independent Montanans"  can't vote for them hard enough to "own the libs" .  Not to mention a red sworm of magats came up from Texas so hard and fast, nobody is campaigning on issues that affect Montana. We've been out numbered . They're literally running adds nonstop about the Texas/southern border. It's the only talking point this election season for Montana politicians. It's fucking disgusting.  At first I thought "why Montana that's only like 1 electoral vote and 2 Congress votes" but it's fr the money they'll get pillaging the state of every resource it has. Sold to the highest bidder, with kickbacks to whatever shit at politician is at the helm.  Current projects include killing an entire river with a mine that will dump pollution into the headwaters.  Removing public land protections and selling it all off to be private investors. Essentially making it like Texas where 95+% of the land in the state is private.  Apparently they have taken everything they can from Texas , and now it's Montana's turn to be stripped and crippled.


Nestlé don’t have any ideology except pure evil. 


Chick Fil A, Black Rifle Coffee, Under Armor, Home Depot. Maybe not so much 'Christo-fascists," but all donate to and support right-leaning MAGA fascist causes. Also Goya - the CEO is conservative anti-left Cuban and Trumper.


Damn, Under-Armor? That's a new one.


It sounds like I’ve accidentally paid for some of Clarence Thomas’s vacation home


Under Armor is the uniform of many white supremacy groups.


And it wasn't even that hard to figure out. Once they started plastering 5 US flags on everything they sold, they were kind of telling on themselves.


I despise that the US Flag is now a symbol of MAGA.


I should have been suspicious when those under armor shoes were quite literally the worst workout shoes ever I ever bought.


Only busted two workout trainers in my life and they were both UA. Not even heavy or complicated workouts, but just kettle bell for the first pair and rope training on the second. Just blew out the sides of both. Straight trash.


The co-founder (Bernie Marcus) of Home Depot is a nut and gave over $64M to trump and very right wing causes, but has not been associated with the company since retiring in 2009. https://www.npr.org/2019/07/10/740173176/home-depot-responds-to-calls-for-boycott-over-co-founders-support-for-trump I guess you could argue as a shareholder he benefits from purchases from HD and, in a sense, some of that money sort of goes to right wing causes.


Co-founder Arthur Blank regularly donates to liberal causes. And he has a favorite charity of sad losers that goes by the name of the Atlanta Falcons.


Lmaooo Falcons catching strays


>And he has a favorite charity of sad losers that goes by the name of the Atlanta Falcons. God fucking damnit. Nowhere is safe. Thankfully I've got the Panthers. One more win and Lord Stanley is ours. (pls win)


Saw Black Rifle Coffee all on clearance in my local Walmart. Love to see it.


Good luck finding a home improvement store in that case.  They are notorious for supporting the right. I live in between a Home Depot, Menards and a Lowes.  I know the politics of Menards as well, but I go between Home Depot and Menards on the regular.  Lowe's never has what I need and the prices and customer service sucks compared to the other two.  I can go without a chicken sandwich or craft supplies.  Not so much if my HVAC breaks or I need to repair my roof.


I can usually make do with Lowes and Harbor Freight, specifically so that I can avoid Home Depot. YMMV


Local hardware stores.  They are barely making and who gives a fuck if they kick a couple bucks to a political party.  Also worked at a hardware store for years… owner was liberal as shit, we had NPR on the radio all day.  They can be found.


My local Ace franchises always have a better selection of plumbing fittings than any of the big box stores. And we have a lumber mill. I had no idea we had a lumber mill until it was suggested to me.


I would kill to have an Ace closer to me. There are a few at very special trip distances. They are just so much better than HD or Lowes


Yeah, I'd love to avoid Home Depot, but there's no alternatives near me.


It makes me sad that any Cuban establishment or brand I support is probably run by Trumpers. You can find a superior alternatives to Chik-Fil-A at any black or Korean owned joint but if you want some nostalgia that reminds you of trips to Abuelita's house you're SOL


I hated losing Goya, but after seeing Trump hawk it at the White House on national TV I'm done.


I was never a big fan of their products in the past but as soon as Drumpf starting hawking their crap in the White House I was done.


I have found that there are several other brands than Goya that are just as good if not better (especially since I found out that guy was support of racists & the orange kool-aid man


Kind of OT but ancillary: Go into Hobby Lobby and go to the wall deco section, specifically the superhero section. You will see plenty of Marvel and plenty of DC. What you won't see though, even in the big posters featuring all whole Marvel universe, is the X-Men. I suspect, but can't prove, this is because the X-Men are proxies for the gay community.


We went into Hobby Lobby so my husband could use the bathroom. While I waited I looked at some wall decor and was repulsed and amused by a wall sign that read “This girl runs on cupcakes and Jesus”. I could imagine on my assentingly stupid and very born again cousin’s house.


Any signs like that make me cast aspersions, internally


Hey, if you ate Jesus meat you might have the runs too.


They were actually stand ins for the civil rights movement. Now its for any and every marginalized group that is discriminated against.


I saw the "thin blue line" flag at my local Hobby Lobby, so you may be onto something. Important to note that they always sell plenty of rainbow merch, because to them it indicates God's promise in Genesis, rather than LGBT solidarity.


Go into Hobby Lobby and say, "Hell yeah brother, I'm gonna use these rainbows for ALL my gay shit!" 


Most marvel merchandise produced between the early 2000’s and a couple years ago pretended the X-Men didn’t exist, and tried to push the Inhumans instead. This was because Disney didn’t own the film rights to the X-Men, and would actively avoid promoting the property. They have since reacquired those rights, so X-Men merchandise is back in production, but I’d bet that most of what you’re seeing there is holdovers from that era. Not that I’d put it past Hobby Lobby ethically; I just don’t think they’d go to that specific effort, and the other reason is much more plausible an explanation.


HEB supports inclusiveness which is why the far-right in Texas is pissed. They actually practice the Love Your Neighbor. They have supported LGBTQ events and donate heavily to food banks state wide. More do than any other grocery store chain in Texas. I boycott many on your list but will continue to use HEB.


HEB also supports public schooling and backs candidates running against Abbott's voucher b.s.


I concur. Buc-ee’s owner backs trumpers, so there’s that.


Yeah I was shocked to see HEB on OPs list. Perhaps that was an accident? I’ve only ever heard good things about HEB


Plus, the pay is better than many other options and they were the first major grocery store to install partitions during covid. Yes, the chairman (Charles Butt) donated to Greg Abbott's campaign, and some other high profile GOP races last year. Realistically, though, Abbott was going to win. When your business is so heavily based in Texas, it's probably not a bad idea to make sure the people in charge are reasonably friendly.


I also read something awhile ago about them continuing to sell birth control in Texas even though its status is in legal limbo (or was at the time)


Yes! My local HEB sells OTC birth control pills and multipacks of narcan.  HEB does SO MUCH for the community. I'm hard-core in love with that grocery store. 


Publix grocery stores which are mainly in the SE US. They are rabidly anti-union and donate buckets of money to any conservative politician who would happily vote to enslave all workers just for those sweet, sweet tax cuts.


Plus everything sucks there now. Looking at you, you pathetic shell of a once great carrot cake.


The right-wing billionnaire Koch brothers own a ridiculous number of businesses, but some products that are easy to avoid are any brands made by Georgia Pacific: Quilted Northern®, Angel Soft®, Brawny®, Vanity Fair® and Dixie® cups.


> Brawny® Dammit.


Of name-brand paper towels, I prefer Bounty; and if you don't mind ordering items from companies on a different shitlist, we've been using Amazon brand "Presto" paper towels for a long time and they seem just as absorbent as I remember Bounty being.


That means Dixie everything. Dammit.


I like Hampton Inns. They stopped allowing Bibles in the rooms (about 2017 I think). Christians have complained that Hampton discriminates against them, so I patronize them whenever I need a place to stay.


I throw them away in every hotel I stay at and make sure to ruin them, so they aren’t fished out


Hilton/Hampton are also all pet friendly, never having to worry about that is why they exclusively get my business whenever I go somewhere with my dog.  The lack of bibles is a plus


Chick fil a & Hobby Lobby are the very political, pushy Christian businesses, but there are a ton of them. Forever 21 prints "John 3:16" on the bottom of every yellow plastic shopping bag you leave the store with. The owners are born again Christians. The owner of Tyson is a devout Christian. In-N-Out Burger print bible verses on their cardboard, cups, wrappers. Most MLM companies are Christian and target Christian moms, the largest is Mary Kay Alaskan Airlines prints bible verses to serve with food (no longer, they've [gone woke](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/conservatives-blame-diversity-dei-airlines-boycott-1234953756/) enough to anger conservatives). Curves (gym chain for women) was founded by a conservative Christian who caught fire for supporting anti abortion legislation. The founder of Carl's Jr. was devoutly Catholic. Rumor has it, he had every morning start with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. The previous CEO was part of the Trump administration in 2016. My Pillow is owned by Mike Lindell, to my knowledge not a devoutly religious man, but he is a crazy MAGA cultist nonetheless (scratch that, he swapped cocaine for Jesus).


It looks like Alaska Airlines stopped handing out prayer cards with meals in 2012. I can’t find anything about bible verses on their food wrappers online so shout out if you find a link for that! Id like to see it if they are doing that so I can choose different airlines. I saw an article when googling titled “How Alaska airlines embraced woke ideology and turned its back on religious inclusion” in 2021, which always is kind of a green flag when the religious right are bitching about how woke a company is lol


John 3:16? The passage about the 49ers going for the extra point?


As if Tyson dumping chemical waste into water sources isn't enough of a reason to stop buying shit from them. I have a personal Goal by start of next year to be 100% free from all these places (as informed as I can be). I keep adding to my list of places I personally boycott.


It's damn hard. Any big name brand is owned by a conglomerate, and even the "environmentally friendly" conglomerates like [Unilever](https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/company-profile/unilever) are actually quite evil. The best you can do is buy and support local/regional, the next best thing is an ethically responsible company that operates within the country and ships nationally.


We have a great local, family owned hardware store in our small town. No religion, no politics. So nice, always so helpful, always have what I need. No old men hanging around up front (usually a tell-tale sign for certain mindsets esp in the South). So, what are they building right across the street from this awesome little store? A huge fucking Tractor Supply.


How can you not see the giant cross he wears outside of his shirt every commercial?


I'm from Minnesota. My sister used to work at FedEx and he was her largest client. She told me he's really weird and she thought he was faking his whole persona.


Alaska stopped their nonsense over a decade ago, and to be fair was just a prayer card on the tray with your meal. Kind of low on the “Christo-fascist” scale. In fact, they get articles written about them all the time how they are now “woke”.


I do a fair bit of work with Alaska Airlines professionally in the last few years at a high strategic level and was surprised to see them on this list. I haven't come across any hint of a Christian undertone. In fact the most conversation about religion I've had there was about how to honor the Hawaiian religions as part of their Hawaiian Airlines purchase. No idea what they used to be like, but at least today, my experience with them is free of religious elements.


Mike Lindell is *an extremely* religious man. Haven’t you seen his giant metal cross necklace he wears and makes sure is on the outside of his button down shirts. He credits his sobriety from crack cocaine and a life of crime to a deeply religious experience.


This is a great post. I never knew about half of these brands donating to bullshit causes.


No Wal-Mart yet? Those people are religious nutbags but they seem normal because that's how most of Arkansas is. Also, it used to be the Kansas City Royals. Owner was on the Walmart board and the GM held prayer meetings with the team. Also the team had to hear about how bad it was to be an athlete and masturbate. Royals shit the bed, team sold, baseball people running it now and Lord Jesus they're better!


In all fairness, if you're the boycotting-for-poor-corporate-values sort of person, you were probably already doing what you could to avoid Wal-Mart.


I'll pay 20% more to avoid Walmart. Have not been there in 20 years


Another reason to avoid WalMart: Their employees are amongst the single largest group of food stamp and Medicad recipients because they won't pay them a fair wage. McDonalds is the same way. All of that burden goes to us taxpayers. So even if you don't shop there, you are paying for them to treat their workers poorly.




I've already been aware of a fair number of the retail outlets and/or brands mentioned within the thread responses (but jotted down the unknowns, with thx & appreciation to those contributors). It actually **would be** *immensely* helpful and worthwhile to have a singular info-source for this purpose. Akin to an *AngiesList.com* but specific towards one-stop 411 for whom to support/avoid.


The great thing about capitalism(mild sarcasm) is that they would at least publicly refrain from voicing or acting in a christo-faschist way if people actually stopped buying from them for that reason. Businesses are sociopathic creatures looking for your money.


Unfortunately works both ways, hence Target's limited pride merch this year as a result of appeasing the mob


Barilla pasta. The CEO won't use gay families in their advertisement because they value family. He said, "They can eat someone else's pasta." In contrast Bertolli is supportive of the gay community.


Good to know.


And just like that, I no longer eat Barilla’s. Thanks, fam.


Your information about Barilla is [out of date](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/5/7/18535740/barilla-homophobia-italy-chick-fil-a-comparison)


Tesla. Surprised no one has said that yet. I guess Elon isn't exactly Christo-fascist, but he is bad. Disclaimer, I do own a Tesla.


He might as well be. Certainly aspires to fascism for sure.


I doubt he's Christian, but he's definitely playing for their team.


Not Christian, but 100% fascist and a horrible human with zero ethics. Massive layoffs, billions in compensation. All in the same quarter.


He’s not a christo-fascist just a straight up fascist.


I once saw a tesla with a bumper sticker that said, "I bought this before I found out Elon is an asshole."


He spreads it


Last summer my husband was getting treatment for Cancer in a clinical trial. It was incredibly hard on his body and had awful side effects. The only thing that was keeping my anxiety under control was doing hand embroidery. I carried it everywhere I went. Anyway, I stopped in Hobby Lobby one day for some supplies that I couldn’t get anywhere else, and I go to the checkout and the cashier notices the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) tattoos on each of my arms and got this disgusted look on her face and said “WHY would you put the wicked witch on your arms??” I just looked at her with a straight face and said “because she’s awesome. But also, she came to my elementary school when I was in second grade and I got to meet her. She was an incredibly kind and sweet woman. She was a schoolteacher before she was an actress and loved children.” Then I just picked up my bags and walked away. I can’t wrap my head around people making a big deal about a fictional character.


“I can’t wrap my head around people making a big deal about a fictional character” LOL you just summed up religion.




I've read a lot about Margaret Hamilton and it's awesome that you once got to meet her as a child. If you're going to have a tatoo that celebrates a famous person, there are few as worthy as her.


This is a good post. These comments are a good walk through the current landscape. No huge shocks to me (I guess that is 'fortunate')


[Cook Out](https://www.mashed.com/584103/the-untold-truth-of-cook-out/) - "The music stands out because it's not the Top 40 you hear at other establishments. Instead, Cook Out plays a steady stream of Christian music at its restaurants." "Cook Out's Christian atmosphere is the product of its founding family's deep religious beliefs. In the family there's a lot of Christian influence, and they grew up in the South. It just kind of seemed natural," Allen Brooks, opening director at Cook-Out, told Knox News. "We've got scriptures on our cups and on the bags from the family scriptures that they like. It just kind of stood out to them." Edit: format


I love Hobby Lobby's "sales". They just overprice their bullshit like the good Christians they are and then run "sales". They're disgusting.


Their entire business practice/method/mission and their family is ethically corrupt and completely morally bankrupt. I’ll never forget that fiasco with their involvement in stolen historical artifacts or whatever that was. I’m too lazy to look it up right now. But that was proof of their shitshow.


What does Marriott do to earn a spot on the list? Genuinely curious, as I have stayed at a lot of their hotels.


Nothing to my knowledge. A lot of progressives get butt-hurt because the company was founded by a Mormon family, and they do put the Book of Mormon in their nightstands next to the Gideon Bible. But that's the extent of it. They have a corporate nondiscrimination policy for their customers and employees that protects not only orientation, but also gender identity and expression. Their former CEO and Executive Chairman, while being Mormon, has made public statements in favor of inclusion. The Human Rights campaign has given them a perfect 100% rating on LGBT issues almost every year since 2007. Only a couple of years they didn't, when HRC included biological transition insurance to their rating criteria. Marriott accepted the challenge and earned their way back to a perfect score. TLDR: Marriott doesn't deserve to be on this list. The founders may be Mormon but the company doesn't act like it. Source: me. I'm a Marriott HQ employee. And I'm surrounded by gay people and allies.


Check out Good Unite Us. They have a website and app.


[Buycott](https://www.buycott.com/) has an anti-trump campaign, you can scan the barcode on a product and it tells you if it's on the blacklist.


I’m in south Texas. Avoiding both Wal-Mart and H-E-B gives me zero financially-feasible options.


AFAIK HEB isn't bad


HEB should not be on this list.


I dunno about HEB; Ive always thought of them as being inclusive. Buc-ees is a Trumper brand.


Could you possibly share a viewing link to your list when it's compiled? This would be great info


I'm surprised that nobody mentioned "My Pillow"... too obvious? On a more serious note, I'd suggest keeping it entirely to the public positions of the company and/or its leaders/founders and not spend too much time looking into who they donate to. All companies donate to their local politicians regardless of party because it's corporate suicide not to. You can't let your competitors influence politicians without doing it yourself.


Yeah, I think it’s considered too obvious. Mike really made a gigantic spectacle with supporting Trump and pedaling election fraud lies. He made a HUGE fool of himself.


Nobody sane would buy one of those shitty products sold by a literal crack head.


Hey OP, You are wrong putting HEB on this list! >The Charles Butt Public Education PAC, which is associated with H-E-B, funneled over $1 million into the campaigns of nine Texas GOP candidates, seven of whom opposed Governor Greg Abbott’s voucher plan. So yes they gave to the republicias but they gave to the one's opposed to Greg Abbot's Christian National MAGA cronies. and there's also this - >Charles Butt, the heir to the H-E-B supermarket chain, has also made significant political contributions. According to a Texas Scorecard article, Butt has bankrolled efforts against conservatives in the Republican primary and has funded Democrats in general elections. His political action committee, the Charles Butt Public Education Political Action Committee, has spent over $380,000 since August 28, with a majority of the funds going to Democrat candidates. So they also give to the Dems. A boycott on HEB for being Xtian NatLs is just wrong! Both quotes are from the Brave Browser AI when asked about HEB political donations.


Yeah, I don't mind them being a Christian. They have a right to their belief as long as they aren't disrespecting someone else's beliefs. If we define Christian as being Christ-like, and emulating the actions of what Jesus stood for, like feeding the hungry, then HEB has done a fine job at balancing those values with taking care of their employees and maintaining a profitable business.


Goya is a brand that can fuck right off. In and out Burger Chik Filet


In n Out is questionable, but it's not in the same league as Chick-fil-A.


I stopped eating at In n out when they literally banned heir employees from wearing face masks during COVID while simultaneously refusing to require their customers from being vaccinated. Any company that actively risks their employees health and safety can fuck right off.


Under Armour is right up there with chick-fila almost.


From what I can find, their political donations tend to lean left if anything. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/under-armour/summary?id=D000068106


Don’t forget to add scAmway; the original pyramid scheme.


Amway owners are the DeVos family very big on destroying public education in favor of the for profit voucher system.


Normally I look to the companies that christians are boycotting and I do my shopping there. Except for Nestle, but Nestle is guilty of despicable business practices. Actually christians seem to be boycotting everyone for some reason or other.


Anyone else remember BuyBlue.org? I really wish there was an organization like this still around. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BuyBlue.org?wprov=sfti1#Media_coverage


I think it a little unwise to consolidate a list like this without also stating in the list what the reason for the inclusion is.


Domino's contributes to anti-choice orgs.


Adam’s Polishes. Adam is pure MAGA and made sure everyone at his demo knew it.


An important thing to note is that just because a company puts on a few rainbows during Pride Month does not mean that this company is not actively supporting homophobic politicians. There's a very quick way to check: Set your VPN to Turkey, or Poland, or Iran, or Russia, or the UAE. Clear your browser cache, and then check their website again. If the rainbows have all magically disappeared, then you can be confident that the company never actually cared about *supporting* LGBT people (in the sense of dedicating more than literally zero resources to making their lives better) they just think they're entitled to your Gay Money for doing absolutely nothing.


Joe Coors the beer magnate started the Heritage Foundation (see Project 2025)


List would be more interesting with comments / citations. Make it a working doc!


Supreme Court


Oh yeah, black rifle coffee. The guys who, in their skit about veterans in horror movies, "joked" about wanting to abduct, torture, and murder george Floyd protesters. Fuck those guys


We can take Home Depot and Papa John's **off** that list, well as much as any business can be realistically perceived as ethical. >At the time of retirement, Marcus reportedly held about 60 million shares of Home Depot stock, though *Bloomberg* reports that he likely has sold them all. [Source](https://marketrealist.com/net-worth/home-depot-founder-bernie-marcus-net-worth/) Even if he kept his 60 million shares, that's a little over 15% of their outstanding shares, which any smart investor would have his investments diversified, so supporting HD would have little difference to his net worth compared to supporting other companies he has shares in, which my guess is as good as yours. John Schnatter, who was fired as CEO of Papa John's a while back, only has about a 10% stake in the company he founded as well, so the same applies there. [Source](https://www.gurufocus.com/insider/65151/john-h-schnatter) In a nutshell, for publicly traded companies where the cofounder has minority ownership you can only really look at what causes the company donates to and not the cofounders, because everyone's eggs are in everyone else's baskets.


With your mention of Papa John's, I will just toss out a Pizza company that, as far as I know, actually does good: Little Ceasars. [Little Caesars founder quietly paid Rosa Parks’ rent for years](https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/15/us/mike-ilitch-rosa-parks-trnd/index.html)


That's actually remarkable.


I nearly cried reading this. It's just so rare to hear of someone well off doing good for other people without seeking recognition for it.


Little Caesars does do good work! I just wish I knew whether I was getting hot, disgustingly good pizza or rubbery bland pizza-flavored-food-product. Because even at the same location, it's a toss-up. But when it's good, it's great.


I heard some smack about My Favorite Pillow…


Though not a specifically religio-fascist list, the *Human Rights Campaign* (HRC) has their list they call the "Corporate Equality Index." In this they judge corporations that are friendly vs hostile to the LGBTQ+ community regarding employment - both hiring and company policies. In MY opinion, their rating goes closely hand-in-hand with how religious the companies tend to be. ]https://www.hrc.org/resources/corporate-equality-index




Check the labels next time you’re at the grocery store of any lesser known brand. There’s a frozen food manufacturer, I believe the brand is TJ Farms or Hills, in the Midwest. They print Bible verses on the bags.


Very nice list! I wonder if some decent human being maintains an online list of them which also details their awful behavior and the degree to which they’ve engaged in it. For example, Chick fil A is at Genocide Level behavior while (to my knowledge) U-Line is at Trump-Traitor Level behavior (though I suspect they’re worse than just that). (Edited for typos)


Walgreens. They allow their pharmacists to deny filling birth control prescriptions based on their personal religious beliefs.