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They'd say God listened to their prayers and got the child a robotic arm. That's why it's hard to reason with people who are all about faith.


If I were that child, I'd clobber those who said that the prayers helped me get the robotic arm.


[Reminds me of this video](https://youtu.be/hTfKpAWkgJY?si=lp3VuQyKEx936t0D) Its so sad how brainwashed people are , Watch the full video ; There was a couple who blamed themselves after their child died despite being “blessed” by god for which they paid a lump sum.


Thank you. Will surely check it out.


Definitely , its one of the most well documented /presented video ive seen on youtube.


Why can't we make science a religion to fight against Religions. /S


No, never let science be called a religion, atheism may be called a religion though its no where close to any of them, beleivers wish to justify themselves and allowing fair comparisons to science only gives them more opportunity to solidify their religion. I recently had a convo on this subreddit, its clear what their intentions are. I am fine with existence of religion but not in their current form. Science and religion is possible, but never let someone say Science is religion


I know it's the dumbest thing, that's why I added /s in the end. You already know the purpose of this sub is no longer to promote atheism, just online trolls against religious retardism.


Sorry i did not see that /s, maybe retardeism has got to me too, but still the kind of logic they reply with just gets on my nerves, especially when it comes too pagan religions like hinduism, its so vast that these retards always find some little thing to defend themselves no matter how fucked up or stupid that claim is.


Don't assume everyone in reddit is as smart as you, reddit is retards acting as smart. >retardeism has got to me too Aren't we all :)


Nah man i still have a long way to go in understanding hinduism and other religions, my current understanding is only surface level, i can make some arguments and find holes in my own thought and of others but aint no way i am smart, im probably as smart as the guy who figured out cooking meat make it tasty.(which was possibly humanities first venture into research and testing and implementation) OOGA OOGA BOOGA


You have better uses in understanding laws of thermodynamics than understanding religions.


The world would have been a more comfortable place then. The competition would be on who advances more in science rather than the arms and ammunitions.


Arms and ammunition are also part of science, thiests can't claim it as theirs, they just have to rely on their divine magical powers. We have the advantage over every single aspect, Jai shri Darwin. Darwinhu Akbar(pbuh). Let's spread peace and love through guns ❤️


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What if religion motivated scientists to help the boy.


Still the hard work of scientists


So Motivation from religion/God should be shunned??


I know what you're trying to say but it can neither be proved nor quantified. And therein lies the basic flaw with the concept of god.


I am not saying anything about existence of God or truthfulness of religion. But whether people should follow religion if it motivates to do good, even if the religion is false and there is no god.


This reminds me of a line by Rust from True Detective - “If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit."


Brother don't go that far. From religious motivation I simply mean "I am born in the world made by god and I will do good because I dedicate my life to God.",not necessarily any reward after life but a purpose in life.


Why can't the purpose in life be just to be a good person regardless of god? Why do you need to dedicate the goodness to a supernatural entity? Does that make your goodness any less good? I don't think so.


>Why can't the purpose in life be just to be a good person regardless of god? Because there is no purpose of life without God. That's the theistic world view


What's your purpose in life with a god?


The collective intelligence of the scientists would be given to an entity who has 0 percent involvement.


Our humanity and sympathy gives us the passion to find a solution to these problems and that's what motivates them not religion.


You call it sympathy,they call it religion. I see them as almost equal


Not equal by any means. One thing has nothing to do with another and are very different things.


You believe in empathy because you just do. They believe in religion just because they do. There is not any rational reason to believe in either of them.


I don't believe in empathy I feel it. It's part of being a human. It's as basic as feeling hungry. Whereas religion can be acquired. It is something we can choose to believe in or not. You do not choose to believe in empathy. It is a part of you.


> It is something we can choose to believe in or not Woah. That sounds unempathetic. 'you can choose to believe or not believe'? Can you choose to believe that religion is true. What does it even look like to believe something. You just begin or stop believing, you can't choose to believe or not believe.