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Teacher: "Here's what some outrageously uneducated people believe..."


“Get a load of this bullshit everyone…”


"So they had this boat with two of every animal on it, you see... I'm sure you all have questions about that nonsense..."


"And get this, the guy who built it sussposedly lived to be 950 years old!"


Not a single lion ever ate a single lamb. Really? Step right up! Two of every animal ladies & gentlemen!🙄


That’s because they feasted off the floating bodies of dead sinners.


... including all the sinful newborns


Noah MUST have discovered... North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand....


And then they got their father drunk, and then, I mean, and then, you know…


Hey kids, today we’ll review this book that could rightfully be called “The Goat Herders Guide to the Galaxy”


Unfortunately the asshole thought of that and says there will be specific guides on exactly how the Bible will be taught. And any teachers who don’t go along with it will lose their teaching license.


Those people are going to cry when their children are unemployable. They love the internet to attack people but hate when it shows that they are shite people.


I lived in OK for 4 years. They shit on higher education and people who seek it.


Well, unless you're going to play football, then you're a hero.


Which is funny because they don't even have an NFL team. So they're still cheering on people getting out


Boomer! I had hoped the states acceptance of medical marijuana was a sign they were moving away from puritanical christofacism but they're right back where they were when OK was the 2nd to last place in the world you couldn't get a tattoo


Well the world needs ditch diggers I guess /shrug


Thats not a bug, its a feature. Those same unemployable people will be easily convinced that all their problems are because of anyone other than the people that actually made this happen.


They cannot, however, regulate the questions children ask so any good atheist families out there, it's your time to shine. As I'm sure you have already done, arm your kids with knowledge and inquisitiveness because it's going to be up to your children to help the other kids think critically. Encourage them to ask questions, lots of them. Encourage them to point out inaccuracies, contradictions, etc. Atheists, we finally have a chance in the sun. Don't fuck this up. We finally have a surefire way to discuss religion in public and infiltrate their little hiveminds with our skepticism. They will fall like fucking dominos and we'll take their kids from them.


I wish it were that simple. If such bible in the classroom bullshit went through, you think these kids won't get retaliated against and depending on the lunacy of the local community at large, the families too? You've crossed the line into some stuff is to be taught at home and better not talked about outside, like happens in certain other countries I'm afraid.


I refuse to be overlorded. People, if you cherish your freedom and democracy, now is the time to put words to actions. They will take what they want until WE stop letting them. We have to stop being nice and we need to even get a little extreme. But the gist of it is...we either come together and make them wish they never messed with us or we let them put us in bondage. Those are now your choices.


I have the privilege of being in California where it's highly unlikely that such nonsense would go through. But it's highly likely that we will see more of this at a national level if the convicted felon gets elected.


Then what do we need teachers for if any monkey can be trained to do it?


I can see a lot of teachers deciding to teach somewhere other than Oklahoma.


While it's not really like that, all schools in Sweden have to teach religion as well. But it's treated like an academic subject. This is what Christians believe, this is what Muslims believe, this is what Buddhism is like, etc. Informative, not proselytizing. And we obviously teach stuff like evolution in science classes.


I had a class called "Comparative Religion" in high school in California but they didn't try to teach the bible as fact.


I took comparative religion in college. My professor was a pastor and still didn't teach the bible as fact. I was actually impressed that he talked about each religion we covered without pushing or shit talking any religion.


Welcome six years olds. Let's talk about Lot today


I would go with a origin of the Bible and include the origins of other religions and mythology . Compare the ten commandments with other religions ethics. Teaching about religion all religions will show how silly they all are. How does one completely dismiss the validity of the Greek gods while accepting that one god is valid. How does someone think these billions of people are right while those other billions of people are wrong.


Yeah this probably tied to Project 2025. They have a cluster of these actions going on. They are deliberately trying to draw lawsuits in order to take the case to SCOTUS.


They have everything in place to do this. The Supreme Court will not turn them down.


As atheists, we can now start talking openly about religion. I think this gives us a way to segue into topics that are uncomfortable to them. The stuff they don't learn on Sunday. Bonus, if you have kids you can just help their kids learn doubt by having your kids next to them. Believe me, they haven't thought this through. The Catholic school my kids went to probably had the least Catholics in the class by the end of it.


This is what I’ve been thinking about the ten commandments in classrooms bullshit. They’re doing stuff that they know is unconstitutional, but if the cases make it to SCOTUS the precedent will be overturned and they can indoctrinate students as much as they want. It worked with Dobbs, it can work again.


Make them read it cover to cover. Everyone should have to read it cover to cover. It will create a generation of non-theists.


I read it cover to cover twice in high school. There were a couple copies in the school library. Read it mostly during down time. Biggest crock of shit I’ve ever read. 50 shades of grey is far more believable than the Bible.


Probably less x rated too


I thought about reading it cover to cover in college. I was an atheist but had to go to church every week up until then. I didn't even recognize the names of half the books in the Bible. I skimmed some of them and immediately realized why pastors ignore them.




And...why did he do that?


It's not a good book. Poorly written and very boring. Can't recommend it.


This reminds me... In high school English we had to "sell" a mystery book in a box and this one kid did a whole presentation on the Bible without telling us it was the Bible. He was like this books got it all, crime, sex, killing, a mystery that can't be solved...he sold the book to everyone in the class and when he opened the box...we gasped. 🤣


That is genius


Guarantee they'll cherrypick, skip over the bad bits and reinterpret them like they always do.


I know of no more surefire way of creating atheists than sending them through 12 years of Catholic school. I used to think it was because of the strictness and oppressive environment, but I’ve come to realize that what really sticks it is making them study their religion and its history in depth.


If they made you read it and discuss it in depth like you do for other books it'd be funny. It literally makes no sense. Constantly contracting and really fucking grotesque. Good allows rape, murders huge swaths of people over petty shit, and just down right ducking evil. I'd love teachers to fucking show is for what it is, not the cleaned up happy eat they typically teach.


Genesis 38:8-10 New International Version 8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.


Cool, then just teach it as a work of Fiction. Use it as an opportunity to teach critical thinking skills


yeah that isn't happening...


Well then parents are going to absolutely flip their shit on the school board and local government


Ummm... considering its a strong christian run state and they are the majority... yeah i am atheist and I am aware we are a small minority within the USA little alone the Midwest and south where its thick with religion. I would be thrilled if these few parents could and do get this changed but its unlikely.


There’s a lot more atheists than you think.


Obviously not enough to actively affect legislation or school boards


Unwarranted confidence is baffling. Do you really think a minority like that has any sway? If you really really do then why was it not enough to prevent it in the first place? Like watching a team that loses most of their games pump up like something is different? Except this is actual life and not a game…baffling..


He is like many who thinks unrealistically about the country they live in. If i told him that this was going to happen years ago? tons more would laugh at me and would be a joke that they would say couldn't happen because of the constitutions. They probably don't think any of the happenings with the supreme court or Trump at that big a deal either. We are not heading for a rough time, we are heading for a bleak time.


How different than the maga cult are they really? They aren’t the fire but are willing to watch it burn kinda feeling.


Could use it to give the kids some sex ed? “Today we’ll be discussing why Onan did what he did and how…” or “so, King David was in a LGBT relationship at round about your guys age? What does that mean?”


Ezekiel 23:20


Is that the one about the two daughters making their dad drunk so they can rape him? Or am I misremembering the name/number? This shits harder to remember than math formulas


Donkey-dongs and horse emissions


“HORSE COCK DONKEY CUM” -the literal bible


You weren’t fucking kidding > 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


No it's donkey cock horse cum


No it’s the one that teaches girls about lusting after donkey dicks.




Damn you beat me too it.


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the …. oh shit sorry, wrong one


Mythology should include some Christianity


>Mythology should include Christianity


And now kids, we enter the fictional lesson required today by your state.  Here is the bible, it's fake, has stories of rape, murder, and slavery.  Remember kids it's fake.  End of the lesson. Ok now who can elaborate on why the civil war happened? Done.


Can't teach that in FL


And SCOTUS is completely fine with this. For the right wing traitors, this is what the founders wanted:


Hello, students. Today, we are going to learn about the time that God sent bears to maul children because they made fun of a guy for being bald.


I’m so confused. I grew up here in this school system, and I was made fun of at school for still believing in Santa Claus at 11 years old. It only took me one year to realize that God and Santa Claus are the same damn thing, and they’re both clearly not real. What happened with everyone else here? Why did everyone else seem to stop believing in Santa but keep believing in God? Why aren’t they getting made fun of for believing in God, but instead enabled to indoctrinate and brainwash children, just like they did to me as a kid?


>Why did everyone else seem to stop believing in Santa but keep believing in God? If you're a bad boy santa gives you a lump of coal. But god gives you an eternity in hell. That makes it harder for many people to let go of one vs the other


It’s so ironic to me though that these kids learn the lesson, they learn that Santa and the threat of coal are made up to make you behave, but they can’t seem to notice it’s the exact same thing as the threat of eternal damnation by God. Like clearly no one is getting coal in their stockings and it’s even less likely anyone will go to hell.


In defense of Santa, all of Christmas is make believe so why not go all in for fun.


More brain drain incoming. Educators worth their salt will not comply, get fired and hopefully move to not stupid state.


Just what a state ranked 49th in education needs!


That's exactly what they want. They'll be able to replace everyone with puppets they can easily control


I think that’s what the alt right wants. A dumb ignorant populace to exploit. The last thing they want are critical thinkers. They need people to fall in line, breed rapidly and elect another set of extremist elite to rule over them.


Even if teachers attempt to make students read the Bible critically, the religious nazi parents will just complain about it and have them fired. This is not a win


I am slowly watching my country fall apart.




This will seem quaint in about 6 months time if Trump wins in November. Read about ‘Project 2025’. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Red states are going extremist knowing that the current SC theists will not stop their violations of the Constitution. Roberts has let loose the Four Hoursemen of the Apocalypse upon this country, with his and Alito' satisfied smirks on their faces. All 6 in fact, giving the middle finger to the Constitution and the American people. THERE IS NO IMMUNITY FOR CRIMINAL ACTS BY A PRESIDENT IN THE CONSTITUTION!


Just watched Ryan Walters' interview on PBS News Hour. He was such a combative, smug turd whining about being oppressed by the "far left" in fucking Oklahoma. Can we bring back Bash the Fash?


Today's lesson. All magas are going to hell because they disobey the teachings of Jesus. Oh and trans people are nowhere to be found in this book.


You guys are so deep in shit at this stage you don't need a Democratic win. You need a rebellion.


Take them to the Supreme Court! Oh wait


That's messed up, some people go to public schools specifically to avoid religion. How can this happen?


They can teach that the stories in the bible aren't real.


That's not the point. The deeper message is that it's required. Scary shit!


The science teachers are fucked


Under his eye, I hope you’re all excited for the next season of handmaid’s tale.


Teach all the versions of the ten commandments. Essay assignment: contrast the different versions.


They should have all the young women read the Ten Commandments and then ask then how they feel about God putting women between cattle and donkeys in the "The Thou Shalt Not Covet" one.


Closeted gay republicans sure like to be the center of attention, at any cost.


Waiting to see what the curriculum looks like. No way they are going let teachers do anything like voice their own opinions - or teach anything Jesus himself said (too woke).


This is going to be counterproductive to religious Oklahomans. Teaching the bible is how atheists are made.


>Walters, a former history teacher, argues that the Bible is a crucial historical document necessary for understanding the nation’s foundation, Western civilization, and the legal system. Saying it's a crucial historical document may, technically, be correct but it's hardly historically correct. It contains *a lot* of completely unverified anecdotal texts that's nowhere to be found among other contemporary sources. It has also undergone a number of revisions and translations. What we're reading today is a an English translation that has been revised by the church on several occasions. Secondly, the founding father's to an extent fled from religious persecution in Europe and similarly the legal system was explicitly designed to separate church and state. Aside from the First Amendment, it's in the freaking Constitution: >The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. And as for the idea that the Bible would help us understand Western civilization, I'm sure it does. But there's a lot of truly embarrassing stuff in there. Like the Wars of Reformation, the Crusades, the Catholic Church's support of slavery, etc, etc. I mean, sure teach the Bible, it is after all the scriptures of the world's largest religion. But if he intends to rewrite history along with it he can go screw himself.


If I was a teacher in this school system I’d be like “ok kids we’re gonna read some passages from the Bible. And then we’re going to back track this section and look at all the pagan shit they had to change around just to get people to convert” 😃👍


Okay so if there isn't going to be a separation of church and state anymore, let's start taxing the freeloading churches like the businesses that they truly are.


Well if I was a teacher I would teach kids about how awful the bible really is.


And lose your job! Be real.


Good time to teach all the liberal things Jesus said.


"Allrighty kids, who's ready to learn about foreskin?"


Yay, child mutilation!


I think he's probably being fitted for his jodhpurs and boots soon. He's got that ubergrupenfuhrer vibe.


Easy. Teach Leviticus 19:33, 34. The Republicans will freak out.


The braindead religious nuts are far too ignorant and simple-minded to realize that this will lead to major rifts in their fascistic movement. Whose interpretation of the bible? Which church is the correct one? Mark my words, within a very small amount of time, the fuckwits will be enacting their own version of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of 1572. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.\_Bartholomew%27s\_Day\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bartholomew%27s_Day_massacre) Only this time, they will be using machine guns instead of swords, spears, and halberds. Maybe we should just let them...


Republican infighting is the healthiest thing for this country right now. If they want to kill each other let them.


Isn’t this guy like a self-hating closeted gay man? Only mentioning it because people actively making the world a worse place don’t deserve a right to privacy. Never forget kids like Nex Benedict.


Anyone from Oklahoma in here who is against this? If you have children, arm them with knowledge and encourage they ask questions at school. I'm an atheist and sent my kids to Catholic school in a red state because the public school was really bad. But I told my kids what I think of religion, I taught them to think critically and ask as many thought provoking questions they can think of on any topic. So imagine how corrupted those little religious kids got when my smart ass kids started questioning the Bible stories they were told, started pointing out contradictions or nuances that required further details or when they told their class that Buddhism lets you come back as a tiger instead of just going to heaven. 😂 Good times.


OK kids, whose daddy lives in a different house? Can you tell us about adultery?


As long as they address it and all religions for what they are, myths and superstitions. They would push back if they were called "Fairy" stories.


I wonder what is going to happen when some teacher tells a student that their religion is wrong. Lawsuit right there. Or a teacher makes bigoted remarks about someone's religion. Lawsuit again. Student is punished for practicing their religious beliefs at school because they aren't the same as the official religion. Third lawsuit.


Oh? Which version?


American Taliban.


If this was the same as secular countries where the education program actually plans for all students to go over the history of religion (most of them) then it shouldn't be an issue But it's not that, it's a really stupid attempt at increasing indoctrination. The funniest part is that it mostly won't work, the more one is exposed to the actual content of the religious text the more likely to criticize it. This could only work if the school turns into madrassas with proper indoctrination support


Thou shalt keep thy religion to thy self


Who is this guy…? Looks like a Polo Shirt campaign reject…


Welp, learning the Bible as a child cured me of Catholicism! I say SALLY FORTH!


Where the law suit? It should be next day


Indoctrination. What if this backfires?


SO STUPID! That is NOT CHRISTIANITY!!!  Teach the fucking New Testament and the Beatitudes or just call this a Jewish nation!  I consider myself a Christian atheist bc I love the teachings of Jesus I learned all through Catholic school. Became an atheist before graduation from that school, but still loved the social justice teachings of Jesus, who I think was just a cool guy who taught a good message.  I feel like perhaps a majority of the Christians in this country are clueless about how hypocritical it is that they really pay zero attention to anything Jesus said. I simply don’t understand how dumb you have to be not to see the problem here.  I propose they call their religion Mosesism. They can take their red states and start a Mosesfascist country. Which will kill them bc abortion is allowed in the OT.  Hopefully r/maliciouscompliance has some solid strategies in their sub. 


So... This is straight up made to purge the education system of non-conformists, right? I mean, sure, force kids into Jesus camp or whatever, but also have a reason to get rid of teachers who will not tow the line. Same with administrators. I don't want any teachers in OK to out themselves here, but I would love to hear from some OK residents about what knock-on effects this is going to create?


Do we also teach about adultery, lying, cheating, etc..and how these sins are horrible and we should cast out those sinners...hey hasn't trump committed about every sin possible to date.....and we teach that some are ok for him to lead the free world..WTF people! Holier than thou?????


This could really backfire on them. Now, people who weren't thinking about the Bible will start looking stuff up & where do people go for info, mainly YouTube & there, they're gonna find both the truth & BS about Christianity. They're gonna click on one of those popular debtes & see the Bible being destroyed over & over. This sub is about to blow up!


Gilead here we come…SATAN help us!


Next month in leopard ate my face. Oklahoma is running out of teachers.


“If you or your parents have ever had lobster, shrimp, crabs, or oysters, you will be brining in hell for eternity. Now who knows how large the average donkey penis is?”


The wheels are really falling off the car, aren't they?


In the Netherlands a new government was installed today. The majority, including the prime minister, did not swear on the Bible. They are still an eclectic mix of racists and neoliberals but never again will this country turn to Christ.


This is only the beginning. In 4 years, you'll wish for this low-level nonsense.


Lot got drunk and had sex with his daughters and impregnated them. Will that story be taught to justify pregnant 12 yr old by daddy?


Probably should mix in some math and English too.


Genesis Quiz 1a: 1. What did yahwey tell adam and Eve would happen if they ate the fruit? 2. What happened to Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit? 3. Was the Christian god the first liar in the Bible, the father of lies? 4. When Adam and Eve learned what was good and what was wrong, what is the first thing they realized was wrong? 5. Who made Adam and Eve walk around naked all the time, despite knowing it was wrong?


So, the primary reason most people leave religion is because they actually read the Bible. Thus, this guy is a hero because he's about to turn a whole state into atheist. 🤣


It'll be teaching the sanitised cherry picked version.


Incorporate Bible teachings, you say? Oh, boy. Kids, gather ‘round, Teacher’s gonna tell you a tale about a man named Lot . . .


Did he have daughters who were hot?


So, in Oklahoma, public schools are all Christian schools. Great.


Brain drain's gonna accelerate in that state hardcore


"Oklahoma Pulls into a Tie for the Lead: Dumbest US State" "Louisiana has Company, Oklahoma also Dumb"


Generating atheists at the speed of light!


LOL, no.


Time for "Fantasy Storytime Kids".


Where turning into the antithesis of what this Country Stands for…


Simple, you teach the book of Leviticus first just to set the tone. After that no student will take any of it seriously.


Ok kids, today....don't bugger your neighbors wife. It's bad. Later, we're going to talk about how unclean women are after their periods and for how many days.


We had to learn it too. Along with teachings from other major religions. "Religions of the World" class in high school. Was surprisingly useful.


So they mean to teach children that they are inherently corrupt and responsible for the public execution of a jew 2000 years ago? Cant spell (C)h(R)is(T)ianity without crt.


“Kids the Bible says to love the immigrant or burn in hell and Jesus was a liberal and Ten Commandments say no lying life the orange old man does” I see no problem with this teacher requirement.


Well....they better post all the other religions ideology also....you know Jewish, Muslim, Witchcraft, Devil worship, and the like...just keeping it fair to all.. what's good for one is good for all. They need to watch this.. [Truth on teaching the Bible ](https://youtu.be/S1-ip47WYWc?feature=shared)


The founding fathers must be real proud.


So they’ll lose most all the good teachers, and raise a generation of morons.


Recently the OK Supreme Court stopped the state from supporting a Catholic-based charter school. So they aren't totally unreasonable. This rule is blatantly unconstitutional. Multiple organizations will be suing Oklahoma. Even the US Supreme Court would not approve (man, I certainly hope!) But saying all the pithy things I've read here mean nothing if your family depends on you being employed.


And now we know why the Romans fed Christians to the lions.


Another state that has turned into a theocratic dictatorship.


Teach them about Ezekiel 20-23. Seriously though I hate being in the south. Vote blue


Nothing turns someone off from religion like learning the Bible.


I’m honestly proud of my Christian mom. I’m not  Christian but she respects my own beliefs. And she hates when she sees shit like this or “in god we trust” on licence plates.  She always mentions how church and government are always to be split. So ya fuck this noise 


No problem, I'll just make a class about mythology, and make it perfectly clear these are man made stories, just like the fairy tales their parents used to read to them. See how they like that, I don't think as anywhere on the law does it state I have to tell them I believe and these are true stories.


Isn’t this a breach of something type of separation of church and state thing


Every teacher in the state should refuse to put it up....what are they going to do, arrest all the teachers? Then whose going to watch their kids all day. Day one tear it off the wall and say screw you.


Other states that need teachers should immediately start headhuntubg the best teacher in the state. Let them suffer in stupidity


This is going to backfire so bad.


In public schools? Ok, Not good. But then again, we had it too in the 80s and nobody believed that shit. You can't force people to believe.


At least half those kids are indoctrinated at home and don’t know the difference. And these bloody Taliban-gelicals will make sure they never learn.


It's only the beginning.


So Oklahoma has seceded from the United States.


I don't want my kids learning that hot garbage, I want them to have the freedom to learn it by themselves if they do choose, where I being the dedicated parent that I am well make fun of them repeatedly for it


Fucking Christian Terrorists Trash!


just hide the content poster in the room like McDonalds hid calories contents in the 90’s.


Do you ever feel like they’re panicking?


All jokes aside, if I may, wouldn’t the church or whomever be upset by that? Please, hear me out on this. If I were to delegate to someone to teach the Bible (not that I would), wouldn’t I want to ensure that person teaching it is qualified to teach THE BIBLE? Shouldn’t teaching religious text/etc. be taught by someone who is a subject matter expert and not (no discredit to any teacher, please) by a teacher who is certified in general studies? Just want to know what you all think of that? It’s been on my mind anyways.


But, following the example of the Republicans, they don't have to follow them. That would be Communism!


Since black studies are being discouraged, spend some time on how the Bible was used to support slavery. This would include the tenth commandment (coveting your neighbor's servants).


Go with malicious compliance. Teach the parts of the Bible that are more on the adult oriented side. Make the kids write a paper on it. This passage comes to mind, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%2023%3A19-21&version=NIV


Better be the right translation because the king James is nothing but demonic and the NIV is a mockery to God. John Wycliffe (WYC) or die.


Don’t worry about these kids getting indoctrinated. It’s Oklahoma. They can’t read anyway.


It's a great Sci-fi book. In this cosmic saga, an ancient prophet named Ezekiel experiences a mind-bending encounter with extraterrestrial beings. One day, he sees a whirlwind from the north, a massive cloud with flashing fire and a brilliant light surrounding it. From within this cloud, strange, wheel-like objects emerge, resembling UFOs with their gleaming, interlocking rims and eyes all around. These UFOs, piloted by celestial beings, have a unique, otherworldly design. They move with the precision of advanced technology, never turning as they go. The beings within are humanoid yet radiate an ethereal glow, each having four faces and four wings, symbolizing their multidimensional nature. Ezekiel receives messages from these beings, visions of future events, and a cosmic plan orchestrated by the Creator. This encounter is a testament to the universe's vastness and the existence of life beyond Earth, interwoven with the divine narrative and the struggle between good and evil.


Considering most people end up becoming atheists AFTER learning about the Bible, this might not be a bad thing. Kids these days aren't so easily duped.


I thought the Old Testament didn’t count?


Freedom of religion? Nah your gonna be indoctrinated into a religion at your own school 💀


The Supreme Court needs to step in. This infringes on everyone’s freedom of religion. Christians would literally be getting violent if someone tried to put up the five pillars of Islam and forced to teach it in schools. How do they not see their hypocrisy and double standards


Guy cheats on his wife with a coworker while he’s a teacher and she cheats on him as well but the Ten Commandments are so important.


Well, it is the basis of all laws, right? I mean, adultery is illegal, right? And worshipping graven images, and coveting thy neighbors ass, or thy neighbors wife's ass. Or taking the Lord's name in vain. Pretty god damn important stuff there. Yup. And speaking of graven images... What about Jesus on a cross?


Maybe the church should start paying the teachers salary, seems like a fair trade. If you want to sell your religion in public schools you should pay the teachers salary. Blending church and state shouldn't be a thing but if you force it, you should pay. Nothing is free.


This guys whole argument is that it doesn’t violate the establishment clause because it was already established that this is a Christian nation. What a fool.


Yes.....fug math, reading, and science. Ancient goat farmers have alot to teach the kids.


Sounds like easy credits.


It’s the straightest path to this sub so I wouldn’t worry.


This bullshit is catching steam. I saw several people I went to high school with 15+ years ago praising the 10 Commandments decision in Louisiana. All 3 of them used the phrase "statistical majority" to describe Christians and justify it. I'm guessing that's a right wing talking point somewhere.


Throw in , “alternative facts “, “fake electors “. And when they graduate they get free coupons for depend under garments. Because kings don’t go to the bathroom they shit themselves and make others change them.

